《Tales of Mana》Prologue
Announcement: I (the author) am currently on a journey through guides, feedback and countless pages of miscellaneous other stuff to improve this work. I will not change the plot, but the style should be improved by a lot. I also intend to give more insights on the world and its characters. Once that is taken care of, this message will be removed. Until then, I wish you keep this in mind if you keep reading.
Ah... so some else came to watch this game? It's gotten quite busy... you're lucky, we just got a new champion. Yes, I'm talking to you... hmm... pity my true powers don't reach to your plane, looking at you, I would love to have you participate... well...
Let's watch, shall we? I'm betting on the greenhorn.
(A blue substance surrounded by darkness, floating within the void, flowing through veins, all of this attached to some orb? Okay, what is this? Some kind of dream? … did I just ask myself whether or not I am in a dream while dreaming? So this is a lucid dream? )
Help: Negative. The current you is not able to sleep, thus this is not a dream.
(...what’s this box doing here? ...not able to sleep? Just what the…)
Help: For further information about this, please read the description of “Insensible”, skill classified as subskill of “Materialist”. Should I display it?
(Ehm... okay?)
Materialist:Insensible: Any major perturbation of your soul's current state will automatically be mitigated. This renders you immune to: sleep, unconsciousness, rage, desperation, euphoria, ... and will automatically reduce the effects of other emotional states. This skill is at max level.Soulless: You are considered to be a soulless entity, rendering you immune to the effects of soul-based attacks. However, the probability of reincarnation after death is 0%, and your soul will be destroyed alongside your physical body. Also, you are unable to sense souls and spiritual auras. Their effects on the physical plane remain observable if any. This skill is at max level.
(...soul? I don’t even believe in stuff like that, what is this doing inside of my dream?)
Help: As mentioned before, this is not a dream. This is reality.
(Yeah, sure. I’m chatting with a blue box of text while looking at some substance flowing through nothingness and not hearing, smelling, or feeling anything. Of course, this is reality.)
Help: This substance has been determined to be your current body. You are unable to feel, smell and hear as this body is unable to do so. The ability to perceive your body is granted by the skill “Mana detection”, sub-skill of “Adept of highly advanced technology”. Should I display relevant information?
(Go on.)
Adept of highly advanced technology:Mana manipulation (LVl 1): You are able to control the position of mana within space. Currently applies to all mana within the flow and storage.Mana detection (LV 1): You are able to sense mana. Currently applies to all mana within the flow and storage.Mana conversion (LV 1): You are able to convert mana into energy. Currently up to 1 heat output can be controlled.
(… so… let’s just go along with this. Mana detection allows me to see mana. The only thing I can see is this blue thing. I am this blue thing. And this is reality.)
Help: Affirmative.
(In that case… mind telling me what happened to my legs, arms, head, torso… you know, that stuff that should normally be attached to a human being?)
Help: They remained in your old world. Reincarnation did only transport your soul. The current you does not classify as a human being, but a spiritual being able to manipulate the entity known as “mana”.
(You... are telling me I died? And what’s more, have been reincarnated? As if… … the last thing I remember… no… this can’t be, right? Mom told me to go shopping... I went to the convenience store… then…)
Help: The last thing you should be able to remember is getting hit on the neck. The estimated cause of death is “Neurogenic shock” caused by a falling object damaging the spinal cord.
(that’s… that’s right! But how do you know that?)
Help: I have access to all information you ever registered and am able to proceed it. This includes memories from your previous life.
(Just what are you?)
Help: I am “Help”, sub-skill of “Gamer”. My sole purpose is to assist you to fulfil your desires. Currently, I am communicating with you by using “Windows”, also a subskill of “Gamer”.
Gamer:Help (LV 1): An intelligent assistance system.Windows: Information can be displayed within windows. This skill is at max level.Numeric perception: Certain aspects of reality are associated to numerical values if perceived by you. This includes “Levels(LV)” “Tiers(T)” “Experience(EXP)” “Lifeforce (HP)” “Divine energy/mana (MP)” and similar, as well as “Stats”. This skill is at max level.
(Doesn’t this make me someone like Han Jee-Han? Wait… I just got told that I’ve been reincarnated, how can I be this calm about it? Ah… I see. So that’s what Insensible is doing.)
Help: Affirmative.
(So… what am I supposed to do now? This is reincarnation so... save the world? I can’t even see anything but me, much less move around, how am I supposed to do anything like this?)
Help: I am not aware whether or not this world requires to be “saved”, however, it should be possible for you to interact with it using the remaining skills of “Adept of highly advanced technology”.
(Ah right, manipulation and conversion, was it? So… I’m able to manipulate mana… I am mana… so I should be able to move this body of mine. But... how? I guess this is like learning how to walk, right? You have no idea how, but you’ll somehow get a grasp of it… well, not like I have anything else to do…)
(The blue substance remains within the veins, but it seems to concentrate on certain locations of the system... and I can choose those locations! I did it!)
