《Ascension of Singularity》C23 - Circumstances
Abject terror was reflected in the eyes of Farhan, Salaman and Abbas. Speak of the devil and lo! The silver devil had shown itself! Farhan lost his will to fight. Salaman cursed his glib tongue. Abbas didn’t dare to lift his head. They felt their heads were already rolling. It was just that they didn’t feel it yet!
Silence reigned in the night sky as neither party evoked any movements. The silver silhouette stood still in the same spot, seemingly appraising them. The silhouette was Ava that had intervened at the last moment. Her projection disintegrated into light specks next as she ran out of quanta to sustain it.
She had reverted into her snake avatar form yet these mortals were still unmoving. She spoke directly into their minds. “I won’t kill you. You still have some use to me.”
The first to answer was Farhan. He cupped his hands as if he was asking for alms. “Great Being. Kuhk! Grant me…a painless death.”
“No Brother!” Salaman interrupted, followed by Abbas in an alarmist tone. “Brother Farhan, what are you saying?!”
“I’m…sorry Brothers.” The middle-aged man coughed up more blood. “I can no longer live….”
“No. You shall live. You are still useful.” Ava denied his words. She flashed to his side and spat multiple silvery tendrils to cover the bearded man.
Her words fell into deaf ears as Farhan saw his life flashed over his eyes. He was prepared to enter the cycle of reincarnation but truth was stranger than fiction! “Uh…why am I still alive?”
“Yes…yes you’re Brother…” Salaman said with disbelief. He saw how the unassuming snake appeared next to Farhan and wrapped him up in silvery cocoon. His good friend then emerged unscathed, without the slightest bruise visible! The scholarly man quickly went down on all fours. “Oh, Great Being! Thank you for saving my friend! I wish to pay it with my life!”
“No, take my life!” The fat merchant counter-offered but after some mulling, he added more. “My wealth, my everything!”
Ava was amused at their reactions. Why would she take their lives if she wanted to use them? Seeing they were still fervently speaking nonsense; she sent a neural blast to them. “Shut up. Follow orders.”
“Yes, yes…Great Being.” All three simultaneously replied. When they eventually saw her current snake avatar, they held some doubts. They kept such thoughts in their minds as they didn’t want to offend this enigmatic entity.
Ava turned her avatar to face Farhan and spoke to his mind. “Are you an immortal cultivator?”
“Great Being, I’m not an immortal cultivator.” The middle-aged man replied. He already shed doubts about Ava’s form as he had seen his share of eccentrics. “I’m not sure if Great Being heard of it but I’m what they call as Dias. Dias discipliner. I’m but a mortal.”
“But Brother, you fought just like immortals from the legends!” Salaman interjected as he found it hard to believe. He exclaimed, “What mortal can fight against a transformed shaitan?!”
Abbas also wanted to speak out his mind but after seeing Ava’s stare, he backed down. The Post Human queried again. “Explain.”
“As you commanded, Great Being.” Farhan was lethargic yet he forced himself to speak. She did save his life and thus he ignored his condition, not wanting to slight her. “Our history’s new; Dias was founded by Caesar Icipio The Great a few hundred years ago.” His spirit was roused as he continued his explanation. “Immortal cultivators and shaitans saw us nothing less than fodder. Caesar gave us the means to fight them and…. claim our rights.”
“Then, how are you different than immortals and devils?” Ava sent another mind transmission to Farhan. There was a slight delay before she asked again. “You are different than your friends. You are not a mortal. You can fight. They can’t.”
“Great Being, please don’t take offense.” Farhan saw her misunderstanding and tried his best to clarify the matter. “Even with great powers gained with Dias, we, are, still mortals. We don’t live for thousands of years. We live and die like common mortals.”
Ava pondered for a bit and shot another question. She found it suspicious. “Then, your discipline consumes your life?”
“Great Being, you’re correct. Dias is no miracle as it too, has its price.” Farhan frowned. “It’s not only lifespan. Our health and fortune are consumed as well.”
“Brother, you did fight against that crimson shaitan. Neither of us can.” Salaman said on the side in order to comfort the bearded man.
The fat merchant Abbas also offered his words of support. “Brother Salaman is right. You’re a hero, Brother! Heroes usually burns the brightest, giving the greatest light to save us mortals!”
“Brothers, you think too highly of me.” Farhan was a little speechless at their sudden appeasement. He didn’t know if they were sincere or not! He replied after a sigh. “A hero can be a tyrant!”
