《Halo:Nightstalker》Chapter 6
Date: 06/14/2525
Planet: Sargasso
Location: Sargasso’s orbit, Diplomatic shuttle Celicia, Med bay
Amaranth sat on her hospital bed with Nightstalker hovering over her shoulder.Jon and Amy sat across from them on their own bed. It had been almost an hour after their departure from the spaceport.Amaranth’s skin was now a normal color, and she could walk on her own, though she was still sore in places. Amaranth turned her attention towards Jon and Amy; Jon was holding Amy’s hand as Amy did the same, struggling to keep her hand from shaking. Amaranth admired Jon’s ability to remain calm. She knew on the inside he was worried and scared sick for them, but he maintained a strong face for their sake. A lump formed in her throat as she remembered this was all her fault. Amaranth clenched her hands balling her bedsheets into her fist.
‘I should’ve listened to you and stayed in that wheelchair,’ lamented Amaranth.
‘Amaranth, blaming yourself is counterproductive. You need to focus on the current situation,’ encouraged Nightstalker.
‘Yes….. you’re right, I have to keep focused,’ Amaranth looked towards Dr. Halsey typing on her datapad, ‘on her,’ she growled. Since coming aboard Halsey had been giving them a medical once over and quick tests to make sure they were ready for cryo-sleep. She spent extra time examining Amaranth making sure going into cryo with Nightstalker wouldn't have negative effects and if extra precautions would be required. Amaranth was very reluctant to allow this monster to get near her, but she held all the cards, for now.Catherine looked up from her datapad towards them.
“Everything is in order. As far as results show you and Nightstalker shouldn’t have any negative reactions to the Cytoprethaline injection or cryo-sleep.” She then let out a sigh, “we have a little time before we have to go into cyro. If you have any questions ask them quickly.”
Jon turned his attention towards Halsey. “Where are you taking us?” Jon asked stoically while holding his wife’s hand.
“You three will be taken to a secure facility on Reach, ” stated Catherine.
Amaranth jumped at the mention of Reach. The name sounded familiar, and it brought an indescribable emotion with it.
“Once we arrive I’ll send a report to my superiors and wait for further instructions.” Halsey finished.
“And what will happen to my daughter? Nightstalker? If they become separated….” trailed off Amy.
Dr. Halsey looked down for a moment before letting out a sigh and lifting her head back up. “I don’t know,” Catherine straightened herself, keeping eye contact. “It... depends on what instructions I receive from my superior.”
“Then can you at least tell us what happened with my daughter earlier? How did she know your name? What is this nonsense she spouted about being a clone, and what is this Spartan Program she mentioned?”
Halsey froze for a split second before shaking her head. “I’m sorry, I can’t answer those questions. It would take too much time, but I’ll answer them once we land on Reach. You have to trust that I have your family’s well being in mind.” she reassured looking particularly in Amaranth’s direction.
Amaranth was about to jump up and protest when the med-bay’s door opened and Conner entered, now wearing a tight-fitting suit and carrying four similar suits folded in squares and a plastic box. “I got the disposable Cytoprethaline injectors and cyro-suits,” he announced handing the white plastic box and one of the suits to Halsey while handing the rest to Amy, Jon, and Amaranth. Amaranth took the suit and unfolded it; it felt like it was made from a rubbery material.
Halsey set the plastic box and her data on a nearby table then opened it pulling out an injector filled with a clear liquid and a pack of wipes.
Amy placed a hand over her stomach. “Will the injection harm the baby? I never traveled off-planet while pregnant. I heard stories,” she explained worriedly.
Halsey’s turned her attention towards Amy, her eyes softening slightly. “Don’t worry, Mrs. Spencer, Cytoprethaline has been injected in pregnant women going into cryo for decades with no negative effects on their unborn children.” Catherine took the injector and tapped the vial a couple of times. “Who would like to go first?”
“I’ll go first,” volunteered Jon rolling up his right sleeve.
Halsey nodded and headed to Jon’s side with the first injector. “Hold still,” she advised as she wiped the injection site. She then removed the injector’s safety cap revealing a long needle. She proceeded to inject the cellular anti-crystalline drug into Jon and then Amy then Amaranth,Conner handing her a new injector device each time. After everything was done Halsey placed the injectors back in the box and sealed it.
“Now that’s done, get changed. Once you’re done Conner will escort you to the Cryo-bay,” she explained before leaving the med-bay with the box in hand.