(So… I can move myself around now. What’s next?)
Help: As skills will level up by making use of them, which will, in turn, increase their utility, I recommend to keep making use of “Help”, “Mana manipulation” and “Mana detection”
(Why not conversion?)
Help: Depending on how potent the ability is, it might lead to your sub- host's, or your sub- host's mother's and subsequently your sub- host's death, which would bring upon your own demise. I understand that it is your desire to survive, and have thus made this suggestion.
(My sub-host?)
Help: Should I display the relevant information?
(Of course!)
Character:Mana ConellLV1 (0/100000)Race:Etheral(Spirit)Host:Energy(Personal Mana)Sub-host:-Elf, male, LV 1Mana storage: 1000/1000Mana flow: 10/10Mana regeneration: 10/min
(I’m in a fantasy world alright… elves, check. So this mana actually belongs to someone else? But wouldn’t that mean… he will be able to control me and force me to do what he wants? I don’t want to be used like a tool!)
Help: I have no solid information concerning this topic, but based on available information I am able to deduce that, as you were able to manipulate the natural stream of your sub- host's mana, your control ranks above his. This would mean that should your intentions in manipulating mana contradict each other, it would be your will that would be executed. Raising the level of “Mana manipulation” is also likely to affect this.
(I guess that’s what I will do then…)
Mana detection has reached level 2
(So I actually get to see a window appear to tell me that… hmm? This isn’t pure blue anymore… but grey? Why is the flow of mana taking on different shades of grey… one, two...)
Help: No, those are not fifty. Upon taking into consideration the structure of the veins and the different shades in addition to information about anatomy and assuming that the laws of this world are similar to those of your old world, I can conclude that the shade of grey in a location represents the density of the material present in the location.
(Hmm… those are the lungs, it’s almost white over there… you’re probably right. So… I can see now! Well, I’m going to keep grinding… manipulation hasn’t hit Level 2 yet…)
Help has reached Level 2
Wow… congratulations. What happened?
Help: There was a notable increase to the speed at which I am able to process information. Furthermore, I am now able to communicate using other means than “windows”.
(How so?)
“Well, like this for example.”
(Did… you just talk? How long has it been since I heard something? That’s awesome! But… could you change your voice? I’m not too much a fan of robot talk…)
“Is this better?”
(Much better. So you’re going for a child’s voice?)
Help: I understand that having no gender, me using a child’s voice would be the adequate thing to do. Do you prefer to read text windows instead?
(Yeah, why not.)
Help: I am also able to do this…
(Ouch! What are you… cookies? Do I smell cookies? ...so you are able to make me perceive stuff that isn’t even there...)
Help: Only if If you already perceived that input. All sounds, many smells and a variety of touch and temperature inputs are possible, alongside a variety of tastes. If desired, I could run simulations to create new inputs.
(No need. Well… let’s keep doing stuff until something happens!)
Even if those words would not be written down in history… their consequences would write history itself.
Previous version:
Spoiler :
My name is Mana Conell.
I didn't expect much from my life. My... “dream”, if you want to call it such, was to live to the day were VRMMORPG´s would become a reality. Technology was advancing quite fast, so I believed I would get to see that day.
Reality proved me wrong.
The only thing I could see was a blue substance. It flowed through what seemed to be veins, originating from and flowing back to a sphere-like object. Other than that, there was nothing but darkness.
I also noticed that I seemed to lack something that was pretty important to me- my body.
Am I in some kind of dream?
I looked at the blue substance for a while, don't know how long. It kept repeating the same process again, and again. Nothing ever changed. If this is a dream, just what is it that my subconscious is trying to tell me?
It took quite some time until I realized that this blue substance was probably..
At first, this was just a thought that went trough my mind since I was bored.. but I noticed that my will had an effect on what the blue substance was doing. Since I was able to move it by my will, it could be called a “body”.
At that point, I had discovered quite a few things about “me” already. First of all, I probably am part of someones or somethings body. The reason was that “I” was shaped similarly to a human's bloodstream. Also, the sphere that seemed to be the center of myself could be separated into tree parts: a “core” and two hollow semi-spheres around that core. One end of the stream was connected to the first one, and the second with the other.
While I went through the veins, I slowly became less and less. Then, what remained of me was sucked into the core where I became more again, from where I would flow into the first semi-sphere and then back into the veins. The second semi-sphere stored a large quantity of “me”.
By focusing on a part of this system, the blue substance within also concentrated itself on that spot. I played around with this, and after a while..
Mana manipulation has reached level 2.
.. this.. what is this?
Help: this is a “window” message informing you about the levelup of the skill “Mana manipulation”. For further details, read the skill's information.
..and.. what are you?
Help: I am “Help”, a skill with the purpose of assisting you. I am able to memorize and proceed information.
..could this be.. nah, it's just impossible.
Help: Negative. You have indeed died in your previous life and were resurrected to this world as a spirit.
I.. died? And got revived into another world?!? As if. Is this a “lucid dream”??
