《Ascension of Singularity》C16 - Solution
As Husan and Azure Centipedes had successfully retreated, Ava can now fight with less worries. Her opponents numbered in the thousands, sending shivers to even a veteran Wanderer. More and more of these insects poured in, wishing to delay her, trap her here!
They imagined sinking their mandibles on her tender flesh. To drink her sweet blood by the jins. To mutilate her small body, to watch her squirm in agony! The Black Yellow Centipedes went berserk, fast and furious. There was no way this puny human can resist their numbers!
They were sorely disappointed however; this young girl was still alive and kicking, able to deflect their advances! Who was she? But she was only a single being while they covered every single path and escape route. They just need to wear her down and then go for the kill!
Ava dropped down; her golden hair was cut. She timed her fist, sending an uppercut to the perpetrator. She twisted its trajectory sideways and caused it to be decapitated by its kin! The young girl motioned similar moves to take care of other five vicious creatures in her proximity.
If brute force didn’t work, use their force against themselves! The centipedes in the back saw it and rapidly backed up, shooting poisons at her. It was easy to guess how Azure Centipedes heavily suffered against the yellow-striped menaces; they were fast, small, strong and smart!
Ava flipped and dodged in mid-air; four more poison shots narrowly missed her body and limbs. As her feet touched the ground again, an ambush was sprung; one hidden Black-Yellow Centipede at her side leaped at her, tearing her left arm amidst the ensuing poison barrage!
Ksh, ksh, ksh, ksh!!!
A breakthrough! All Black-Yellow Centipedes in the area were frenzied, clicking their mandibles and shaking their tails side to side! The assailant brought away her arm and in process drew some of its kin away, to immediately eat it before the young girl can recover it!
Ava gave chase to her detached arm as well, impressing them that this girl must be at her wits’ end! But for some reason, some of the insects felt uneasy as they didn’t saw any blood spurting from her. The young girl remained calm or blank, even though she just lost her arm.
The detached arm suddenly became taut and grasped the head of the insect that carried it. The insect’s head exploded into numerous sickle-like blades, cutting down its pursuing kin! Ava shifted side to side, avoiding the flying blades. She jumped and re-attached her torn arm.
This incident stunned the vicious insects a few seconds and that was all Ava needed to escape their cordon. They became enraged, their black eyes flashed with madness! This puny human must die at any cost! More of them threw themselves over, not minding to waste their lives!
Ava found herself in a difficult situation; not only those centipedes shot more poisons, they also pounced at her in the same time! They truly went for broke this time, throwing all caution to the wind. Something clearly needed to change or she would be stuck fighting them forever!
As she weaved among the biting insects and their dissolving poisons, she spotted her chance! Ava slid into a different tunnel, illuminated by some purple crystal pillars. The walls and ceiling had shiny streaks, reflecting light from the crystals. But she didn’t have time to appreciate it.
Ava rolled to the side and five of her pursuers collided with one crystal pillar. She grabbed the fallen pillar and kicked it backwards. It then exploded into thousands of hard needles, puncturing and maiming the rest! Ichor and insect parts flew everywhere, a sudden massacre!
However, it wasn’t over yet; more centipedes shown up, emerging from the floor, walls and ceiling! Their numbers were almost endless but they still didn’t manage to capture her, she was a few paces farther. The Post Human nevertheless had a plan, to kill all of them at once.
Ava kicked another crystal pillar and punched a visible metal vein. One centipede saw this as a chance and sliced her right arm off. Just before its kin can dice the torn arm, they were diced themselves! The culprit, Ava nonchalantly collected her torn arm and re-attached it again.
Her tiny hands were now inside oversized gauntlets, made from metal and purple crystals. Her feet were also covered with similarly big tall boots. As she swung them around, multiple crystalline blades flew out of them, slicing and decapitating many Black-Yellow Centipedes!
The gauntlet on her right hand morphed into a small shield, pushing an attacking Black-Yellow Centipede aside. She didn’t go for the kill and instead escaped, not willing to get tangled any more. The Post Human ran on any visible metal veins and kicked any crystal pillars in vicinity.
A dead end! She took a few steps backwards, priming her gauntlets for a strike. They glowed azure as she hurled them at the wall. With sou noises, the earth in front of her vanished out of thin air and left some vacuum in its place. The young girl literally punched her way through.
