《Technically Abroad》Shuffle 2.3
At first, Victor thought he was going to be taken outside, but instead, he was taken into a room down one flight of stairs and through a hallway. The room was mostly empty except for some targets, basic tools, dry food, and barrels of drink.
Telli spread her arms while a dwarven woman was in there moving some of the barrels into one corner of the room.
"This room has a lot of basic things. If you need anything to demonstrate what you can do let us know and we will have it taken outside. If you need something that isn't here let me know and I'll see what we can do."
"Just," Victor started with a short pause, "I guess bring out whatever you want. I don't really need anything specific to show what I can do... I just need stuff and for you to not mind me using it since it's your property. Maybe try to get a variety of things?"
"Nothing specific?" Telli asked.
"No nothing specific," He replied, "I just want to get out of here and get some fresh air. I'm sorry if I am not in the best mood but being kidnapped will do that to someone."
His tone was dripping with sarcasm as he flipped Telli the bird, "I mean even if I assume you are completely honest I should have been told. I'm sure you would be completely happy trying to survive, trying to figure out what is going on. I joined the stupid guild thing so I could get some money and maybe figure out some stuff about going home later and you creeps kidnap me when you could have just asked!"
While he realized, based on the lack of a reaction, Telli didn't understand what it meant, Victor felt a bit better that he got to be a little ruder without her realizing it.
Snapping her fingers, Telli spoke to the dwarven woman. When she turned Victor noticed she had a small amount of facial hair, maybe a couple of millimeters long.
"I want you to take a variety of things outside of the second entrance. Size, shape, weight. All of it is ideal. Magical and nonmagical."
Lifting one of the barrels and a box with different things protruding from it, the dwarf nods, "Of course ma'am. I'll ask Kengrem to bring some of the basic magical tools and equipment outside as well. Should I bring out any of the farm animals or do you just want items?"
Before anyone else could react, Victor spoke up, "I can't do anything with any living animals. I tried with something once and it didn't work. It was some small fuzzy animal."
"No animals." Telli said bluntly as she left the room, "Do you have anything you need Victor? I suspect you want to get away from us as far and fast as you can."
Victor muttered a little under his breath, just enough that Telli could hear some of the words. A couple of profanities and words that they better keep their promise to him.
When they got outside, Victor took a deep breath enjoying the fresh air as he saw the sun was nearly set. There was a slight chill he felt and it looked like someone was setting up some wood for a fire, lighting the timber with a small flame protruding from his finger.
Once the fire was started Telli got the firestarter's attention, "Go tell the others who wish to observe that we will be ready soon. Let them know though that people need to be working and that since this is an unknown rule seven eight is in effect."
A small period of time passed as a variety of things were taken outside, the smaller items set on a blanket while the rest were set separately with space between them.
Once everything settled down and the sun was gone, leaving only the light of the flame to light everything, Telli said that everyone who would be out here was.
Eight people were outside total, not including Victor, and four of them were standing back farther than the rest. They seemed to be watching while staying farther from the main attraction.
"So," Victor said with a slight sigh, "What do you want exactly?"
One of the three people nearby that Victor didn't recognize spoke up, "It is my understanding that we just wish for you to show us what your item can do."
Victor lightly looked at the man with a sigh and brought out his card. Looking at it the flickering light of the campfire, oversized as it was, thought a bit and soon the body of the jurex was on the ground, some blood once again dripping from the wounds on its body and one of those closest went to look at the body, pulling back his hand at the bloods touch.
"Fresh kill," the woman said as she pulled her hand back from the burning sensation, "It is dead and we have no need to worry about it waking up and attempting something unless there is more to what he did."
Victor sighed.
"No, I just stored it away. I killed it and stored it in case there is a mana core in it."
Putting on a metal gauntlet the woman lifted the body of the jurex, "Do you mind if I see if there is a core in here for you? It's in the way and the blood might get on some of the stuff."
Victor waved his hand dismissively, "Go ahead. The core is mine if you find it though. I don't really care about the rest right now unless it's actually valuable then you can buy it."
Seeing the body taken away from everything else, Victor looked at everything around him. He took it all in one by one. Most of it seemed fairly mundane, but the mention of magical tools being in there made him wonder if some of it was especially useful or if that was something to try and trick him.
"You won't be mad if some of this breaks by mistake will you?"
Telli speaks up in response, "Some of it we would be annoyed, but nothing we have here will be a large concern if it is broken or even destroyed. We wouldn't risk anything of real importance if we didn't have to and I hope you wouldn't destroy things just because you can."
