《Tales of Mana》Chapter 5 (default length) + something
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Hi! So, yeah, this story is a tad darker than the first one. I wanted to try writing like this. But for now, it is time for our protagonists to leave the forest, and enter the new world! Yay! So, 1/10th of my readers want me to keep writing on the old story, will be done. However, this is probably going to be the last chapter.. holidays somewhere the internet does not reach are incoming, and they'll last 3 weeks. Once those 3 weeks are over, add in another week, and once that time has passed: chapter 6 of the new story+ new chapter for the old story.
Also, celebration time! My typing speed has quadrupled compared to how it was when I wrote the first chapter! There is still a lot of space for improvement thought.. maybe I'll get chapter 6 done before the holidays begin?
Question: Double chapter length or double release frequency? I think I can pull either of (but definitely not both) I used other novels to base my chapter length on, but since I technically could write chapters twice as long now..
I plan on adding more descriptions to my story (how the surroundings look, characters look) till now I avoided information I didn't deem relevant, let's see what doing otherwise results in..
Anyways, here is chapter 5:
Mana and Quintus had been walking trough the forest for quite some time now, and had recently crossed the river that went through the southern part of the forest. They were a strange sight to behold, an elf in tattered clothes accompanied by a floating stoneface.
“Hey, aren't you interested in how the world out there is like? A place no-one has been to for thousands of years!”
“You.. why are you so obsessed with that place? It may have been five-thousand years, but how much could have changed in that time?”
(yeah, time sure is relative.. for me, a hundred years is enough time to change the face of the world, forests could be turned into wasteland in this much time.. but for elves.. )
“The elves had to hide within this forest because the humans made a lot of technical progress no?”
“Wasn't it because they discovered runes? That's how I remember the stories the elders told me.”
Help: You are both correct. The events that led to the so called “holy war” or “purge” were the discovery of steel by humans, who were merely imitating the dwarwes who had discovered that alloy a long time ago, and the miraculous discovery of “magic runes”, not to be confused with the dwarwen runes, to enhance both their physical and magical defense and offense. Merging both produced so called “Rune armaments”, and once those were developed, the elves hid away in this forest using the very runes that had forced them to flee to create an impenetrable barrier. It is said that nine grand elders used all of their power to create it, however the person who developed this barrier remains an unknown savior. The elves blame the dwarwes for those events, since it was “their” steel that caused all of this.(So.. they discovered steel five-thousand years ago.. if they progressed similarly to the humans of my old world.. they are most likely further advanced than we were?)
Help: The motor of progress is “desire”. I wouldn't underestimated the impact the resource “mana” could have on it. Mankind would have no reason to develop technology to be able to do something if an incantation could achieve the same results. If there were a “heal” skill, why research medicine? Unless those possessing that skill are rare, or everyone able to use it asks a lot of money for it.. and even in that case, those very people would most likely try to prevent alternatives from being developed.(I see.. can you make an estimate?)
Help: I am unaware of the abilities humans possess in this world. It all depends on those. No, I am unable to make an estimation on the technology humans have developed.(Okay. Basically, the better they are at magic, the worse the technology will be.. talk about balance.. in case we encounter firearms, I give you full access to mana conversion.)
Help: Will do. Bullets and other projectiles will have their trajectory altered to avoid injury.Help has reached level 5(..nice timing. What changed?)
Help: I noticed a drastic increase in my processing abilities. No further changes have been noticed.Mana conversion has reached level 5(It's raining powerups! Great!.. so, what improved this time.. I see.. so, I can use four kinetic outputs now? This means a relatively precise control of up to four objects..)
After the sword cut them off, the floating stone now had “hands” made from small branches.
“Why are you doing this?”
“Well, you need to train to get stronger too no? This is my training.”
(The branches are light, my regen can still keep up with the consumption.. I hope mana manipulation reaches 5 soon, that would be so awesome... if the pattern remains the same, I should get doubled vision and control range.. roughly 4 meters control and 8 meters vision. Add in the 15 meters base range.. )
“There is one thing I wanted to ask you.. you are the one controlling my mana right? Can't you use incantations? I never learned any, but now we know “Fortify speed”, why don't you try it out?”
