《Halo:Nightstalker》Chapter 2: Doctor visit
Chapter 2: Doctor visit
Year: 05/19/2525
Planet: Sargasso
Location: Life Foundation Research facility a few miles from Fairfields
Ronald Reece took a swig from his shot of bourbon from behind his desk, then leaned forward with his face in his hands. One of the symbiotes from last night’s shipment had escaped due to ‘faulty equipment’. To make matters worse,l, someone had decided to become its host and played the part of a superhero! Worst of all, Ronald had to report all of what happened to Mr. Drake. He shivered from head to toe.
“Sentry, connect me to Mr. Drake,” commanded Ronald. A cold sweat forming on his brow.
“Yes, Director, setting encryptions and direct link now,” answered a digitized voice.
The projector lit up, and Mr.Drake stood in the middle of the office with a smile that set Ronald on edge. He had seen that type of smile before, and it usually came before an uncomfortable talk.
“Director, I have been expecting you,” he greeted.
Ronald took an audible gulp. “You… you have?” Carlton Drake nodded.
“Yes, you see, I had an interesting news report forwarded to me.”At that moment, a holographic screen appeared next to Drake playing a news clip from Sargasso's local news. The news clip was showing the symbiote’s host rescuing some hostages. Drake let it play for a few minutes before he paused the clip and looked at Ronald. “Mind explaining what we just saw?”
Ronald's hands shook violently, knocking the shot glass off his desk.
“There…. There was an incident last night,” Ronald paused for a moment taking a deep breath. “One of the symbiotes escaped.” Carlton Drake's smile disappeared as he narrowed his eyes. Ronald instantly got up, tipping his chair over.
“Mr. Drake, you have to understand. There were only so many precautions we could take while maintaining subtlety. If we took any more precautions, it would have drawn suspicion! But don’t worry, I will send a retrieval team supported by Juri-” Carlton raised a hand, and Ronald instantly closed his mouth.
“Director, don’t worry, I am not mad. In fact, I view this as an opportunity.”
Ronald raised an eyebrow. “Opportunity, Mr. Drake?”
Carlton nodded, then pointed at the video screen.
“What I see here is a chance to study how well symbiosis can be achieved in a less-” Carlton twisted his wrist. “-restrictive environment. Also, I find the host’s and symbiote’s actions interesting.” He adjusted the cuff on his suit.
“Besides, we have more important things to worry about. Keep an eye on them, and figure out who the host is for eventual retrieval. I leave the time of retrieval up to you,” he ordered.
Ronald nodded his head.
“Ye-Yes, sir, Anything else?”
“Yes, when retrieval happens, do tell Juri to try to not make a mess,” he said before the hologram disappeared.Ronald took a napkin out of his coat and wiped his forehead.
“Sentry, send orders out to science and retrieval teams. I want them to keep reports on this ‘Nightstalker’ and be ready for retrieval on my signal. Finally, send word to our agents to investigate who the host is.``
“Orders sent, Mr. Reece.”
Ronald nodded as his knees crumbled under his weight. His shaky fingers grabbed the bottle of bourbon. He Took a long swig of the burning liquid. It was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted.
Year: 05/19/2525
Planet: Sargasso
Location: City of Fairfield, Spencer's Estate
Amaranth stood up, completely frozen, doing nothing but quietly breathing as she stared at Daisy’s mother, who strolled towards her. Amaranth thought of faking a collapse, but she knew it would be fruitless as her mother had seen her doing it way too many times to be fooled by that act. She broke out of her stupor and moved towards Daisy’s mother.
“Mom-” Amaranth stopped in her tracks as she saw her face morph into disbelief and joy. She stepped forward, her shaking legs threatening to give out. After a few moments, Daisy’s mother finally reached for her and bent down to her eye level.
“You’re standing,” she croaked, disbelief and happiness evident in her voice. “You’re walking… The doctors said… You couldn’t… They said…” Tears streamed down her face as she continued to speak.
“That you will never stand or even walk without a cane. Yet, here you are standing strong, no shaking or signs of you falling. My baby, standing here strong and without support-” she then pulled Amaranth in for a hug, her grip tightening by the second. “I prayed every day for your recovery or for something to happen. I watched you becoming sicker and sicker for so long… I feared that I would lose my only child.” She whispered the last part. Daisy’s mother released Amaranth from the crushing hug, staring her in the eyes.
“How did this happen?”
Amaranth paused; she had to think of something. What reasoning could she think of to explain her sudden recovery? ‘Nightstalker, a little help!’
‘I don’t know! I told you it wasn’t a good idea.’
‘Wait, I got it!’
Daisy’s mother stared at her worriedly. “Daisy? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine… I just had the urge to stand up, and I did. When I saw I was standing without my legs hurting, I walked to the TV. I… I guess it's a miracle.” she squeaked the last part out. She wasn’t exactly lying. It was technically correct, the miracle came in the form of a blob of slime. Daisy’s mother brought Amaranth in for another crushing hug.
“You’re right, this is a miracle!” She cried, letting Amaranth go before standing up straight and wiping the tears from her eyes. “Stay here, I’m going to call your father and tell him the news.” Without another word, she ran out of the kitchen with a joyous beat to her steps.
“She is so happy,” Amaranth breathed. She stared at the entryway where Daisy’s mother had disappeared. She knew that her worsening condition had affected Daisy’s parents profoundly, and that they would be ecstatic by her recovery. But to actually see Daisy’s mother's reaction made her heart clench painfully. It was a reminder of how much love they had for Daisy and what she had stolen from her.