“I’ll be waiting outside. You can leave your clothes on the bed. They won’t be going anywhere. You have three minutes. Remember the ship’s AI is watching” Conner said curtly heading out the door.
The family quickly set up their bed’s respective privacy curtains and changed into their cryo-suits. After five minutes the group stepped out into the hall where Conner was waiting. He escorted them down the hall to a large bulkhead door located not too far from the medbay. With a ‘swoosh’ the door opened and inside were multiple rows of cryo-chambers on each side. Amaranth felt a sense of Deja-vu; it reminded her of the dream she had a month ago.
Halsey was inside wearing the same tight-fitting suit everyone else wore. She faced the group. “The chambers are ready.” she turned her attention towards Amaranth. “From my understanding this is your first time going into cryosleep. Do you understand what will happen?”
“Yes, I did research, and Nightstalker has been put on ice before,” she responded coldly. ‘Plus, Thanks to the dreams I have a good idea of what to expect.’
Amaranth felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked back and saw Jon give a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry, Daisy, It’s like slowly going to sleep then waking again.”
“I’m sorry, but we need to enter the chambers now. For trust sake we will all enter at the same time,” apologized Halsey.
With a ‘hiss’ five of the chambers opened their lid and each member of the group proceeded to a chamber. Before entering his chamber Jon gave Amy and Amaranth some reassuring words. Amaranth entered and laid inside her cryo-chamber watching Amy do the same across from her. The door slowly closed, sealing with a hiss. As expected, anesthetic gas started to fill the pod, numbing Amaranth and causing her to feel drowsy. There was the familiar and yet unfamiliar feeling of mucus coating her lungs from the inside, then after some time it suddenly started to become slightly cool, and then cold. The strangely familiar chill spread through her chest as more of the mucus-filled her lungs, and within moments her eyes closed as they became too heavy to stay open.
Date: 06/20/2525
Planet: Reach
Location: Reach FLEETCOM Military Complex, the brig
Intense agony and rage. That’s all she felt as she ripped and tore her assaulters apart. Her bones felt like broken glass under her skin, her muscles and tendons felt like they were engulfed in fire, and her heart and lungs felt like they were going to explode; but most of all she was hungry. Blood and entrails coated her body and claws as she sliced opened another mercenary. Bullets pelted her body but had little effect on her. She turned toward the source of the bullets, let out a feral roar, and charged at her new targets. Her claws dug into the ground, giving her more traction. She had to protect them! She had to protect her family! They fired at her; their bullets doing nothing to stop her. She pounced on one of the mercenaries pinning him to the ground. After letting out a feral roar she elongated her jaw and went for the head.
Daisy’s eyes fluttered open as she lifted herself up, waking up in a cold sweat. She closed her eyes again, letting out a deep breath. “It was just another dream, but why was it so violent this time?” she whispered. It started a couple of months after she was ‘recruited’ for the Spartan program; she had these dreams that didn't quite feel like dreams. Dreams that felt so real and yet so far away. Where she was with her parents doing different activities with them. Sometimes she was celebrating her birthday with them, going out to eat, and feeling the happiness of spending time with them. Or sometimes, she was in some classroom not like the one located at the Naval Officer academy, but one set up in her old home. Daisy found the dreams bittersweet. On the one hand, it meant she hadn’t forgotten her old life completely, but on the other, they were a reminder of what she lost. Eventually, in her dreams, she became weaker and bound to a wheelchair; like she was slowly dying.
Daisy always wondered why she had these dreams and why she was so weak in them. Daisy got her answer after she, Ralph, Joseph, Oscar, and Juliana escaped over a month ago. Daisy returned to her former home; where she found out the source of her dreams, and how her parents were handling her disappearance. When she got closer to her house she felt a pressure in her head and saw a wheelchair-bound duplicate of herself; the source of the dreams. That day, Dr. Halsey explained that she was replaced by a flash clone to avoid ‘difficult questions’ that would surely arise. Her parents didn’t even know she was gone. Daisy clenched her fists. She remembered walking towards her double with her gun in hand ready to kill her in some vain hope that she would return her former life; but as soon as they made eye contact a wave of understanding rippled between them.
