《The Changing World: How it all Began (LitRPG)》Chapter 9: Head to Head
When I woke up, the first thing I did was to go and find food. I came across a lot of different fruits, but they were not as good as the yellow ones when it came to replenishing my life points. While checking out those that were edible and those that weren’t, my “Herbalist” ability increased to 79% and my health was completely restored.
Then I decided to concentrate on the search for some more yellow fruits, and in three hours of walking through the forest I was able to collect eighteen of them. At one particular moment, I decided to take a break and was looking around for a suitable place, when about a hundred meters away from me I heard a rustle. I tensed and prepared for battle. Realizing that they couldn’t take me by surprise anymore, a pack of creatures came running at me from all sides. The creatures looked like jackals, but there was something strange about them. They appeared as some form of illusion, so that their opponent would underestimate them, when in reality they were vicious and ruthless.
Your “Intuition” ability has increased: +2% (17%).
“So, it wasn’t an illusion after all...!” right before the message popped up, I was ready to attack the leader of the pack first and show myself as dangerous as possible.
Working out which one was the leader was easy: it was the largest creature, almost one and a half meters to the shoulders, with a brighter coat than the others. Also, the tip of one of its ears was missing. I would bet all the yellow fruit that I had that it was proud of this disfigurement. I felt that it was specifically showing off its injury off.
Your “Intuition” ability has increased: +1% (18%).
Even though my intuition was silent about what I should do next, I had already changed my mind, and decided not to attack, to see how events would pan out. The pack was approaching me until it was a meter away, and then froze. The leader, however, continued to move on and stopped only when his moist nose met mine. The smell from the leader was very unpleasant and at the same time incredibly strong. I did not understand how come I hadn’t found him by his stench in the first place. The whole pack roared viciously and made attacking movements in my direction. You could say that they did everything they could to provoke me into attacking them back.
“Maybe you could move your wet nose away from mine?” I addressed the leader of the pack. “Clearly, you can’t attack me. If you really were a pack of wild animals, then you would have torn me apart a long time ago. So, you have already lost your opportunity to provoke me. Why exactly am I talking to you anyway?”
“You bloody son of a bitch!” The leader of the pack’s voice sounded like a rusty door’s creaking. As it was saying this, its body started transforming, until it resembled a human being, but not quite. Its face was still muzzle shaped like jackal’s, and it still had claws instead of hands, and a tail as well. “How dare you mock the elite warriors of the Werewolves?”
“Clearly, you are elite jackals, but shitty Werewolves!” I quipped sarcastically in reply.
The pack leader’s face turned crimson red. It lifted a claw to strike me and when its claw touched my neck, I cursed my tongue and prepared to say goodbye to my life.
A huge warrior from the pack pulled its leader’s claw away at the last moment:
“Grarg, do not dare to lay a claw on him. We're in the sacred forest of the Fairies. Harm him and the Fairies will curse our kind forever. It's not worth it; we'll find him later and have fun torturing him until he dies in agony.”
I felt that Grarg was struggling to control himself because he really wanted to end my life. A minute later, which lasted almost an eternity as far as I was concerned, he turned around and signaled that everyone should follow. He transformed back into a four-legged beast, and after that the entire pack disappeared into the forest.
“So, what just happened exactly?” The analyst inside me woke up and demanded to understand what had just occurred.
I felt that if I understood everything clearly and quickly, then I could turn the situation to my advantage: “So, think, think ... The pack couldn’t attack me. Moreover - the pack knew this from the beginning. I am one hundred percent sure about this. So, what was this show all about? Clearly, they were in a hurry to be somewhere else. Grarg didn’t even say goodbye. Folk like him would never leave so quickly without having the final word. Also, why were they trying to provoke me? They were even prepared to waste time on me, plus they obviously knew that I was here, but I only learned about their presence when they wanted me to. The rustle in the forest was obviously deliberate. When they ran off, they did it completely silently. So, it seemed that there was only one logical conclusion: I could become an unwelcome witness, so unwelcome that they were ready to risk being discovered and not being where they needed to be on time.” As soon as all the parts in the jigsaw came together, the analyst in my head calmed down.
