《Halo:Nightstalker》Chapter 4
Date: 06/14/2525
Planet: Sargasso
Location: the City of Fairfield, Spencer's Estate
When the assailants stopped firing on them and shifted their focus fully on the clone, Catherine lifted her head up from the floor. She stared outside from the front door with a grimace. She saw the carnage caused by the fight between the creature the clone became and the two others like her. It could only be described as a massacre. The flash clone - or as she was called Nightstalker - went berserk, turning into a demonic monster and eviscerating those that got in her way. They were wheat before a sickle being cut down with just as much ease: blood, entrails and dismembered body parts flying everywhere like a hurricane of blood. But, she did something that horrified Catherine even further. She ate them. Like a demon ravaged by a beastial hunger, she ate the heads of her targets. Catherine felt slightly queasy as she watched Nightstalker devour some of her victims’ heads whole.
Catherine would admit she felt a pang of pity for the mercenaries. They never stood a chance against the rampaging creature. Then there was the spider-like monster that the brutish one appropriately called ‘Widow’. The clone was outmatched when she fought her, but when she went berserk, she was able to swing the brutish one out into the ocean and brutally rip Widow apart. After her mauling, she let out a blood-curdling primal roar and just collapsed. Catherine was broken out of her trance when Amy cried out.
“DAISY!” yelled Amy her voice trembling as she got up and ran.
“Amy, wait!” yelled Jon stepping in front of Amy and grabbing her, keeping her from running out the door.
“Let me go, Jon! Our daughter is hurt!” cried Amy struggling to get through.
“I know, but you can’t just run out there. It’s too dangerous. You need to calm down, acting hysterical won’t help her,” stated Jon firmlyAmy stopped struggling, tears continuing to cascade down her face.
“Jon, our daughter-” Amy hesitated, still trying to comprehend the situation. “She’s Nightstalker. Our daughter is Nightstalker-”
Jon hugged and comforted her. “I know, listen,” Jon let her go and took up his SMG. “I’ll go check out the area. If it’s safe I will give the signal for everyone to come out.”Amy tightened her grip on her husband's sweaty shirt wiping the tears from her face.
“Jon, please, be careful,” she cautioned before finally letting go.
“I will, I promise, to both of you” he comforted while rubbing his wife’s stomach, he then turned towards Conner. “Keep watch, at the first sign of trouble get everyone out of here. Go through the side door, it will lead you to a straight shot to the garage. Take the car and get them out of here. These are the keys to the family SUV.” Jon dug into his pocket and pulled out a set of car keys handing them to Conner.
“Got it,” responded Conner.
Jon then turned his attention to Catherine. “Holly, try calling emergency services again.”
Catherine nodded and pulled out her chatter. There was still no signal. Ever since the attacker’s arrival getting one was impossible. “I still can’t get a signal,” she informed
Jon checked his chatter then gritted his teeth. “This doesn’t make sense. I had four bars earlier.”
“Our attackers likely blocked all communications to prevent us from calling for help.” surmised Catherine.
“Damn, alright, just keep trying.” Jon readied his gun. “I’m heading out.” Jon informed them.
Catherine watched as Jon went outside and swept the area with SMG in hand, taking slow steady steps towards the clone and stepping over the mangled and dismembered bodies. She checked her chatter and continued trying to get a call out, but to no avail. Catherine looked back outside and saw Jon standing over the clone. With practiced precision he double-checked his surroundings making sure there was no danger. After a couple more sweeps he went over to the body of Widow and unloaded a full magazine into her. After reloading, he shot another burst into the body. After waiting a few seconds he gave the all-clear signal.
Conner went outside, taking the lead escorting Amy and Catherine. They got a close look at all the carnage. Mangled bodies that were barely recognizable as human were strewn everywhere. Some were ripped in half, others eviscerated with pieces of bone and organs scattered all over. And then there was the stench; it smelled of iron and death. Catherine nearly puked barely managing to keep it down. Catherine tripped over something, but she managed to keep herself from falling after a few missteps. She looked behind her to see what she tripped over her and gaped at the sight of a damaged ODST helmet with its visor shattered, revealing a severed head with blood dripping from the neck. Catherine balked at the sight before being urged on. They arrived at the clone’s body. Jon bent down and turned Nightstalker over onto her back.
“It’s like she is covered in a combination of goo and oil,” breathed out Jon as he wiped the blood from his hands onto his pants.
Amy, without hesitation, bent down then caressed the clone’s covered cheek. “Jon, our daughter-.”