Help: Negative. You are awake as the current you is not able to sleep.
... this.. this can't be! I mean, I was just walking to the convenience store! How could anyone die this way?!
Help: The last thing you should be able to remember is getting hit in the neck by something. The estimated cause of death was “neurogenic shock”.
... so.. you are telling me I died and have been revived into some kind of game like fantasy world, just like a mainstream lightnovel maincharacter??
Help: Affirmative.
.. I'm surprisingly unaffected by this situation.. shouldn't I be confused, panic, something like that?
Help: These states of mind are prevented by “Insensible”
You're insulting me?
Help: That is that skill's name.
..well, so I got revived into a game world? As a.. blue.. thing? What am I? Shouldn't there be something like a..
Character:Mana ConellLV1 (0/100000)Race:Etheral(Spirit)Host:Energy(Personal Mana)Mana storage: 1000/1000Mana flow: 10/10Mana regeneration: 10/min
..nevermind. So.. I'm a spirit, and I've taken possession of “Personal Mana”? That would mean “I” am someones MP?? Doesn't that mean that I'll be used to cast skills until the day he dies, without even the slightest regards to what I want to do?!? No... I am able to control “myself”, and if I'm better at it than my “owner”.. I guess I should have a look at the skills descriptions..
Adept of highly advanced technology:Mana manipulation: Your ability to control mana, and under which circumstances you can control mana.Mana detection: Your ability to sense mana, and under which circumstances you can sense mana.Mana conversion: Your ability to convert mana into energy, and under which circumstances you can convert mana.
Gamer:Help: An intelligent assistance system.Windows: Information can be displayed within windows. This skill is at max level.Numeric perception: Certain aspects of reality are associated to numerical values if perceived by you. This includes “Levels” “Tiers” “Experience” “HP” “MP” and similar, as well as “Stats”. This skill is at max level.
Materialist:Insensible: Any major perturbation of your soul's current state will automatically be mitigated. This renders you immune to: sleep, unconsciousness, rage, desperation, euphoria, ... and will automatically reduce the effects of other emotional states. This skill is at max level.Soulless: You are considered to be a soulless entity, rendering you immune to the effects of soul based attacks. However, the probability of reincarnation after death is 0%, and your soul will be destroyed alongside your physical body. Also, you are unable to sense souls and spiritual auras. Their effects on the physical plane remain observable, if any. This skill is at max level.
Okay... why do I feel like that last section is a bunch of insults being thrown at me? Anyways, what are those skills, the results of a personality test? “Gamer”, “Materialist”, “Adept of highly advanced technology”.. so this is a god's sense of humor? Sigh.. anyways, the only thing I can see is “me”, is there a way to improve this?
Help: searching for a solution...
Help has reached level 2.
Help: Found something! You should be able to “see” if you grind Mana detection. Just a guesstimate, but it's the way that's most likely to work. Also, thanks for making use of me! “Affirmative” , “Negative”, I'll never use those words again.. seriously, thank you.
... so.. it has gotten sentient. Great. Well, someone to talk to. Anyways, I'm supposed to grind Mana detection? How do I even do that?
Help: Just stare at your mana until a message appears. Skills will level up by using them.
..so, I just keep staring at “me”?
Help: yep.
Something is wrong with this world's system. Anyways, simultaneously grinding manipulation won't hurt I guess... and chatting with Help would have it level up as well?
And thus, the grinding began.
After Mana manipulation had reached level 2, I was able to sense the mana that was dissipating from the veins up to a certain range, and after grinding for some time, it hit level 3, doubling that range. Why would a control skill grant me vision? I found out it was because I was now able to control “me” within that distance, however, while I was able to control it, it would still gradually reduce in quantity until it was completely gone. The biggest change was that I was able to draw mana outside of the veins and then back in, as long as there was still enough space.
And when Mana detection reached level 2.. I was finally able to see. Well.. “see”. I gained the ability to sense the density of the material the mana was flowing through. The world I saw was nothing but shades of gray. The darker something was, the higher its density. But while this didn't compare to having eyes, it has its advantages, I guess.. I have no blind spots, and I can see through objects. Sadly, it only applies to the mana within the “veins”. By changing their shape, I was able to scout the environment. It felt incredibly strange at first, but I got used to it.
After some time, all of my skills, except for mana conversion, had reached level 4. I was now able to see all of the surrounding Mana within a certain distance, even mana that I could not control, and my “density sense” now also worked with the mana I could control outside of the veins. And when Mana manipulation had hit level 4, that range doubled yet again.
But the biggest upgrade came when Help hit level 4. It had unlocked “enhanced IO” which was the ability to convert an input into something else. I was now able to “hear” what I saw for example. The movement of my hosts eardrums, which I could perceive with Mana detection, was converted into sound for me to hear, instead of me having to decipher the minuscule movements.
My "host" was still a little child at that point, but he already started to learn the elven language, I can't fall behind him..
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