《Beta Zero》16- Lesser of Evils
This sucks.
"I thought that Suncave were like the good guys," Wren lamented.
Jaden looked at Wren helplessly as Lilly was trying to cheer him up, “Buck up Birdy, Pops is takin care of it,” Lilly offered as she sat beside him and started petting the back of his head.
What am I, a dog!? Okay, never mind this is kinda nice.
“I-I'm sure this is some kind of misunderstanding. Once father has spoken with mother this will all be resolved. I'm sure of it,” Jaden said, looking anything but sure.
Wren placed Lilly's hand in her lap and gave her a reassuring couple of pats on the shoulder before getting up off the bench and pacing, “Jaden, I appreciate the difficult position this puts you in but your Aunt knew exactly what she was doing when she allowed that little inquisition to fly. Additionally, and I don't say this to hurt your feelings, if her treatment of you and her own son is anything to go off of she sees her own blood as bargaining chips and resources to be used just as much as anyone else.”
“ She's the mother I know, Wren. My birth mother died when I was five from complications that I caused. If she was a little cold, she was still good to me in her own way. I-it's more than I deserve.” Jaden said defensively.
I see that I'm about to say something that's gonna piss him off but he needs to hear this.
“ In her eyes you are Riverson first, sister-son second and her son dead last. It is not a child's fault for being born. If she's holding that against you, it's wrong. Don't wanna believe me, ask Lilly. Wanna know all the sorted details, ask your dad but don't turn a blind eye. If not for your sake then do it for your girl. You're a good guy Jaden and if Lilly's lighthouse beam smile at you when your not looking is anything to go off of-”
“Wren!” Lilly interjected.
Unfazed, Wren continued, “ then I think you're good for her too. But if you drag her into some scheme the Matron's cooking up some time in the future, and she gets hurt, I will not forgive you. Doubly, if you say you had no idea or you didn't know.”
“Now don't you go worrying about me, us Cork women, we-” A riled up Lilly was revving up.
Wren thought at her, “I know you're a smart cookie and between the two of you I have a pretty good idea of who'll be the brains but I'm trying to give him a wake up call. The easiest way to do that is letting him see a potential threat to you. His loyalty to loved ones is one of his best features in my eyes but you gotta see it. He'd take a bullet for you but if the Matron was the one shooting, he'd let it get that far even if he saw the signs from a mile a way because he'd choose to believe, right up to the last moment, she wouldn't actually pull the trigger. You and I both know damn well she would.”
Lilly gave him a grudging look but ultimately accepted his opinion.
A look of mixed feelings clouded across Jaden's face before he said, “ Alright, it does no harm to ask my father about this though I think you exaggerate. I-I've been meaning to ask him about my birth mother anyway. It's just not easy.
“That aside, brother Wren. I hope you can appreciate how frustrating it is that you share this bond with my beloved. That you can always know and share things to each other at any moment, is a bit galling. I feel like an outsider at times,” his emotions coasting to clear frustration.
“ Believe it or not, I've been pondering on this issue from the moment it looked like you two might become an item. If I was in your shoes I think I'd feel the same way. The best solution I've been able to come up with is letting you in but that's a big decision for all of us and I've been too damn busy running around to ask some important questions about this bond thing. I honestly thought I'd have more time to figure things out before I had this conversation with you, Wren said before continuing, “ Lilly, can you feel Troy through the link?”
“Why didn't you ask- Sigh, yes. These days, most of the time, I can sense him better, like where he is and how he's doing and such. If we're close by we can even communicate in a fuzzy kind of way but why do you ask?”
“To answer your unasked question, I've learned how to shield myself, for obvious reasons. I really am sorry that I didn't realize sooner,” Wren gave a solemn nod to Lilly and as she buried her chin in her neck blushing furiously at the ground, Wren cave a conspiratorial wink at Jaden before continuing, “ But all's well that ends well and lesson learned. As to your actual question, it's because A: there would be no point in even offering the bonding to Jaden otherwise, B: based off of your answer I theorize that the closer you are to another bonded, by distance and emotional tie, the stronger the secondary bonds will be, C: when I ask your dad a few things, Jaden, we'll likely need to compare notes.