However, my curiosity was awakened, and my intuition wasn’t averse to further adventure either. So, putting off my rest period to a more convenient time, I closely examined the place where the leader of the pack had been standing. The Werewolves’ tracks changed, depending on the shapes the pack transformed into. I remembered both alternatives and jogged along the tracks after the pack.
Half an hour into my jog a message appeared about my newly acquired “Pathfinder” ability. At some points I lost their tracks, but after a minute or two of circling around, I found them again and continued on my way.
Some three hours later I heard the sound of fighting. Trying not to give myself away, I hid behind a tree trunk on the edge of a glade. Obviously, I made certain that there were no mushrooms on the tree similar to the ones that I had encountered before.
Your “Pathfinder” ability has increased: + 10% (11%).
Your level of camouflage is now at 40%.
It was strange, usually abilities would increase in value when they were being used, but in this case my “Pathfinder” ability had increased immediately.
Leaving the thought of the strangeness of what was happening for later; I observed what was taking place in the glade. I noticed a huge tree in the middle. Its foliage was emerald green, and each leaf resembled a hand, on which all the fingers were bunched together. The branches of the tree completely shaded the glade, which was around five hundred meters across, from the Sun’s rays. The tree was incredibly tall and with a very thick trunk, and a massacre was currently taking place under it.
The pack of Werewolves that I recently met was fighting against a flock of birds. The birds looked like something between a falcon and an eagle, but mostly resembling an osprey. I always liked that type of bird, and it was especially unpleasant to see such noble birds getting massacred, and there was no doubt that they would lose this fight. Two birds fought desperately, protecting their nest, and three Werewolves already lay dead in the glade, including that huge one who had pulled the pack leader off me.
A young osprey was also involved in the fight: it repulsed attacks from its nest, constantly diving at the Werewolves who were attempting to get to it and not allowing them to get something shiny inside. Most of the Werewolf pack was engaged in fighting the adult birds, and only this young osprey managed to defend the nest site on its own.
I made my decision in an instant: I did not hesitate for a second and I had no doubt about my choice of action. The analyst in my head immediately calculated that there was zero chance to save the pair of adult birds, so I took the only action that was open to me: to try to save the young osprey.
The bottom line was that if I was too late, then at least I could snatch what they had been guarding. In doing so I could prevent the Werewolves from seizing the treasure that they held to be so valuable that they were willing to risk the wrath of the Fairies, given that the Fairies had a monopoly on basic “Vorto”.
Running into the glade, I took out three Fiddle mushrooms from my bag and threw them to my right. For a moment the whole pack froze, and some even turned to the sound. The female osprey was already lying dead on the grass, but the male, as I had hoped, was an experienced fighter and still held his ground. Assessing the new situation, he rushed at the Werewolves with all that he had and began to attack them with his beak and claws. I gave him the opportunity to take down two more enemies, and he gave me time to run to the tree without any problems and by doing so save the last bird.
I quickly climbed into the nest, and pushed aside the young osprey that was barely standing on its legs, and smiling, I looked directly into Grarg’s eyes:
“Well, that's it then; your chances here have run out. If I understand correctly, you shouldn’t be here in the first place. If the Fairies find out that you have been here and attacked the birds, you will be very sorry.”
Grarg transformed again and stood before me with a face as red as a beetroot. It seemed to me that his face was even redder than the last time we had crossed paths.
“Hand over the teardrop stone, otherwise I'll tear you apart and eat you!” He croaked.
“It doesn’t look like he's joking: he's really ready to break any laws, just to get ... what is this thing anyways?” I turned toward the brilliant stone that lay in the middle of the nest.
It was small, translucent, and really did remind me of teardrop. It was the size of my fist. I reached out my hand towards the stone, and the bird tensed, ready to fight to its last breath.
