《CY》Entry no. 25


"Tell Guardian 4 to keep a close eye on Liliana" I spoke to Guardian 1

"Roger" Guardian 1 nodded

"Is this Zeno's armor?!" Liliana looked at my DK armor on the table and started touching

"Hey, Hey! No touchy! Touchy no likey" I pulled Liliana away from DK but her next words shocked me

"This armor is exuding life!" Liliana covered her mouth

"What?!" Alissa and I were shocked.

"I can see a small life force exude from it albeit weak its still life force!" Liliana started staring at DK

"*Beep* a bug detected, southeast of current location! Numbers unknown" the radar that was installed on the ship went nuts

"No time for tests! Guardian 1 and 2, come with me. 3 and 5, protect Alissa and the ship" I quickly started putting on DK

"Bugs?" Liliana had no idea what I meant

"You call them monsters here right? From our homeland, we call it bugs" Alissa explained, Alissa also knows the story I made up

"So these bugs are attacking? I've got to see them!" Liliana requested

"Why?" I asked

"These monsters are invading our land, I have no idea what they are so I'll need samples. You guys also need to share information about these bugs because we'll be facing them in the future" Liliana explained

"No, if there's one thing you need to know about bugs, it's that once they get close you're as good as dead" I was not joking around, I've seen stupid people try to approach a bug once, they all died in the most grotesque way

"I'm coming whether you like it or not" she was a bit hard headed

"Look here, do you want to see half of your body getting torn off without you even noticing? Do you want to have a worm enter you and burst your stomach open?" I've seen too much to know what they'll do to others

Liliana was speechless

"Come on Liliana, we'll watch from here" Alissa pulled Liliana away from me and urged her to sit on the chair in front of the monitor

'Lilith, you got the location from the ship's radar?' I asked


'How long till we get there?'

'An hour by horse'

'...we'll be using the ship then...'

"Looks like we'll be going there by ship, Guardian 3 go to the bug's location" seems like Liliana's wish might be granted

"Affirmative" Guardian 3 quickly powered up the ship and activated its stealth mode before flying through the skies


"T-t-this ship can fly?!" Liliana was amazed

"Yes it can fly" I helplessly answered

"Won't the people notice this big ship cruising through the skies?" Liliana asked again

"Don't worry, the people below won't notice a thing"

It took us fifteen minutes to finally arrive at the spot where the bugs are.

'How many are there Lilith?' I asked

'50 soldier class bugs, Bug number 17: The Soldier ants, they were called like so because they are large ants the size of a dog. They have a large head and scissor-like mouths that they use as a weapon, their entire body is covered by hard shells'

'Thanks Lilith'

'Several human life forms detected'


'The ants surrounded about 7 people, they seem to be adventurers'

"Guardian 1 and 2, let's go!" The hatch opened and I jumped down, the ship lowered its altitude earlier so it was only a 20-foot drop

We fell outside the encirclement and started hacking our way towards the adventurers, Azazel and the energy blades cleanly cut through their hard shells so it was easy killings. When we arrived at the center, the adventurers are having a hard time cutting through the ants. Their steel blades bounced when it came in contact with the ants' hard shell, they were exhausted and almost gave up.

"Group up" I told them

"Who are you?" A knight asked

"Just do it if you want to live!" They followed my orders and stuck together in the center

To them, following my instructions were better than just giving up. Me and the guardians formed a triangle with each of us on one of the angles, the ants kept coming at us but the guardians and I managed to win.

The adventurers thanked us, gave us a bag full coins before asking our names

"I'm Zeno, these are Uno and Dos" I only said those words before leaving

We found the ship that has landed not far from here, it still had its invisible cloak on so without the help of the radar, we couldn't have found it

"So those are bugs? Seems like oversized ants to me" Liliana was looking at me

"You're only seeing the tip of the iceberg" Liliana still hasn't seen the 'Assassin Bug' or the 'Formar'

"There are different kinds of those?" Liliana asked

"Imagine all the bug in this world" I replied

"Okay, now what?"