Ava felt his answer was strange. She queried again “Why can’t you solve such problem? Your founder cannot find a solution to such issue?”
“I’m embarrassed, Great Being. I don’t know.” Farhan was sitting on the ground as he was still weak on his legs. He presented his own logic to Ava. “A Dias discipliner don’t rely on the world like immortals or shaitans do.” The middle-aged man glanced at the lion emblem on his left hand. “We only learn the world’s truths and use them. As mortals have little to begin with, Dias discipline takes what’s left. Everything.”
“Why are you following this path?” The Post Human gave him a curious glance. She stared at both Salaman and Abbas next. They tactfully knew she didn’t want to hear their yapping. Both men were wordless as they listened to Farhan.
Farhan gazed to the far distance with a heavy sigh. “Great Being, I became a Dias discipliner because I lack power.” The middle-aged man recalled some painful memories. “My town was ravaged by vicious beasts yet no one helped us.” His tone at the end was slightly vengeful. “If those lofty immortals won’t help us, then I’ll do it myself. I’ll show them.”
“You saw an immortal?” Ava’s interest was piqued. She added another question. “Why are you here?”
“Yes, I saw an immortal once, Great Being.” Farhan explained with cold tone. “The immortal said he was tasked to protect us but when the beast wave came, he ran away, leaving all of us to die.” On her second question, he was hesitant to answer. “On why I’m here…err…it’s by chance, Great Being. I was part of auxilia sent by Agrippa Imperium to aid in Najmad Jihad.”
“Brother…then you?” Salaman cannot help than to speak up albeit softly.
Farhan wore a pensive expression. “I hope you keep it secret, Brothers. You know...”
“Don’t worry Brother. We mortals live once anyway. We understand.” Abbas conveyed some comforting words.
Ava continued with her questions. “Why did you run? What is the purpose of the Jihad?”
“Err…on why I ran away… I’m not sure about the specifics but two thirds in campaign, my cohort’s preceptor said I should leave and never look back.” After some internal struggle, Farhan disclosed it. “As for purpose, the Jihad was going to Nalduk since our legate preceptors divined there was traces of Infernus there. So, we were tasked to aid local powers such as Khanassat Sultanate to investigate it.”
“An Infernus?” Salaman was deeply surprised.
Farhan had a wry smile. He explained a little more lest Ava took offense of his friends’ constant interruptions. “Yes, Infernus from myths.” The middle-aged man furrowed his brows. “Whenever one appears, blood and carnage follow. For centuries or eons until it retreats or banished.”
“What is this being? Why do it show up?” The Post-Human was bewildered at his answer. She never heard of ‘Infernus’ even after parsing the memories she acquired from her desert adventure before entering Kazar.
“Great Being, Infernus is great shaitan, more powerful than crimson shaitan before.” Farhan said with hint of fear. “It can summon tangible nightmares and turn thousand leugas of lands into living hell. As why it appears, I don’t know. Maybe it wanted mortals to fuel its dark arts.”
Ava stopped asking additional questions as she pieced new information. She gazed at Farhan once more and became intrigued. He can fight as an immortal yet not one? Interesting! If she could solve their debilitating lifespan flaw, then she can theoretically gain powerful mortal helpers for her cause.
On the other hand, she could always rely on her technological might and create her own army. But she didn’t have either time or quanta for the task. She vaguely sensed some higher beings in this world were upon her. Perhaps investigating the so-called Dias would alleviate her current predicaments.
Ava was also curious about ‘Infernus’. Did this being somehow interfered with her connection to this world? She wasn’t in the position to determine such and thus she classified the evil being as one of biggest hurdles in her grand plans. Whatever this being was, she needed to confront it sooner or later.
The three mortals shut their mouths as Ava gave them a long silence. They presumed this snake eccentric was mulling over some vital matters. They breathed in relief as Ava wasn’t interested to kill them. As Ava said she still have some use for them, the trio was hopeful that was indeed the case!
The Post Human reviewed her objectives; she needed to rescue Husan and see if the organization behind ‘Count’ can be used to her goals. There was also the matter of visiting Sulaymun Formations. Researching Dias could be an ongoing objective while investigating Infernus was put as lowest priority.