“Relax, I'll return it to you. They cannot attack me, same as you, which means they cannot take it away from me, and I will not give it to them myself either.”
The bird silently nodded and, as if coming to a decision, leaned against the side of the nest. I even noticed a wry smile upon its face, as if it appreciated the humor of the situation.
“Let’s think about this, I am the weakest creature among everything here, but I am the one holding the stone that you were killing each other over, and there is nothing any of you can do about it ...”
I turned to face the raging and screaming insults coming from the werewolf pack, and pointedly turned the stone over and over in my hand in front of them:
“Now clear off, jackals! If you don’t leave the forest immediately, I will contact the fairy who gives me my quests!” I was bluffing, but how could they know that the person before them had no direct connection with the Fairies. I actually didn’t even have access to the meadow in the arrival location.
For a few minutes I was ordered about, threatened, and told in no uncertain terms what they would do to me if I didn’t give them the teardrop stone. I had had enough of it all, and I put my hand to my ear, pretending that I was communicating with my fairy.
“We’ll get you for this, you son of a bitch! Remember that you are now being hunted by the whole Werewolf pack! All the Werewolves and those who serve them will hunt you down! We will dispatch you back to your home world, Newcomer!” After he finished his speech, Grarg transformed back into the form of a beast.
The whole pack followed his example. They escaped much faster, obviously not caring about moving quietly: only speed was important at this point.
Your relationship with the race of Werewolves is one of Sworn Enemy. Your distance from the worst of the enemy is 2,500.
Just as I thought: they really wanted to avoid a meeting with the Mistresses of the forest much more than they wanted to get their hands on the teardrop stone, and they clearly understood that there was no chance of them taking the stone from me.
As soon as the Werewolves disappeared from sight, I put the stone back in the center of the nest. Just seeing the stone again in its rightful place, the bird finally relaxed.
Your relationship with the “Copper Winged Birds” is good. To achieve the reputation of “Friendship”: (unavailable).
“So then, you are a Copper Winged Bird, aren’t you?”
The bird nodded.
“Okay, take this,” I offered it one of the yellow fruits.
Without hesitation, the bird gently picked up the fruit with its claw and started pecking at it. I didn’t know why, but I was sure that I had already done everything I needed to do here, although I didn’t fully understand why I had done any of it in the first place. I left the Copper Wing Bird two more fruits, which I put close to the teardrop stone. I felt that this was the right thing to do. I bid the bird farewell and moved towards the edge of the nest. I heard the bird reaching for a second fruit and beginning to peck it, after which I heard a sound like a sigh of loss, and after that I heard a flock of falcons wailing above my head. Two seconds later, a heap of messages rained down on me.
You have completed the hidden quest called “Protecting the Nest”. The quest of “Choosing Someone Worthy” is open to you.
You have completed the quest of “Choosing Someone Worthy”. Your relationship with the “Copper Winged Birds” is one of friendship. To reach the reputation of Trust: (unavailable).
The Copper Winged Bird will permit you to select him as a Totem or spirit guide. You can have only one creature as a Totem. Consider your decision carefully, as it's impossible to break the connection with the Totem afterwards.
“Wow! So that was my Quest! I have followed it all the way through without even knowing about it. Regarding the Totem, my decision was quite straightforward already...” I confirmed my decision without blinking.
As soon as I confirmed my decision, I felt an unbearable pain in the chest, as if a pattern of some sort had been etched into it with a tip of a blade. Unable to withstand the pain, I passed out. I wasn’t sure for how long I lay unconscious, but during that time, my friendly Copper Wing managed to finish off the two fruits that I had left for him and tidy up the nest site. It was difficult for me to describe exactly what had changed, but the nest definitely looked tidier. Another change awaited me on my palm: the Copper Winged one had placed a teardrop stone in my hand.
Having found your Totem, you have achieved the reputation of “Close in Spirit” - this achievement gives you the opportunity to learn (unavailable).
