《Rise of Toki》Chapter 10


The day had come for the assault of the adventurer’s town.

Jiggles and Toki were to infiltrate the town under the night and look for Cheri or any information relating to her. All that while Drol and the bone army leads an attack on the town.

Toki’s legs sunk into Jiggles’ body and Jiggles’ slime pack had hidden themselves away from the town as much as possible.

The sun was setting and the dark was an advantage for its dwellers. Before the group splitted, Drol wanted to give his farewells.

“Hey kid. This is a goodbye,” Drol spoke in a soft, solemn voice.

Toki tilted her head towards Drol’s way and responded, “Goodbye? I see you again after I rescue my sister. I’m sure she will like you!”

Drol gave an exhausted sigh. He looked up at the stars and took as much his eyes can take in. He murmured, “Do you know the shiny lights above us are the souls of wolves?”

“What!” Toki exclaimed in surprised but corrected herself in time. “I mean - I know that! Is that where your family is?” Toki wanted to ask what souls were, but she decided to not ask.

“Yes they are,” Drol said quietly. “They became those bright lights to be closer to Lunlar-Ru after they die.”

Toki thought for a moment.

“So, they didn’t die?” Drol flicked his ears and slightly nudged his head towards Toki.

“They live forever up there right? So they didn’t die! They always watching us.” Toki had discovered a newfound outlook and admiration for the glittering lights in the sky.

Drol parted his mouth slightly and looked up once again, “It seems so.”


As Drol and the skeleton horde began marching towards the town, Jiggles and Toki were able to slipped through town by going over the wall.

There was only a stone wall that can be easy jumped over. Jiggles slimed his way atop onto one of the house’s roof.


Once at the edge of the roof, Toki saw dimly yellow and orange lights scattered around the human habitat. She had no idea where to even start and told Jiggles to do the work.

Jiggles can ‘see’ by emitting a vibration from its core that goes around a half-mile radius. Jiggles can sense still objects and living beings even if they were within a building. Jiggles was searching for things similar to Toki’s size and shape.

Jiggles moved around to different areas with no luck. Loud noises can be heard outside of town. The adventurers were prepared to not let a single undead to enter inside.

“Hey-hey. Have you found her yet?” Toki was bored and wished she joined Drol but finding her sister was her top priority, even suffering through boredom.

“No find. Must ask others,” Jiggles responded mechanically.


Without responding, Jiggles bounced roof to roof towards the center of the town. They reached towards a warehouse behind a large wooden building. Jiggles forcefully broke the padlock on the doors from the handles.

“Look…” Toki’s eyes were drawn to various stuff filled with items and materials. What caught her eyes were furs from various animals: bears, lions, and wolves. Not just furs, there were horns, teeth, scales, organs in jar - it’s the twisted collector’s house of nightmares.

“What monsters these hu-mans are.”

Toli gulped in apprehension that she may end up like that or worse, her sister was already a victim. Jiggles made no comment and continued to move towards the back corner of the warehouse. There lies various cages with only two being occupied: a golden yellow own and a rabbit with a crystal-like horn.

Toki whispered to Jiggles that she would lead the talk.

The duo approached the cages and the captives stirred in their confines.

“Wo-who-wooooo! Are you perhaps rescuers?” A sultry, feminine voice came out of the fiery owl.

“Yes! Yes! Free me chumps!” The rabbit being jubilant.


“We free you, but! Do you know if my sister is here? She looks just like me!”

“No! No! I don’t know! Free me you twit!” The rabbit was acting unruly and impatient.

“You no nice!”

The owl ruffled her feathers and spoke, “You must be Toki, correct?”

Toki was surprised that her name was mentioned. So, Cheri must had been here but to her disappointment, the owl said she had left.

Toki sighed in relief. One good thing was that, Cheri didn’t become a trophy or some sort. But, she’s not here! The battle could end at any moment.

“Do you where she is?” Toki said hesitantly

“If you free me, I’ll give all the information that I have, my dear.”

Without a second thought, Toki and Jiggles set her free from cage. The owl flew around the warehouse and landed on the piles of cages and stretched her wings.

“Oi! Oi! What about me!” The rabbit fumed.

Ignoring the rabbit, the owl told Toki that her sister was here before she came five nights ago. The owl and Cheri began making small talk until two days later, a person with clean and colorful clothing came and took Cheri. That’s all she knew and Toki had reached a dead end.

As Toki’s mood can’t go any lower, the rabbit continued to yell his lungs out. Jiggles freed the rabbit to quiet him down.

As the rabbit wiped silva from his lips and jumped out of his cage.

There was no reason to continue to be in this warehouse - the rescue was a failure.

As Toki felt the sense of dread washed over her, a sound came from the entrance of the warehouse.

“Anyone in here! You dare steal from the guild!” A robust, bald man came rushing in and searched for any thieves.

The rabbit was the first to go and leaved with these words: “See you later suckers!” The rabbit scurried in a blink of an eye and slipped between the man’s legs, causing the man to stagger in slight fright.

As the man figured it was a beast from one of the cages, he rushes towards the corner of the warehouse.

Jiggles carried Toki and hid between two crates and the owl flew to behind jars on top of a shelf. Once the man checked that only a few animal cages were opened, he concluded the that one of the escapees had past him. And since he can’t find a single person or know how the lock was destroyed, he needed to report to the guild master tommorrow of theft.

As the man left, everyone came out of hiding. Since there was nothing left to do and it was time to return Jiggles was on its way with Toki in tow.

The owl felt a bit peeved about leaving the things as they were, so she followed the duo outside and flew close to them.

The owl gave reassuring words to Toki to raise her hopes, “I help you find your sister. I know she is all right. Don’t fret.”

The only lead a slightly pudgy human man in colorful clothing. Searching for this sole person in this place will be a difficult task, even more difficult if they search in each and every town! They can’t ask any beast or monster since none reside here. If only there’s someone among them that can talk in human tongue.

“There a few who can speak the human tongue. But… Those individuals are hard to deal with.”


“They have been alive for centuries and very powerful. If they can, they can teach you the skill to speak with the humans.”

As Toki gained a new companion and new objective confirmed, the fighting outside already ended as adventurers returned back into town.

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