《Wild Child》Ch.24 The Wood Elves' Malice Laid Bare


The next day John went to spar with Karamen once again. There was something wrong with Karamen that day. He seemed tired and withdrawn. His eyes looked haunted, like a man who had come home to find his family murdered.

“What’s the matter?” asked John.

“It’s nothing,” Karamen said softly, “Nothing.”

“Then let’s spar.” Maybe the exercise would help uplift Karamen’s spirits. John always felt better after a good spar.

The two entered the ring and began to clash without a second wasted. Karamen was weaker than usual. His usual high spirits were nowhere to be seen. Something was definitely off. John pushed Karamen back with a flurry of blows and then stopped.

“Your heart’s not in this today,” John said. There was no point in sparring any further. “Tell me, what’s wrong with you today?”

There was a sheen of sweat on Karamen’s face. John noticed one of the arbiters outside groaning. Was it happening to everybody? Was Karamen’s condition contagious? Could it be a virus?

“I think...” John began to say when suddenly an arbiter phased out of the aether besides him. The arbiter screamed and swung his glaive at him.

“Die little human,” the arbiter screamed. His eyes were completely black and it seemed like his facial features were beginning to corrode. Patches of something that looked like rust were starting to form on his cheeks.

John parried the blow by instinct, jumping back a few steps to put some distance between them. Another arbiter phased out beside him, blaster out, ready to shoot. With a mighty swing of his glaive heavily coated in aura John cut off his hands, gauntlets and all. Karamen swung into action at the same time, chopping the head off the first arbiter. John thrust with his glaive and killed the other. What was happening to everyone?

“Guard your spirits,” Karamen shouted out loud. “The demons infest us from within.”

“What do you mean?” asked John.

“These two arbiters were definitely possessed by demons,” Karamen said. “And the others like me, are feeling strange emotions that are not ours. Rage burns within me and it is hard to control. If I give in I will become like them, thirsty for blood and hungry for terror.”


“How did this happen?” John asked aghast. How could demons possess people without anyone noticing? This galaxy was such a dangerous place.

Karamen sat on the ground and began meditating. Some other arbiters did the same.

“Do you notice anything common among the affected ones?” Karamen asked.

John swept his gaze through the training hall. Many arbiters were sweating heavily like Karamen, some were gritting their teeth and some others were trembling.

“They’re all the ones who came with us to the wood elves,” said John.

“And why aren’t you affected?” Karamen asked.

“Maybe because I’m human.”

Karamen shook his head, “I suspect that the wood elves put demonic seeds in the food.”

“Why didn’t this happen earlier? It’s been a long time since you ate there.” His instinct had told him not to touch the food. It was a good thing John had listened to it that day.

“Nourished by the blood of war, and now once again safe within the womb of the aether, this is the ideal time for the seeds to sprout. Now that we know what’s happening, you must find the realm mistress and tell her everything.”

“Will she able to cure you?” He felt a pang of fear at the thought of losing Karamen. He was his one and only friend.

“My will is strong. I can cure myself after some time has passed. She will be able to weaken its influence though. The seeds will attract more demons to us. The realm mistress will have to fend them off as well.”

“Why can’t we just jump into real space? Won’t all this end then? Most demons live only in the aether after all, and the seeds might stop growing.”

“The seeds have already sprouted. The demons will follow us wherever we go. Hurry on now, Wild Child. The rest is not important. Just tell the realm mistress about the seeds. She will trust you better than us.” Karamen stood up and announced to the hall, “Everyone affected, lay aside your weapons and step into the ring. Someone activate the forcefield once we’re all in. And two of you, go with Wild Child and protect him well.”


Two arbiters fell into step behind John, their glaives ready. They had not been to the wood elves’ feast. The trio walked down the corridors, shrill screams ringing their ears wherever they went. They heard the sound of running feet. Two demon elves came into view.

“They’re too far gone to be saved. I’ll take care of them,” said one of the arbiters. “You two hurry to the realm mistress.” They had just finished fighting a war together and now they had to kill their own. John could not imagine how these arbiters were feeling.

John and the other arbiter quickened their pace into a run. He had to get to Sor Al quickly. Further ahead their path was blocked by three demoniac phoenix masters, their whips burning with the flame of damnation.

“There is no detour. I’ll cut us a path and deal with them. You run past as soon as I give the signal.”

“I can fight too,” John said, swinging his glaive.

“You must reach the realm mistress safely. We will catch up with you soon.”

The arbiter charged into battle. “With much regret my comrades,” he shouted. “Please forgive me.”

The arbiter twirled and pirouetted as he fought three against one, dodging their whips, phasing in and out for brief moments to gain better positioning. “Now,” he shouted and John ran through the gap he had created. He was all alone now on a ship with demoniac warriors. He had been alone for most of his life, on a planet full of gigantic monsters. This was nothing! John dodged possessed people in the corridors and ran on. His short stature was of advantage here. The possessed people couldn’t keep up with him and soon fell behind.

John made his way to Sor Al’s chamber without encountering any further opposition. He hailed the chamber frantically and the door eventually opened. Lianel gazed at him with surprise, “Why did you ring so many times?”

“I need to see Sor Al. Demonic seeds have taken root in the crew. We have to save them.” Lianel was strong. She would be able to help.

“The mistress is on the bridge. She felt something amiss with the star dancer and went to observe her.”

The leader had eaten the wood elves’ food as well. John wondered what kind of mayhem and destruction would occur if a demon were to possess her. It might possibly spell the end for the Swift Retribution.

The ships lights turned red and a warning sounded in their ears. It seemed that the demons of the aether had found their ship.

“Come, let us go find her,” Lianel said, holstering a blaster and a whip.

With Lianel for company John felt more reassured. Lianel’s whip made short work of anyone who dared stand in their way. And then they encountered a group of Dragon Keepers. As soon as John came into sight they started firing their weapons. Lianel stood in front of John to protect him, but she was hit. “Go the other route,” she wheezed, “I will hold them back.”

John nodded and ran. He was just two corridors from the bridge when a big body crashed into him.

The big elf turned to face John who was getting up groggily to his feet.

“Edrach,” John gasped.

“I’ve been looking for you,” Edrach grinned fiendishly. His full black eyes were incapable of showing any emotion, but his face was twisted in bestial rage.

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