‘Amaranth, are you okay,’
Amaranth felt something slide down her cheeks; she wiped her face and felt tears.
“No, Nightstalker, I’m not okay. Far from it,” she said quietly.
‘Amaranth, I know you are going through a myriad of emotions, but this will bring attention to us. We must be on guard just in case we get the unwanted kind.’
Amaranth eyes widened. It was right, she had screwed up. And now Daisy’s family was very likely in danger. She couldn’t allow any harm to come to them; they had suffered enough. Amaranth clenched her fists. ‘Nightstalker, we are going to train as soon as we get the chance.’
Nightstalker chuckled. ‘I already have a training plan in place and ready to go.’
‘Good.And Nightstalker...’
‘Don’t go easy on me,’
Amaranth felt Nightstalker’s amusement ‘Don’t worry, I never planned to.’
Daisy’s mom called Daisy’s father. To say he was ecstatic was an understatement. Mrs. Spencer sent a video of Amaranth standing and moving. The minute he saw the footage he hung up the phone. In less than an hour, the sound of a car screeching to a halt was heard coming from outside the house. The front door flew open and Jon Spencer came through, sweating heading straight towards the living room and stopped the second he laid eyes on the standing Amaranth. His mouth hung agape for a full minute before he burst into joyous laughter. He rushed towards Amaranth, picked her up from under her armpits, and twirled her around like he used to when she was six.
“I can’t believe you're standing! Standing and looking so healthy!” he cried, tears flowing down his cheeks.
“Dad, can you put me down! I think I’m going to be sick.” Amaranth felt her breakfast on the verge of making a fast track towards her throat. Daisy’s father put Amaranth down with a sheepish look on his face.
“I’m sorry, my little flower, but look at you. You’re standing and walking!” He calmed down and continued to speak. “Get ready, we are going to the doctor’s office.”
Amaranth choked. “Doctor’s office?”
Mrs. Spencer stepped forward. “Jon, our daughter, after being sick for so long, is standing strong and healthy! Can’t we just accept this miracle?” Mr. Spencer rubbed the bridge of his nose.
“Honey, I understand, I really do, but we have to be realistic. Our daughter just did something that the doctors said would be impossible,” Daisy’s father went to Amy, “I just want to make sure that our daughter is alright and find out how this was possible. Maybe we can use what we learn to help others with similar conditions.”Amy wiped the tears from her face and nodded.
“Ok, I just don’t want this to be a false hope.” She looked down and more tears streamed down her face and hit the floor.
Jon used his index finger to lift Amy’s face from under her chin. “I know, but this feels too good to be true. We need to be sure.”Amy forced a smile and turned her attention towards Amaranth. “Daisy, Sweetie, let's go.”
“Yes, Mom,” Amaranth answered as she followed her parents to the car. Along the way, she tried her best to calm her rapidly beating heart.
Thirty minutes into the drive, no one dared speak. Daisy’s father rhythmically tapped his index finger on the steering wheel as Daisy’s mother silently prayed. Amaranth rubbed her hands together, watching the passing buildings and vehicles. Their preoccupation with the revelation of the morning captured their full attention.
‘You’re going to rub your hands raw if you keep doing that.’
Amaranth’s hand rubbing intensified. “How can you be so calm!?! The doctors could find out about you if they look hard enough. And if they find out your captors will likely will, and possibly the people who took Daisy, it will put us all in danger! They will be really interested in the fact that a clone destined to die is as healthy as a-”
Suddenly, Amaranth's hands stopped rubbing, and her arms lowered to her side, unable to move any further. ‘Nightstalker, what are you doing! What if they notice?!’
‘I am trying to talk some sense into you, and calm you down. Look, I know you’re scared, but turning yourself into a nervous wreck won’t do you any good. I know how to hide, so the doctors won’t find anything. And I won’t let anything happen to you or your family. I made a promise and I intend to keep it.’ it said, its voice affectionate but stern.
‘You’re right, I’m sorry. It’s just hard to remain calm. I screwed up, and now I might have inadvertently put everyone in danger.’
‘Hold on, let me try something.’
Amaranth regained control of her arms and she flexed her finger and bent her elbows as the feeling of control came back. Suddenly her body felt different. Her heart rate slowed down considerably, her muscles relaxed, and her breathing normalized. ‘Nightstalker, What did you do?’ she asked as the calming sensation spread throughout the rest of her body.
‘I can manipulate the chemical functions in my hosts. Right now, I am using this ability to calm you down.’
Amaranth raised an eyebrow. ‘Wait, so you can just play around with my hormones?’
‘Don’t worry, I know what I’m doing, and this is the only time I will do something like this without your permission.’
Amaranth laid her head back and let out a deep breath. ‘No need to be so defensive. I trust you.’ Amaranth closed her eyes, slowly drifting into sleep. ‘Nightstalker,’
Nightstalker chuckled in response. ‘No problem, now try to get some rest. It will make you feel better.’
(Sometime later… )
Amaranth suddenly felt the car stop. Opening her eyes and looking out the window, she saw that they had arrived at the entrance of the Fairfields Emergency Hospital. It was an eight-story white building. Designed by a famous artistits rounded design and lack of edges helped to put patients at ease. To assist in this, it was routinely cleaned from roof to base of any grime and repainted to maintain its clean appearance. Due to her condition, she needed to take a series of tests- blood work and MRI scans- every few months that can only be done here.