“Actually, I didn't even think of that.. let's give it a try. “Fortify speed””
“Do.. you feel faster?”
“No, not really.. perhaps you did something wrong?”
Help: I think it is illogical for mere words to carry such a power. I assume they act as proxies for something else, and that it is that something that is missing. However, I am unable to make an estimation on what exactly that “something” is. Perhaps it has to do with you being considered a soulless entity?“Even if I made a mistake and it's not working because of that, I don't know what that mistake would be. But.. I think I can create something similar”
Help: ..it is indeed possible to reproduce the effects of that skill. However, with the current amount of physical outputs available, the result would be rougher than the original. I will do my best to counterbalance that, but precise movement and fine motor skills will be difficult.(Do it.)
Help: Proceeding with the amplification of vectors.. output enhanced by 10%.“This feeling is.. you did it?”
“It's not really the same, but yeah. You should a bit faster now.”
(And the consumption... it's proportional to how much he's moving around, but this seems somewhat sustainable... but it's still draining more than I'm regenerating.. Help, could you try balancing the output?)
Help: ...done. Out of combat amplification would be 3%. Should I apply that value?(So slow.. well, do it.)
“Hmm? You stopped? .. no, I'm still a little bit faster.. why did you do that?”
The difference was minuscule, but as a trained fighter, Quintus was still able to notice it.
“I wont be able to keep it up for an extended period of time if I boost you by that much.”
“I see. .. something's coming our way.”
Still a hundred metes away, a medium sized magical beast was running towards them. Within seconds, a hundred meter became a dozen and Mana became able to see it as well.
(It doesn't seem to be attacking us.. it's running away? That would mean.. oh, f#ck.)
Someone dared to interrupt its battle?! It had announced this fight long ago, yet there was still someone standing in its way?!
One and a half meters to its shoulders, the panther-like magical beast was infuriated at this intruder. The short distraction caused by analyzing this new presence let its rival run away from its demise, after it had finally managed to successfully deal enough damage to it! It was a bit slower, but it was stronger, the rightful king of this territory! But that one pest was not enough, someone else stood in its way?!
Its paw slashed trough the air, but while the claws themselves missed Quintus by a long shot.. the air distorted, forming a blade shooting towards Quintus.
Help: In combat amplification set to 25%.Quintus easily dodged the blade. Unsheathing his sword, he sprinted towards the beast.
(I.. don't think it's a good idea to go into melee range.. well, whatever. Help, what's more efficient, enhancing Quintus or doing it ourselves?)
Help: In terms of safety, the later. However, as Quintus can provide most of the energy required and has great fighting capabilities, in terms of offense it's roughly the same, and it is more cost efficient. As long as the danger is not too great, I recommend using this method.(In this case.. I'm just going to watch.)
This one was fast on its legs, but it didn't run away, attacked instead? Its body was weirdly shaped.. its claw seemed way to big for such a small body. How strong would it be? Should I block, evade, or take it and counterattack? -such thoughts ran through the panthers mind. And within a split second, it had made its decision. Its paw moved to intercept the swordstrike, but suddenly, the sword changed trajectory, and what seemed to be an attack to its shoulder turned into a sharp edge headed for its throat. It was surprised, but a being unable to deal with unexpected events was a dead being in this forest.
A gust of wind hit Quintus, blowing him away. He was catapulted trough the air, but the panther didn't leave it at that. It jumped after him, ready to strike Quintus in midair. But then, the inconceivable happened..
Help: Engaging in evasive maneuvers.. counterattacking has been deemed possible..Quintus changed direction in midair. Based on the experience of the panther, that should be impossible. But it had no time to wonder about that, as Quintus had positioned himself for a second strike.
It used the wind blast again, however, it had no effect this time.. Help had counterbalanced the force of the impact. The wind panther was a strong magical beast. Its strength was impressive. Its speed was decent. But when the edge of the sword hit its throat.. compared to the iron wolves, the resistance was nonexistent. And thus ended the short reign of the Wind panther.
