《No Face, No Life》020


“I’ll help you, officer!” a larger man exclaimed as he lifted his own briefcase, mirroring my actions minutes past. It was clear he intended to use it as a bludgeon rather than a shield! He was another common salary-man like myself. Normal or not, he possessed a muscularity that told me he could hit pretty hard. As before, I saw this new attack coming. The officer renewed his assault. I had to fend off two attacks at once despite having only one briefcase! I slipped backwards, continuing to block the officer’s attacks, but my window of opportunity was closing and I knew it! I still don’t know how I managed to hold them off. I ducked, backpedaling rapidly. The man’s briefcase sailed through the air where my head was but a moment ago.


The police officer dipped and evaded the swinging briefcase attack. I leaned back as it whizzed past my face. The eyes of the policeman were determined and flinty.

“There’s nowhere to go. Stand down!” he urged me as he straightened.

I couldn’t do that. It was a habit to run, but more than that, I was traumatized; something told me if I surrendered, my whole life would end! My heart pounded while time stretched out, slowing. It seemed as though I was moving in slow motion.

I had to act before I was trapped again. My motion was sudden and explosive as I leapt through the opening sideways which was sped up by swinging my briefcase to start me in that direction. Using that momentum, I was able to shoot through just in time.


My eyes closed, and I expected those doors to close on me, but they did not. Even having tightly closed my eyes, or at least I felt as though I had, I could still see everything clearly. The moment I passed from the inside of the car to the open platform, I’d somehow twisted through the opening in an amazing feat of physical ability or flexibility. There was perhaps a tugging sensation on my left hand for a moment, but I was safe, so to speak.


Everyone on the platform drew back as the jingles continued to play. They’d witnessed my escape. The recorded voice announced the next destination of the train. Another train pulled into the station heading in the opposite direction across the platform. I looked backwards and saw the officer hammering at the door for a moment, frustration painted all over his face like a mural, that burly salary-man by his side. I turned away from them, feeling safer. Everyone on the platform wore a terrified expression. It was the same situation. At least I wasn’t trapped. The train pulled away slowly, speeding up gradually.

I blinked, sighing. No lids closed when I did. I turned my head left and right, scanning my surroundings. I considered boarding the other train, but I knew I’d just be trapped inside it. If another hero of justice appeared, things could get even more desperate. I didn’t really want to board another train. I’d also just been traumatized by that noh-face. Would it appear again?

“Yokai!!!” another person screamed. Someone else echoed it and then the whole crowd started shouting it. This time two officers charged down the stairs nearby from where the police box was.

“What if it’s a costume?” a woman suggested. I glanced gratefully in her direction, but I saw her contempt plain on her face.

“It isn’t! Didn’t you see how he twisted his body like that?! That was impossible!” another younger woman accused.

“It’s a real yokai!” a nerdy looking otaku chimed in. “It’s the noh-face! You heard the rumors, right? It was true! This line is its hunting grounds! What can we do?!”

Meanwhile, the officers pushed through the barrier of the crowd of onlookers. I glanced towards the tunnel the train passed through. The idea of leaping down onto those tracks to run along the dark tunnel when I knew what was probably still lurking there... well that was not something I wanted to do.

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