《Beta Zero》13-Valuable Lessons
Wren woke up feeling great, which perplexed him considering all that had occurred the day before but decided not to jinx himself by questioning it. He felt so good in fact, that he decided to completely ignore and refused to think about the fact that he had once again found himself being used as a body pillow by Troy again. He just chalked it up to dumping a stray in the only other bed available and moved on with the new day.
Yesterday ended on a pretty sour note so before I head to the manor I should probably see how things stand with Glaucous, assuming he'll even be available to talk.
Walking out of the back of the pavilion, Wren was greeted with the sight of a mock fight between Grimalkin and Lilly with Glaucous throwing out observations and instructing the two.
Situations change too fast for me to keep up with. Wasn't Blue Boy ready to Scanner Little Gray to death yesterday? I give up. Guess I'll just watch for a bit and wait for a good stopping place to catch up.
Wren noticed Jaden watching the two, a mixture of admiration and a touch of jealousy on his face, from a comfy looking bench and joined him there as the action between the combatants heated up.
Having exhausted the last practice needle from his blowpipe, Grimalkin closed in on Lilly with three acupuncture needles sliding into his left hand and brandishing a blunted dagger in his right. Within the last five feet, he switched to some kind of tricky zigzag sliding step combo to get around and behind her, slapping a needle towards the base of her head. Judging the lack of surprise from Lilly it probably wasn't even near the first time he slipped her front guard.
Turning a split second about face, right into a mirror image of the solid 'L' stance she was in before, she slapped the needle hand off trajectory with the back of her own leading arm. As she followed up with an open palm strike from her trailing arm towards Grimalkin's ribs, a flash of dark gray particles preceded a tight 'U' shaped streak ending with Grimalkin's dagger hand extending forward for a concession tap to the back of Lilly's neck. A tap that should have succeeded had he not dropped the dagger. The reason for which became clear as both of Grimalkin's hands rushed down to the place where the heel of Lilly's curled back leg, had firmly been planted. As Grimalkin fell to the ground clutching his coin purse, Lilly shot an expectant gaze at Glaucous.
Glaucous took a moment to send a glowing blue orb of water at Grimalkin before turning to Lilly and saying, “ As I have noted previously, your battle instincts are surprisingly sharp and it will be some time before your martial skill level grows enough for you to fully display it's potential. Your decisiveness in execution has exponentially improved since yesterday. In another week or two your comprehension of Flowing Water Style will reach basic completion which should give you around 90% favorable odds against Graycat's current Spitting Viper Strikes mastery but still short of Troy's ridiculous looking but effective Fencing/Ballet fusion Style. I'll have Jaden focus on teaching you the flexible sword forms and throwing daggers in the evening. The three of you shall do practical exchanges after morning meditations.
“You should advise Troy to practice with Graycat when he has time between 'music lessons' with Ephyra as they could enrich each other's martial prowess. Watching how that prancing and exaggerated footwork deals with hidden weapons should prove to be an amusing spectacle. Someone should wake him before Ephyra grows impatient and comes to claim him. Even my own mother was loath to make her wait when things needed doing. Alright, dismissed you three. Wren and I have things to discuss before he attends to his other duties today.”
Grimalkin gave a deep bow to Wren before silently making his way to the washing area while Jaden and Lilly shared a few private words before Lilly went her own way as Jaden reluctantly trudged after Grimalkin. Before the brief twinge of sadness could take root in Wren from Lilly's apparent indifference to his presence she turned to run up to him for a brief hug then jetted off.
Glaucous relieved the sudden awkward silence with an observation. “Of the three, your bond with Lilly is the only one that carries the feel of real family.”
“She reminds me of my niece, that girl was like a daughter to me. I never really had a desire to have kids of my own but if I did, it wouldn't be so bad if they were like Lilly.” Wren mused.
“I never gave much thought of it till I found myself with my firstborn. A fiercely independent and stubborn boy with a strong distaste for authority, who never had much use for me. The one time I could have saved him, to bend the law and my duty to save him I chose not to, losing him and his mother on the same day. To later discover what had become of his two children enraged me, Wren. The progeny of my lawless son were turned into little more than tools to enforce it, as if to endlessly pay for the mistake that had made them. All that came after, I did not know until yesterday. Generations of mentally and spiritually crippled slaves to House Grimshadow were almost single-handedly responsible for the imbalance of power today. My eldest son and daughter's blood keeping the old gifts alive within the other great families even as they died in my brother's eldest's house, stripped of even his name.
