《(First Draft Old Version) Ruins Of Isulia ~ Book 1 : Awakening of the Emarine》Chapter 1 : The Demon


An old man, dirty and grimy from travel stood in front of the castle gates. His long beard looked nearly black from coal and dirt, his clothes were ragged from travel. Zepper had asked for an audience with the king, which was granted and scheduled this afternoon. Normally, a king accepting a peasant into the castle was rare at best but Vulkira had changed in the last few decades and most of all through Erik’s rule. Their current king was far more welcoming than their previous ruler, which invited the common folk to have a say in certain matters.

“I have to tell the king. Th-the d-demon.” Zepper mumbled to himself, clutching at his chest.

Zepper arrived early as not to miss his appointment for what he brought was grave news. His hometown, Vori had halted mining due to fear and uncertainty. But Zepper knew what was going on, he wasn’t uncertain.

“I have to tell the king. Demons. Demons.” he mumbled to himself again.

“Halt!” a guard at the entrance barred his way. “State your business.”

“I’m here to see the king,” Zepper replied, a little nervous. “There’s a d-”

“Are you the man from Vori?” the guard asked, interrupting him.

“Uh, yes. Yes, I am. I bring grave news of-” Zepper began to say.

“Alright you can go in.” the guard interrupted once again. The soldier's suspicious gaze dropped to his dirty clothes and frowned.

“Right. Okay, thank you, sir.” Zepper moved past him and entered the castle, ignoring the guard's rudeness.

Zepper was frustrated by the lack of manners from the guards but that could wait. The castle opened to thin hallways which split off into three paths. “I have to tell the king.” Zepper grew more restless.

“Straight ahead.” the guard shouted at him from outside.


Jerking his head around Zepper waved at him in thanks and stepped forward. He moved through the hall and stopped at another door which had two more guards posted. He drew closer to them and stopped nervously in front of them, unsure what to do next.

“Are you the miner from Vori?” one guard asked. “The king is expecting you.”

“Yes.” Zepper didn’t try to announce why he was here this time. “I’m here to see the king.”

“Wait here.” the other guard slipped through the large wooden doors and disappeared.

“Sire.” the armored guard addressed the king from the other side of the door, his voice muffled slightly.

Zepper couldn’t hear anything after that but could hear voices and mumbling from beyond the door. He waited impatiently, shifting his weight from one leg to the next. A minute passed and the guard from earlier slipped through the doors again and looked at him.

“The king is ready for you. You may enter.” the guard told him.

Zepper nodded then pushed past the guard and strode into the throne room.

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