"Imagine them bigger and have mutated to have improved natural weapons or a more improved physique"


"...oh, those are disgusting"

"Now you know" she's probably thinking of a large cockroach or something

We safely returned to the forest behind the guild, I took off DK and returned him to the table. I still wore the helmet as I washed the yellowish fluid off of DK.

"Why don't you show me your face?" Liliana asked

"Because I'm ugly" I blankly replied

"Come on Zeno, a lovely lady like me is talking to you" she laughed

"Lovely? Surely you jest"

"What? Let me tell you something, lots of handsome prince proposed to me in the past"

"Lucky them, they dodged an arrow"

"You...I give up" Liliana shook her head

"*sigh* don't mind Zeno, why don't we share information? By the looks of it, you're a researcher like me" Alissa pulled Liliana away from me

"You're a researcher too? Great! I'm very curious about these doohickies and whatchamacallit"

"I too am curious about your magic"

The two went started having a conversation in the corner of the ship while I continue cleaning DK, Guardian 1 and 2 were cleaning each other which was very weird.

"Zeno, Cynthia wishes to enter" Guardian 5 was responsible for door duty and asked

"Let her in" I was now polishing DK with a clean cloth for a finishing touch

"Where did you go?" Cynthia asked

"Something came up and I had to go" I apologized

"Please... don't do it again... "

"I'm sorry"

"Somethings bothering me though, why didn't my slave crest act up when you got far away, like the time with Asgard?"

"It's easy, it's because it was only a lie that the slave masters use to scare the slaves"


"Yeah, apparently a lot of people don't about it either" I visited a library once and found out, people should really go to libraries

"I feel so dumb right now" Cynthia lowered her head in shame

"Forget about that, oh yeah, forgot to introduce you, that redhead over there is my lover, Alissa" I'm happy to introduce Alissa as my lover


"Something wrong?" I asked

"Nothing, was just surprised" Cynthia smiled

"How so?"

"I never knew someone as ugly as you could find a lover" Cynthia joked

"Birds of the same feather flock together" I joked along with her

Cynthia left and I was left with Liliana and Alissa who were having a heated conversation, I didn't want to disturb them so I quietly left the ship.

I went to my room back to the dorm and took a small nap, I was mentally tired. I woke up an hour later, it was getting dark so I went back to the ship to check if Alissa has had dinner. I arrived at the ship and found out that those two were busy on something, I took a peek and saw them working on what seems to be a rock golem.

Alissa has always been like this, she would be so caught up in what she's doing that she would ignore everything around her. I'm a bit...saddened? Is it okay to expect more from her since we're lovers now?

"Hey, Alissa you hungry?" I asked

"No" she blankly replied


"Guardian 1, which among you guys are the mechanic?" I asked

"Guardian 2 is the team mechanic and engineer" Guardian 1 quickly replied

"Where is he?"

"He's outside"

"Alright, thanks"

"No problem officer"

I went outside and found Guardian 2

"Guardian 2 can you make some electric stove and some refrigerator?" I asked

"Searching for patents saved in the database...found patents"

"Can you build them"

"Affirmative however, I lack materials"

"I knew it wouldn't be this easy..."

'Zeno, I found something you might like' Lilith spoke


'I was going through all the footage I downloaded from the ship and I found a clip of the captain talking to a higher up from HQ'

'Show me'

I watched the video, the content of the video was about all the ships ordered to send out relief packages and supplies to all the soldiers on the frontline

'That's it?' I asked

'There's more'

Lilith showed me another video of outside the ship as it crashed down to the mountain, all the supply ships that were loaded detached from the ship due to a broken hangar and was sent to different places. After that, she showed me the location of one supply ship... there were 20 ships in total

'How'd you locate it?' I asked Lilith

'The transport ship's radar'

'It was weak, if we need to find more, we'll have to upgrade our radars capabilities'

'Aye, now that we have a location, we co go and grab us some supplies'

"Guardian 2, charge up, we're going on a trip the day after tomorrow"

"Roger" Guardian 2 saluted and went inside

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