Suddenly the substance that covered the clone receded back into her body leaving no trace and causing everyone to step back and gasp. Once unblemished skin was now a mixture of black, blue and purple. She bled from her eyes and mouth, and her entire body was swollen. Her chest rose and fell slowly as she took labored breaths.
“We need to get her to a hospital!” cried Amy, frantically looking over the clone.
Jon took out his chatter. “Damn, no signal! We’re going to have to take her. Jacob, I need you to go to the garage and get-”
Catherine stepped in. “No, it’s too dangerous. Your daughter is in critical condition. Moving her will cause more harm than good. Very powerful people are after your daughter if they send others like her…. We would be putting her and those in the hospital at risk.” Catherine adjusted her glasses. “And there’s a good possibility they have operatives everywhere including the local emergency services.”
Jon loomed over Catherine looking more distraught than angry. “Then what do you want us to do!? My daughter needs medical attention!”
“I... can…. help.” rasped a distorted voice.
The group jumped back as a midnight blue and black serpentine pulsating mass oozed from the chest, forming into a face much like Nigthstalker’s but lacking the ‘hair’. It was more distorted as if it struggled to maintain shape.
“We… finally meet... face to…. Face, Amy and Jon,”
Jon and Conner instantaneously aimed their weapons at the oily mass. “What… What are you and what are you doing inside my daughter!? Answer me!” demanded Jon.
The mass took a few labored breaths before speaking. “Please, Listen…. I will explain everything later, but Am- Daisy doesn’t have much time….”
That grabbed everyone’s attention, Amy stepped forward confronting the creature. “What? What did you do to my child?!” wailed Amy.
“Trying….to heal… her, but…. Too weak... I need food….”
Jon's eyes widened and his mouth gaped open as a look of realization dawned on his face. He lowered his weapon. “Dear, God, you’re responsible for healing her. You’re the secret she talked about.” he gasped.
The oily mass nodded. “Yes…. Listen I…. need hormones….. Need endorphins and… adrenaline…to finish healing her.”
“That’s why Daisy was eating brains and twice the normal amount, she was feeding you. It all makes sense…. the brain produces most of the human body’s hormones,” deduced Catherine.
“If we feed you, you can heal my daughter?” questioned Jon.
“Yes…. brains and chocolate…. Please….. I need them…” the creature crumpled to the ground. “Hur...ry.”
“We have to get what it needs, now!” urged Jon.
“Wait, how do we know if we can trust it?” protested Conner, keeping his gun pointed at the creature. Jon turned his attention towards Conner.
“It’s the only thing that can save my daughter and if it’s speaking the truth then it is responsible for healing my child. Not only that, it helped my daughter protect us! So it earned a little trust.” he argued.
Catherine stepped in. “Conner, we have no choice, but to trust it for now. Now, we need to focus on getting it food,” she stated.
Conner nodded and lowered his weapon.
“There are containers of raw and cooked pork brains and chocolates in the fridge. I can go get them,” offered Amy. Jon nodded and she took off running.
Amy nodded then immediately ran towards the house, ignoring the gore that surrounded her. Jon then looked around before settling his eyes on Conner.
“Jacob, I need you to help search the area for any intact heads or brain matter.”
Conner nodded. “Alright,” he responded.
“I’ll tend to Daisy. Make sure you search the bodies and vans for any medical supplies.” Urged Catherine.
Jon nodded. “Will do,” he said before leaving Catherine to her task.
Catherine crouched down to analyze the clone’s condition. From a glance, Halsey surmised that the clone was suffering a severe case of ecchymosis and purpura; but what had her worried the most was the damage under the skin. It was a guarantee that there was some internal hemorrhaging, fractures, and organ damage. Catherine let out a sigh and rubbed her eyes. There was not much she could do, even with a medical kit. The clone would need intensive care from a fully equipped medical staff and her injuries would take months, if not years, for a full recovery. But, then again, this wasn’t a normal situation; she was Nightstalker and this creature was inside of her. It was responsible for her abilities and her recovery.
Catherine took note of the creature. She had never seen anything like it before. It seemed to be an advanced species of symbiote. The exact nature of the relationship between the clone and symbiote was still up for conjecture; but, her observations indicated it provided its host enhanced regenerative abilities and increased strength in return for food. It was sentient and could shapeshift. It was even able to expertly mimic texture as shown when it disguised itself as the clone’s jacket. It also seemed to have a weakness to loud sounds and intense heat.
Catherine turned her attention towards the mauled and bullet-ridden corpse of Widow. A chilling thought came to mind. There were others like her. There was a powerful group out there with more of these creatures planning something. If they sold or gave these to any of the major insurrection groups…..