Feeling a little bit better, Victor approached some of the items one by one. The first several large items went in and out of his card easily enough.
An ale keg, chair, table, steel breastplate, and the oversized blanket that all of the smaller items were spread out on, taking it out from under them without them moving more than the slight fall the new space created. The items being placed upon the ground each time after, but the blanket was unable to go back under all the items that were placed upon it.
After all of the larger items were removed and put back they were examined by the four who had been staying back who took them to the exit.
"As you can see," Victor explained, "I can put things in my card and take them out. Nothing amazing and nothing compared to what I heard some of the magical items you people can create can do. I mean you guys have magical storage devices. The only difference is yours require mana cores to keep working and can store a lot more items than mine can at once."
"Please continue regardless," Telli responded with a kind smile that seemed to switch in shape as the lighting would slightly change what aspects of her face were highlighted the most.
When the larger items were taken away Victor moved onto the smaller ones, peering out towards the woods. A slight shudder was seen as he thought of his first night in this world.
"Having trouble?"
Victor saw that the man who spoke up to explain what was wanted. Trying to stand up a bit straighter he smiled.
"I just wanted to make sure I didn't overlook something. You lot aren't the most trustworthy and the only reason I am humoring you all is that I don't want to wander around at night with no clue where I am or where to go. If I had any other option to get somewhere safer I would take it."
There was a slight quiver to his voice, but the words had come out at a steady pace before he walked over to the smaller items.
Examining a stack of plates he was able to take one from anywhere in the pile that he wanted, but only able to place it back on top.
From the weapons, he could put them where he wanted or within his hand. Although, when he tried to put an oversized hammer into his hands the weight of it, especially appearing from nothing without any notable time to adjust, nearly toppled him before he just dropped it.
Each time he drew in something it followed the same pattern. The item would vanish. If there were many and he didn't specify which one it would draw one in at random. It would appear as an image with a small written name at the bottom and he would not be able to pull anything else in until he removed what it had within.
During one of the times that he drew something in the light caught his card enough that he noticed something. A slight difference in the bar on the right-hand side of his card. Where before it had been just an outline now it appeared to have a little bit of red starting to fill it up it in from the bottom. While it was new he didn't share it with the people around him, hoping nobody would notice.
When he had gone through every item, noticing that they lied to him about one aspect of this test, he walked past the fire, drawing in one of the small stones that were near it. This was the only way to get one, that he thought of, without it being too obvious.
"That is it. I can put stuff in and take stuff out. Nothing amazing. I am sure you all don't really have any reason to feel worried about me and my little pocket."
"You did well," The woman who had taken the body of the jurex away, "There was no mana core in the beast sadly, but we were able to salvage a little bit of something useful so you will get a little money from it."
"Great," Victor replied sardonically.
A part of him didn't trust the woman's words, despite knowing it was quite likely that the creature didn't have one.
"So what now? I don't want to stay here too long, but I don't want to deal with you to long either. Oh, and I want all of my stuff back! Not just some of it, but all of it!"
"Of course,"Telli said coming forward, "We will have someone with a cart and horse in the morning. I hope you understand why, but someone here will be putting a slight charm on you making it harder for you to remember the first segment of your trip. I would say from morning until halfway between the early day and late day bells for this time of year. If you disagree with this, of course, we will just bring you out while you sleep."
Victor and Telli started to stare at one another, no words being spoken for a couple of moments before Victor approached her, "Fine I'll let you, but I don't like people messing with my head. I'm only agreeing because I don't like the idea of being asleep as you do stuff to me even less."
While he hadn't measured exactly, Victor knew that his card could only manifest items within a certain distance of him so being this close he held his card and placed the small stone within Tellis shoe. He knew it was a little petty to just put a pebble in someone's shoe, but the small wince that he saw on her face was enough to make him feel better, albeit to a small degree.
"I assume you want me inside until you are ready for me to leave?" Victor asked.
"If you would," Telli replied, "I'll have Chrel bring you to your room where all of your things are. You can do as you like until morning."
One of the four who had mostly stayed near the door offered his assistance without a word as they began to go inside.
Only once Victor was out of sight and a moment had passed, Telli took off her shoe and dropped a stone and showing that a small section of her foot had a slight burn on it.
"He put a stone in my shoe."
"Are you certain?" One of those still nearby asked.