“Come on, Dr. Rashid is waiting.” Jon said hurriedly. He, along with Amy, quickly hopped out of the car. Jon went around to Amaranth’s side and opened the side door. Amaranth stepped out, and she was greeted by a male doctor followed by a couple of nurses. Dr. Rashid, the family doctor, was a tall, well-built man with a dark complexion and a shiny bald head. He was wearing grayish-blue scrubs under a white doctor's coat. He rushed over to the car with a nurse in tow, pushing a wheelchair. Rashid stopped in front of them and blinked a couple of times.
“I… I can’t believe it. When you told me that your daughter was… This shouldn’t be possible.” he stepped to the side, clearing the way for the nurse and the bane of Amaranth's. “Come, we must perform some tests; get her in the wheelchair-”
Dr. Rashid blinked, staring at Amaranth. “Excuse me, I am sorry, but its hospital-”
“I said NO! I spent eight years in a wheelchair, and for the first time in years I can walk and move without assistance. So, excuse me, but I will not be put back into a damn wheelchair!”
“DAISY!” Amy gasped. “Language!”
Amaranth suddenly felt sheepish and looked down in embarrassment. She had let her temper get the best of her, but she had meant what she said. She was never getting back into a damn wheelchair. Never!
“Sorry,” she mumbled.Jon let out a hearty laugh that came from deep within his chest.
“Considering the situation she was in before, I understand her sentiment.” he gave Amy a knowing look. “You know, her temper flash there reminded me of you, back when we were younger. Back when you were going through that pha-”
“We’ve been holding up the doctor long enough, let's go see if our daughter is alright.” Amy said a little too quickly while she gave Jon a glare that screamed ‘shut up or die.’
Jon immediately shut up with a smirk and a bead of sweat sliding down his face. Rashid nodded towards Amaranth.
“Yes, I am sorry Daisy. I should have taken your feelings into account,” he apologized. The doctor nodded towards the nurse, who in turn took the wheelchair back into the hospital.
“Now, we must hurry. We need to get to the bottom of your daughter's miraculous recovery. It should have been downright impossible! What we learn could change everything!” he repeated himself. Without further delay, the Spencer family followed Rashid into the hospital. They passed through the automatic doors that lead to the lobby. After checking in with the security at the receptionist's desk, they walked down the hall, their footsteps mixing with the others. Amaranth could hear doctors talking to little kids bored out of their minds and something being announced over the speakers.
They also passed by patients, including the really sick ones.
Amaranth kept her head down, trying not to look as they passed by rooms. She didn’t want to look, but a few times she would subconsciously lift her head up. The different patients were attached to some sort of life support. Rebreathers,heart monitors, and other medical machines reminded her of the time before she had met Nightstalker. What would her life be if she had never met it? She could’ve just as easily been the one attached to those machines. They kept walking until they reached an elevator. Rashid pressed the 3rd-floor button. Amaranth felt the elevator go up and, after a few seconds, stop with a ‘ding.’ The group stepped off the elevator and followed the doctor to the receptionist's desk by the double doors with a sign that read ‘Diagnostic and Intervention imaging Center.’
Amaranth looked at the door; she had been here many times throughout the years. She remembered being so scared of getting her first MRI. Still, Daisy’s father and mother had stood by her throughout the entire thing, giving her emotional support. Amaranth smiled warmly at the memory but then frowned, remembering who she had stolen that from. She felt Nightstalker trying to comfort her, and gave a small smile.
Amy and Jon went to the desk and the receptionist gave them a stack of paperwork to fill out. Amy stopped writing and turned towards Amaranth. “Daisy, sweetie, this may take a while; go sit in the waiting area for a few minutes.”
“Okay, Mom,” she said before heading towards the waiting area. It was a simple setup, some chairs surrounding a table with magazines of various topics stacked on top. There was a holo-tv in the corner showing a recruitment ad for the UNSC Marine Corps. After a moment it switched to the news talking about the cancellation of all travel to Harvest followed by a story on an insurrectionist movement on some far off colony.
Amaranth sat down, and tried to get herself comfortable. She looked through the magazines buthe majority of them didn’t catch her interest.They were either extraordinarily outdated or not for her demographic. It wasn’t until Nightstalker pointed out a magazine that her interest piqued.
‘Amaranth, to your right; I think we should read that one.’
Amaranth looked and saw the magazine in question. It was a fitness magazine and on the cover there were two people. A man who looked as tall as Daisy’s dad, but more ripped, and a woman who was just as muscular were doing poses and- according to the magazine’s cover- were former elite CrossFit champions. The woman had bigger muscles than the average woman, her physique reminding Amaranth of Daisy. Amaranth didn’t know much about fitness, but she knew that it took years of hard work and intense training to get to that point. And they were adults, so the question was what kind of hell did they put her through to get to that point?
‘Amaranth, focus, we need to strengthen ourselves first, then we can move to bigger things.’
Nightstalker was right, she needed to focus. She opened the magazine and began reading, taking mental notes of different exercise routines, diets, supplements (Nightstalker insisted she wouldn’t need those), and tidbits that they both found useful. She kept reading until she heard Daisy’s dad call her.