“Somehow, the combination of saving his life, giving him a name and protecting him from my anger fueled attempt at mercy has twisted his loyalty to you, Wren but Graycat is not yet that far removed from the deadly tool he was raised to be. His time of recovery and discovery will be long, leaving you to be steer and rudder to him till he can navigate on his own. I hope you are up to the task. In his peers I see a chance to somewhat, though never truly, redeem my negligence to my first born and poor daughter. When I let the waters of Shale River wash away the rot from my brother's legacy I will save and take them in, bring them with me through the deep ways to Ysgir's sea caves. The, so called innocents you manage to save may join us there, those that do not wish to stay with Matron Suncave. You needn't worry for her family, I had never intended that they should suffer, nor what remains of Deepwise.
“I cannot thank you for awakening this spark of compassion in me. Long before I learned the truth from you, I grew to resent my duty and longed for freedom. Perhaps what I had failed to do for my brother's early descendants I will succeed in doing for those that share our blood. If I do, then that is the day when my gratitude to you will be endless, If I do not then maybe I will resent you as well...I half jest to make light of my fears, no need for worry.”
Easy for you to say. If you were serious, I wouldn't dare to have kids! At least not on this world.
“Moving on to other matters that I believe you'd like to know or have a care to discuss. Your family in spirit, Lilly's feigned courtship with my youngest son has taken a turn. I sense the seeds of true interest from her, though it is too early to say if it will amount to anything. I would insist that my son has been sincere in desire ever since the moment he laid eyes upon her coupled with a short but still generous amount of time to grow closer that chances favor his success. That will lead his path to hers, and by connection, yours. On my son's behalf I ask for your blessing as I know that you are the Eldest in spirit and truth.”
Wren mulled it over for a moment before he said, “I will neither give blessing nor rejection. As far as I'm concerned this is Lilly's choice in it's entirety and has nothing to do with me other than providing what ever aid I can to ensure her will is respected. I will say this. Until this moment I had every intention of hiding this from you, please take no offense. Your brother left an inheritance, an inheritance your son is qualified to receive. I wanted to accomplish this as early as possible before the Rite of Blood Sharing for personal reasons. Because I respect what I have seen of your son, I had asked Troy and Lilly to treat him with sincerity, no more... no less but I can do no less than what I ask of them so I ask you, is there any reason why he shouldn't receive your brother's inheritance?
A long, painful minute passed before Glaucous responded, “Before I answer this, what factions back this transference of inheritance?”
“Not factions, two alliances. Both the Guardians and Balance Keepers offer reputation for it's completion.”
“I am tempted to say yes, there is all the reasons that killed my brother and left his wife separated from their children that is the heart of my personal tragedy today. I propose this. If my son joins Lilly on her path then what he receives will only be of aid but if he does not win her affections we will let this matter die. Best he not be pulled into the affairs of ancient powers for no purpose and for your honesty and lack of greed at the cost of my son's future, should my son and your family part ways here I will grant you a reward that will rival whatever they offer on the provision you do not tell him. Does anyone else know?”
“No, though I had asked the Grand Teacher for a way to leave to above ground and return for two people which he offered to me about a month from now. I had also said I would explain why Jaden was important to us to Troy and Lilly but had not yet had the chance to and with everything else that is going on that offered conversation can be forgotten.”
“If the Grand Teacher had offered that to you, he would have had to believe that your action was tied with the survival of people from my wrath. Just as well you brought it to my attention. His help would have likely cost his life as taking people upon the shadow path at his age is too great a strain,” Glaucous offered grimly.
As it seemed conversation was drawing to a close a bleary-eyed Troy came strolling up to the two.
“Am I still early enough to keep the old lady from skinning me?” Troy asked a little hesitantly.
“Barely, if you hurry,” Glaucous said wryly.
“Then bubble me, my man, and I'll be on my way,” Troy said with a charmingly irritating half grin and a harassing wink towards Wren.