You have slain a level 18 tier 3 magical beast. 9000 exp earned.(Thinking about it.. this beast was able to use incantations, no? Voiceless incantations, even. So it definitely isn't something based on words.. what could it be then? Anyways, isn't anatomy convenient? If an enemy had no vital spots, and would have to be taken down by continuously dealing damage.. well, this world isn't a videogame. Or.. would attacking the vitals count as “crit”?
A.. “fatality”? But honestly, the elves swordstyle is dodge, dodge, land a lethal hit, end. Isn't his kinda unbalanced? Yeah, it requires a lot of skill but.. seriously, oneshoting stuff.. probably this is just because the only “fights” I ever got involved in were videogame ones.. but it kinda feels wrong. Well, it's to my advantage, so I've got no real reason to complain.)
Help: Based on the fight against the magical beast, I can assume that the so called incantations either are based on an innate ability or have something to do with ones will. Possibly both. In either case, you would most likely be unable to use them. “Insensible” would hinder “will”, and the fact that all of your abilities seem to be listed and that those do not include incantations would take care of the innate part.(If that's how it is.. well, the skills I have right now are good too..)
Mana manipulation has reached level 5.(.. this is it! The final upgrade! Doubled vision range! And control range!)
8 additional meters, it didn't seem to be much- but those were 8 meters of radius, and it was “true” vision, able to see through every obstacle. Furthermore, with the next levelup, those 8 meters would most likely double yet again.. and again.. that, and “Mana” was a being that did not sleep, did not rest, never got careless to its immediate surroundings. It was impossible to hide from it while within its range, it was impossible to ambush. That was a “cheat” in itself.
Quintus had to sleep from time to time, during that time, it was Mana who was killing the magical beast. And doing so, Mana found an ever increasing amount of ways to use her abilities.. and one day, the stone face was no more. It had been replaced by something “more efficient”
“So.. this is the new “you”?”
“Yep. It gives me much more possibilities..”
Four droplets of water were floating through the air, sparkling in the sprinkles of light that managed to pass through the ceiling of leaves. They formed a pyramid. And within Mana's “inner world” the world of blue and gray only she could see, a new window had opened.
Help: I finished making the necessary calculations. Adding “Sonar” to the list of inputs to be converted into visual..Calling it a “Sonar” was an understatement. It did not rely on an own signal, the system was able to calculate the structure of the surroundings by analyzing the differences between the inputs that the 4 droplets received. It wouldn't work without noise in the surroundings, but as long as there was a source of sound.. and it was rarely silent in nature. A conventional sonar would actually be less effective the more noise there was, but Help was able to proceed the complex information. Even Help had its limits, so the range wasn't that great, but it was a big boost when compared to the range of Mana's density sense.
But this setup didn't only increase Mana's intelligence gathering abilities.. a droplet shot towards a stone on the ground. At first, nothing happened.. then the stone broke apart. A minuscule “drill” of water had pierced right trough it, only grinding away tiny specs of it at first, but once those entered the vortex, they were used to break away bigger pieces..
(This attack uses 3 outputs to achieve the spin, 2 to maintain it.. but it's hard to detect, near undodgeable, and carries quite a bit of power.. another way to do it would be..)
A minuscule droplet shot towards another rock. This droplet was so small, it would evaporate within seconds. But before those seconds could pass.. the stone broke apart.
(So this is the result of applying a lot of pressure on a single point.. now, only two tricks left..)
A fragment of the recently shattered stone began to vibrate, until it shattered into a myriad of pieces.
(This uses only one output, but the consumption is terrible.. now, lastly there would be..)
This time, the stone simply split appart.
(Yep. Two outputs, highest efficiency. One to push into one direction, the other pushes into the opposite direction. Simple and efficient. But it won't work on stretchable materials..)
An “output” was an imaginary sphere that could be freely changed in terms of its size and position within Mana's control boundary. If Mana converted mana into energy, that energy would be imbued equally into everything within that output. It was only due to assistance from Help that Mana was able to use such a control mechanism to accurately control an object using only a single output.
Technically, one output was all that was needed to control an infinite amount of objects, since it could swap positions an indefinite amount of times within a second, but one would have to have a monstrous information processing ability to do so. And even if Help was already comparable to a supercomputer, it did not have that processing power yet.