Telli smiled a bit, "Quite. I felt it in my shoe only after he got close to me."
"Forgive me," The young woman replied, "But it might be that it just fell farther in and you hadn't noticed it until then."
Sitting down and starting to put her shoe back on Telli rubbed a finger over where a small burn was visible on her foot, "No it was him. I would have noticed a stone that burned me going into my shoe. I'll add it to the report with everything else. What did we learn?"
The people around her spoke to one another before a human male, looking to be in his mid-forties with slightly greying hair spoke.
"As far as we can tell he draws in one thing at a time, but there are either aspects he doesn't know or is hiding from us."
Telli nodded as she listened to the man.
"First he claimed and it looked like he can only draw one item into it at a time regardless of how it is organized. This was seen with the stack of plates, the sack of coins, and the arrows in their quiver, but there was one time where he was able to draw in more than just one."
Walking over to the keg he opened it enough that the ale withing could be seen, "If he could truly only draw in the container he would have only left the ale, or if somehow he ended up with the ale, but not the barrel then it would have appeared as if nothing happened."
Next, he lifted up a small construction hammer, "As you know this had a minor magical enchantment upon it so when it was in use the sound would be either muffled or silenced depending on the materials that it was being used on, only truly making the normal sounds when the mana core is spent."
To make his point the man hit the barrel with the hammer, making a sound one would expect for a chunk of metal hitting a barrel.
"This had a nearly full charge when he took it into his card, but now it is gone. Not only that, but the enchantment that was upon it is removed. We will have to get it enchanted again and use a mana core to get it to work as intended."
Setting the hammer on the barrel, he pointed towards where the jurex was taken earlier.
"The creature that he killed looked to be fresh and didn't have any especially deep cuts. It seemed to be death by many weak stabs or slashes. Jasp told us that when she was looking for the mana core there was none to be found, but despite this, it had an empty spot in its body that was perfect for a mana core to be stored, without a way for it to be taken out unless you had a very specific way of doing magic. If I am honest ma'am I think this might be something to have concern over."
Telli nodded her head a little, "Yes, but not enough to kill him. We will not follow him, but if he keeps trying to learn things like he said I expect our network can keep an eye on him. We have other priorities now. This is especially true if a story that was overheard in a small town is true. Once we know if Nell wants to keep being Leahla or if we need someone else to take over I plan to have a certain slave bought. He isn't a lifer so we can't bring him into the field, but that's the only way we can question him without concern."
"Is there anything else you can think of about Victor's item that we haven't mentioned? That goes for all of you."
The silence was only broken by the crackling of the fire not too far from them.
"Then bring everything inside. Post someone to work with Chrel to ensure he doesn't try to run during the night. I'll get some things for him to take with him as an apology for being abducted and we'll take him away from Orlayns Wave. I don't want him to end up enslaved by anyone, much less a noble. There is to much risk having someone with what he has as a slave under anyone."
The rest of the night was slow as far as Victor was concerned. He didn't want to sleep while stuck here, thinking to himself he should have tried to sneak out a weapon instead of getting some petty revenge on the woman, wondering if he would really be freed or if this was the same group that had killed his friends trying another way to get what they wanted out of him.
When morning came, Nell entered the room, "We got everything set up now. You're going to go to Green Rebirth. It is west of here, away from where we met. It has a guild office so you can try to earn a living there, but it isn't as big there so they don't get nearly as many jobs. I suggest you try to find a trade and try to live a simple life. I know you don't have a reason to trust me so it is just a suggestion."
Having not slept the last night, Victor felt a little tired as he stood.
"I'll manage. Especially if you don't take what is mine."
His last word was punctuated louder than the rest as he followed her outside, taking a different path from the previous night.
After seeing the cart and horse, Victor climbed into the back of it, leaving the driver in front. He quickly verified that everything that he expected was there, glaring at Nell more than once as he did so.
"Good to see you didn't steal anything from me. Can I go now?"
"Almost," Nell replied as she looked out behind her, eventually the woman who had taken away the jurex approached.
Once she was close to the cart the woman almost purred as she spoke. The tone of voice sticking in his mind as only every tenth word seemed to make sense. Before he realized it the world looked like it was a mix of a waters reflection with a slight ripple and a kaleidoscope and his hearing was muffled leaving only some of the sounds to be heard. With this he barely noticed as the woman almost fell to the ground, Nell barely catching her, and the cart started to move away from the location he had been forced to stay in against his will.
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