“ If I was your man, boy, you would not be in such a hurry to leave my company for Ephyra's and I'm confident your eyes and arms would not be straying to others,” Glaucous deadpanned as a faintly blue glowing nimbus surrounded Troy.
“I'm not, I mean I didn't-,” Whatever thought Troy was trying to get out, he ended on his own as he turned and started wading to the dark hole in the water, his burning ears illuminated by the misty glow of magic. Glaucous' self amused chuckles following him down.
Oho! So I'm not the only one to suffer a little embarrassment at the hands of this culture's easy misunderstandings. Is it wrong that seeing Troy at the butt end of that innuendo was incredibly satisfying?
“So what's the story behind that?” Wren waved his hand over towards the dark hole that Troy just disappeared into.
“His cock-sure attitude is endearing and grating in equal measure. Having some fun at his expense seems harmless enough. Oh, you mean why is he going into my pocket realm within the arcane well? Yesterday, while he was practicing his bardic gift while singing a particularly odd medley by the name of 'Sexy Back', my long-returned-to-nature grandmother's attendant Ephyra, happened to be near the portal. Upon hearing, what she referred to as 'an atrocity committed against the musical art mystic', she demanded that he desist immediately and if he swore to never sully the art she so loves with that or any other noise of it's ilk she would take him under her tutelage, which I heavily endorsed. Who better to teach musical bewitchment than one of the last remaining Nereid responsible for the birth of mermaids and sirens? Perhaps she sees him as a fellow refugee from Earth or perhaps he simply represents a distraction from her excitement and impatience at our imminent relocation to a sea-side home or some other mysterious reason known only to her. In any event it's only a boon to him as I see it.”
“Well, cave light is burning and I have to get my show on the road, Glaucous. I'm glad that we are still on good terms. I couldn't imagine wanting to stick around if we weren't.”
Wren held a a bloody rag up to his rapidly healing broken nose wondering what he had done to deserve such an awful highlight to an otherwise decent day.
As the index finger of his free hand was placed in front of Grimalkin to restrain him from making a move on the offensive twelve year old boy he tried to talk down Rohn, who was on the verge of going old school on his son, as Rohn's daughter looked upon the whole affair with detached amusement that could have been a carbon copy of the Matron's own 'resting bitch face with smirk'.
A couple of hours earlier, Wren had met up with Rohn to be introduced to his kids. Over a modest meal that past in complete silence, as is custom. Two new faces were scrutinizing Wren. The teenage girl, Rohna, inspected Wren as if he were a particularly fascinating pinned bug on display. Little warrior-in-the-making, Jakoby, adopted the smug and vaguely superior look that some children get when they think they've found an adult they can bully. Despite this, Wren didn't feel that anything was outside of his expectations. A boy who was suddenly told that his scrapping and roughhousing time was going to get cut into for book learning wouldn't take it laying down and a teenage girl who was used to being treated like a princess to be catered to while simultaneously being prepared to be used as a brood mare, in Wren's mind, was either going to be a soulless doll or adopt the persona of the strongest woman they knew. As Wren saw it, it was much better to deal with spirited kids than perfectly behaved little drones.
When Wren discussed with Rohn how he wanted to approach the task of teaching he had decided that the less preconceptions the children had towards Wren and what exactly they would be learning would be the better way. Nothing would be mentioned about magic or special abilities until Wren had a chance to review the records of ability training and the process of awakening them. Any child and nearly any adult, for that matter, who was told they would be learning how to use magic would be to antsy waiting for that to actually focus on anything else, at least for awhile. That was not how Wren wanted to begin.
Wren's Personal SYSTEM Notes>Stuff I Do>Teaching>Basic Schedule
Initial Learning Schedule
1 hour (with small break) Science (Earth 2w, Biology 2w, applied Chem remaining time
1hour (wsb) Applied Math (play by ear, make as much hands on as possible)
1hour Language/Philosophy/Geography (alternating w/1 day a week given to the Grand Teacher for History)
Midday meal
2h practical: science experiments, debates, and magic (when applicable)
Wren wrung a small concession from Rohn to allow Grimalkin to act as an assistant after midday when he would be teaching practical knowledge application at the pavilion. The safest and most secure place Wren could think of when he knew powers would be added to the lessons at some point. Possibly attracting a curious Glaucous over was a completely intentional coincidence. What he didn't count on was the addition of one of Rohn's runners, who was Jakoby's martial instructor, and the children's mother who invited themselves to the pavilion.
