《Soul Anomaly》Vol 01 Ch11: Rejuvenate Yuichi


Chapter 11A: Rejuvenate Yuichi – I Trust You (Perspective: Alicia)

Sakura and I have teleported to the school. The special item I requested of my father had arrived almost immediately. I also got a personal call from him. Father was fully enraged from hearing what had happened to Yuichi. He was shouting 'how he would take vengeance'. It was really difficult to convince him to not come to the living world. He has only known him for a short time, but Father is already doting on Yuichi.

Yuichi is lying unconscious inside of the item that I had transported from the Underworld. The item in question is a special capsule that is designed to heal those who have taken damage to their souls. Yuichi took an attack from Muramasa-Masamune, hence his soul has taken great damage and needs to be healed.

Due to Yuichi's Human Anomaly soul, normal life threatening wounds will heal themselves fairly quickly. Therefore we only need to heal his soul, the rest can be left to his Human Anomaly nature.

"Sempai..." Sakura calls to Yuichi through the glass of the capsule. She must really be feeling responsible for what happened to Yuichi.

"Don't worry, he'll be fine." I reassure Sakura as I place my hand on her shoulder. Sakura turns her head to look at me, her eyes are still red from the tears. She gives me a light nod before returning her eyes to Yuichi.

I leave the room Yuichi is in. After closing the door, I lean my back against the wall, trying to take even a little of the weight off of my legs.

Yuichi's recovery is still under way and we can't move him until it's over. If the man who wields Muramasa-Masamune figures out that Yuichi is alive and attacks us, We'll be at a complete disadvantage.


Thinking about it from the danger perspective, I probably shouldn't have stopped my father from coming to the living world. But as he is the head of the Pandemonium family I can't just let him come here on a whim. Therefore, if something does happen, I can only take care of it myself.

"Onee-sama..." A voice I recognise calls out to me. Why is she here?

"Lilicia!?" I'm unable to hide my shock from seeing my little sister standing before me. "What are you doing here!?"

"I was worried about Nii-sama." Lilicia replies in a sad voice. I knew she took an instant liking to Yuichi, but I didn't expect her to come to the living world.

"Does Father and Mother know!?" I ask anxiously, she didn't just run away without a word did she?

"They know." Lilicia nods in confirmation.

Thank goodness, she has more common sense than what Father does.

"How is Nii-sama?" Lilicia asks in worry.

"The capsule is healing him as we speak. As long as nothing interferes, he'll be back to normal in no time." I reply with a confident smile.

Truth be told however, there isn't a 100% guarantee that Yuichi will recover. The wound to his soul is severe, even if it didn't kill him instantly. But I can't bring myself to tell Lilicia this.

"Alicia-san! Where is Sakura and Yuichi!?" A voice instantly questions me. I turn to its owner, Yuichi's best friend and Sakura's older brother, Ren Kirei. Running alongside him is Yuichi's little sister, Yuna, and his Anomaly turned pet, Wolfy.

"Onii-chan, how is he!?"

"Is Master okay!?"

Yuna, Ren and Wolfy look at me anxiously. I called the three of them here because of what happened. I'm hoping Ren and Yuna can cheer up Sakura. I called Wolfy here should an emergency situation arise with the Soul Slayer wielder. I didn't call Mizuno-san here because of the possibility of danger. If the wielder comes here I will have everyone here except Wolfy evacuate. However, Mizuno-san strikes me as one with a great deal of responsibility. In other words, I didn't call her here because I felt she would ignore an order to retreat should it come to it.


"He's fine, rest assured." I answer as calmly as I can.

"Um, Onee-sama. These people are?" Lilicia asks whilst motioning at Ren and Yuna.

"They're Yuichi's best friend, Ren Kirei, and little sister, Yuna." I introduce Lilicia to the two faces she doesn't know. "And this is my little sister, Lilicia. She came here because she was worried about Yuichi."

"I am Lilicia Pandemonium." Lilicia gives a quick curt introduction.

Ren and Yuna nod in acceptance.

"Can we see Onii-chan?" Yuna asks.

I open the door that holds Yuichi in the capsule. Sakura is still looking at Yuichi through the glass of the capsule.

"Sakura!" Ren calls to his little sister whilst running up to her.

"Nii-san." Sakura reacts to her brother's voice and turns to Ren. Tears are still flowing down her face. Ren wraps his arms around her.

"Wahhh~~" Sakura let all her emotions flow through her brothers embrace, "Nii-san, it's my fault...Sempai...He protected me...And...He..."

"It's okay, Sakura. Yuichi is as tenacious as a cockroach. He'll be on his feet and skirt chasing in no time." Ren's words hold much power within them. He even added a subtle insult in there. Well, not that I disagree with him.



Yuna and Wolfy are looking at Yuichi sleeping peacefully in the capsule. A smile then surfaces on to their faces.

"Yes, Onii-chan. Like Ren-sempai said. I know you will pull through this. Just like last time." Yuna states confidently.

"That's right. He would not be my master if he could not pull through something like this." Wolfy agrees with Yuna's words.

"Onee-sama, why can they be so confident?" Lilicia asks whilst pulling on my sleeve.

"It's trust." I reply.

It's not only them. I too trust that you will pull through Yuichi.

So don't betray your friend's trust.

Don't betray your family's trust.

And don't betray my trust.

Chapter 11B: Rejuvenate Yuichi – Uncleansed Impurity (Perspective: Vincent)

"How many is that!?" I ask myself rhetorically. I just purified yet another Soul Anomaly.

I purified that Human Anomaly. Yet the number of Soul Anomalies appearing hasn't decreased in frequency.

Is there another Human Anomaly in the area? No, Human Anomalies are extremely rare. I can't imagine two existing so close together.

So if it's not a separate Human Anomaly then...Is it the same one!?

Come to think of it, I didn't confirm whether it died. But I cannot imagine it surviving Muramasa-Masamune. But if it did!?

I will hunt it down!

It had two girls with it, Did they rescue it from the brink of purification?

I recall the girl who attacked me before. She was neither human nor Anomaly.

"A Reaper!" I shout upon realisation. She wielded a scythe and she seemed close to the Human Anomaly.

I have heard stories that sometimes Reapers will observe Human Anomalies.

It all makes sense now. What I must do is also obvious.

As a hero who protects the world from Anomalies.


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