“If this really bothers you, that's my best solution and I know that means a lot of thought for everyone involved. It would be traumatizing to disengage a bond, Jaden, to both parties. That is both an explanation of why I won't just cut off Lilly for the sake of your guy's relationship and why I want you to think about this real hard because if anything were to happen in the future, you and I would still be connected, understand?”
Jaden soaked in Wren's words, then realizing the end statement's meaning he started puffing up, “ I'd never le-”
“ I wouldn't dare to dream it, Jaden but the future is full of uncertainties. A little saying back home goes something like 'The devil laughs when man makes plans'.”
“Yeah, and my mum would say 'the devil stops laughin the moment man asks woman for help',” Lilly added smugly, before looking a little sad.
“Sage advice,” Wren said, not a hint of sarcasm to be found, and quietly exited to the front of the pavilion as soon as Jaden started his own special brand of cheering Lilly up.
“So what's the update, my bored and disgruntled hero?” Wren asked Glaucous as the former coasted in through the doors, determinedly ignoring the occasional intimate sound escaping Lilly's side of the pavilion.
“Kushal, sends her deepest apologies for Jesni and Rabas' unsanctioned assault on your good will and ill intent towards your personage, disavowing all knowledge of their intent,” Glaucous said dryly.
“I'd ask if you believe her but that's just too insulting,” Wren spat. “ So, anything of substance mentioned besides pretty lies?”
“Aside from subtle probes on how far my protection of you extends and what I'd allow, no. To avoid further distractions for myself, I've temporarily restricted pavilion access to the Eldest and the Grand Teacher, aside from your family and mine. If there's anything you'd like to discuss, do so now. Time grows short for my preparations.”
“There's a couple of things actually but before that I want you to know that all you've done for me and mine leaves me with a feeling that simple apologies and words of gratitude can't cover. If I ever have the chance, I'll return that kindness to you as much as I can,” Wren said, mustering up as much sincerity as possible.
“Just do what you can for my son, that will be payment enough,” Glaucous said, already dismissing Wren's words.
Centuries of insincere ass kissers and passionate youths who grow conveniently forgetful with age has left you numb to such things huh? Then try this out for size!
Wren sent to him, “Glaucous Riverson. I, Wren Tidren, acknowledge a debt of grace between us. I offer my mark-,” Wren cut the ring finger of his left hand, letting a few drops of heart's blood flow from it to condense his personal sigil, a fragile songbird surrounded by a golden circle with rain falling in a hexagon bordered background. He then infused it with with generous portions of each essence pool aside from LE ,which he limited to 1% dropping him to 25, and tied a third of his regeneration to each,“to serve you until that debt is paid tenfold, may the Circle of Creation bind it so.”
“A large portion of your burden is the building of a new home right? I may still be about as useful as a wet noodle in a fight at your level but I'm pretty confident in my abilities to help with that. And even though it rankles me to admit it, you'll probably be able to use them a hell of a lot better than me right now,” A little weak, Wren sat down on the ground and leaned against the cave wall.
Glaucous wordlessly held the mark in his hand for awhile, admiring it before taking it in.
Discovered: Calling Mark Creation
Allows the receiver to call upon an astral double of the maker, capable of utilizing authorized skills and abilities within the constraints of it's creation. In accordance to the combined requests of the Celestial, Abyssal and Infernal hosts all related information up to and including the skill itself will not be officially recorded in the SYSTEM with the exceptions of the possession of calling marks, the realm classification of the mark's creator and contractual obligations/limitations of use for the holder
“I did not think the archive's record of Fae Ritual was complete enough for anyone to learn this.” a mildly stunned Glaucous said.
“It wasn't but in combination with my class knowledge and my possession of a calling mark, I figured it out.”