At first it seemed that they were intent on observation, as they had earlier when Wren briefly introduced the learning topics. They even seemed just as enchanted with the iron filing sparklers and matchsticks as the children. But as Wren coached them through making the simple measurements of ingredients to make play-dough it seemed the two hanger-ons had finally found something to nitpick about, revealing their real purpose for being there.
As Rabas the Runner went on a diatribe of how Jakoby could be using this time to essentially become better at hurting and killing things on one side, Mamma Jesni started flying off the handle about how precious little time was left before the Rite of Blood Sharing and she didn't see how her daughter spending time with Rohn's 'side-piece' was of any use other than wasting the precious moments they could be spending together preparing for Rohna's ordeals. Apparently the deeper plans of clan Suncave was on a need-to-know and they weren't in the know. And judging by Rohn's feelings towards the two, that status was not likely to change.
It didn't help the overall situation, that Jesni's spousal status as first wife was meant to be a temporary one to prove fertility that turned permanent when Rohn's intended was denied him. The two were obviously not in love and she had been chosen based off of beauty and health as the only important factors. She was a red sash who found herself with the right to a purple one and feared it being taken away.
Rabas's backstory was a little more complex. A teenage experimental phase turned 'shield brother', Rabas likely still held a torch for Rohn but for Rohn, Rabas was a trusted battle brother that he never had any real romantic feelings for and their dalliances were fondly buried with the rest of Rohn's adolescence when he assumed the mantle of Eldest. Though their shared past may have had an influence on Rohn's decision to appoint him as Jakoby's teacher, Rabas was ultimately chosen because of his spear mastery and patience.
As Rohn's irritation surpassed his desire for harmony, putting him into 'leader of the House' mode, Wren made his way to the back of the pavilion. Lost in thought about how his teaching plans were going to have to be drastically changed to deal with this nonsense, he missed the approach of Jakoby. As he looked up to the sudden shouted accusation of 'This is all your fault', his world exploded into stars as a twelve year old boy thoroughly crossed his 'T's and dotted his 'I's before the boy's father yanked him off of Wren, leading the whole ordeal full circle in Wren's mind.
Alright, that just happened. Fuck the cloak and dagger teaching plan and fuck the patient and understanding mentor approach. Mr. Feeny, I am not.
“Brother Rohn, if you would be so kind as to explain to your children the main reason I'm teaching them, if nothing else, while I rearrange my face roughly back to it's original configuration and try to get the blood out of my shirt. If there is time and ability to do so today, I'd like for you to arrange a meeting between myself and Rabas at the sparring ground. I'd be perfectly content for your delightful wife and children to spectate,” Wren said with as much sarcastic cheer as he could muster.
As he was attending to himself in the washroom he told Grimalkin, “Whatever happens at the training area, do not interfere unless someone is actively attempting to kill me. Subdue, not kill, if possible.”
“It will be as you say mast-er, bro-brother Wren.”
“It's hard now but you'll get used to it in no time. You are not my servant. You are my friend. And as long as you don't betray or try to hurt me, you'll have a place by my side no matter where I am, for as long as you need it, Gray.”
A couple of hours later and close to last meal, Wren was staring across the dirt circle at Rabas. The latter, wearing a smugly confident look on his face, stood in a comfortable and loose stance with a well balanced practice spear. The former wore a passive face as he felt the reassuring spiritual hum of Gnome in the ground beneath his feet and Solas, his light tulpa, close to the spiderweb like veins of luminescent crystal above his head.
Wren took a deep breath and said, “I have no illusions about this. I may lose. I may lose badly,” interrupted briefly by a condescending snort from Rabas before continuing, “ and I'm sure that would make some of you very happy to see. But since the lot of you seem content to dismiss me, turn your nose-up at what I have to share and delegate brother Rohn's decisions on the direction of his children's future as little more than sentimental foolishness, allow me to earn back some of the face you've stepped on for the both of us. Oh, and children, watch carefully what opportunities you, your mother and your battle master have nearly lost you.”
