《No Face, No Life》017


I looked around, feeling dizzy. There wasn’t a single source of light in the car, except for its face. It glowed more than it shone, casting absolutely no light anywhere. I pulled my cell phone from my pocket, trying to activate the flashlight function. I couldn’t even punch in my code accurately. I gave up, gulping.

I knew it was not a mask. It wasn’t some sort of contrived costume. It was a monster, and this face was real. It was right in front of me, and it stopped, looking down on me, its mouth opened wide. Maybe it was just my imagination, but I saw shadows dance in those dark orifices. I felt as though they might devour me. A dim light glimmered within those shadows. Its mouth hole opened wider. I couldn’t hear it clearly with my ears plugged up to protect them.

I broke into a panicked run. My flight was aimless at first, but I moved towards the far door leading to the next car. It seemed my best avenue for escape. As I did, I wondered if there was anything I could use to bar it behind me.

Maybe I can, if I’m willing to damage JR property to save my life! I decided in that instant, it was the door or me, and I chose myself. I was certain it would chase me; just leaving this car wouldn’t end it.

I blindly threw myself at the door, yanking furiously at it first, knowing I could damage it in doing so, but it would not budge. I finally started kicking at the glass hard, but it didn’t buckle or crack. It was too soundly built.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauiiiiii,” the creature bellowed behind me. That wail grew louder in my ears again. After plugging my ears, I could still hear it screaming. Sensing it started to move, I turned to witness faintly the dark rush of its large body stalking towards me, gradually increasing its pace to a rush.


I realized what the creature was, a genuine noh-face! If so, I should not go anywhere near it. I shouldn’t look it into its eyes again. I instinctively dropped to the floor. Perhaps it was because my knees buckled. Maybe it damaged my ears and I’d lost my balance for a moment. On my knees, I scrambled past the thing. I desperately clawed past it, throwing myself forward.

Shouldn’t this train have stopped by now? Why not?! My internal clock was going crazy. I scrambled to my feet by the closest side door, hoping it would budge where the other didn’t. It couldn’t be moved. I grabbed the nearest pole and threw myself along the car to the opposite side. I was already winded, panting loudly as I threw myself at the next sliding door. It too was stuck. I tried to jam my fingers between them to force them apart, but there was no room for me to do so.

I wasn’t even certain that the train was moving. The rocking ceased, and I couldn’t hear the background noises. I didn’t feel its movement. It was as though time itself froze. I screamed as I futilely pried at the doors. Even were it moving, I’d willingly leap from it to a death on my own terms! As usual, I was damned no matter what I did. It was my lot in life.

I thought about what I could do if I got safely away. Hopefully my boss would understand, but I was queasily certain he wouldn’t believe me if I told him about the incident. I wouldn’t in his place.

No, no no no no... focus! You aren’t supposed to look into their eyes... if only I avoid looking in its face maybe I’ll be fine... I closed my eyes, knowing there was no escape. By instinct I balled up my fist and swung my body, putting everything I had into the strike to my right. I knew it was there, beside me.



The blow connected, and it was as though I’d hit a wall. A firm grip seized my neck, and I was lifted. I was wrong in thinking that closing my eyes would save me. Of course it would be physically strong. If only I’d fought with everything I had from the start, perhaps I could have... I gurgled, gasping for air. The grip constricted painfully. I tore desperately at the arm holding me aloft, clawing it. It didn’t respond to my attack again.

My feet kicked it viciously time and time again, and as I did so, I began to black out. Motes of light sparkled in my eyes. The glow of its face dimmed. At the point of breaking, I felt a surge of endorphins or testosterone surge throughout my body. I gurgled, flailed and thrashed, kicking so hard my legs ached. They hit repeatedly, still it didn’t react to the blows. I surrendered, but kept my eyes tightly shut. “Y-you cn... Hnnnnn..." I gasped defiantly.

“Suuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmsssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuu!” It screamed into my face. My heart was close to stopping, and my chest hurt incredibly. My vision faded entirely. Then for some reason it threw me across the car again. I spun and skidded violently into the side bank of seats. The grating sliced my face.


I felt blood ooze from it. It was like I’d flown into a cheese grater face first. I coughed and gasped for air. The impact revived me after I’d nearly died, or perhaps I did. Maybe that’s why it threw me. I cried hot tears, retching as I clutched my face. I didn’t die yet, but lasting so long wouldn’t mean anything in the end. I was weak and I knew my death was stalking towards me again. I sobbed, giving up on living. I clutched my bloody face; my hands were soaked with my own blood.

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