“You can let stones explode now? Only stones or..”
“..yep, I can use this on anything. But the effect depends on what I am attacking. Some attacks won't have any effect under certain conditions.”
“But that's normal, no? Really, you are strong. That, and you keep pulling information out of nowhere, like when you knew that that plant was poisonous.. sorry to ask you this again, but really, where do you have your knowledge from? I know you listened to the stories of the elders.. but the rest?”
"That plant" looked very similar to a healing herb, but was highly toxic. It contained Sodium fluoroacetate, which Help told me I happened to know about due to chemistry lessons. I was unable to use conversion within the veins, but my density sense had reached the molecular level in them, so I was able to "see" the poison within the plant. For school to save my life.. I kinda hate to have to admit that.
(Sigh.. I give up. Well, I guess there never was an actual reason to not tell him..)
He had asked me that question quite a few times already, but I thought that explaining would be to troublesome. And really, it was. Other worlds? Reincarnation from another world? What is a videogame? Those kind of questions were to be expected. But well, no real use not telling him.
(Well.. where should I start..)
Here is a bonus, it has literally nothing to do with this story. It's a "concept" I came up with, so I wrote a little bit.. but I won't turn this into a project while writing on ToM, really, I just wanted to post it without raising anyones expectations of me writing on it. Heck, perhaps it inspires YOU to write a story with that concept at its base, if it does, go on, do it! I'd love to see what someone else would make out of it.
"How the weakest hero became the final boss"
Spoiler :
One day, an entire class vanished. The students and their two supervising teachers, gone without a trace. They were on a class trip, and were staying at a cabin in the mountains, the trip was supposed to last one week. But.. no one ever came back. This is the story of that class. Rather, it is the story of a boy of that class..
There was light everywhere, but while I was unable to see, it didn't feel blinding. And once that light faded, what could be seen was..
“The ritual! It finally succeeded! We are saved!”
Indeed, an out of the book “summoning”. Heroes were summoned from a world in which they were normal people into another one, in which they would gain great powers for no actual reason. And then they would be forced to save that world, be it to get back, or because that was the “right thing” to do, despite the fact that they had technically been abducted from their own world. In case of our class, it was neither reason. In our case, the reason was a much simpler one.
The “dangerous adventure”, due to the powers we had received, would be like a walk through the park. Nothing but a matter of time. And to compensate for our efforts, we would receive great rewards, luxurious foods, and the teachers, a little bit more insisting on “being bribed is bad”, were quickly convinced using methods that would not work on us children.. yet.
Really, our powers were all beyond cheating. To literally slice apart a mountain, to turn forests into wasteland and back, to rewind time.. everyone had a cheat that felt like god had dropped one of his toys for us to pick it up. Everyone.. except me. My physique remained as it had been, and I gained no power beyond that. None.. except for an ability called “desperate strength”, the closer to death I was, the stronger I would be, it said. And fitting its name, it truly made me desperate. I felt like an ant among giants.
To prove my power, I almost killed myself to see how much it would power me up.. my punches packed twice as much. That's it. I was laughingstock among my former classmates. I would only slow them down, they said, denying my request to accompany them. They would be forced to protect me, they said. I would instantly die if they didn't.
This.. made me mad. At my classmates, at myself. After I heard them talking about a fight against “slimes”, I thought that I should be able to fight something that strong without dying! So.. I followed them. But they noticed me, hushed me away. I went back. But then, I thought of something- what did I have to loose? My pride? Lost long ago. My life? I had almost killed myself in an attempt to get stronger, what use was caring about it now? So.. I went alone. To fight the slimes, alone.
I did take a sword with me, and a bow. Some arrows too. But I was a terrible archer, I didn't believe that I would be able to actually use them. And indeed, I didn't get to use them. Because I died, instantly. “Pounce” and I was crushed by a mountain of jelly. The “hill” I thought to have seen in the distance was a “slime”. The weakest of the monsters in this world.
Yes, I died. But.. what I didn't know was that I had misinterpreted my ability. What's the closest a person can get to being dead? Exactly. To be dead.