However, the Black-Yellow Centipedes were still attacking her! Ava turned backwards, punching the offenders at full force. All vicious insects within range had vanished, leaving an empty void! Unfortunately, the effect didn’t travel far, there were still survivors further back.
Ava realized this was just a waste of time and thus shifted her attention to dug a spiral-like path. She danced between digging the earth and avoiding the insects’ attacks, not considering them at all. The centipedes were absolutely furious but they became wary of her gauntlets.
Some Black-Yellow Centipedes slowed down or even stopped attacking altogether, curious about her actions. What is she planning to do now? These doubters moved to the back of the front but didn’t fully leave yet, to not let their kin question their fighting spirit for their horde.
Ava suddenly stopped punching the earth and rolled to the side. Some eager vicious insects collided with the wall while others paused in their tracks. More of them found this was highly suspicious; she didn’t look like anyone desperate. They felt her stillness was nerve-wracking.
Her gauntlets flared with sparking electricity and she slammed them to a wall on her left. This jolted the centipedes, to slowly retreat. Others in the back were already flexing their legs, to leap out from this place. Just before they can move, suddenly a couple of them exploded!
Ava punched the ground, covering herself with stone and soil. The centipedes realized this was vaguely a trap but it was too late; majority of them suddenly exploded in gore and shrapnel! How does she do it?!! Ones in the back started to sprint, unwilling to stay anymore!
The vicious insects swelled to balloons; their innards heated up to stupendous temperatures before being literally blown apart. Ones that didn’t waved their feelers and rolled side to side but it was useless, they too later exploded! The detonations continued for several minutes.
A dull-grey gauntlet emerged from a rubble. Ava struggled to get herself out. In exception of her gauntlets and boots, she was stark naked. Her hair was filled with dirt and blood, her right arm broke in three pieces and most of her skin had deep bruises. It was a scene of carnage.
She glanced around; the Black-Yellow Centipedes had all but disappeared. What was left was smell of cooked flesh, hers and theirs. The tunnel had multiple fissures and littered with random splinters of insect carapaces. While she was injured, all of her opponents had died!
The young girl sat on the ground, to regenerate herself. It was too close; while her gamble worked, she was heavily injured. But it validated her theory; it was possible to microwave these insects to the death. She continued to think as her injuries visibly healed at a fast pace.
Her bones reconnected together, her skins shed and turned supple, her bodily curves reinstated themselves and her golden hair regrew to their former glory. However, she was still plain naked, form inviting forbidden thoughts. She got up to her feet and stomped around.
Multiple metallic threads sprung from nearby walls, from the path she made. They surrounded the young girl and formed a new clothing, similar to her prior attire while in the desert up above. How long had it been? Ava retraced her steps, to get back at Old Man Husan.
This chase had set her pretty far; it took Ava almost an hour to return and search where Husan was. A trap! She punched it to oblivion, turning the falling pillar to dust. The young girl smashed several other traps and dodged some. These playthings weren’t enough to stop her.
Just before she punched a suspicious bunch of rocks, a hoarse voice croaked out, “Young missy, stop! It’s me, Husan!”
“Ava confirms. Old Man with Ava’s friends?” The Post Human withdrew her hands and the gauntlets disappeared from sight.
Husan showed himself, legs trembling. Behind him was several Azure Centipedes that were similarly nervous, “Y-yeah. Just this old man and few of yer friends.”
“Ava is sorry for the trouble again.” She lowered her head at both parties.
Husan panicked as if a bird was shot with a peashooter, “Oh, no, please raise your head! Look, this old man is all fine! No broken bones, just some bruises!”
“Ava confirms. We need to revise our plan, again.” Ava nodded at them; her expression blank.
The four armed elder sighed, “Well it’s good to see you again. Living is more important. Plans always change, nothing can do bout it.”
“We should relocate to new place, Old Man. Ava have new plan.” She beckoned Husan and the rest to follow her.
Husan withdrew the khopesh he stabbed on the ground, “Yeah, I think we should also get out of here. There were some stragglers but thanks to yer friends and floating cylinder, we survived. But…”
“But?” The young girl stared at him.
Husan scratched his neck, his eyebrows knitted, “But those damn Black-Yellow Centipedes managed to destroy it. And quite a few of yer friends were dead, to let this old man escape. Sorry, young missy.”
“Please do not worry. Ava friends had been prepared for it, Old Man. Live on, for their sakes.” Ava patted one of his free arms, to console the four-armed elder.