“A moment,” Glaucous placed a finger up while he fell into deep thought for a moment. He then established mental communications and began, “I, Glaucous Riverson, acknowledge a thrice-fold debt of pride to Wren Tidren. Each mark, according to my will, shall fit the debt and according to my will shall be released. Mark of Passage will be yours till after the flood has calmed and those who shelter in your care that carry my brothers blood, their debt to me a tithe to you. Mark of Faith will be yours till it's miracle has been spent, in good faith kept and placed faith moved. Mark of Knowledge shall be yours till that which is in my possession has been thrice gained, centuries of idle pursuits.”
Glaucous spent some time explaining the marks' uses, discussing what he knew of bonds and throwing a few pieces of advice/directions at Wren before his eagerness to test out the new toy Wren's calling mark represented to him, overcame his patience. He was painfully aware of the difference between raw power and limitless versatility. It was a lesson he had been learning for over 800 years.
For a couple of weeks Wren simply focused on refilling his mark and taking it easy. Since he wasn't all over the place he actually got to hang out with Troy and Lilly and even managed to get pretty chummy with Jaden, who was actually an adept conversationalist that had a patient enjoyment of academia, philosophy and psychology, once his libido was satisfied, and even managed to put Wren's worries to rest on the whole birds and bees issue when it was dropped in a conversation that it would take some time for Lilly's fertility to be restored after receiving a mysterious bride gift. On the whole marriage thing, Lilly was very conservative Catholic about it. When Wren asked about the ceremony, it was Jaden's first time giving him the 'Are you stupid?' look and Lilly didn't seem to want to talk about it so, he let it drop.
The only thing that broke the serenity of Wren's self imposed active mark generator/pavilion exile, besides the night that Troy was making no bones about taking mental snapshots of Wren 'enjoying himself' in the washroom, was when Rohn came calling about the awakening of his children. It shouldn't have been a big deal. Since Wren said he'd do it he had every intention of still doing it. His feelings about the rest of Suncave aside, Rohn had been nothing but the soul of generosity and friendship from the moment they first met. He'd even been thinking about sending Jaden to ask why Rohn hadn't come yet but figured if things were so awkward then it wouldn't be so bad to wait till Glaucous was ready to relinquish his mark.
The sight that greeted Wren after going to meet Rohn at the door had him shaking in rage. Rohn's spiky hair had been shaved to the scalp, his body free of decorations or trappings of station except for a slender gold filigree chain around his neck and leading to his daughter's hand. The lingering psychic connection revealed slightly dulled physical sensation, blurred emotions of shame and artificially enhanced excitement, topped with a persistent discomfort from his bound groin.
Once Rohna had went through a memorized litany that triggered a bit of archive lore, she handed the chain to Wren and backed up a few feet to sit on a cushion an attendant had placed there for her. For Jakoby's part, after performing something similar to a kowtow, he sat on a thick rug looking personally wronged.
Arms akimbo Jakoby whispered, “Do I really have to do this sister? He's not my father by blood right? Isn't that what Grandmother meant yesterday when she pardoned Rabas and mamma, that he was spared exile for my sake?” looking particularly pleased that Rabas might be his father.
Don't throttle the little shit, Wren. He's just a spoiled boy who has no clue how much those words hurt Rohn. Even Rohn's not holding it against him.
As the attendant reminded Jakoby that this ceremony was to be carried in silence, Rohna's carefully practiced passivity fell to pieces, “What do you know, little brother? If not for father, you would be wearing a red sash! If not for father you would have been given into the care of the attendant your blood father allows you now for men's pleasure, then forgotten... You, you're an ignorant and arrogant little wretch! Do you think father would even be here if not for our sakes!? Did you not hear that to become a penitent he would be stripped of his eldest title or are you secretly pleased knowing you will have it handed to you in four years without formal challenge?,” Mist gathering in the corners of her eyes.
“What do you know sister! In little more than a seven day you'll be someone else's family a-and I won't speak to you anymore! My wife will be matron and if you're returned us, I-I'll give you to my band to use as they please!” Jakoby shouted before he got up and stormed away.