“Daisy, the doctor’s ready- What are you reading?”Amaranth lifted her head, closing the magazine. Her dad was looking at her perplexed.
“Just a fitness magazine. I was given a new lease on life, and I don’t want to waste this chance. I don’t want to be weak ever again.”Daisy’s father stared at her, his eyes full of sadness and understanding.
“I understand, and I’m proud that you’re willing to improve yourself.” A smile spread across his lips. “If everything turns out great, we can go to the gym together. Some good ole father-daughter time.” He let out a hearty laugh.
“We just have to convince your mother; she worries more than me. Now come on, the doctor’s ready. Now follow me.”
Amaranth got up from her chair and placed the magazine back. She followed Jon to the receptionist's desk, where the others were waiting. The receptionist handed her wristband.
“Please, put this on. All patients are required to have one at all times.” explained the receptionist.
Amaranth took the wristband- it contained her primary information such as her name, birthdate (or what they thought her birthday was), etc- and put it on. The double doors automatically opened and the group went in. After some walking they went into an unoccupied room that Amaranth had visited many times throughout the years. It was the standard doctor’s office with the usual items. The only thing different from the standard office was that in front of the examination table was a curtain for privacy when she changed.
Dr. Rashid, who was now carrying a datapad, a nurse following behind him closing the door.
“Now, Daisy, please take a seat on the table.”
Amaranth did as she was told and sat onto the table with Daisy’s parents standing by her. Dr. Rashid pulled up a chair and sat down, shaking his head as he looked at his datapad.
“Before I go on through the usual routine I must emphasise that your daughter’s recovery should not be possible in any shape or form! Its mind boggling! ” he said in further disbelief.
“It's a miracle, Doctor, there is no other way to put it. I’m just glad my baby girl is healthy.” responded Amy.
“I understand you want this to be true, Mrs. Spencer, but we have to do every possible examination and test just to be safe.” he lifted up his datapad. “On a personal note, I’m not a religious man, but if your daughter really is this healthy, then I wouldn’t hesitate to call this a miracle either. If we can find out the cause, it can help so many like her. Now, before we can do the MRI, I have to ask some questions.”
For the next few minutes, Dr. Rashid posed the standard questions about Amaranth’s medical history, such as if she had had any surgeries in the past, any with metal implants, changes in diet, etc. She was then weighed, had her temperature taken, and had her heart rate and blood pressure checked. During that time Amaranth- despite Nightstalker’s reassurance- was nervous, fearing that they would find something that would hint at its existence. Rashid entered all of the information into his datapad as she answered.
“Well- besides your miraculous surge in vitality- you’re by all accounts healthy as a horse, which is a lot better than the results from your last check-up. Though you seemed to have gained some weight. Still have that huge sweet tooth, eh, Daisy?” he joked.
Amaranth let out a tense laugh. “Yeah, I have been eating a lot of chocolate as of late,” she said with a crooked smile.Rashid shrugged and typed something in his datapad. At that moment, the door opened and a male nurse came in with a tray in his hands. A syringe wrapped in plastic was laying on it, together with an alcohol bottle, towels, a tourniquet, a vial, a needle wrapped in plastic, and other items. Rashid put the tablet to the side and got up to wash his hands in the sink.
“Alright, Daisy, now I am going to draw some blood to send to the lab for tests. You know the usual, so hold out your arm.”
Amaranth hesitated, what if instead of drawing red blood they ended up drawing a piece of Nightstalker by accident? Amaranth imagined the look of surprise when instead of blood, the syringe would fill up with a mixture of blood, and a blue and black tar substance.
‘Don’t worry, let them take some blood.’
Amaranth let out a deep breath and stuck out her left arm, watching Rashid’s every movement like a hawk. Rashid dried his hands, and put on some gloves. He sat in front of Amaranth and proceeded to prepare her for blood withdrawal. The doctor unwrapped and assembled the needle.
“Alright, just clenched your fist and hold still. You will feel a little pinch.”
Amaranth clenched her fist and felt the needle pierce her skin. Her heart beating a mile a minute. Dr. Rashid slowly drew blood, and to Amaranth’s relief, it was red. After a few seconds he was done. He immediately released the tourniquet and grabbed a small piece of gauze from the tray. Rashid slowly removed the needle from her arm while at the same time covering the hole with the gauze, pressing down. He then removed the needle from the syringe disposing the needle into a biohazard container and transferred the blood into the vial using a transfer device.
Rashid turned his attention to the nurse.“Make sure to take the blood sample to the lab.”
‘See, that wasn’t so bad.’
Amaranth chuckled. ‘Alright, you were right. Happy? Maybe I was overexaggerating.’
The nurse gave a ‘Yes, Doctor.’ and put the vial into a bag with a biohazard symbol before walking out of the room. Rashid turned his attention back to the Spencers.
“Dr. Adjei, will be taking care of your daughter’s MRI today,” he got up and went to a drawer in the corner of the room. He opened it and pulled out a hospital gown, slip-resistant socks, and a plastic bag. “Daisy, you will need to put these on and make sure there is no metal on yourself.”
“Alright,” answered Amaranth.
“Thank you, Doctor,” said Jon.Rashid smiled warmly.
“You’re welcome. Alright, now, I have some paperwork to take care of. I will join you shortly.” He went to the door, but before going out, he turned back towards the Spencers. “Mr. and Mrs. Spencer, I hope that everything turns out alright,” he said before leaving.
