《Killed, Blessed, Reborn》Prologue-Brutal Death


POV- Sad Guy

I sat in front of my little brother’s grave silently, my eyes close and my head bowed. Even though it's been five years since he passed, I can't let go of the guilt and sadness I feel. I keep remembering the words he left behind… “I hate the person you’ve become”.

The wind picks up. I lean forward and press my forehead into the ground, my tears watering the grass. I wonder if he might have forgiven me. After his death, I've done all I could to be the kind of man he wanted me to be. But... it's not enough, is it? I'll try harder... I'll try harder every year until one day... one day. I just want him to know how sorry I am for everything I've done and I want to make it right.

The ground shakes and the trees around the cemetery sway in the wind. I lift my head, seeing water rising from the ocean and electricity snapping in the air. A tree is snapped in half with the force of the wind and fire rises from the distant grass. Darkness descends over me until it seems to be almost night. But I don't move. The elements approach at an alarming rate, seeming to emanate bloodlust. I place my hand on the tombstone and close me eyes again. I wonder... is this brothers way of saying he doesn't forgive me? Does he want me to die and rot in hell? If so... I won't run.

I'll take my punishment. The fire reaches me first, enveloping my left arm at an alarming pace. The other elements are not far behind. Lightning zaps my right leg suddenly, and my right arm seems to disappear immediately. Breathing starts becoming difficult all of the sudden, and bright light seems to obscure my vision. My left leg feels a burst of pain and it seems like there is grass growing through it. There is so much light and so much pain, why am I not dead? The water pours over me, and I accidently drink in huge gulps of it There is a spear of rock pierced through my abdomen, what's with that? I find myself lifted and pulled into the air, spinning wildly and somehow still conscious. I see what looks like zombies emerging from their graves before my vision goes dark. I died.


POV- Goddess

I see some human sitting alone in a cemetery crying about something or other. How stupid humans are. They all die eventually anyway. I'm soo borrrrrrrrrrrrrred. Why won't he do something entertaining?


Well, I could screw with him a little bit. I make a tiny tornado behind him, allowing him to feel the wind. He didn't notice... Fine. I start to make the trees sway a bit, and I let energy crackle above him. He doesn't react, so I take it a step further, pulling water from the ocean up, lighting fire to the grass near him. Now his eyes widen in fear. Instead of running, though, he puts his hand on the tombstone and says something about punishment. He wants punishment, eh? Fine, I'll give it to him.

I let the fire touch his arm. He screams in pain, but does nothing else. Alright then... I zap his leg with lightning. He doesn't even move. A little irritated, I convince the darkness to take his arm. He sees his arm disappearing, but makes not move to stop it... not that he could. I start to feel a little miffed. Who's this human? Who does he think he is? Is he saying he's better than me by not running? Stronger? I snarl in irritation. If it's like that, then...

I block his vision with light, take his breath with air. He gasps in pain, but there are no tears streaming down his face anymore... he almost seems... happy. With a grunt, I force the grass through his leg, ripping it apart. He's not even screaming anymore. WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS? I pierce him with a slab of rock. I lift him in the air with a gust of wind. I pull the dead from the ground and light the cemetery on fire! I want him to see hell! I-


Oh. I killed him. Shit. Life is going to be pissed... Well, what do I care? I'm way more powerful than that bitch. Oh... but if Dad finds out, he's sure to send me into oblivion. Well, whatever. I'll clean up the mess I made then I'll just recycle this human's soul into another world! Hmm. How does reincarnation work again? It's not one of my powers so...

Oh well, I'll just stuff him into a newborns body, I'm sure his soul can take over a newborn's, right? Well, not if it's an older soul than his. Oh, if I just put some of my powers into his soul, he should be fine. It's not like he'll be able to use my power, and Dad will be none the wiser.

I hurriedly toss the soul I reaped into one of the worlds that new 'God of Games' made. I couldn't see into it before, but with part of my soul there I'll even have some power over it! Genius!

My excitement fades as I watch the soul disappear into the unknown world. What if the creatures there are too powerful for him? His soul might be too weak, and he has no power... It would do me no good if he died again before I find away to get away with interfering in the mortal world. Dad and the God of Games would definitely notice if he died now!

I bit my lip worryingly. I hurriedly give him all the blessings I posses, which is quite a lot. Then, I give him a small portion of access to my power. That should be enough, I think. In fact, he should be the most powerful creature on that world now, easily. I laugh. Maybe after he dies I'll have him serve me in this realm. I think I'm starting to become attached to that little soul. With a serene smile, I leave to go talk about this new little experiment of mine with a few of my closest friends. Maybe they'll give him blessings too? Fufufu.

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