Before the attendant could try to stop him, Wren quoted ritual phrases, “ Let him go. His presence displeases me. It would also please me that matron-in waiting Rohna, should spend this time in comfort.” As much as it sat ill with him, led Rohn with the gold chain through the Riverside Pavilion doors, waving for Rohna to follow before shutting it in the attendant's face. The attendant's wails of Rohna not being allowed to be unescorted was answered with a sharp rebuff. “ She isn't unescorted, she's with her father you fucking idiot! You can tell your matron her back-handed peace offering has earned her my total disregard.” At that moment things started to click into place that were previously muddied.
Wait, she can't be this stupid. What the hell's going on? When I see Rohn acting all subservient, it irritates me in a way that's too familiar. Why can't I remember? Somethings affecting me! What is this? Where's it coming from?
Status removed: Bewitchment- subtle mental adjustment type. High difficulty to resist as it only amplifies natural thoughts and impulses
Statuses Remaining: Fading Name Curse- no information available
Shit! I set the status notifications too low! Wait, maybe I can do something about this. Lustitia, unfuck my mind...Can't? Follow the psychic trail to the guilty party and fuck their mind? You can! Do it but leave enough to interrogate. Oh you can do that too? Oh, only at the same time? That's fine...
Oh, Psyduck used psychic attack? It was super effective!? Nice!
Wren temporarily ignored the confused father and daughter pair, telling them to stay put as he started following the bread trail his Tulpa was leaving behind it.
Why are you invisible to me? Seeing your form would make me uncomfortable? My inside and outside brain disagree about the form of my desires? Figures, I'm arguing with myself about something I can't make up my mind about. Okay Psyduck, what's the...No! No I do not get excited when I see ducks. We need to stop this before I give myself Schizophrenia. Not even if it makes my tulpas stronger! You're dangerous.
Wren caught up to the attendant halfway to the Sunshade Gazebo. The older male eunuch, disguised as a woman was writhing on the ground in pure ecstasy. It didn't take very long to get the whole story out of him and get the curse taken off. A lifetime of brainwashing was bent and twisted in less than two minutes of pleasure he had never been allowed to experience. And though it turned Wren's stomach in more than one way, he became this poor old man's embodiment of earthly bliss to gain his loyalty. It was a slippery moral slope but Wren needed to use this old man to undo all the harm he had done.
Fuck!. It had only taken a little less than three weeks to almost undo this whole clan. Things underneath the surface here are a hell of a lot more unstable than I originally thought. The Matron's colossal stress and fear of slipping control made her a pretty juicy target. A scheming daughter-in-law and a seemingly loyal band runner who's frustrated desires had long ago caused his brotherly love to take a dark turn, made for nice kindling to start a blaze that would have burnt this clan to ashes even after the flood had taken out the ones who wanted to benefit from it.
Oh my god! Grimalkin! He's been in the 'loving care' of Grimshadow for over two weeks!
Wren's insides instantly knotted into tight agony over the thought of what might have happened to his ward. Wren had Lustitia dig their psychic talons as deep as they could into the old man's mind and heart, just shy of crippling him. Not caring if it was a suicide mission or not, at the moment, with as much emphasis on balance between haste and stealth as possible, Wren ordered the old man to retrieve Little Gray. He sent off the eunuch with such a plethora of dark enticements upon success, that it almost looked like the man's heart might not withstand it, before setting out in grim determination.
Returning back to the Pavilion, crafting an invisible garrote wire on the way, Wren gave a quick and dirty breakdown of what was going on to Rohn.
If everything's been guided, this whole shit show's probably a set up too.
As his spectral servant sat up a trap, Wren released the joyfully flickering ball of light known as Solas to corrode any magically animated shadows or flash burn any intruders, the little guy turned an interesting hedronal shape and emanated a sense of righteous indignation. Dismissing spectral servant with a slightly more relaxed air after setting up a few precautions Wren bent to the task of clearing the drug out of Rohn's system and finding him a set of decent clothes to wear, well, at least by Rohn's standards. Wren even had enough time to change Jaden's spare, embarrassingly exposing fundoshi, a deep purple using a bit of wine and switching the pattern from wavy to rays before a strange bubbly hiss sound came from the now opened doors.