Daisy couldn’t do it. Not only she couldn’t put her parents through that pain, but she also felt pain, sadness, frustration, bitterness, and acceptance radiating from her double. Her double was extremely sick and dying. Daisy’s anger towards her clone was quickly replaced by pity. The clone even gave back the teddy bear necklace that belonged to her. Daisy’s fist clenched even harder; she knew her clone had been like that for a long time. She couldn’t imagine what it was like for her and Daisy’s parents! And that monster did it to all of them; she created defective clones knowing they and their parents would suffer! She never told anyone what she learned, feeling that it would be too much for some and that the more indoctrinated ones wouldn’t care.
Strangely, as of late, not counting the dream she just had, she had been having dreams where she was this…. creature...prowling the night and saving people. Not only that, but she had this feeling that her double was alright. She couldn’t explain it, but when she thought about her clone she felt… relieved? Daisy let out a sigh and tried to rub her face, only to feel something tugging against her wrists. She opened her eyes and saw she was chained to her bed with metal wristlets. She looked around and saw she was in the brig.
At that moment the shatterproof polycarbonate door opened, and three people came in. First was Chief Petty Officer Mendez, a strict and stoic man with a muscular build. He radiated an aura of authority that demanded respect. He had black hair and brown eyes that seemed to pierce one’s soul. He was tall - roughly 6’2 - by baseline human standards, though Daisy and the other Spartans now towered over him. Following behind were her Spartan comrades, Jorge and Josuha, who much like her and the others went through the augmentations gaining height and muscle mass. Jorge had brown hair and brown eyes and was one of the largest of the Spartans, being a little over a foot taller than Mendez. On Jorge’s right side was her team leader, Joshua, who was a few inches shorter and smaller than Jorge and had similar features. Daisy noticed that the group kept their distance, and she also noticed - though it was slight - that Jorge and Josuha kept their posture forward as if ready to jump in front of Mendez at a moment’s notice.
Daisy instinctively straightened herself up, despite being chained to her bed. “Sir,” she greeted.
Mendez nodded. “At ease, Spartan,” he commanded.
Daisy’s posture relaxed slightly in response. “Sir, permission to speak.”
“Permission granted,” he said.
“What happened, and why am I in the brig chained to a bed?” asked Daisy. Mendez’s face remained impassive.
“Six days ago during your body sparring session with Spartan-010, you went into a rage and nearly beat her into unconsciousness. Fortunately, she only suffered some cuts, bruises, and swelling. Spartan, do you remember anything before you fell unconscious?”
“What? Buts that…” she uttered in disbelief. She would never lose control like that. None of them would. Daisy knitted her eyebrows together trying to remember the event Mendez claimed happened.
(Six days ago.)
Date: 06/14/2525
Planet: Reach
Location: Reach FLEETCOM Military Complex, Military Reservation 01478-A
It was a hot and sunny day, and out in the training fields were several rings made of logs. Today was body-sparring day: all the Spartans sparred against each other to further hone their hand to hand skills and grow more accustomed to their enhanced bodies. Daisy and Naomi faced each other in the sparring ring sweat soaking their training clothes and covering their faces. They raised their fists and went into a battle-ready stance. The sounds of the other Spartans became background noise as they eyed each other for any openings. Nothing else mattered to Daisy and Naomi, but them and the ring.
Naomi gave Daisy a confident smirk. “I am going to take you down in less than five moves.” she taunted playfully.
Daisy snorted her then smirked. “Wanna bet?” she responded.
“Whoever takes the other down in less than five moves wins; loser surrenders her dessert to the winner for a week,” added Naomi.
“You’re on!” Daisy charged forward and threw the first jab.
Naomi skillfully deflected the punch and followed it with a punch of her own. Daisy blocked then followed with a low-sweep kick. Naomi retreated back avoiding the kick, then charged forward with a punch. Daisy side-stepped, avoiding Naomi’s punch only to be met with a low-kick. Daisy landed on her back then curled up and swiftly got back onto her feet before Naomi could pin her down. She charged at Naomi; adrenaline pumping through her veins as she and Naomi exchanged blows, neither gaining ground. They went at it for three minutes when Daisy suddenly felt a pressure in her head. She clutched the sides of her temples and gritted her teeth as the pressure increased. It felt like her brain was being submerged under water. Daisy suddenly felt on edge like she was… No, like someone she cared about was in danger, then a strong feeling overcame her. The closest thing she could describe it being was a mixture of rage, hate, determination, and…. fear? Daisy’s heartbeat skyrocketed and her entire body felt tense and filled with pain, like razors and glass were placed under her skin and within her muscles.
“Daisy, are you alri-” Naomi didn’t finish her question as Daisy let out a feral scream and pounced on her target.
