《No Face, No Life》008


We ate dinner together, Reiko-chan and her mother, her father was likely working late hours. It was curry rice, and actually the best homemade meal I’d had in over a month since leaving my parent’s house. I wanted to stay over the night despite what Reiko-chan said, but afterwards they returned my suit and made me change back. The yukata was so comfy and breezy. I felt wistful changing back into my suit. Her mother had ironed it for me too.

It was late by then. I was unceremoniously deposited on their doorstep. I pawed at the door like the stray cat I was afterwards, all the while wishing she’d let me back in. The warmth of Reiko-chan and her mother made me realize that my life was starting to feel a bit lonely, since I was on my own. I stuffed my hands into my pockets as I walked.

I went home with a leisurely pace, feeling empty. I slept the night alone in my new futon I’d bought. I fantasized about sharing it with Reiko-chan. I hadn’t the courage to confess again to Reiko-chan, because I didn’t want to lose her again. It occured to me that she might have been saying goodbye to me.

Her mother continued to funnel me information. Maybe she hoped Reiko-chan would fall for me too, despite her comments about my gorilla-like face. She told me about the series of men her daughter had seen before, passing on as much information about them as she knew. I was told that the last man she’d dated was four years older than her. He was the very one she’d been wearing that amazing dress for. He was in possession of a great deal of money, and was at least passably attractive. It looked as though Reiko-chan had found what she was looking for. Someone who would be compatible with her.


Using the information that Reiko-chan’s mother gave to me, I took a chance. She’d gone on a date to an amusement park by the ocean with that man. I knew I couldn’t let her go if I didn’t force myself to go see them together. If she was happy, I could accept their love.

I went to the park alone, feeling so sad and angry deep inside. I knew I must let go of those feelings and just try to be happy for Reiko-chan. The park was pretty large. It was difficult to find the two, but after nearly giving up on my task, I headed to the concession stalls to get an order of yakisoba. There they were. Reiko-chan wore one of her trendiest outfits, though she wore more makeup than usual.

I turned to leave, deciding this was a horrible idea to begin with. Reiko-chan froze me in my place, however. “Idiot! You don’t like amusement parks! I know what you’re up to!” I stiffened, looking back towards her.

“N-no... I’m moving on,” I stuttered as she dashed over to me. My eyes widened. She was a tower of fury. I’d been caught trying to have a peek of them together. Knowing Reiko-chan, she’d demolish me again. The man followed at a leisurely pace. His grey eyes and black hair paired with a bishounen face pissed me off and made me jealous. He wore a suit, but the fabric of it was far more expensive than I ever could afford.

I instantly hated and was jealous of him. So this is the kind of man Reiko-chan can love, after all. Maybe plastic surgery wouldn’t be a bad idea. I know it would hurt a lot. I’m not sure I could recover in time to convince her that I’m better than this asshole. Damn his egotistical face! His eyes analyzed me and dismissed me in an instant as competition.


I felt Reiko-chan grab my shirt and she drew my face close to hers. “IDIOT! Why are you following me? Did you follow us anywhere else? Is this who you are?!” I squirmed and shook my hands.

“N-no..." I cried. “I just wanted to see you one last time.”

“Get lost, right now. I don’t want to see you ever again, Susumu.” She dropped me. I fell down to my butt on the turf. “We aren’t friends any longer.”

I gasped. She didn’t destroy me, physically.

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