With a brief nod from Wren, Rohn Shouted, “ Begin!”
In the split second that it took to get his readied tulpas to execute their actions, Gnome to throw up a jut of earth and Solas to shoot from the ceiling and pulse as brightly as possible, a spear point was lightly scratching his right collar bone where it came very close to piercing clean through the hastily erected barrier. He completely ignored the high pitch shrill of pain coming from the other side of the wall and the accompanied hisses all around as his spacial calculation informed him that the original target of the spear would have sent it into and possibly completely through his genitals, likely leaving nothing else but a small scratch on his perineum besides.
The fucker tried to unman me!
Under that grim knowledge, all thoughts of mercy and graceful winning fled from his mind as it was filled with a distinct desire to inflict pain and terror. The earthen wall reassembled itself into irregularly spiked segment armor making him look like a hellish humanoid beetle. His revealed opponent, a mess of flash burned skin, clothing and smoking hair was scrambling around for his spear which Wren helpfully kicked to him, aided with a little telekinesis. The light tulpa went out with a hiss like a wetly snuffed candle as shadow and spirit coalesced into a ball of teeth, tusk and spider legs before breaking and spreading out, reforming into a large, wraith-like buzzard; Gnashing piranha mouths decorated it's feathers, barbed talons flanked it's wings, gleaming edged daggers coated in old blood formed its feet, it's empty stygian eyes stared down a beak formed of two broken and rusty blades.
The nightmare creature's tail feathers flared and undulated in black bale-fire as it bent to it's task. Disarming it's foe in less than a second before digging into every non-vital area it could reach, shredding skin, fat and surface muscle in thin strips it swallowed down.
Upgrade: Tier I Combat Tulpa, Fear has become Tier II Combat Tulpa, Terror
Touching upon the darkness within, you have fused it into your projections. Other upgrages possible. Caution: mental instability and spiritual corruption possible from this evolutionary path
The window was like a splash of cold water. Wren immediately called off and dismissed the combat and earth tulpas and dove into stabilizing Rabas. Biting back the aftershock of adrenaline and trying to down play the event some, Wren asked all attending to observe. Trying to utilize all of what control he had, Wren summoned up his water tulpa and infused it with a wisp of life essence, having it capture the clean blood and inject it back into wounds as he sent another wisp of life essence into his healing efforts. Switching back and forth between micro healing and purification he managed to get him stable as he began adding a touch of telekinesis here and there to hold broken tendons and ribbons of muscle to reattach them. After five minutes of using everything at his disposal to restore the lump of raw flesh back into a functioning person left him bone weary. After taking a minute amount each of stamina, eldritch, and arcane essences he fixed the seared retinas and damaged corneas of Rabas' otherwise intact eyes and called it quits.
Discovered: Multi Discipline Restoration- between the paths of science and spirit lies a hidden one that is known to you, much to the benefit of your allies.
Through a voice of awe and carefully but not entirely masked fear Rohn asked, “What, did you just do?”
“He tried to jab off my manhood. He didn't just want to humiliate me. He wanted me to die slowly in pain. And for a fleeting moment, I felt his hatred and jealousy. A fire fed fuel from somewhere else,” Wren glanced at Jesni with a shadow of the darkness from earlier dancing in his tired eyes before continuing, “So I tore him apart. I tore him apart as far as I could without killing him. Then I put him back together. I put him back together as best I could but It's much easier to dismantle something than it is to mend it. There will be healing that can still be done and there will be lingering problems that will need to be addressed over the next month or so but it won't be done by me. He'll live and he'll be able to function.
“If there is a next time, brother Rohn-,” Wren locked eyes with Jesni, “then those responsible will learn what wanting to die but not being able to, truly means... If you will excuse me.”
Wren stopped briefly between the two children on his way to the pavilion. “My knowledge, my secrets to power, as long as you had the desire and aptitude I would have given it to you freely. Now you will have to earn it. With sincerity, sweat and if need be pain, you will earn it and you will do so eagerly and without complaint or the shackles to it that now exist will remain locked to you.
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