Husan regained his spirit, no longer frowning, “Yeah, you’re right, young missy. So…what happened to you? Did those black-yellow centipedes badly hurt young missy?”
“A long story, Old Man. But Ava is very strong, all of them had died.” Ava noticed his gaze and she replied in kind. Husan wasn’t better off; his suit was missing in some places and he was only left with a single khopesh. The fight must’ve been intense for the old brewer.
Husan sensibly changed the topic, noting she wasn’t willing to talk further, “Okay. I do think we do need new plans to counter them yellow menaces. Now I see why yer friends wouldn’t stand a chance, no offense.”
“Ava concurs. Let us talk as we walk. Ava is concerned Black-Yellow Centipedes may go for a second round.” She looked at Azure Centipedes in vicinity. Their heads were hung low, almost touching the ground.
The young girl tried to give them some Pink Pad Cacti fruits but neither responded. It was understandable; the Azure Centipedes thought this was a chance to get even but they lost some ten percent of their numbers from this single raid alone. What about future raid plans?
Without a Broodmother, the centipedes might as well be functionally extinct after the tenth raid. There was also longstanding issue of hunger, limiting most of their activities. Ava and Husan were clearly exposed to the fact that an Army marches on its stomach, not weapons.
Ava raised her left hand, signaling the rest of Azure Centipedes to rapidly retreat and scatter in random directions. The loss was a double whammy; the centipedes numbers shrunk and now their opponents were aware of their movements. It looked grim for Azure Centipedes.
The Post Human noticed their morale were at all times low, “We will change into a different target this time. We will attack Moss Worms.”
“Moss Worms?” Husan contemplated while he walked. He had never heard of such creatures before.
Ava hopped and jumped between random rocks littered in the area, “They farm moss so Ava called them as that.”
“What’s a strange thing.” Husan followed her steps, “Wait, young missy said they farm moss?”
The Azure Centipedes following them had expectant looks. Ava patted one of them, “Yes but they are difficult in a way. One of Ava’s friends was killed by them as soon as it crossed their pool.”
“Huh, they aren’t some Crescent Shark in the water, are they?” Husan shook his head. He was concerned this incoming fight could be as terrible as before.
The young girl stopped and started to scratch something on the ground with a random rock, “Old Man is half correct. They usually stay in their pool, their spawning grounds. Anywhere with deep enough flowing water usually have Moss Worms.”
“Uh-hum. Do you mind if this old man makes a request?” Husan viewed her drawings. This is supposed to be a worm? Looks like an oversized snake. He failed to see the difference.
Ava turned her head to face him, “Ava guess Old Man want to spare some of them? For farming moss.”
“Oh, how did young missy read my mind?” Husan laughed, not longer as depressed as before.
She pointed one of her fingers at an Azure Centipede close to her, “Ava’s friend thinks the same so Ava had a guess. Ava also think it might be worth it to try.”
“Uh-hum. So, how will it go?” Husan said.
The Post Human tapped the uneven ground, turning it completely flat, “Moss Worms are like fishes. We just need to avoid getting into the water. The rest should be easy.”
“Just that? But young missy said they had killed one of yer friends.” The elder glanced at a nearby Azure Centipede. He cannot image how an aquatic worm was able to kill a swim-capable centipede armed with sharp mandibles that can probably snap his hand off.
A diagram emerged from the flat surface as Ava sat on the ground, “Yes. Moss Worms have hooked tentacles but it doesn’t go far. Old Man Husan just need to roll around on dry land.”
“H-h-hooked tentacles you say?” Husan recoiled his head. Black-Yellow Centipedes were bad enough and these worms had tentacled hooks? What in the desert…. He shook his head to disperse his thoughts.
Ava stared at him, “Old Man Husan, it is not so bad. They do not shoot poison or able to leap like Black-Yellow Centipede bullies. Ava is confident that Old Man can take it easy.”
“Uh…if young missy says so…” Husan faked a cough. Well, he did say he would follow her lead whatever the odds.
The young girl got up, “Before Ava forget, Old Man only have one sword, right?”
“Yeah. Black-Yellow Centipedes broke the other three. Ahahaha…” The old man laughed awkwardly. He just got them for nothing from Ava and was worried the girl would chastise him for it.