The two rolled across the ground struggling for dominance, but Daisy won out and pinned her to ground. Daisy began to beat Naomi, punching her with a ferocity and strength never seen from her before. Naomi covered her face with her forearms, doing her best to guard against the brutal onslaught. Daisy kept punching and punching; her mind in a haze and focused only on the threat in front of her. She couldn’t let anything happen to them! She couldn’t let anything happen to her family! Every punch became wilder and more unfocused, Daisy more like a wild animal than a human. Suddenly Daisy was pulled off of Naomi and placed in a body lock by strong thick arms. Dark crimson almost black blood covered Daisy and Naomi; particularly Naomi’s forearms and Daisy’s fists.
“Daisy, what’s gotten into you!?” yelled the vaguely familiar voice of Jorge.
Daisy yelled and snarled as she struggled to get free. She headbutted Jorge in the process, stunning him and setting herself free. She punched him in the gut, sending him stumbling a couple of steps back.
Daisy charged at the larger man and punched him, causing him to stumble back further. She ducked, dodging a grapple attempt from Jorge, and followed up with a punch to the face forcing him to sidestep to maintain his balance.
Before she could continue her assault, she was suddenly tackled to the ground landing face-first into the dirty grass, her arms pinned behind her back.
Daisy snarled and screamed, struggling like an animal caught in a trap, trying to free herself from whoever was on top of her.
“Damn, how is she suddenly this strong!?” grunted a voice she recognized as Joshua’s. “Sam, Jorge, Kurt, we need help over here!”
Daisy felt more weight placed on top of her to the point she couldn’t even wiggle. Then, as if a switch was flipped, all of her newfound energy left her and everything went black.
Date: 06/20/2525
Planet: Reach
Location: Reach FLEETCOM Military Complex, the brig
Daisy sat in her bed unmoving, only staring at her hands. She had pummeled Naomi with no care whether she killed her or not. She then looked back at Jorge and Joshua noticing signs of swelling on Jorge’s face and bruises on Joshua’s arms. It made sense why he brought them here; they were insurance just in case there was a repeat of what happened.
“Naomi…has she….” uttered Daisy.
“She has since recovered,” answered Mendez.
Daisy felt the tension leave her body. Mendez's eyes somehow became even more stern, causing Daisy to revert to attention.
“Spartan-023,” he started. “I got the other side of the story, but I want yours. Explain your actions. What caused this incident, Spartan?” he asked.
“I don’t know, Sir. One minute we were sparring the next I felt…. I felt this pressure in my head, then I felt what I can only describe as a mixture of rage, hate, and… fear.” she explained honestly.
“A mixture of rage, hate, and fear?” repeated Mendez.
Daisy nodded slightly. “Yes, sir, my body was on edge, as if one of my fellow Spartans was in danger. It was like there were hot razors placed under my skin. I had the urge to protect something and eliminate any threat to that something. It’s confusing… The best way I can describe it is as if these urges and feelings were being poured into me from somewhere else. I’m sorry I couldn’t explain it better, Sir.”
“You explained enough, Spartan. I reported this incident to Dr. Halsey. She has been using the surveillance system to listen in on our conversation, and we should be receiving orders from her any second,” explained Mendez.
“Petty Officer, I have a message from Dr. Halsey. She wants 023 uncuffed; and as soon as she arrives she wants to meet you in her temporary office. Have 023 come as well, and have her wait in the waiting room on the same floor. She will arrive soon with some guests.” Déjà said.
“Thank you, Déjà.” responded Mendez.
“As soon as Dr. Halsey arrives we will let you out of the brig and escort you to my office,” stated Mendez.
“Yes, Sir,” responded Daisy.
Mendez nodded towards Jorge and on cue, he walked over to Daisy then pulled out a keycard. He slid the card through the reader unlocking Daisy’s restraints. With that Mendez turned and headed out of her cell followed by Jorge and Joshua; but not before Jorge and Joshua looked back with sympathetic eyes. As soon as the door closed Daisy laid back and covered her face, wondering what the hell happened to cause her to go berserk like that. Was she going mad? Was it an unforeseen side-effect of the augmentations? Her pondering was interrupted by a familiar pressure building in her head. She instantly lifted herself up staring at the roof of her cell. She felt this feeling before. The last time she felt this feeling was on the day she met….
“No, that’s impossible….” Daisy jumped to her feet. “It's her…. She’s coming,” she whispered, a feeling of dread washing over her.
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