Amy looked at Amaranth. “Alright, sweetie, let's get you changed.” she then turned towards her husband. “Jon, give us girls some privacy.”
“Um, Mom, I… want to dress by myself, please,” added Amaranth.
“You sure, sweetie?”
Jon placed a comforting hand on Amy’s shoulder. “Now, Amy, let Daisy enjoy her newfound independence.”
Amy nodded, and reluctantly closed the curtain around the examination table. Amaranth quickly took off her clothes and changed into the hospital gown and socks provided. She placed her clothes and belongings into the bag and opened the curtains. At that moment, a knock then a voice came from the door.
“May I come in?” asked the voice.
After getting the okay, A slightly portly middle- age man entered “Hello, I am Dr. Adjei.” He shook both Amy’s and Jon’s hands. “Nice to meet you. I will be performing your daughter’s MRI scan today.” he opened the door. “Now, if you follow me, we can get started.”
They followed Dr. Adjei until they arrived at a set of double doors with a sign that read ‘MRI.’ Dr. Adjei opened the doors and urged them to come in. Inside was a small room with lockers, a metal detector, and another set of doors on the other end. “Before we go to the MRI room, I must make sure all metal is removed off your person.” he walked over to a locker and opened it, taking out a plastic bin. “Please place all metal items in the bin then walk through the detector.”
The Spencers did as they were told, and walked through the detector one by one; first Jon, then Amy, and lastly Amaranth. Dr. Adeji then pulled out a detector wand and waved it across the three. After confirming that there was no metal on any of them, he gestured towards the lockers while presenting a keycard. “Please, place all valuables in this locker. Once the scan is done, we will return them back to you.”
Jon took the key card, and the family placed their belongings in the locker before locking it. They then followed Dr. Adeji through the door. Inside was the control station with holographic screens and keyboards for different data machines lining the walls. Behind the monitors were glass windows, and standing in front of them was a woman in gray scrubs. Facing her was a holographic 3d image of a snake wrapped around a staff likely the hospital's AI. On the other side of the glass was a gray and tan cylindrical machine with a massive ring around it. Rashid pointed at the device. “We will start with the MRI. Daisy, please follow me,” he instructed and walked the door that led to the MRI room. “Daisy, would you like one of your parents to accompany you?”
Amaranth shook her head. “No, sir, I will be alright.”
“You sure, my little flower?,” said Jon worriedly.
“Don’t worry, Dad, I’ll be alright. It just an MRI, nothing will happen. I’m a big girl.” Amaranth said with a smile. Jon smiled then let out a chuckle.
“No matter how much you grow, you will always be my little girl,” he said.
Amaranth's smile fell just a little. She wasn’t his little girl. His little girl was long gone, replaced by a fake.
‘The doctor is waiting.’
Amaranth followed Dr. Adeji into the MRI room. It was spacious and very spartan, with the MRI machine in the middle and nothing else. Amaranth laid onto the bed in front of the MRI machine. With the hum of the machinery, the bed slowly retracted into the tube-shaped machine.
“Alright, Amaranth, just relax and try to stay still. This will be over before you know it. In fact, this is a new model and scans faster than before.” assured Dr. Adeji through a speaker system.
“Caduceus, start scanning.”
“Scan will start shortly,” said a digitized male voice.
Amaranth cocked an eyebrow. “Really? What makes this model so different?”
“Well, it uses sound waves along-”
At that moment, Amaranth let out a blood-curdling scream her body seizing and convulsing as pain surge throughout her body. She could feel it; she could feel Nightstalker’s agony! It was just like- No, worse than at the nightclub. It was like a migraine spread across her body times ten.
“Turn it off! Let me out! Turn it off!” she screamed and begged as tears ran down her face, her arms and legs flailing wildly. She could hear yelling coming from outside the machine. Immediately, the pain stopped. A pair of strong hands grabbed her feet and yanked her out of the machine. Amaranth panted in a cold sweat as she was lifted up to seea worried Dr. Adeji and Jon. Amy stood crying in horror behind them.. Amy pushed- with a surprising strength- Jon and the doctor aside.She hugged Amaranth, sobbing on her shoulder.
“Oh, my baby!” she lifted her head from Amaranth’s shoulder and studied her over. “Are you okay!? You screamed like the devil himself had entered your body.”
Jon looked at Dr. Adeji, breathing hard. “Doctor, What the hell happened?” he demanded, straightening himself up entering the Doctor’s personal space.
Dr. Adeji lifted his hands. “Mr. Spencer, we do this procedure over a hundred times a week. We have never had a reaction like this, but it is very likely she had a panic attack."
“Yeah, that’s it!” Amaranth said, wiping tears off her face. “I had a panic attack!” This explanation avoided any further uncomfortable questions. Jon and Amy looked at Amaranth like she grew a second head.
“Daisy, are you sure you’re okay? That didn’t sound like a panic attack to me. It sounded like-” Amy choked on her words. “You were in pain.”
“Mom,” Amaranth started slowly feeling a lump in her throat, touched at how much she cared. “I’m alright, really. The idea that they might find something just got to me is all. It suddenly felt like the walls were closing in.".”
“Are you sure?” asked Jon.Amaranth nodded her head.
“Yes, I am,” she reaffirmed. Jon and Amy didn’t seem convinced, but they thankfully let it go.
“Alright, Daisy, if you say so,” said Jon.Dr. Adeji coughed into his hand.