Damn it, I forgot to send Lilly a message at the practice yard. Jaden's more than enough to keep her safe. Not that she really needs saving but still. She's gonna be so pissed at me if I get murdered here. Well, sending a distress beacon out to the dynamic duo and my stalker at this point might make things more complicated. I've got this, probably.
“Release my daughter! Do you have any respect for our ways, outsider!” A shrill voice detonated into the peaceful ambiance.
“Why wait for permission. I doubt even The Riverson would allow a desecrator of law to use his sanctuary as a hideout for his iniquities. Remember what we practiced Jesni.” a snide and arrogant man's voice joined in.
“We should wai-” the Matron attempted to say.
“ You shouldn't co-” Wren tried to get out before he, Rohn and Rohna were liberally coated in a spray of blood and pelted with four fingers of assorted lengths, two feet and nine pieces of diced intestines, which Rohna definitely got the worst of since she was the target. Everyone was frozen in disbelief.
Damn you spacial calculation. Damn you HD clear, inter-dimensional memory. This isn't like the movies at all!
“ Fuck! Will you crazy bitches not cry till you see the coffin!?” Wren shouted with a touch of hysteria.
As if Wren's voice was some magical anti-paralysis charm, everyone began reacting at the same time; Rohn pulled Rohna behind him as he stared at the hanging, disemboweled corpse of his former friend, looks of wariness and sorrow warring for control. A heart wrenching cry of utter despair ripped from Jakoby as he gazed upon the mutilated object of his adoration. Jesni broke into a paroxysm of screaming murderous invective towards Wren, slightly foaming at the mouth before the Matron slapped her silent.
“What now?” The matron's eyes locked onto Wren with cold, deadly calm.
You're asking me? Who am I supposed to ask?I think this definitely qualifies as a situation in need of a miracle.
“Rabas was right about one thing, Matron. There was a beguiler among us, it just wasn't me.” Wren squeezed out between grinding teeth, eyes locked right back, focusing on outclassing the deadly since cold and calm were off the table. “Unfortunately he's not here to answer for what he's done since he's on his way back to Grimshadow to retrieve Grimalkin whom he helped to spirit away. And believe me when I say his fate, should he fail, will make Rabas' look sweet kindness for it's suddenness and lack of soul crushing despair.”
“Even you must see how convenient a situation this is for you, a situation terribly complicated for myself,” The matron said, using a hand to bar the way of the running band behind her. Wren had never had so many hostile eyes on him in his life.
“Then it seems I must show you proof now or this situation will become unsalvageable. Pity a little time and patience would have done the same without cost to myself,” Wren took a deep breathe before chanting out, hoping his unnecessary words would keep them from attacking till the effect activated, “ Riverson, I call upon your Mark of Faith to roll away mind's fog to reveal and purify the stream of thought below from the poison of our enemies.”
A blue sigil flashed too quickly to see as an illusionary avatar of Glaucous appeared in resplendent robes of azure and cyan hues. His right hand raised as if in benediction before a rippling pulse of blue light rolled out.
Final Fantasy eat your heart out. Yeah, the wittiness isn't helping me at all.
A gasp of amazement arose from everyone but the Matron and Wren who never lost eye contact. That didn't stop either of them from noticing that, as an additional effect, the blood and gore was removed as if it never existed. It didn't do anything for the corpse or body parts though, as if anything, they looked even more ghastly bloodless. After a few more moments of standoff ticked by, like a mutual agreement they broke eye contact so that the Matron could start taking care of business, Jaden and Lilly arriving just in time to help care for some immediate concerns but with promises of questions galore and silent horror mirrored on their faces.
After sharing a few quick words with the Matron, Rohn sent his daughter to the pavilion with Lilly as Jaden helped Rohn package up Rabas pieces.
“Wren, despite everything now being understood well enough, emotions will be running high and the band will be looking for someone to blame. It is needless to say that Rohn will be reinstated as Eldest and we will ensure that no one will be coming looking for trouble but it is perhaps best you do not leave the pavilion till you are ready to depart, for everyone's sake,” the Matron said not unkindly but not exactly friendly either. As much as Wren wished to protest, he couldn't disagree. Sometimes right and wrong just doesn't matter.
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