《Classroom of Doom》Volume 4 - Chapter 24: Delusion 100.


As I was about to walk into my dorm, a massive uproar could be heard from the entrance.

Truth to be told, despite it being loud as hell, I was prioritizing the fact that I needed a quick shower before anything else.

However, the appearance of Kuzan immediately stroke me before I could walk any further into the hall.

"Aniki! It's terrible! You gotta see this!"

"Sorry, maybe tomorrow. Right now I need to shower. I'm soaked, as you can see."

I wasn't in such a high mood where I could intentionally ignore Kuzan. Especially because Kuzan seems like the type of person to keep on trying despite being rejected.

He was immune to such feelings as those.

Nevertheless, priorities are priorities. Besides, I bet it's just some stupid shit as always. Nothing worth thinking, honestly.

"I'm serious about this, Aniki! It's King George, he's---"

It appears that, against my initial mindset, I could not ignore Kuzan's words this time.


Crowded. Plus, they are all together for once, in a circle.

How unusual.

What the hell is the situation?

"King George left a letter on the table for all of us to see! You need to see it, Aniki!"

Hey, did you know?

Kuzan can read minds apparently.

Hard to believe this was a coincidence, but I'm not in the mood to be logical.

"So? What does it say?"

If they all got the same information then why are they circling around it?

It makes no sense unless the message is truly that important.

I've noticed something too. Aside from all of us that are here in the circle, there is one person missing.

"It depends, Aniki. Which letter?"

"Huh? There's more than one letter?"

I was confused right now. What the hell did Kuzan mean by 'which letter?'?

"Oh. Perfect timing. You were the last one missin--- Hey, what happened to your fists?"

"Ryoken. It's nothing."

"No, it's definitely not nothing. What happened?"

Are we seriously prioritizing emotional caring instead of seeking out the actual situation?

"It's really nothing, don't worry about it."


"More importantly, what's happening, why is everyone here?"

Although I said everyone, I was extremely aware that a certain someone wasn't here.

"Well, I was the first one who got here, so let me actually explain the situation to everyone, now that we are...... all here..."

Susaga, unexpectedly, took control of the situation right away. Though, he hesitated when he said those final words. Of course, the chances of him being aware that the fact that this certain individual not being here might turn out to be a problem, are quite high.

"Please look at this. This piece of paper is a letter written by our supervisor."

Dude's got some balls to be disrespecting the king like that.

I can't tell whether I should respect Susaga for that or if I should pity his poor soul instead.

"I'll read it out loud... E-Erm...!"

Damn, Susaga even went to the top of the table.

Someone give this man a mic.

"Your King here. The one and only. I'll be out for a whole week! If any of you fuckers fuck anything up while I'm gone you're all dead!! P.S: If you want to eat, then make your fucking own food!!"

I'm surprised that I'm not surprised. Nevertheless, my reaction wouldn't be the same as the others...

"W-What the hell!? What do we do if King George isn't here to cook the damn food for us!?"

Tsudo had a point. King George is technically in charge of that but he just pulled out the 'Fuck that shit I'm out' card on us like that.


Although he said for us to cook, that was assuming we actually knew how to cook.

Hey, maybe if we were in a gender bender Manga and swapped to the feminine gender, then we could be able to cook. After all, we would be kitchen masters.

"Please don't get impulsive, Tsudo. We can work on that later. Also, Susaga, isn't there more to where that came from?"

Sagasuga was most likely referring to something that would ring a bell to Kuzan's early words about which letter. Under my own assumption, I simply assumed that he was talking about multiple letters yet it might not even be more than two.

"Ah... Yes... But, seriously, who does he think he is..."

What was Susaga mumbling on about...?

Is that what's written in the letter?

"Hey, Susaga, what's wrong? Do you want me to read it for you? You don't have to do it if it's troubling you..."

Shut the fuck up Rayazaki. Your bullshit white knight stance is pissing me off because it's not even directed at a girl only. At least you are selective garbage if you are a white knight to a girl only.

But to every single person in the fucking world?

Jesus fucking Christ, how do you even look at the mirror in the morning!?