Ava was certain that evil being wouldn’t as much bat an eye to her as whoever sponsoring the Jihad will be sending reinforcements to stop it. Whether they succeed or not wasn’t her concern as she had other plans in mind. While she was mulling her options, she shot a strand of silvery energy upwards.
Her eyes flashed with a cold glint, sending tremors to the three mortals. Somewhere in the skies, something broke akin to fragmenting chinaware. Whoever that was, she had destroyed them with her [Disintegration] ability. That other party was belittling her, thinking she wouldn’t detect their prying!
“Great Being, what was that?” Farhan asked as Salaman offered his shoulder to support the bearded man.
Ava glanced left and right before replying in a mind transmission. “An unwanted guest. We leave now.”
“Is-is-is it another shaitan?!!” The fat merchant was scared yet again. He quickly took the lead.
The Post Human found his behaviour perplexing. Abbas was groveling on the ground not a moment ago and look, he was swift as a horse now! She gave a directed response to him. “Do not worry about much matters. We go to Najaj first.”
“Err…Great Being.” The scholarly man was a bit unsure as he talked. “Our caravan was decimated. Wouldn’t it be strange if…we entered Najaj like this?”
Abbas stopped and had an awkward smile. “Yes…yes, yes. We wouldn’t want to rouse suspicion…Great Being. Especially when Kazar Sheikh is going all out this time.”
“Say that you encountered a pack of Red Scorpions.” Ava answered after some pause. She continued, “All of your men helped you escape and the rest is forfeit.”
“That makes…sense…but about err…” Abbas was tiptoeing his sandy shoes.
“Your wares? Not an issue.” Ava waved her snake avatar’s tail and several items fell out. They were some of Abbas’s silk merchandises that she managed to store before the crimson shaitan attacked her. She waved again and several blocky stuffs fell on the sandy terrain. “Farhan. Eat. Recover.”
“Thank you, Great Being. I will forever serve you.” Farhan was humbled by her treatment. Of all eccentrics he met before, she was one of the few that was helpful. Upon reminiscing that, he asked her a question. “What should…I call you, Great Being?”
“Nour.” Ava told all three mortals after some contemplation. Seeing her previous persona supposedly ‘died’ in Alkharm Wadi, she decided to adopt an entirely new identity.
“What a good name, Great Being. Your brilliance will surely shine light upon us mortals.” Salaman praised the name from his heart. What he saw insofar convinced him that one day, this being will bring them equal footing to other great beings. Higher than the supposedly Dias discipline!
Abbas was the converse; he quickly gave his best flatteries as inherent to merchants like him. “I agree, Brother! Truly a name that will resound throughout the ages! I’ll change my business name to Nour’s Stores, to honour Great Being!” However, his soiled pants didn’t inspire much confidence as both Farhan and Salaman chuckled at his haggard appearance. “Err…sorry, I’ll go change now…wait. I don’t have any spare pants!”
“Are you fine with silk pants?” The Post Human sent a mental transmission to Abbas.
Abbas was confused at first but then inadvertently raised his eyebrows at her suggestion. “Great Being, err…my silk merchandises are just roll of silks. What do you mean, Great Being?”
“Master Nour is fine, merchant. No need Great Being that, Great Being this.” Even though Ava’s snake avatar cannot emulate human expression, Abbas felt she was somewhat dismayed. The Post Human ignored his awkward smile and tapped on the ground. A roll of silk appeared and with another tap from her, it transformed into a pants made of silk. “Wear this, merchant.”
“Uhh…” Abbas and others were speechless at the spectacle. They completely overlooked the gaudiness of said pants. The fact that it was created in fraction of a second gave them another surprise and fright! Even though they had different perspectives, all three had similar thoughts that Ava was a novel great being, loftier than others mentioned in texts and myths!
The Post Human sent another neural blast. “Stop getting surprised every little thing. We must go to Najaj, now.”
“I’m…I’m sorry, Master Nour.” Farhan said first. He had seen strange things before but what Ava did catches him off-guard regardless. The implications…were immense. He gestured to Salaman that he can walk alone. The middle-aged man then crouched on the ground, appraising the stuffs given by Ava. “Master Nour…am I supposed to eat this?”
“Yes. It is sugar and protein. Eat it.” Ava spoke to his mind with little care. For once, she felt Azure Centipedes were better minions as they didn’t ask as much as these mortals.
Salaman that was standing to his side also picked one of them. It was a square matte-brown block with nondescript features. “Can…can I eat it too, Master?”