You are the first Newcomer to choose a bird as a Totem, and you have obtained the reputation of “Friend of the Feathered”. Nobody that chooses a bird as a Totem will be able to declare you a “Sworn enemy”. You will have access to unique quests related to birds.
You can use the power of the Totem while at least one of the representatives of this type of bird remains. Your Totem is a “Copper Winged Falcon”. There is only 1 in this world.
The power of the Totem will grow, and the bonuses that you receive from it will also grow along with it.
Your totem is at the “Beginner” level. Current bonuses connected to this Totem are:
+10% to “Speed”;
+10% to “Evasion from attacks”.
“The bird tricked me! He pretended as if he was doing me a favor by allowing me to choose him as a Totem, but the fact is that he needs me more than I need him...”
You have achieved the reputation of “Worthy of Trust”. The keeper of the teardrop stone has chosen to trust you with the “Teardrop of the forest stone”. This reputation can be improved upon, for that you need to earn the trust of another 10 guardians of relics. Everyone in the world knows that no guardian will just give up what he is protecting.
+10% increase in the chance of receiving very rare quests.
I looked at the stone in my hand:
The relic is a “Teardrop of the forest stone”, and it can be used in many ways.
Then I received another message:
For your actions during the quest, your “Intuition” ability has increased: +10% (28%).
“Now it’s clear to me: if I undertake a hidden quest, my abilities only increase once I finish it, but I wonder why the game’s creators adopted that rule at all. Although this is quite unpleasant, at least it’s possible to work out that you are undertaking a hidden quest. I am also wondering, in what many ways a Relic can be used? Clearly they are all unique and can be used in different ways. So, if I choose a certain course of action, then is it all just guesswork? Obviously, a psychologist of some sorts was involved in this aspect of the game’s creation. You receive a reward, but it comes with a dilemma...” I pondered to myself.
After reading all the messages that had come through, I finally took notice of the bird, who had been wandering around impatiently.
“Are you a male?” I decided to clarify.
The falcon stopped in front of me and nodded.
“What are you planning to do now?”
The falcon pretended not to understand the question, and concentrated on cleaning his plumage.
“As I suspected, I can’t depend on you entirely. I know that you will help me, but only if it’s in your own personal interest. Am I right?”
I didn’t quite know how the Copper Winged bird managed to portray a cheeky grin on his face, but the fact was that he did!
“What am I supposed to do with you? Now I have to protect you with my own life, when I can’t even protect myself.”
The bird came up and rubbed his head against the sleeve of my shirt. It seemed that I had just heard some words of support, even though the falcon hadn’t made a single sound. Also, I found it most unusual to see a falcon moving on foot, and not using his wings.
“Okay, I think I need to go back to the original plan and tame the creature from the clearing. Are you ready to leave the nest?”
The falcon nodded confidently.
“Then let’s go!”
This time the bird shook his head in disagreement.
“Is there anything else I need to do?” I asked.
This time there was another positive response.
“What do I need to do?”
The bird flew to one of the branches and pecked it.
“Do you want me to rip that off and take it with me?”
The Copper Winged bird nodded in agreement.
“I have room in my bag, so why not take it? The tree is noticeable, and you never know how useful it could be...”
In truth, from the very beginning I wanted to pick some leaves from the tree anyways, because they were so interestingly shaped, but I didn’t want to offend my Totem. Everything had worked out in a completely unexpected way! I carefully cut off the branch with my leaf sword and put it in my bag. The falcon had already flown to the side and pecked at a new one, so I gathered up fifteen branches. Then, with my Totem’s agreement, I collected one hundred and twenty leaves: that was the exact amount that would fit in one compartment of my bag.
Unfortunately, at this stage I didn’t know the name of the tree, or what I could do with its leaves and branches. When I finished ripping off the parts of the Copper Winged bird’s family tree, I climbed down. Strangely, the corpses of the murdered Werewolves and Osprey had already disappeared, so this time I left empty handed loot wise.
Looking at the Totem hovering next to me, and making sure that he was really ready to leave, I headed for the Moon glade.
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