“I believe that's enough tests for today. If you three could follow me, I need you two to fill out some paperwork.”
“Um, Mom, Dad, can I go for a walk? I just… want to clear my head,” Amaranth stammered.
“Are you sure? Maybe you should rest.” suggested Amy.
“Honey, I think a walk would do her some good. If the doctor allows it.” said Jon.
After getting confirmation from Dr. Adeji that Amaranth was physically alright; she was given the okay and reminded to keep her chatter on her. Adeji escorted her to the locker and got her things, then she was taken to the bathroom next door. After changing back into her clothes, she went to the elevator and headed down. The elevator trip down Nightstalker and Amaranth the time to process what happened.
“Well, that was painful,” she said, rubbing her head.
Nightstalker scoffed. ‘Humph, you’re telling me. Next time, we must double-check to see if any device you enter uses sound. Don’t want a repeat.’
Amaranth chuckled. “Agreed.”
At that moment, the elevator bell dinged, and a digitized female voice said. “1st floor. Please, watch your step.” The conjoined two got off the elevator. They walked down the hall, accompanied by the sound of beeping medical equipment, and the smell of sanitized air. Amaranth walked quicklyto avoid the rooms of the sick patients, bumping into nurses, doctors, and medical equipment. She suddenly stopped. A woman about Amy’s age with brown hair wearing sandals and a sundress rushed out of the room followed a doctor. She looked like she was on the verge of crying.
Curiosity got the best of Amaranth, and despite Nightstalker's, discouragement, she looked into the room. It was a standard room by the numbers. playing on the TV. But, what disturbed her was the person in the bed. A sickly pale boy about her age connected to many different machiners. The scene sent a chill down Amaranth’s spine. The boy noticed her and struggled to lift up his head slightly. He spoke to her, breaking her out of her trance.
“Hello... Are … You lost? If… you… want … you can... come inn. I… don’t mind... visitors,” he said. Every word sounded like a struggle.
She didn't know why, but Amaranth went to his bedside and got a good look at him. She immediately regretted it. The boy was pitiable: he had chestnut brown hair that was probably at one point vibrant and full, but now thin and lanky. His brown eyes were dim. They were barely holding on to life. His face was boney like his body couldn’t retain any weight. He wore a breathing mask on his face that made every breath audible thanks to the air pump. Wires attached to his chest and right index finger connected to a heart rate monitor on his right. There was something familiar about him. like she knew him.The boy smiled weakly.
“Thank... You, I… don’t get ...manyisitors… my age….” he wheezed. The boy took a ragged breath before continuing. “Not… since… My… condition... got worse. My name… Is… Joseph.”Joseph. Amaranth knew she had heard that name before. “My name... My name is Daisy,” she said.Joseph smiled, but it wasn’t a delighted one. There was sadness behind it. He was trying to put on a strong front.
“Nice… to… meet you... Daisy.” He tilted his head slightly. “Daisy… you … seem familiar … I ...believe I... heard that name… before. Have… We… met?”
“No, I don’t think so,” she answered.Joseph laid his head back and looked at the ceiling as if contemplating something.He took a few labored breaths before continuing the conversation. “You… know, when…. I… was… little… I wanted… to be an ODST… like my uncle. Before... My…Condition… worsen…”
Daisy stared at Joseph, perplexed.
“Why are you telling me this? A total stranger.”
Joseph did the closest thing he could to a shrug. “I… don’t… know. I… just… feel… like… I… could… Trust… And…. talk… to…You,” he answered.
‘Amaranth, touch his hand.’
‘What, why?’
‘Touch his hand. I want to see something.’
“Can I hold your hand?” asked Amaranth.
Joseph looked at her for a moment, then nodded. Amaranth held his left hand. It felt so light and fragile, like it was made of glass and could break with the slightest touch. Amaranth felt Nightstalker extend a tiny tendril out of her palms just small enough that none could see. Unless she moved her hands.Joseph smiled and gave a weak chuckle that broke Amaranth's heart.
“You know… this… is the … first… time… a girl… has touched… my hand that… isn't my mom… since we cam… here… a … few weeks....back… And she… is pretty too…,” he said listlessly.Amaranth blushed. She felt the tendrils retract back into her hands.
‘Amaranth, if you want, you can stop.’
Amaranth did as she was told and set his hand down like it was a glass figurine.
‘What was that about?’ she asked, trying to forget Joseph's compliment.
‘Amaranth, he is like you.’
‘Wha… What?’
‘He is a clone.’
Amaranth stared at Joseph. It made sense. The familiarity, his condition, and the fact he seemed to recognize her from somewhere. It would make sense that there would be more than one kidnapping and more than one replacement. But, she had to make sure.
“Joseph, can I ask you something?”
Joseph nodded weakly, so Amaranth continued. “When did your condition worsen and did anything happen before that?”
“When… I… was… Six. After… I… went… missing. Well... that’s… what… my…. Mom… said.”
That was all the confirmation she needed. Joseph was a clone just like her. Then came another chilling thought. This could've - No, it would’ve been her if she had never met Nightstalker; bound to a bed depending on machines for survival.
“You… know… I always… had…. These… Dreams…” he said, breaking Amaranth out of her thoughts.