“Initiating phase one. Mode: Miniboss. Cooldown has been set to six hours, six minutes and six seconds. Proceeding with revival..”
It took seconds. Then the world came to end. That was how any living creature would have felt if within the vicinity, but the slime didn't even have the time to feel that way. Because in the very same instant, it ceased to be.
“Sacrifice has been recognized. Phase one has successfully been unlocked. Entering base form..”
The green fields had burned, were pulverized, robbed of any and all life. An area hundreds of meters in diameter had turned into a desert.
“This.. I did this?”
I still remembered very clearly just what had happened. After dying, I suddenly felt .. stronger. And instinctively, I used an ability that produced immense heat. This was just like the ability one of my classmates had! I'm not sure if his was stronger, I had never seen it.. but I should be useful now! I had killed a slime on my own! That.. and my clothes had turned into ashes. And there was absolutely nothing to cover up with in the surroundings! I.. wouldn't have to go back nude, right? I had been put through enough already!
Also.. what does this timer in the corner of my vision mean? “6:4:34” 33.. 32.. it couldn't be.. I tried using the ability again, but I was unable to.. this.. was a timer telling how long I would be useless again? Not only would I return nude, but powerless? No! At least until I regained my power.. I would have to wait.
5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1..
“Cooldown has passed. Phase one can now be selected as default mode. Revival has been enabled.”
Eh!? There's a voice inside my head? Ehm.. I was able to become powerful again now right?
“Entering Phase 1.. Mode: Miniboss.”
There it was again! Power! All of this power! Looking at myself, I noticed that not only my strength had changed, my appearance had too. I didn't really look different.. just stronger. But I was glad about this, as this miraculously provided me with a new set of clothes! They looked really good, even. Stylish, even if black and red wasn't too much to my taste, I couldn't deny that they were really well made. And I didn't really have another option.. It was time to go back, show them the powered up me, finally get some recognition!
“Eh? The heroes have left a few hours ago, they are on their way to the demon continent.. one of them erected a barrier that will protect us from the monsters while they are gone, so we are still safe.”
“Hey! Where are you going?! You are so weak, don't tell me you want to follow them?! Hey!”
The thoughts behind it:
Spoiler :
Base: MC is revived alongside classmates, is laughed at by everyone, ignored, lot's of other bad stuff, desperate for attention and recognition he almost kills himself, nothing really happens (twice as strong only), tries to prove his usefulness, dies, enters "bossmode", wants to show of power, class left already, he chases after them, and keeps powering up ("this isn't even my final form!") Fighting against ludicrous enemies using even more hilarious attacks. (TTGL style), and somehow ends up becoming the final boss his classmates have to fight against. (Consumed by madness and power) Yep, a comedic tragedy in which stuff keeps dying in ever more hilarious or gruesome ways. Till the day he ends up "king" of all monsters without wanting to and his classmates fight against him. But that would be the final arc. Meanwhile, we get to see that his classmates are actually (relatively) nice guys, the story switches from MC and hero party perspective, and it ends with the question of who we side with: the now borderline insane OP MC that became this way because of the heroes, or the heroes?
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The boy who fell in love with a tree
This is a story about a boy who fell in love with a tree… A story about powerful people changing the rulebook to stack the odds and line their pockets… I aim to create a story that will transport us so we get a glimpse of what that boy felt. The first 4 Chapters might be classified as a prologue depending on how you look at it. The boy quickly grows and the story really starts when the System arrives on Earth. I’m trying to achieve a relatively slow power progression and guide what we learn at a pace following the people in the story. There will be fighting but It’s more focused on base building. The MC is not all-powerful and all-knowing but he has some significant advantages. I’m trying to create a universe that makes sense in its own context. Much of what you will find, are my own world views, in a magnified way, as to make it for interesting fiction. The story took a life of its own when I started to write and I’m really happy with it. Not all of the tags I have marked will immediately be applied. There is stuff planned for far in the future such as the Sci-fi tag. There might be some cursing and gore but it is not very often. -------------- English is not my primary language, so I ask everyone to be forgiving. If you see a glaring error I would appreciate a msg but it is not feasible to fix everything. And if the story offends you, I wish you happiness, reading what you enjoy. ------------- Img link: https://unsplash.com/photos/EwKXn5CapA4
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The Sphere
Amelia Grayheart is an ordinary human in an ordinary human world. That is, until a terrible thing happens: from one second to the other, every single other human disappears from existence, as if they had never been there in the first place. Having nothing left back home, she journeys into an empty world in search of answers. Who knows if she will like them? Cover Image: nasa.gov
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One Death Forward, Ten Years Back
John has died many times before. Who hasn’t in this day and age? The average person could go online in seconds and die to their heart’s content. There were so many ways to experience it – death by fall, death by fire, death by the blade. But to die – to truly die – who can seriously say they died to a friend? Would one taste pain, futility, despair, but most of all, regret? After a life of success, but a life of loss, fate has given John another chance. Armed with knowledge of everything: of quests, of skills, of strategies, and yes, of the occasional game-breaking bugs, regret will be a thing of the past. To re-enter the game, to reach a peak he once could only dream of. Rise.