Multiple soft ‘thunks’ broke Catherine out of her thoughts. She looked to her right side and saw a sweaty Amy with a tipped over duffel bag with Tupperware. Amy frantically opened container after container dumping the chunks of brain and chocolate in front of the creature.
“Here, eat, please heal her,” begged Amy as she continued to open more containers creating a large pile.
The creature lifted its head and tore into the pile of brains and chocolates like a wild animal. Jon and Conner returned, Connor carried four first aid kits while Jon, in an impressive show of strength, carried two mostly intact bodies over his shoulders.
“Amy, turn your head.,” commanded Jon. Amy did as told and turned her head.
“Here, this is what you need to heal my daughter, right?” huffed Jon as he dumped the bodies. The helmets were already removed, revealing glazed over eyes and causing a shiver to go down Catherine’s spine.
The creature didn’t hesitate to eat the heads whole before continuing back to eat its pile of brains. Once the creature finished eating, Amy turned her head back. Conner went to Catherine and gently put down the first aid kits.
“Doctor, we found these in one of the vans. Inside are the usual components, but we also found vials of adrenaline and endorphins. They were likely for the creatures.” reported Conner.
Catherine opened the first aid kits, moving aside bio-foam canisters and polypseudomorphine disposable syringes. True to Conner’s word there were several large vials, each labeled either adrenaline or endorphins. Catherine quickly gathered all the vials from the first aid kits and rushed them to the creature. The creature finished its current meal then ate the vials whole before spitting out pieces of glass.
“That should be enough,” it stated with more strength than it had before.
The creature receded back into the clone’s body and within seconds the clone started to heal. The group gasped as right before their eyes, the clone’s skin was turning a lighter shade of purple with some patches of her skin returning to its original color. Her breathing became less labored, and her swollen body deflated significantly. After a couple of minutes the clone was suddenly covered in the creature’s bio-matter and within moments, Nightstalker formed. It got up and stared down at the group.
“Daisy is healed enough that she can be moved. I will act as a cushion to reduce the stress resulting from the transfer. She needs to be in a more comfortable environment for when she wakes up.” it explained, its voice lacking any trace of the clone’s.
Jon nodded. “Alright, but once inside we want answers,” stated Jon.
“Alright, I will answer any questions to the best of my ability, but there are some questions that only Am-Daisy has the right to answer.”
“What do you mean?” asked Amy.
“I believe it's best to continue this conversation inside,” suggested Catherine.
“Agreed, I don’t want to risk Daisy waking up to… this,” said the creature, motioning to the carnage around them.
With that, the group headed back to the house with the creature leading. It was slow and very deliberate in its steps to minimize the stress placed on its host. Jon and Conner kept their weapons ready, while Amy helped Catherine carry the first aid kits. It didn’t take long to reach the house and go through its bullet-hole ridden front hall into the mostly intact living room. Before entering the living room Catherine grabbed her datapad from her bag from the kitchen. Once she returned to the living room, the creature was laying down on the large couch. Once it adjusted itself for the clone’s comfort it came out of her body. The creature looked at the clone, its eyes drooping slightly, showing a surprising degree of expressiveness.
‘Is it worried about the clone?’ thought Catherine.
The creature turned its attention back to the group, giving a nod before shifting to the side to give Amy and Jon some room.
Without hesitation, Amy and Jon went to the clone, while Catherine followed behind them and Conner stood to keep his weapon lowered but pointed towards the creature. Amy and Catherine set the first aid kits to the side of the couch before Amy crouched by the clone’s side, lovingly stroking her cheek while Jon placed a comforting hand on Amy’s shoulder.
“My baby girl…. My little flower.” sobbed Amy.
“She…. She will be alright. She will be fully healed assuming there are no complications within the next hour or two. She will be a little sore, but she will live. And it is thanks to the... food you provided.” Comforted the Creature.
Amy looked at the creature, her eyes red and puffy. “Thank you-” Amy paused.
“Nightstalker. My name is Nightstalker,” it answered.
Amy turned back to the clone. Her breaths became less labored as time went on. “Thank you, Nightstalker.”
Nightstalker nodded. “She is my host. My partner and dare I say, a friend.”
Jon turned his attention to Nightstalker. “Nightstalker, I am grateful for what you have done for my daughter, but we deserve answers. What happened out there? How did my child become your host? Assuming you’re one secret, what was the other secret she was talking about?” interrogated Jon pointing towards the front of the house.