"Sorry, it's just... I can't really stand his attitude... It's been pissing me off for quite a while."

Yet again, I could not read the whole situation. Although I had various assumptions about it, the truth remained unclear.

"Hand it over to me."

This time, Hyunda stepped forward and reached out his right hand to Susaga.

Without showing any resistance, Susaga threw the letter right back to Hyunda.

Thankfully, Hyunda was almost right next to me.


"Who the hell wrote this?"

After seeing what the second letter's content, Kan spoke out loud for all of us.

However, he spoke with a cold tone. Well, for sure, who wouldn't?

"Hold on, Kan. Don't rush into conclusions."

"And why the fuck not?"

Although Tatsu tried to calm Kan down, it seemed to have backfired.

I would like to add something while I'm at this. I'm not familiar with any of my dormmates' handwriting, so I had absolutely no way of knowing who wrote this.

Kan most likely didn't too, hence his questions.

"The message is far too childish. I don't think that the individual who wrote it would be dumb enough to stand in this crowd. After all, this is basically a war declaration."

"I was thinking the same too, Tatsu. But, if it's not any of us who wrote this, then who?"

Is Sagasuga overly cautious or overly retarded?

I can't tell.


Because it's fucking obvious that there's a certain individual missing here.

Plus, who the hell else would write in real-life all caps a letter, saying: 'I'M THE KING NOW!'?

"Oh please. It's obvious who did it. Don't beat it around the bush. Let's do something really simple, shall we? How about we check if everyone from our dorm is present right here and now?"

The often silent Akihiko decided to speak.

"No need. It's crystal clear that the one who's missing is Kawahara. I'm one billion percent sure that he was the one who wrote this letter. Or does anyone here have a different opinion?"

"Wait a second, Hyunda. We shouldn't just randomly accuse someone out of the blue like that."

"It's not out of the blue, Ryoken. Tell me, since you were the second one who got here, have you seen Kawahara around here? Anywhere? At all?"


"No... But my point still stands. It's wrong to randomly accuse someone like that."

"It doesn't matter whether it's right or wrong. I'm talking about the probabilities and please don't ignore them... Also, something that everyone here can confirm is that Kawahara never actually returned to today's class after he was offed by Yuka, correct?"

Wow, calling Yuka-sensei just 'Yuka'.


But, he was right. Kawahara never returned to the classroom. The chances of him returning to the dorm earlier are still available.

"Regardless of that, you have no way to prove it."

"Of course I don't. That's why I'm playing around the probabilities. If there isn't any concrete evidence, then assumptions should be built around the highest of probabilities and just as I've stated previously, Kawahara's absence is most likely connected to this letter."

Hyunda was really digging this.

He was speaking way more than usual.

"Furthermore, allow me to add something to that. The fact that you have not seen Kawahara in the beginning when you walked in and now, in this present time, is no coincidence. Deny this all you want, it won't amount to anything."

"That's still the wrong approach, Hyunda!"

"You're way too sentimental. You're also unsuited for the job at hand. I'm out."


Though, Hyunda is right. Ryoken is far too sentimental.

But it's weird that Ryoken mentioned those sudden moral aspects.

I know that he doesn't actually have to do it, but from my understanding, if you want to become someone who excels at the greater good or just morals overall, then shouldn't your aim be to produce actions that represent your image of 'good'?

His words additionally contrasted his previous actions. Back when Hyunda was pushed around by Kawahara, Ryoken could have at least interfered. Again, I'm not saying that he should have or that he should yet if you truly want to perceive yourself as a good person, then stopping a conflict of that scale might turn out to be profitable to your mindset.

Let's not forget when Akimiyashika was slapped. His words and actions are way too contradicting.

Not like I care, but if I was in his position and was aiming to become a 'good' person, then I would change my methodology right away.

Well, in the end, Hyunda truly left.

Sincerely, I was thinking of doing the same as well.

Besides, the main reason as to why I came here in the first place was not to speculate whether or not the one behind the letter was Kawahara.

It was because I was curious about King George. If King George returned, then our punishment for intruding the girls' dorm would've been addressed. I'm fairly positive that the majority has forgotten about that part, but I can't help but constantly wonder about it.

