《Bounty Cats》Book One: Chapter 17


“I am very grateful you brought me to Eye-Com Industries,” said Rei, sitting next to Luna inside the flying interceptor.

“Your welcome,” Luna replied, keeping her eyes on the air traffic. “Dr.Lo did my eyes too. I wouldn’t know him if it wasn’t for Fiona?”

“Dr. Lo and Fiona are friends?”

Luna grinned. "Kind of, but they don't see each other eye to eye a lot. Fiona was a bounty hunter three years ago. Unlike us, she was a human who got her mind transferred into a catgirl cloned body."

Rei's ears twitched. "A cloned body?"

Luna turned past a red hover truck. "A doctor found her and uploaded her mind into an artificial body donated for dying patients. Since nobody wanted to be a catgirl, Fiona got lucky."

"I didn't know people can upload their minds into cloned bodies."

"Only the rich can do that, and the process is perilous. Now, after Fiona got her new body, she took a bounty hunter job to survive like us. While hunting targets, she searched for the culprit who killed her."

"Who killed her? Did she catch him?"

Luna turned the car toward the center of the traffic. "Yup, it turned out the f**ker was her husband. After he married her, he murdered her to take over her company, Baymax Corp. When she found out the truth, you bet your ass she killed him. But she couldn’t return to her company. They do not allow Humanimals to work in higher positions. So she continued being a bounty hunter before she became a commissioner for the MCPD. That girl had a strong sense of justice."

"So Dr. Lo was the doctor who saved her life?" Rei asked.

Luna returned to the right lane. "No, a business rival thought he was uploading criminal minds into innocent people for profit. Fiona investigated him and learned he wasn't the culprit. After she got his rival off his back, Dr. Lo helped the police whenever she asks him. He only works on cybernetic eyes, but he is damn good at it."


"I can see that." Rei giggled.

"Fiona should have negotiated our catch now. Whoever he is working for, it will double our salary."

Rei smiled widely. "I can't wait!"

"It will make up how much I spent on your eyeballs. However….." Luna glared at her. "Next time you lose another eye or limb, I won't pay for your loss. I need to make a living too. Understand?"

Rei nodded.

Luna steered her flight control. "Now let's return to Fiona. She better have good news for us."


Rei and Fiona walked into the office as Fiona sipped her coffee behind her desk.

"Good, you're here." Fiona placed her coffee mug down.

Luna sat down in front of Fiona. "Please tell me you got something from the creep."

"Well, I got good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Rei shook her hand up. "Oh! Oh! The good news first! Bad news should always go last!"

"Calm down! This isn't kindergarten!" Luna whispered harshly.

Rei lowered her hand and sat down next to Luna. "Joesonghabnida."

Fiona sipped her coffee. "Okay, good news first. We managed to hack into his brain and extend the information about his client. After the interrogation, we sent him to the Black Tower Penitentiary."

“How can he teleport?” Rei asked.

“He has some kind of device implanted in his back. We don’t know what is it yet, but it is the most advanced tech we ever found.”

"Who is the client?" Luna asked.

Fiona frowned with her cat ears down. "That is the bad news. His client is Marco Carpio. AKA. Baby Shark."

“Oh? Baby Shark?” Rei clapped her hands. “I loved that song. My mom played it when I was little. Baby Shark! Doo doo doo doo doo doo! Baby Shark! Doo doo doo doo doo doo! Baby Shark! Doo doo doo doo doo doo! Baby-”


“Cut that out!” Luna snapped and glared at Fiona. “Are you serious?”

Fiona bit her lip. “Hacked memories never lie.”

“Who is Baby Shark?” Rei asked. “Is he a baby shark?”

“Baby Shark is his mafia nickname,” Fiona answered. “Marco Carpio is a strong concealed crime lord from Italy. After he became a Humanimal, he went underground in Moreau City, establishing his own organized crime.”

“Why did he called himself Baby Shark?”

“He’s a shark, but not a baby shark,” Luna answered.

Rei shrugged. “Gimyohan.”

“It’s obvious Baby Shark hired Gonzo to kill Mr.Edger,” said Rei. “Indeed, Mr. Edger is one of Marco’s competition. That is one thing he doesn’t like.”

“What kind of crimes Baby Shark did?” Rei asked.

Luna placed her feet up on Fiona’s desk. “Arms smuggling, cryptocurrency laundering, and murder. Lots and lots of murder.”

Rei bit her lip. “He sounds awful. Why can’t you arrest him after you heard he is here?”

Fiona rubbed her temple. “We can’t arrest Baby Shark. We have no evidence of his criminal activities, and his operations are far under our radar. He is completely untouchable.”

“What about Gonzo’s memories? They could be evidence.”

Fiona widened her eyes before her lips touched her cup. “You’re right! That will definitely put the bastard on ice!”

Luna slapped Rei’s back. “Way to go, kitty!”

Rei moaned and rubbed her back. “Ouch!”

Fiona finished her coffee and opened up her holo screen. She danced her fingers on her keypad. “I am setting up his bounty now. Since he killed many people, you may execute him for any option you want.”

Luna jumped up and shouted at the ceiling with her arms up. “Yesssssssssss! Now that is what I am talking about!”

Fiona crossed her arms. “However, we don’t know his location.”

Luna dropped her arms down. “Shit! Really?”

“Baby Shark runs his secret operation like a ghost. To find him, dive deeper into the underworld. I am sure your informant can help you.”

Luna laughed. “I’m sure Cheego knows where Baby Shark is at.”

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