Joseph let in a few weak breaths that reverberated in his breathing mask. He was clearly suffering, and a wave of empathy surged through Amaranth. “You don’t have to-”
“I… sometimes have… dreams… where… I’m… healthy. Where… I… could… do… things… that I… haven't been… able to do… since… I… was…little.`` Joseph went into a coughing fit. Tears started to stream down his face, and he looked at her straight in the eye. He reached for a small spiral notebook that laid on his bed, but it was too far for his fingertips. Amaranth took the notebook and handed it to Joseph. Joseph took the pen out of the notebook’s plastic spiral and opened the book then began to write. After a couple of minutes he stopped writing and with shakey hands handed Amaranth the notebook turned to the page he wrote on. Amaranth read his message. “My mom says I will get better, but I know. I don’t havelong. Daisy, I don’t want to die. When I die Mom will be devastated. Even with my aunt’s support. She already lost Dad… and I know she can’t bear to lose me. And there are so many things I want to do.”
Amaranth couldn’t take it anymore.
‘Nightstalker, please, can you help him in any way, please!?’ Amaranth begged distraughtly. ‘Something! Anything!’
‘Amaranth,’ it started softly.
‘Please!’ Tears flowed down Amaranth's face for the boy she wanted to save so badly. The boy whose pain she understood so well. ‘Nightstalker, please.’
‘There’s nothing I can do. I’m still fixing you and if… If I separate from you now... You likely will die.’
Amaranth hands clenched and shook. “Damn it!” she said softly.
“Excuse me, but who are you?” said a voice.
Amaranth turned around and saw the woman from earlier, her eyes were red and puffy like she had been crying.
“Hi, Mom... this… Is… Daisy… I... invited… her… in.”
Amaranth quickly wiped her face and tried to hide the crack in her voice. “I’m sorry, I saw you run out and looked inside-”
The woman interrupted her. “It's alright since you were invited in. My name is Martha. I am Joseph's mother. I’m glad my Joseph is talking to someone his age. His condition doesn’t allow for many social interactions.”
“Since you’re here, I will just leave you with-” suddenly the sound no one wantsed to hear echoed throughout the room: the sound a heart monitor flatlining.
“Oh god, Joseph! Joseph.” Martha ran to the side of his bed where a row of buttons were located and slammed one of them causing a loud noise similar to a fire alarm. At that moment, doctors and nurses flooded the room with a crash cart to initiate CPR. Amaranth was pushed out into the hall and out of the medical staff’s way. She watched the whole thing: Martha crying and calling her son’s name as she was pushed to the wall and the medical staff doing chest compressions to restart Joseph's heart. Amaranth imagined herself in Joseph’s position, asher pare- Amy and Jon grieving by her bedside while doctors tried in vain to keep her alive. The thought was too much. She needed to get out. She needed air. Amaranth ran into the hall, tears flowing down her face in full force. She ran past confused patrons, through the lobby, and out the door. She continued across the street, narrowly missing being hit by a hog, and into the park across from the hospital. She kept running deeper and deeper into the park until she couldn’t anymore. She collapsed onto her knees and wept in the middle of a grassy clearing.
She was so selfish! All this time, she had been so concerned with saving Daisy, and her family, and being able to walk. She never considered that there were others like her, and other families like Daisy’s.
“How many, Nightstalker?!? How many clon- no people were created just to die?!?”
“How many families have to watch their sons, daughters, grandsons, and who knows what else die in front of them? There’s nothing they can do! How many parents had to work to the bone just so their kids could get the medicine, so they could live a little longer?! How many suffered?” she sobbed, breaking down even more. She banged her fist into the grass again and again until her knuckles were red with blood, and once she stopped, her skin knit itself back together.
“It's unfair! How many were like Joseph with hopes and dreams?! How many didn’t get a symbiote to heal them? Who would do this? Who would be so cruel?”
Amaranth heard the sound of thunder, she looked up and saw dark clouds covering the sky. The rain started to pelt her face. Heaven was crying with her. She felt Nightstalker ooze out of her head and shoulders. It covered her and formed into a midnight blue and black hoodie jacket to protect her from the rain.
‘Amaranth, listen, I know this impacts you in ways that almost no one can understand. Take your sadness, your righteous fury, and channel it. Turn it into energy not just for you, Daisy, and your family, but for all those who suffered.”
Amaranth got to her feet. A fire in her chest burned brighter than ever before.
“You’re right. I will find Daisy and the one responsible. I will find out how many there are, and make the one responsible pay. Not just for Daisy and her family, but all of them. They will get their justice.”
At that moment, a voice called out. “Daisy!”
Amaranth looked behind her and saw Jon wearing a raincoat coming towards her.
“There you are. You had me and your mother worried,” he said, running over to hug her. Amaranth sobbed into his coat.
“I’m sorry, Dad, it just-”
“Shhh, it's alright, we heard what happened,” he soothed and stroked her hair. “You did a good thing for that boy. His mother said he wanted to tell you ‘thank you.’She also wanted me to tell you thank you for talking to him in his last moments. ”
“It's unfair! why did he die and I lived? Why?” she sobbed into his chest.
“I don’t know, my little flower. I don’t know, But it’s important that you keep on living for him. You were given a new chance. Make the most of it for him.”
Amaranth nodded.When she stopped crying. the two made their way back to the hospital. With a fire burning in her heart, she knew what she had to do. For Joseph, Daisy, her family, and all those who suffered.