Nightstalker looked back at the clone with an unreadable expression, then let out a sigh. ‘Did it breathe like a human would, or was it a habit it picked up?’ thought Catherine.
“I promised answers and I will give them. But I can’t answer the last…. Only she can.” Nightstalker looked at the clone then back at the group. “I shall start from the beginning.”
Catherine turned on her datapad and began recording as Nightstalker proceeded to tell its story, starting with how it escaped from its imprisonment while being transported from a research facility and ended up stuck on Jon’s car bumper. From there it explained how it met the clone and the reason why it chose her as its host. It then recounted their first escapade as crime fighters to how it manipulated the clone’s body chemistry to increase her overall physical condition, and how it needed hormones from its host - brains or other sources like chocolate to survive. After almost 30 minutes it reached the end of its story explaining what happened outside and how the clone agreed to have her body put into an extreme form of a flight or fight response, flooding her system with adrenaline removing the body’s natural limiters. A desperate move that nearly killed them both.
Amy’s hands trembled as she stared at Nightstalker while Jon placed a hand on his forehead, shaking his head as they processed everything Nightstalker told them. Catherine’s heart clenched though her face remained impassive. So much had happened to this family that was her fault one way or the other. And now they were mixed up in things beyond their control; targets of some unknown organization.
Catherine was tempted to find a way to keep this a secret from her superiors, but she immediately squashed the thought. Keeping this a secret was out of the question and downright impossible. She was going to have to eventually take them into custody and report this to Admiral Stanforth, and there was the problem. He would have to report this to the head of ONI, Admiral Parangosky; and the moment she got the report detailing all that happened the clone would likely be sent to an ONI research facility for study and possibly dissection. And the parents? She didn’t want to ponder what would happen to them. No matter what, Catherine wasn’t going to let anything happen to them. She owed them that much.
Finally, Amy Spoke. “So all this… time… All this time it was you? The miraculous healing, the strange appetites-” she trembled out.
“-her unusual hormone levels, and her rapid growth and muscle development,” added Catherine. “It was all you.”
Nightstalker nodded. “Correct.” It confirmed.
“I still can’t believe it. Daisy is Nightstalker. My little flower has been going out into the night fighting crime like some superhero.” Jon shook his head. “It’s like something out of a manga or comic book. Putting herself in danger,” he stated. Then he narrowed his eyes at Nightstalker. “You put her in danger. You’re using her!”
“I encouraged her, but ultimately the decision was hers. Our bond is mutually beneficial. I give just as much as I take. Just as I use her; she uses me. I did everything I could to prepare her and keep her safe. You raised your daughter well. She is one of the most selfless and driven hosts I ever met. Despite the hardships, she carried on. She loves you deeply and would do anything to protect you.” Nightstalker looked back at the unconscious clone. “When I suggested my plan to defeat Widow and Bludgeon she didn’t hesitate in agreeing even when I told her the risks. She is willing to lay down her life to protect the innocent and those she cares about. And I’m willing to lay down mine for the same.” it said with pride in its voice. It then focused all of its attention on Jon and Amy. “Know this, I will do everything in my power to protect her. I promise.”
The group was quiet throughout the speech, taken aback by the conviction in Nightstalker’s words. Suddenly the sound of rustling caught everyone’s attention. Everyone turned their heads and saw the clone twist and turn. She sweated profusely, partially soaking her shirt. Jon and Amy sat up looking over the clone.
“What’s wrong with her?!” shouted Amy towards Nightstalker.
“Her brain activity has increased. She is having a vivid dream, likely a nightmare. I will try to calm her down.” said Nightstalker. Over the course of a minute, her movement calmed down and breathing slowed to normal.
“She’s still suffering a nightmare, but she won’t hurt herself in her sleep,’’ Informed Nightstalker.
“Thank you, Nightstalker, for taking care of my daughter, and I’m sorry for earlier,” thanked Jon.
Nightstalker shook its head. “No need to apologize. You reacted as any parent would. I am going to assimilate back into your daughter and completely focus on healing her now.” With that Nightstalker oozed back into the clone’s body.
“Fascinating,” whispered Catherine, placing a hand under her chin. Nightstalker’s abilities were outstanding. With the proper lab equipment and funding, the things that could be learned from it would be quite beneficial to multiple fields of study! Catherine stared at the unconscious clone then at her worried parents. First, she needed to figure out how to get the Spencers to safety from those who were after their daughter and certain powers in ONI. Catherine excused herself exiting the living room going outside to record the aftermath of the clone’s slaughter for her superiors and research material.
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