"Ok, but where's Kawahara at though?"

I had to break the sudden silence. The atmosphere was getting awkward.

Hating on atmospheres like that is my usual thing, therefore, I had to shatter the repulsive silence.

"Aniki, I don't think anyone knows..."

Kuzan might've had a point. But, if that's the case, then I should prove my own point as well.

"If no one knows where he is, then what's the deal here? I don't get it. He wrote that, but so what?"

Truly, I wasn't understanding why everyone was just standing there frozen.

"No... It's far more serious than that... He went too far...!!"

Now Tsudo was speaking up.

So maybe there was a reason as to why everyone was just standing here.

"What did he do though?"

"H-He... He burned all my Emergence Metamorphosis volumes!!! How the fuck am I supposed to jack off!? How does that fucker dare to take a man's pleasure like that!! Unforgivable!!"


Tsudo had such cultural journals?!


"He stole my wig too, Aniki!!"

Oh right. I forgot to mention. Kuzan couldn't bear the fact that he was bald so he got a wig somehow. Nevertheless, in front of me, he has been bald for a while.

Lol, he looks like a used condom. I can barely hold my laughter while looking at his head.

"Kawahara, that bastard... I won't forgive you for stealing something for important..."

Rayazaki seemed to be mourning about something that Kawahara stole.

Furthermore, his spirit and anger were being synergized right now.

I like the look on Rayazaki now!

"Damn it... I was going to give it to her..."

Thank you, Kawahara. I'm truly thankful for what you did.

"Guys, complaining won't solve a thing. I'm sure you have all noticed but he robbed stuff from our rooms."

"Wait, what are you talking about, Sagasuga?"

"What? You don't know---? Oh right, you came late, so you don't know this but, there is a very high chance that Kawahara barged into every room in this dorm and stole things from it."

Then that means!!

"A-Aniki!? Where are you going!?"

Damn it, it can't be!

Come on, no way!

You've gotta be shitting me!

There's just no way he went for that!

It might not be too late still! If I make it back in time...!

"Aniki! Answer me!"

"Kuzan, either shut the fuck up or help me search! If you find something beneath my bed tell me right away!"

Kuzan was starting to piss me off honestly, but I needed as much help as I could.

I had to make sure that Kawahara didn't get his hand onto that!

"Got it, Aniki! I'll search for it! But, what exactly am I supposed to search!?"

"That's nothing of your business. It's the only thing under my bed! If you feel something by touch then tell me immediately! If you look at it, I will kill you!"

"A-Alright, I got it, Aniki! Don't worry, I understand!"

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I couldn't let anyone get ahold of that no matter what!

"Hey Aniki..."

Shit, we've been searching all over my room and nothing...

I didn't want to face reality so soon, but...

"Damn it!!! That fucker's so dead! Where is he?!"

"No one knows, Aniki! Hey, where are you going!?"

The fuck no one knows. I'm damn fucking sure that he must know his location.

"Hyunda's room, where is it!?"

"It's on the---"

Oh. What?

We didn't even need to go to it, since...

"Let me guess. You want to know where he is, right?"

"I'm glad you got to the point quickly. So?"

"I've already searched through the whole dorm, even in his room and he is not there. However, there is still one place left."

"Hyunda, did he steal something from you too?"

"No, he didn't. More like, he couldn't. I've got nothing in my room in the first place."

I sometimes forget that Hyunda is a real-life anime main character.

"Wait, then how come you haven't explored that one other place that's left, Hyunda?"

Kuzan asked the question that I truly wanted to know.

"That's obviously the only place no one would dare to step their paws in."

The one place that no one would dare...

What is he talking ab--

"O-Oi, you can't mean!"

"I mean exactly just that. Kawahara apparently is feeling pretty confident and bold. Bold enough to step into Satan's territory."

Is Hyunda actually serious...

"But, before that, I've gotta ask. What's your intention here?"

"Intention? Isn't that obvious? To get back what he stole from me!"

"I'm the same as Aniki! I refuse to be bald forever!"

No, Kuzan. You will not be bald forever, but you'll definitely be bald for a while.