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Tales of the Rebirth Apocalypse Emperor (BL)
Have you ever wondered how your life might have turned out differently had you made different choices or decisions along the way? Sometimes, life does give you a second chance. However, it is you who decide whether that second opportunity counts… This novel revolves around our main character, Chen Murong, who can accidentally go back in time even before the apocalypse period begins to change everything humankind has done. We will follow our MC and see how he and his family react to this second chance to ensure their family and the human race's survival. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current release schedule: 1 Chapter/week on Saturday + extra if I have more time on the weekday If you like my writing, please consider tipping/supporting me on: PayPal: paypal.me/AmateurAuthorPen Patreon: patreon.com/singlehamster I plan to have advanced chapters on Patreon in the future for you to read as well. However, as of now, there is no early access chapter. It is only a tip jar at the moment. That being said, your generous support will help me a lot and will stabilize the flow of chapters coming. This is just the start of my journey, and I hope to progress more with your help. I am also in the process of setting up my discord. Feel free to hop over to chat with me. 😊 I will give any notice, poll, artwork about my novel there in the future too! Discord: https://discord.gg/eMaxDuHvRP That's all. I hope to see you guys there! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Full background: The story situates in a universe called Gondola, where countless races from numerous worlds and realities are poured in. Our MC's original world, Blue planet (similar to Earth), went through an apocalypse period for ten years and has been pulled through this universe by mysterious force as one of the human race worlds. Unfortunately, the human race is one of the weakest and most feeble races of all Gondola races. However, their sheer number and several allies have helped them escape extinction so far. Regrettably, even though there are many ants, given a sufficient amount of time, the elephant will eventually be able to destroy them all. After 50 years of pointless struggle, almost all of the last remaining humans have been hunted down by some of the strongest undead races of the Gondola, the Skeletons, the Vampires, the Werewolves, and the Demons. The few remaining humans have been found and eradicated. Our MC, Chen Murong, a member of the last humanity group, can escape the hunt from undead races for fifty years. He finally dies under the claw of Lucifer, one of the emperor-rank demons from the undead race. However, he activates one of his time magic spells with his most precious space gemstone at the moment of his last breath. Through the spell, he wakes up alive, back in his home world, and returns to the year before the apocalypse period began.
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Powerful criminals are to become villains and bring catastrophe. All 18 are sent into a Fantasy world using a Quantum machine called the Medusa. Yet one dies prematurely, his corpse turned to stone. Kenji, the cunning gamer, is brought in to replace him. A master of strategy, quick thinking, and quicker with his silver tongue, Kenji the gamer is set into the death-game a tad confused. With nothing but his ability at gaming up his sleeve, Kenji is expected to out-think his enemy and prove them fools through his fantastical schemes. All 17 crime lords are given powerful starting abilities, hellish and heavenly, designed to unleash destruction upon the people of this new world. Yet Kenji alone is singled out, and after some quick thinking, attains a new title. Instead of being a new villain of this fantastical world, he'll scout out and protect budding heroes from the crime lords wrath. Kenji will become... The Hero Scout!
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口れ工ち爪- K.爪工K丹モㄥち口れ
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