《Afterlife Quest: Theodore Saga》Chapter 24 - Simple Thing


I stepped out of the shadows and into the encampment. I didn't want to try firing from the shadows at him because I didn't think it would be effective at getting him to talk with me again and I figured that at that range my arrow would probably just bounce off of his scales. In my mind, it posed a greater risk than reward so I stuck to my current plan. I knew that he was comfortable talking with an enemy because he had already done it the first time not seeing me as a threat at all. My hope was that because of the reset he wouldn't remember me or my dimensional space and not see me as a threat again.

"That was pretty cool how you changed from that dragon form," I said attempting to get lure him into complacency with fake admiration. It wasn't really a lie though, evil or not, changing from a dragon into another form was dang cool. "Can you really smell fear?"

He turned and smiled his wicked smile at me and said, "No, I was about to walk into the cave system there and say the same thing and see what happened."

"That was a smart move and obviously it worked," I said with a sheepish smile in return.

"What happened here?" he said motioning to his camp.

"Wild animals," I answered which was only a half-truth. I was sure he would be able to see the animal tracks crisscrossing the area. I hoped that a little believability would help me gain a little trust. I had already collected all of the arrows I had shot, but they had also had their gear taken so that may not add up so I tried to cover. "When I got here I took the weapons and armor from the dead not thinking they would need it anymore. I can go retrieve it and give it back if it belongs to you. I meant no harm in taking the items."

"An honest man!" he said giving his hands a mighty clap, "You can keep the gear as I have no need of it and any fresh recruits would bring their own."

"Thank you, I'm sorry, I never asked your name. How rude of me. I'm Theodore and you are?" I stated with mock sadness as if I actually cared if I was rude to this killer. I hoped I wasn't laying it on too thick.

"I am called Tekosh. I am the arbiter of the mighty Tsagor. Please, present yourself before me so we converse properly," he said pretentiously then waved his hand before him motioning me over.


I stood right in front of him and gave the slightest bow I felt I could get away with. I had to tell myself this was all just acting and I wasn't really paying him any respect.

"Great Tekosh," I began in time with my small bow, "Forgive my ignorance, but I have no knowledge of you or the mighty Tsagor. Could I be so bold as to ask for information?"

"Of course," he said, "I'll give you so same information I'm giving everyone who has forgotten the ancient one. Tsagor is a being more powerful than even me who rules over these lands from his throne in the West. I have been sent to the East to map the towns and settlements and bid them accept his rule once again and pay him tribute."

"Once again?" I asked.

"Yes, the mighty Tsagor sleeps for a hundred years, awakens for a thousand years of rule, then repeats the process as he has since time immemorial. He has recently awakened and chosen me as one of his arbiters. I am his arbiter over these lands farthest to the East."

"I apologize if this is a stupid question, but is Tsagor a dragon like yourself?" I asked trying to hide how happy I was that my plan was working so far.

He bellowed with laughter and said, "It is indeed a stupid question, but no Tsagor is not a dragon. He is a giant and his power is unequaled."

"May I ask one last question?" I asked hoping for one last piece of information.

He waved a hand as if to say go ahead.

"I've never spoken with a dragon before. I'm wondering if the legends are true. Is it impossible to pierce a dragon's scales with sword or arrow?"

He laughed at me harder than before.

"Was that your plan? To make me think you are a friend and then have me tell you my weakness?" he asked, but I'd guessed rhetorically as he continued speaking. "You haven't fooled anyone with your lies. I saw the whole attack from my rest further up the mountain. I know you were involved in the killing in my camp. You thought you were deceiving me, but it was I who was deceiving you."

My heart sank as he explained what had really been happening. I had no words and knew I was about to die again. I had to think fast. This wasn't covered in any of my scenarios.

"I know I don't stand a chance against you and that you are about to kill me," I said as I got down on my knees with my face to the ground and continued, "I beg you for one last request. Just one simple thing before I die."


I must've succeeded in stroking his ego with my begging and he said something that kind of surprised me. Although I did say that his confidence might just be his downfall.

"I am feeling generous because of the begging and the respect you have shown me when faced with imminent death. I will grant you one reasonable request," he said opening the door for a variation on one of the scenarios I had in my mind.

I stood up and pulled from behind my back my old Shamus bow and one of the common quality arrows. I held both out in front of me presenting them to him for inspection. I didn't know if he could see quality levels or special abilities so I presented the older bow and a slightly lower quality arrow.

"All I ask is for you to give me the chance to answer my last question to you by shooting you one time with a bow and arrow then I can die with honor knowing I died fighting a mighty dragon," I said bowing my head slightly again with the bow and arrow still offered for inspection.

He considered for a moment and said, "I grant you your request. You can see for yourself that an arrow will just bounce off of my scales and then I will kill you with honor. Walk ten paces then turn and fire when ready."

He inspected the bow and arrow and handed them back to me. As soon as I had them back in my possession I turned and started slowly counting off my ten paces. Unbeknownst to him, I switched to a rare quality arrow and my new Shamus bow when I turned and had started to imbue the arrow as well. He was busy turning into his full dragon form at this point and hadn't noticed a thing.

I finished my excruciatingly slow ten paces, nocked the arrow continuing to imbue it until the last second, and aimed for what I'd hoped was his soft underbelly. At the last moment before releasing I mentally triggered both special abilities I had available. I was able to pull back the bowstring a little further which was the overdrawn powershot special ability. I released the arrow and it flew straight into the dragon's stomach about where a belly button would be on a human. It penetrated a few inches into his scales and his face went from a cocky smile, to surprise, then upon realizing that the damage wasn't fatal back to cockiness.

Unfortunately for him, that was about when the delay ran out on the waterball spell I had imbued, and a waterball about seven feet across formed in an instant pushing out from inside of the monster's abdomen. He exploded into two rough halves and then a very different look shot across his face, blind rage.

Unfortunately for me, he still had his arms and wings and they were still functional. I was frozen in place for a second not knowing what to do at this point. It was long enough for him to fly over to me, grab me with an arm on either side pinning my arms in place, and start beating his wings to gain altitude.

"Not again," I couldn't help but say.

He said nothing as he continued gaining altitude.

When we were up high enough for him to continue through with his plan he said, "Now, Theodore, you die!"

"I'm already dead!" I yelled back in his face as I felt him starting to release. I thought my iron spear into my hand that I had moved into position. The spear popped into existence with the head of the spear inside of the dragon's skull. I briefly saw the level-up notification but gave him a lightning bolt scroll for good measure.

Then I was falling yet again and wondered if falling to my death was my new normal. I thought back to the morning and tried to imagine laying on the soft mattress. I had an idea.

I quickly wrapped myself as much as possible in the long cloak I had gotten from Shamus. I thought of the mattress again but this time I made on appear right below me. I wasn't sure when the impact would be and I still had a bunch of them so I just kept creating a new one under me anytime I felt one shifting from the resistance of the fall.

I opened my eyes fully expecting the white light and the man behind the desk, but I saw Honey's face on one side and Mr. Snuggles' face on the other side. They were standing over me and I was laying on a mattress.

Mae flew right over me and looked down with the most flabbergasted face.

"I can't believe that worked, Teddy."

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