《Legend Land: Tale of the Nameless God》Chapter 5.2: Taking Care of Business


“Midas!” We both snap to the left as a panel in the wall slides, and a short woman steps out. She’s encased in a large robe, hiding most of her features. But her voice rings out clear. “What do you think you’re doing?”

“I’m solving our problems!” He snaps, turning back towards me.

“I’m not a problem, I swear.” I tell the woman, raising up my hands, letting my kusarigama drop back into its place on my belt. “I just came here to give Midas the map that he paid me to get.”

“He stole that map!” Midas lunges for me and I jump back, nearly stumbling over a small table. My heart leaps into my throat as Midas stalks closer, fingers twitching by his side; I don’t think he’s interested in talking right now.

“Calm down, you old goat!” The woman slips into view, slapping Midas in the face with his gloves. I wince, taking another step back in the silence that follows. But nothing happens. “Now go get this young man his money.” Midas opens his mouth but the woman slaps him with the gloves again before putting them in his hands. “Now.” He slips his gloves on while he walks down the hall, glaring at me until he rounds the corner.

“Um, thank you.” I say. The woman flips her hood back, revealing a warm smile, half of her cheek and jaw completely missing skin and muscle, white bones clacking against each other.

“Of course. I apologize about Midas. He can get a little too caught up when it comes to money.”

“Well, money is important.” I admit. She shakes her head, curly salt and pepper hair shaking.

“There are powers in this world greater than money.” She reaches out her short fingers, snatching the map from me before I can respond. Why do people always do that? I need to hold things tighter from now on. We wait in silence for a moment before she speaks again, my eyes flicking around the room.


I clear my throat, shifting my weight between my feet. “I don’t believe, um, that I caught your name?”

“Because I didn’t give it,” She looks at me and gives a short cackle, slapping her knees, revealing fragments of exposed bone amongst her dark skin. She wipes a tear from one of her eyes, pulling out a small vial from her robe and slipping the tear in, tucking the glass container back away. “My name is Marinette.”

“Namonai.” I reply, extending my hand; she gives me a firm shake. I see a glimmer in her eye as she smiles, pulling me a bit closer.

“Say, Namonai, how would you like to do some more work?” I look nervously from her hand still clutching mine to her face. Marinette might just be crazy. Which would be my luck. Everyone in this whole damn house is probably looney. Especially the butler.

“For Midas?”

“For me, for Midas. Same thing,” she says with a dismissive wave of her hand, “But I can promise you it pays well.” Alright, now I’m intrigued. She raises a bushy eyebrow, gripping my hand tighter. “Money is important to you, isn’t it? Which means you owe others money.” Oh she’s good. “Let me see…who could you possibly owe money to?” She slips her hand out of mine, tapping her chin. “Khalil? No, not Khalil. It’s Chayton, isn’t it?” I remain silent, gripping the handles of my weapons. How does she know that? “Well good! It just so happens I need something that Chayton has. And you will get it for me.”

Midas walks in, sullenly carrying a small bag of money. He hands it to me, staring daggers the whole while. I slip the pouch into my pocket, rubbing my kusarigama slowly. That pouch wasn’t as heavy as it should be. It’s not enough money. Which means…ah hell.


“What do you need me to get?” I force a smile onto my face beneath the mask, letting it reach my eyes. She’s crazy and Midas is rich; I don’t want to push any buttons. Well, I want to. But I shouldn’t.

“A small totem that Chayton has. He won’t miss it.” I nod. Right. Small totem, very descriptive. “And if he happens to meet some unfortunate accident in the process, I promise you’ll have our full protection.”

I pause on my way out, looking behind me.

“I’m not an assassin,” I reply, all traces of a smile gone.

“Whatever you say,” Marinette waves her hand and shoos me away. I put my hand on the door and sigh. I forgot Aberlocke was still out there. Oh boy.

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