《CY》Entry no. 13


I woke up the next day and ate breakfast along with Cynthia, we got all our things prepared and was about to leave the inn but

"Hey... have you heard?" A customer started talking to the innkeeper

"What is it? tell me" the innkeeper asked

"There's going to be a war close to the town called Lugrus" What the hell?! war?!

"Yea, most of the guilds within the town were required to send at least a party composed of 5 members... a lot of adventurers there took quests that require the adventurer to leave town and spend a long time outside just so they can escape from the war"

"Cynthia, let's leave" I quickly pulled Cynthia and we left the inn

Cynthia and I quickly hired a horse and went on our way back to Lugrus, the journey will take us about half a week on a horse so we stocked up on food before we left. Two days into the journey and we met several bandits but they were easily disposed of.

We managed to return to Lugrus city but the atmosphere was desolate, there was barely anyone outside. We returned back to our guild and was greeted by the other members.

"You heard of the news right?" Lea asked me

"Yeah, what are we going to do?" I inquired

"Simple, we will send a party composed of five people" She seemed confident but her lips quivered when she said the words 'send' like she was sending someone to their grave

"Who is going to the war?" I tried to not to use the words 'send'

"This...we are still debating about that..." Lea looked stressed

"Then, I'll volunteer" I stated

"What?" Everyone was synchronized

"Don't worry about me, I'm confident about surviving more than I am in fighting" I scratched my cheek though I only scratched the hard cheek of my helmet


"If Zeno is going, then I am too" Cynthia blankly stated

"Are you sure?" Lea asked Cynthia

"Wherever Zeno goes, I'll faithfully follow him" Cynthia stated with infatuation which made Lea glare at me, I could only laugh dryly

"Well then, I can't leave the manly work to you" Rick patted my shoulder

"I'm coming too" Liralei hopped beside me, I saw Cynthia's smile crack for a moment there

"Oh my, I'm not going to let my handsome little men face harm~" Fujo was the last member of the five-man party

"The five-man party is complete, what do we do now?" I asked Lea

"Go to the city hall and register your names and the guild you're in" Lea had a grateful smile

"Okay then, let's go guys!" We were about to leave but Lea stopped us

"You guys make sure to come back okay?" Lea looked at us with pleading eyes, different from the usual stoic expression she shows

We could only smile to reassure her before leaving

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