"And how exactly are you two idiots going to get your things back? Do you actually intend to use physical force on Kawahara?"

"What if I do?"

I don't see how Kawahara is a problem here. I'm confident enough that if I get more than minimally serious that someone like Kawahara won't stand on the same ground as me.

"I see. So that's your approach. Well, good luck with that."


"Wait, Hyunda. Is there something wrong with my approach?"

"Something wrong you say? Well, the approach itself isn't totally wrong per se. However, is your approach the correct one for the one you are up against?"

"Does it even matter who I'm facing here?"

"Maybe it does. But, that's up to you to find out. I'm sleepy. It's naptime for me... Guaahhh..."


Always gives enigmatic clues but then bails out immediately.

Regardless, I couldn't allow myself to be indulged in Hyunda's never-ending questions that hold little to no answers.

Hyunda went up and we descended. I had a good clue as to where Kawahara was.

"Hey, Aniki... Are you thinking of convincing Kawahara via brute force...?"

"There's not many options. What he did, I cannot overlook."

Against my expectations, Kuzan hastily put himself in front of me.

"What the hell are you doing? Move it!"

"No, wait, Aniki! I had an idea! How about we ask everyone else to cooperate!? If we have the numeric advantage then we most surely can win!"

Honestly, even though Kuzan's idea was obvious from the start, I can't call it a dumb idea. It was just inconvenient because I didn't want any unnecessary witnesses.

Plus, I wasn't intending on letting Kuzan see what Kawahara stole from me. Realistically speaking, I would have to use drastic measures on Kawahara should he fail to compromise.

"Kuzan, you can't ever be truly strong like that. How can you be strong yet rely on others constantly?"

From a spiritual point of view, what I just said might not seem wrong from the get-go, but if I think about it logically then it's obvious that Kuzan's choice is the correct choice here.

I was simply portraying a heroic behavior to him. Because Kuzan is someone who allows himself to receive any type of experience from his surroundings.

"But... They all have the same goal! I'm sure it's fine, Aniki!"

Kuzan, I'm truly proud that you are finally developing intelligence. You noticed the major flaw in my words and you decided to back that up by enforcing your previous point.

I am impressed, so to speak.

However, Otouto, you are still young, therefore naive and foolish.

"That's not important. Do you remember what Hyunda said? How my approach didn't matter but how the one I'm facing does? The one I will be facing, Kawahara, is he fighting with any numbers by his side?"

Hyunda didn't say that my approach didn't matter. I made that up.

Because it was relevant to further enlighten Kuzan onto something.

"Kawahara? He's only fighting by himself. But, as I said, if we overwhelm him then it won't matter!"

Kuzan for once was showing signs of frustration.

"That's actually correct. However, is it really honorable to fight someone who is only one with this many numbers? Aren't you even ashamed of having such thoughts?"

"Ashamed...? What are you talking about, Aniki...?"

"It seems you don't know this yet but, your actions portray a certain value of honor depending on how you individually execute them. Actions cannot gain individual attributes if you share them with others around you. That's called sharing, which is an interpretation of kindness."

"But isn't that a good thing Aniki? Let's share this experience with everyone! This way we will--"

"Kuzan! Listen! There's no honor in teamwork or friendships like that! If you have to do something then you must do it yourself! Others are completely useless! Do you actually think that Kawahara has such a different mindset in comparison to mine?!"

"Aniki, you're being cold..."

"That doesn't matter. Honor is everything. From the moment we are born to the moment we die. To not have honor is the same as not living. Can you bear to live a life like that!?"

"Of course, I don't want that! But I don't get what you are saying, Aniki! You're saying too much complicated stuff! How am I supposed to understand!?"

"You can't understand. But, you can hope to comprehend by following me."

"I won't! I can't, Aniki! I just can't agree with your viewpoint!"

"Then fucking fuck off!!"


"What!? Did you not hear what I just said!? Or do I need to repeat myself, huh!?"

I'm purposely yelling at Kuzan for various reasons, honestly.

"I hate you, Aniki!"

And there he goes, running off like a little crybaby.