The Post Human stood at the edge of the flat surface and stomped once, “Old Man can throw the sword away. It looks like it will crumble any moment now. Ava have other weapons for Old Man instead.”
“Oh, these gauntlets for me?” Husan opened his eyes wide. Two pairs of slightly big gauntlets appeared on the flat surface. They were utilitarian, no decorations and felt sturdy to the touch. They were dull grey, unlike the previous black-coloured khopeshes.
The young girl watched Husan equipping the gauntlets and then moved next to him, “A compensation for Old Man. Stay still, Ava need to fix Old Man’s clothes too.”
“Uh-hum, as you wish then young missy.” Husan closed his eyes and stayed still like a statue. His broken attire mended themselves together, closing and covering areas that showed his bare skin.
Ava then lifted her hand after being satisfied with the end result, “It is done, Old Man. Does Old Man want explanation on Ava’s gifts?”
“If you please, young missy.” Husan felt he became lighter and his clothes no longer holey as before, “Remind this old man to repay you for all what you’ve done.”
“Ava do not need it Old Man.” Ava shook her head while backing a wall, “Just helping Ava is enough. We are in this together, right Old Man?”
“Uh…right. So, explanation please?” Husan bowed his head at her. He felt it was wrong to receive all these without paying her but the girl insisted it as gifts.
A similar gauntlet but bigger than his formed on Ava’s right hand. She punched a wall next to her, “If Old Man punches fast and hard enough, Old Man can do like Ava. But Old Man need to wait until it glows azure.”
“Huh! What in the desert….” His hands trembled upon seeing the result. A huge hole had appeared from her punch! The four-armed elder cautiously put his hands away, “These…these won’t activate suddenly, right?”
“For Old Man, Ava had made it so that when Old Man tapped two of them together, they will charge up. Then Old Man can do so.” The gauntlet on her right hand disappeared.
Husan relaxed a bit before getting excited, “Mind if this Old Man give it a go, young missy?”
“Ava confirms.” She gave a simple reply, giving the elder some space.
He did as what Ava had told and a similar hole appeared at the location he punched, “Amazing….this might be…Second Grade Dao Weapon…no, maybe Third Grade!”
“Ava know Old Man is happy but let’s stop. We have our plans. We need to walk now.” The young girl tugged at his waist.
Husan wore an embarrassed look, “Ahahaha, right! So, what should this old man call them?”
“If Ava is to guess, Void Gauntlets? By the way, Old Man can only activate them for ten times before they become useless.” She replied in terse manner, her face blank.
Husan broke into joy, “Ten times are more than enough! Thanks fer this, young missy!”
The young girl then went to inspect their Azure Centipede entourages for a moment. Tens of minutes later, she called Husan that was busy fiddling with the gauntlets to follow her. The party, Ava, Husan and a couple of Azure Centipedes then left the area, entering a new tunnel.
- In Serial70 Chapters
Rise of the Paragon - A Post-Apocalyptic LitRPG
Thomas and his best friend Kevin were the top players of Holy Arc Online, one of the hardest MMORPGs in the world, and also one of the worst-rated MMOs of all time. They had both embraced the challenge it provided and had finally, after years of dedication, beat the final boss of the game. However, all wasn't as it seemed. Welcome to the game, Genesis. System Integration shall now begin. With the dawning of the apocalypse, so to comes the collapse of society. How will Thomas and his friends react to the world crashing around them? Will they be able to carve their own home in this new, and dangerous reality? And will Thomas be able to fulfill the obligations heaped upon him by the gods themselves? Author's Note: As of right now the release schedule for Exodus | Book 2 of the Rise of the Paragon Series will be released weekly on Mondays, and Thursdays at 3:00 pm EST. Writing Rise of the Paragon is a personal experiment of mine in writing a grand-scale novel within the LitRPG genre. I have written some fiction in the past, but none near as ambitious in the content as I eventually envision Rise of the Paragon will be. So! Join me on my journey, provide helpful criticism, edits, or whatever suits your mind! I appreciate any and all feedback!!!! We also have a Discord for anybody who wants to talk all things Rise of the Paragon!! Genesis Discord Also, consider joining my Patreon! Fair Warning: Blue Screens, and somewhat overpowered protagonists! The main character's point of view is described in first person. Every other character is in third person. That's just how I've chosen to present my writing style. REWRITE/REVISE is currently in progress. Any suggestions? Comment on their respective chapters!
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