《Thundering Godly Heavenly Sword Saint Asura Dragon Emperor Godking of Destruction Piercing the Seven Empyrean Heavens》Chapter 1:


"Master! Ninth Madam has given birth to a healthy baby boy!” A maidservant hurriedly rushed to deliver the good news.

“Wonderful, our Cao family has yet another heir to carry on our surname!” A middle-aged man with a large tummy was ecstatic upon hearing the news.

“Hurry! I wish to see my son! Hahaha!” While chuckling, the fat lard made a quick dash to the room where both his fourth son and ninth wife resided. It was unknown how a disgusting fat turd managed to get that much action with women. The topic had gained so much traction in the household that it was declared as one of the greatest mysteries of the Cao family.

“How is beautiful wife? Bahahaha!” The Snorlax burst through a thin sliding door beer gut first, absolutely decimating the door into splinters.

In the room, the baby was bawling its eyes out as the midwife and Ninth Madam tried to lull the baby to sleep. Furthermore, an old man with a walking stick could be seen in the corner of the room, monitoring the situation.

“Let your wife rest Ji Bai, she had just delivered your son after all. Furthermore, we need to check the quality of the Fourth Young Master’s Qi. Such are the matriarch’s orders.” The old man with a walking stick chided the fat ass while stroking his temples to calm his aching headache.

“But Father, my wife should be able to embrace our child first! Matters such as the Qi Quality Test can wait! It’s almost certain that he’ll inherit my ENORMOUS talent for training Qi!” The fat man patted his giant belly and gleefully danced around.

“No, the future of our clan depends on our descendants. That’s enough horsing around from you. The matriarch’s words are the law in this clan!” With a raspy voice, the old man declared and slammed the ground with his walking stick. And with a swift and fluid movement, he snatched the newborn child from its mother’s embrace.


As he did so, the temperature of the room plummeted by several degrees.

“My-my dear wife there’s no need to release your Frost Qi, my Father is horribly stubborn so forgive him on my account. I believe he’ll return our child immediately once the test is done.” Cao Ji Bai placed his hand on his wife’s shoulder to assure her. At the same time, he quickly gestured for his father to leave with the child.

“My husband, I have accumulated a lot of stress while carrying our son, and now that I have given birth, I seek a way to release it” The woman sitting on the bed firmly gripped her husband’s hand that was on her shoulder causing frost to form on the surface of his hands.

“As a man, you should comfort your women especially when they have a lot of pent-up stress with nowhere to release it.” As the woman turned to face Cao Ji Bai, she smiled in his direction.

Cao Ji Bai made a quick prayer with a single thought in his mind, “F*ck me.”


Ji Bai’s father knocked a majestic gold-trimmed door and entered a room surrounded by bookshelves with mountains of tomes and scrolls littered on the floor.

“Matriarch, I have brought the child as you requested.” Ji Bai’s father knelt on one leg and lifted the baby up for the matriarch to see.

The matriarch was an elderly grandmother with a walking stick fashioned entirely out of jade. She sat on a chair and with the use of her Qi, she levitated the newborn child into her arms.

After observing the baby’s facial features, the matriarch stroked her chin and said: “This one’s quite the looker.”

“But for the sake of our clan’s future, what I seek is more than superficial appearances and instead look for what lies within.” The matriarch drew a ceremonial dagger and sliced open her own hand causing blood to start oozing from the cut before flicking a drop of blood towards a plain looking pebble.


When her blood came in contact with the pebble, it glowed a deep crimson.

“The Blood Pebble is working perfectly fine.” Having confirmed that the pebble was functioning, the matriarch then made a tiny cut on the baby’s finger. She then held the baby’s hand over the pebble, waiting for a drop of blood to land on the pebble.

To her dismay, however, when the baby’s blood came into contact with the pebble, nothing happened at all. The matriarch sighed and slumped back into a chair, tossing the pebble aside. “Elder Cao Cao, come with me, we must tell your son Cao Ji Bai that there was no reaction from the Blood Pebble.”

“At once.” The old man named Cao Cao gave a curt bow and followed the matriarch.

As they left the room, the Blood Pebble that was tossed aside crumbled apart from the inside forming a pile of dust, which was quickly cleaned up by the sharp-sighted, prudent and loyal servants of the house.

“No response? How is that possible?” Cao Ji Bai who was covered in frost with icicles hanging from his muttered incoherently to himself while staring at the newborn child in his arms was greatly surprised for even the blood of mere mortals would have an effect on a Blood Pebble!

“Matriarch! Is there a cure?” Cao Ji Bai worriedly questioned.

Placing her wrinkly hand on the baby’s wrist and probed the child’s condition using her Qi the matriarch said: “The child’s Qi pathways are blocked. If you force Qi through the child to clear the pathway, the child can be cured. But as the child’s Qi pathways have yet to fully developed, doing so now will severely hinder their progress in the future. But it is exactly because the pathways are not developed, the blockage can be cleared forcefully.”

Cao Ji Bai was mortified, the Ninth Madam was one of the most powerful in the household, her Frost Qi was thick and heavy and just like ice, it had a chilling effect that dulled her enemies movements, giving her a tremendous edge in combat. If she flew into a rage after learning her son was born to either be crippled as a cripple, god knows what it would take to subdue her.

Regardless of the decision made, his fourth son would surely be looked down by others.

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