Well, it's a good thing that I didn't mean half of the things I just said. Realistically speaking, I had to cut down any possible witnesses.

This little dramatic act was good enough for that. Kuzan isn't a bad person, in all likelihood. Although I don't know what he did to get in here, the way he acts shows that he is a good person.

His nature might be either good or evil, but what truly matters on the surface is how you portray your beliefs to the outside world. Knowing that, it's fair to assume that Kuzan has a strong capacity for compassion in his heart.

And that's why I used this scenario to take advantage of that.

Someone who has compassion for such little things such as teamwork or sharing experiences will never be able to accept any superficial contrasts to their ideas. Accordingly, someone who additionally holds to such ideas can never hold the capacity to change their mindsets.

It's not as if Kuzan tried to understand my viewpoint. He couldn't understand and therefore got confused. In the end, he decided that it was a good idea to defend his own ideas and left out of spite.

In contrast to Kuzan's belief, while I was theoretically defending my idea, deep down, that was all an act.

I couldn't care about honor nor glory.

"Well, this is it, right?"

I've been walking for a bit, but this should be the place...

The door is also semi-open...

It's as if he's telling me or just anyone in general that it doesn't matter who it is, they are free to come in.

"Ahhh!! What the hell!? This level's too hard, man! How the hell am I supposed to fight this guy!? He just keeps on one-shoting me like that!"

Figured that much.

Though the place is pretty flashy and the bed is gigantic, it obviously wasn't made for someone like Kawahara in the first place.

A lot of animals are on the wall too. This sight would terrify many simply because the animals are hanged on the wall. They are dead, by the way.

From my knowledge, two tigers, one lion, three elephant heads and---

Wait, what the hell!? What kinda monster is he anyway!?

"Ohhh!!! The first one comes at last! I was getting tired of waiting!"

But, it appears that Kawahara was by no means beat around the bush the fact that I was here inside King George's room.

That's right. This guy has the audacity to infiltrate the King's room like this.

If King George is ever aware of this then Kawahara is as good as dead.

Nevertheless, I had to make my stand here before it was too late.

"I'm not here to fight."

"What? Then fuck off."

"No, I want to ask the King something."

"Oh? Fine then. The true King will grant you an audience!"

I'm surprised that he's so into this. I'm also fairly sure that if Kawahara was in the mood to absolutely decimate me that he would've done it already yet he's actually showing a composed reaction which contrasts his usual attitude.

"King, could I have my things back?"


"Can I ask why though, King?"

"Sure thing, plebian. You see, what I acquire is mine and mine alone."

"But what if those things that you acquired already belonged to someone first?"

"That doesn't matter! What the King acquires automatically belongs to him eternally, regardless of whether or not it had a predecessor!"

I truly didn't imagine that Kawahara had the capacity for such vocabulary.

"And what if the predecessor wants to suddenly take back what was rightfully his?"

"That can't happen. Those who go against the King's decree will be eliminated! It doesn't matter what sort of reason they have, rebellion is not allowed!"

Am I dealing with a 12-year-old kid?

Seriously, somebody tell me.

This act is fucking embarrassing as hell.

"Then, can the predecessor be allowed to regain their objects through a contest of victory?"

"Oh? Speak more clearly about this, peasant!"

Congratulations, Kawahara, you're managing to piss me off to the ninth realm.

"I was going to propose that a pleasant like me should be given the chance of fighting back by winning a contest. Of course, King, you can choose which contest. If you win, I'm your servant for the rest of your life but if I win, then I will get what you 'rightfully acquired' from me."

Rightfully my ass.

Fucking delusional brat that can't get the difference between stealing and acquiring things.

"Hm, interesting! So you dare to go against me, despite knowing how low, no, how negative your chances are of winning! Very well! I'll rightfully accept since you stand absolutely no chance of winning!"

It's hard to believe that the usually impulsive Kawahara is somehow demonstrating a grand attitude in spite of being so damn arrogant about it.

"But, I must ask. This. What the hell is this?"

Kawahara raised up the exact thing that I was looking for.

Well, it was no wonder that he asked me that question in such a serious tone.

After all, that's----

Sorry, cliffhanger.

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