“Do as you want.” Ava gave him a short reply. Now she wasn’t sure whether it was a good idea to save these blabbering mortals. However, considering the big picture, she tolerated them.
The fat merchant had finished changing over the side of another sand dune. His eyes were glittering at some prospect. Prospect of making money! “Master Nour…these pants are amazing! I heard of them before and they usually take months to make. But Master Nour…did it under a second!”
Under illumination of moonlight, Ava’s snake avatar scales were glistening, giving her an enigmatic look. Her answer was short as always. “A small task, merchant.”
“Thank you for the food, Master Nour.” Farhan was glancing at the rest of the strange-looking rations after eating one. There were a few left but he didn’t dare eat them as he perceived she wanted to move out at this moment.
The scholarly man, Salaman on other hand was clutching two of such items. “Master Nour, err…”
“You can keep them.” Ava replied. Obviously, she knew what he was thinking. “It is a small matter.”
“Master Nour, what should I, err…. say about our Sand Komodos?” Abbas asked. There was some reluctance in his voice as he feared his question will make Ava even more annoyed.
A brief silence passed. Ava answered after some little thought. “They ran away, luring the Red Scorpions. Allowed you three to escape.”
“Hmm, makes sense.” Abbas nodded at her suggestion. He called the attention of his companions, “So Brothers, we need to make this story right; we were ambushed by pack of Red Scorpions. Our men fought to shake them off but there were simply too many of those vicious beasts. Our camels were used as baits but more Red Scorpions emerged. Then our Sand Komodos sacrificed themselves for us three to escape. What do you think, Brothers?”
“How would we explain about…Master Nour?” Farhan queried. Ava played no small part in saving all three and he didn’t want to diminish her contribution.
The Post Human glanced at his direction. “No need to mention it. Your story will do, merchant.”
“But…I found it hard to believe. There’s no Red Scorpions in this area, Brother.” Salaman was skeptical. He was right as those vicious beasts don’t usually live in this part of the land.
Abbas gave the scholarly man a dry chuckle. “We didn’t expect to run into…that crimson shaitan either. Anyway, if the matters about Infernus was true, it wouldn’t be strange for the vicious beasts to move, right? Escaping to unusual places etcetera.”
“What Brother Abbas said is correct.” Farhan chimed in. He was mentally exhausted and would appreciate civilization than endless lis of sands. “So, Brothers. Let’s go to Najaj. We can’t let Master Nour wait too long.” The middle-aged man turned his head at Ava. “What should we tell when others ask about you, Master?”
“In Kazar, they use Kazarian Sand Rats as guides. So, I can be your guide, in name.” Ava had anticipated his question and gave all three of them a plausible-sounding answer.
“Okay, Master.” All three mortals agreed and gave her a slight bow.
The Post Human slithered to Farhan and coiled on his right shoulder. She was interested to monitor his condition thus her pick. “Now, let’s go to Najaj.”
Abbas took out a rudimentary compass and pointed at a direction. The trio thus walked toward the pointed route. With little else to do, the three men became lively with small chatters between themselves. Ava was silent, not wanting to involve herself and simply listened to their banters.
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Bear trap (statehumans CalTex)
(This book has nothing to do with furries, otherkins, or irl therianthropes. Both by their own definitions and my own, we have nothing to do with each other. Keep being your weird selves just don't pretend I'm a part of those groups because I wrote this book with animal/human hybrids in it. Any comments trying to talk about furries or otherkins will be deleted because it makes me physically uncomfortable. Therians are ok tho because it's basically the fancy way to say people who have spirit animals)There are two races in this world, humans and therianthropes, which are humans with animal qualities, that can shapeshift into their animal counterpart. The therianthropes, once divided by predator and prey, joined together in hiding after the humans began to hunt therianthropes for sport. California, a young grizzly bear therianthrope, was always curious to see the world beyond the forest he and his people lived within. Texas, a young farmhand, always wanted to catch a therianthrope, believing it would make him the hero of his village after violent massacres and thefts had been performed on it, supposedly by therianthropes.But when these two young men's paths collide, secrets, strange new feelings, and a magical adventure turns everything they thought they knew about the others race upside down.Warnings:- statehumans- countryhumans - the country and statehumans are all kinda just mixed together. There is no obvious separation between state and country, they're all just people - guns- and ships- hunting - idk, vegans?- gay stuff- not super gory, but people do get hurt - maybe death
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