Year: 05/25/2525
Planet: Reach
Location: Reach FLEETCOM Military Complex, Castle Base offices, Omega wing
Dr. Catherine Halsey’s eyes narrowed as she looked at her datapad. She was in her office, which was very spartan due to the mobile nature of her job. The agent assigned to watch over the clone replacements , Jackboot, had sent her a report that quite frankly should have been downright impossible. The day after the retrieval of Spartan recruit Daisy-023. Her flesh clone replacement, who had months to live at best, was now suddenly healthy. According to Jackboot, she was walking around and even exercising. Catherine also noticed something else. Around the same time, three things happened: the clone’s suddenhealth, the mood swings Daisy experienced, and the appearance of the creature called Nightstalker.
“Nightstalker.” Catherine mused to herself. It had been the most talked about subject on waypoint among ONI and the Military brass. Those within the UEG had remained neutral and possibly uncaring.
“Daisy’s mood swings, the flesh clone’s health, and Nightstalker….” Catherine wasn’t one to make a judgment without evidence, but she was not blind. She saw a connection, and it needed to be investigated. Catherine took a sip from the cup of coffee on her desk and made a disgusted face; it was cold. She thought about sending an agent to investigate, but she decided against it. Not only they would likely mess it up, but this was her sin to bear. She had hurt this family, so she must be the one to make sure they would not suffer unnecessarily. She could spare a week or so between projects. Meanwhile, she needed to gather as much data as possible on this Nightstalker and to have Jackboot keep her updated.
“Deja,” she said.
A projector on her desk came to life and a Greek goddess appeared. She was barefoot, wrapped in a toga, and motes of light danced about her luminous white hair.
“Yes, Doctor,” said Deja in her glassy smooth voice.
“I need a ship ready in roughly four weeks. Inform Mendez I will be gone for a few days within that time, and send me a list of possible escorts.”
“Right away, is there anything else?”
Catherine looked down at the lone photo on her desk. In it she held a baby girl only a few months old.
“Yes, tell me how Miranda is doing.”
“She is currently sleeping peacefully in her crib. There are no disturbances or any reasons to be concerned.”
Catherine let a small smile come to her face. Being a mother and head of a top-secret military project wasn’t easy, especially when the child hadn’t been planned. She knew that she wasn’t going to be able to provide all the love and care that Miranda needed due to the demands of her position. If she could, Catherine would drop everything to entirely devote herself to raising her and Jacob’s daughter. Still, with Harvest’s sudden blackout, the Spartan project had become more important than anything else. As much as it pained her, she was going to have to send Miranda to live with her father once she was old enough. It was for the best; her father could provide all the attention, love, and care she needed, something she herself couldn’t offer. Plus, she didn’t deserve to be a mother, not after the pain she had caused.
“Thank you, Deja, make sure Jackboot keeps me up to date on the Spencer family and the clone. That is all.”
Once the projector deactivated, Catherine leaned back, and ran a hand through her black hair. “I’m going to need to dye my hair blond again, great.” She muttered before making preparations for her trip. Every couple of minutes she looked at the picture of her daughter. She needed to see her before she started her next project later that night.
Year: 05/25/2525
Planet: Sargasso
Location: Life Foundation Research facility a few miles from Fairfields
Ronald Reece rubbed what little hair he had left then tapped his hand impatiently on his desk. It has been almost three days since he had made his nerve-racking report to Mr. Drake and began the investigation. Ronald sat back in his chair, drinking a cold glass of water, in an attempt to relax. Sentry’s robotic voice interrupted his rare moment of calm.
“Director, Agent Bootstrap is making contact.”
Ronald instantly straightened his tie and a button-up shirt, trying to make himself appear dignified.
“Connect him,” he ordered
“Right away.”
A holographic screen appeared over his desk. It was blank with only the sound wave spectrum on display, with the agent’s codename on top.
“Report,” ordered Ronald.
A distorted voice came through the speakers.
“We may have a lead on the host of the missing symbiote.”
Ronald let out a relieved sigh. “Good, what do you have.”
“A couple of days ago, a terminally ill girl, 14 years of age, was suddenly healthy. She went from a wheelchair to walking about like it was nothing. And this was the day after Nightstalker’s appearance, ”Ronald raised an eyebrow in interest.
“Really?” He leaned forward, interlocking his hands. “Continue.”The voice chuckled.
“And here’s the kicker,” he paused for dramatic effect. “My sources tell me that on the day she ‘was miraculously healed,’ she received an MRI scan from a new model that uses soundwaves. The girl had a fit, screaming bloody murder. The miraculous healing combined with her little ‘panic attack’ are all signs of her being a host.”
Ronald hummed, lost in thought. While there was evidence that she was a host, he wanted to be absolutely sure that they had the right person before acting.
“Keep a close eye on the girl and her family. And keep an eye on Nightstalker, see if there are any patterns that could connect them. We need to be sure we have the right person before retrieval.”
“As you wish, boss. Anything else?”
“Eh, okay, getting back to work. Bootstrap out.”
Ronald let out a sigh. Though his slight unprofessionalism was grating at times, Bootstrap was good at getting information. Like Juri, he was given a bit of leeway. Ronald smirked to himself. Everything was looking up.As long as nothing unexpected happened, Mr. Drake was going to get his symbiote back. He dug into his coat’s pocket,took out a cigar, and lit it. Ronald took a few puffs then chuckled to himself.
“Things are definitely looking up,” he said before looking out the windows behind him. All was right in the world.
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