《Wasn't my new life in a magical world supposed to be easy?》Ch 13, I think... I think a lot and some more


Oh. Sorry for the delay in my commentary. Being suddenly met with a scene of such monsters caught me off guard for an instant.

The visual impact of the scene of so many three meter tall zombies and a giant cowtiger-like undead thing might sound mild on paper but it’s definitely not something one could describe in words in order to transmit the feelings of shock and fear truthfully.

Well, how to explain it… Well, first my irises shrunk to unnoticeable dots, I felt the adrenaline flooding my veins and felt cold and painful as if my whole body was pierced by many tiny needles. The time slowed down to a crawl and I felt my thoughts were moving so fast and in so many directions that my brain began hurting and my whole body was stiff – I felt that at least but soon understood that it just couldn’t keep up with my scared thoughts. The system said something about new skills and titles that a part of my brain read but it wasn’t important, so it went into a garbage bin in the depth of my consciousness. I might’ve gained the Multitask skill or something.

Seeing the things in front of me slowly (from a subjective point of view) raise their heads and notice me, my brain blew up even more.

What would a person who had a skill that allowed them to face many harsh things with composure do in this situation? Attack? Flee? No, I was so scared that I could only look at the monsters noticing my existence and getting into motion with a ridiculous level of cooperation.

By the time my main line of thought had separated itself from the sea of panic and fear that my CPU ran in many parallel processes, the zombies (not the zombies, the undead – line of thought #6664) already had managed to move a whole 10 meters and would reach me in 12 objective seconds (Line of thought #22: 12…).

I immediately flooded my surroundings with water mist by using all of the matrices for the “Mist Veil” I brought with me and ran back with speed far beyond any I have reached before. (Line of thought #22: 12… 11… 10… 9…)


Line of thought #10: Mist Veil – floods the immediate surroundings with thick water mist, obstructing vision. The volume and the thickness of the mist can be adjusted with the amount of MP invested. The saved matrix version cannot be modified.

While running several parts of my brain were trying to remember whatever spells could help me in this situation:

There was that one: Line of thought #16: Information on the spell from memory: A spell that manipulates the airflow so that the sound gets reduced. Mostly done under Ralph’s guidance, I don’t think I’m able to create something so complex anytime soon all on my own. And it doesn’t neutralize all sound, it just reduces it a little. And can only hold for 30 seconds each time. And I have only six of those, so I’ll use them sparingly. For now, I’ll call it #1 as I have no time to come up with a better name.

And that one: Line of thought #44: Information from memory: A spell that allows me to visually blend into the environment a little. Also done thanks to Ralph, have only one of it, will hold for 1 minute. Tentative name #2.

Line of thought #12: #2… Right now I’m too reluctant to use it as I’m already hidden behind the fog.

Line of thought #56: #1… Need to use one of them right now, nominating line of thought #10 to count time.

Line of thought #10: 30… 29…

Lines of thought #78, #45, #912: Environment analyzed: suggested plan of escape…

Line of thought #42: Usage of the multitask skill requires a lot of MP. Warning.

Line of thought #22: Distance from the undead increased, current time till the collision: 26 seconds! 26…

Line of thought #1-MAIN: Proceeding with the instructions

Line of thought #666.1-RALPH: It’s a very dangerous thing you are doing to your mind right now

Line of thought #89, #34, #541: [sending suggestions and queries to Line of thought #666.1_RALPH, Line of thought #666.2-Ralph and Line of thought 666.3 – R.A.L.P.H.][Insufficient amount of Lines of thoughts. Connecting to Lines of thought #190-#260, previous processes ran by those Lines are to be terminated or delegated to other Lines] [Starting discussion with Lines of thought #666.1-73, collective name “RALPHS”] [Updating countermeasures!]


[Using the mindlink-Ralph with to alleviate symptoms]

[Multitask] has reached level 6!

[New internal group policies implemented! Sending all lines of thought except for Line of thought #1-MAIN to the background, recalculating mental resources… Policies implemented!]

Phew! I’m back and I’m a human again! And I have escaped from the undead… for now! I’m going back to the entrance.

My MP is very low right now and I feel horrible but I can’t even stop running for the fear of my life. And I’m dead tired…

I’m back at the entrance! I don’t know if the undead will follow me here but right now I’m low on MP and the adrenaline rush has ended. My braid has entered a state of mild paralysis too and my emotions just died it feels as I don’t feel like I care about anything at this moment. Exhaustion is a scary thing, is what I would say if I gave a damn. I’m sleeping.

I’m awake again but I’m so tired and hungry I could die. My body is hurting too much and I don’t want to move. Evidently, the undead won’t search to give me trouble, not for now at least

“They can’t leave the boss room unless you attack them”

“A good thing I didn’t then. Or did I? Too lazy to remember or think. I’m sleeping, wake me up if something urgent comes up. Or don’t I can’t care right now.”

Fuck my whole body hurts too much and I’m so hungry I could eat stones.

HP: 7/11

MP: 122/251

Shit it looks bad.

What do I do? It would be convenient to start up the Multitask skill to analyze my memory and come up with a good strategy to deal with the boss and the minions but my MP won’t let me. And my main Line of thought, aka me myself, is too slow and lazy to think right now…

“Ralph, can I cry?”

“You can but I’d be saving the liquids in my body if I were you”

“Why did you not stop me from going to this dungeon?”

“Because you are able to get out here alive”

I would send Line of thought #666.1-999999 – collective name “Ralph the asshole demon” many strings consisting of profanities but I am in no mood to.

Sigh, let’s slowly comb through whatever we have for now…

Extra: System message (what Vic received at the beginning of the chapter)

Spoiler: Spoiler

You have acquired the skill: [Multitask (rare, lvl 3)]

You have acquired the skill: [Adrenaline Rush (rare, lvl 4)]

For acquiring 9 skills at the “rare” level of qualification or higher at a level below 5th, you have been granted a unique title: Abnormal (Unique)!

Notice! The title: Abnormal (Unique) has been incorporated into title: Otherworlder (Outer Realms) (Unique)!

You are lvl 2 now!

You have the permission to access the report!

The report:

Calibration, please wait…

Title created! New title: 1#[email protected]

Adjustment! Accessing host’s: id: Victor Norman (12$**[email protected]!-3pftoqq), memory… Renaming title… Title renamed: Abnormal (Unique)!


Notice! Due to the presence of the title: Otherworlder (Outer Realms) (Unique) a contradiction has been found!

Notice! An abnormality has been detected in the host’s: id: Victor Norman (12$**[email protected]!-3pftoqq), soul!

Starting inspection! The host: id: Victor Norman (12$**[email protected]!-3pftoqq), has been temporarily given titles: Illegal Intruder (@#[email protected]) and Eternal One (Wizard) ($#%%%%olur)!


(information deleted from host’s: id: Victor Norman (12$**[email protected]!-3pftoqq), memory due to insufficient access rights)

The titles: Illegal Intruder (@#[email protected]) and Eternal One (Wizard) ($#%%%%olur) have been stripped from host: id: Victor Norman (12$**[email protected]!-3pftoqq)!

Title: Abnormal (Unique) has been incorporated into title: Otherworlder (Outer Realms) (Unique)! Leftover experience has been given to host: id: Victor Norman (12$**[email protected]!-3pftoqq)!

Warning: host: id: Victor Norman (12$**[email protected]!-3pftoqq), has reached critical levels of experience! Proceeding to raising host’s: id: Victor Norman (12$**[email protected]!-3pftoqq), level!

(Further information unavailable due to insufficient access rights!)

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