《Cloud Shrouding the Sky》Chapter 23 - Later that night


Night, at the inn where Cloud is staying. While lying on his bed, reading the log on his field of vision, Cloud suddenly stopped moving. His face began to change and question appeared on his head. The reason is because of the line on his log screen.

[Killed Goblin Scout, EXP gained, 10 copper coins gained]

[Killed Goblin Scout, EXP gained, 10 copper coins gained]

[Killed Goblin Scout, EXP gained, 10 copper coins gained]

“The fuck, it dropped money too, but how did I didn’t see it”

Cloud hastily opened his inventory to be dumbfounded once more. The part of the inventory where his money is shown now contained some numbers instead of zero in it. A total of 60 copper coins was gained from the goblin hunt this afternoon. It means that he killed 6 goblins, the number is low because the others also killed almost the same number as Cloud.

An average commoner spent around 5-10 copper coins per day for food, that means a goblin could be traded for a day worth of food. A night in a cheap Inn cost around 30-50 copper coins, so from the money dropped Cloud could live another day or two without work. Also, Vanguard rewards each member of the hunt by 50 copper coins. The reward is not usually that high but looking at the circumstances, Vanguard decided to raise the reward. But this mean another 2 days off is not a problem for Cloud.

The reason why Cloud was so surprised is not because of the amount of the money he gained. But because the monster drop itself is not possible. Although the world has the level system like a game but it is still real world. So, something like a monster drop is not possible, in order word, the God’s Gift is the one that makes it possible. After coming to this conclusion, a question appeared on Cloud mind. If it can drop money, then how about item drop?

Sure enough, the fourth goblin he killed dropped something else aside from money. It dropped a weak health potion, although it is only a cheap potion but alas it concluded that items also dropped from the monster. The system that God gave him makes Cloud flabbergasted once more with its ability. He thought that he had already seen all of its capability but with this revelation, he began to wonder if there is still more that he still haven’t learn about the system.


Putting aside the thoughts of the system for a moment, Cloud remembered that he haven’t contacted Elizabeth yet for today. So, Cloud began to concentrate and try to contact Elizabeth. The chat system almost works like a telephone. You call the person you want to communicate and wait for them to answer your call. After a couple seconds, Elizabeth answered the call.

[Why so late?!]

[Sorry miss, I just had a party to celebrate our first hunt]

[Really? Quick tell me more]

After that, he began to narrate the party member first to Elizabeth. Then how they were assigned to clear the highway from goblins. First goblin scouts encounter and then the ambush. Elizabeth remains silent most of the time, only asked a question when something piqued her interest.

[Wah, it sounds fun to have an adventure like that]

[But miss, it is dangerous]

[I don’t care, with a group like yours what is there to be afraid off]

[Sigh… at least wait for a year miss, let me settle in this world first and then I will call you here]


[Yes, I promise]

[Okay then I will wait but only for a year]

The call Cloud mentioned is one of the party feature called summoning call. As the party leader, Cloud was able to summon the member of his party with their consent. If they accepted the summon, they will be transferred automatically to the leader current position. He already tried the feature before departing to this world and planned to either use it to return to Elizabeth by making her the party leader or calling Elizabeth to this world.

[But what about your father, miss?]

[Ah, you are right, I haven’t thought about it yet, can you just invite him to the party for the time being Cloud?]

[Well it’s no problem if its master]

[Notification: Party invitation has been sent to Albert Flaming]

After a while…

[Notification: Alfred Flaming has accepted your party invitation]


[Ah, Elizabeth?! Elizabeth, where are you?!]

[Calm down dad, we are communicating using Cloud’s ability]

[Ah I was working when suddenly a message appeared on my field of vision, I decided to accept and see what it does but then suddenly I heard your voice]


[Yes, I invited you to this party, master]

[What, Cloud?! That’s Impossible, Cloud was sent to another world!]

[Indeed, I am currently in another world, master. But my ability somehow able to make it that we can communicate with miss]

[I am sorry Cloud, I couldn’t stop the Academy. It is a tradition that whoever the Academy choose to be sent even if it’s the Crown Prince that we cannot oppose it]

[It’s alright master, I know that even if you did retaliate, you cannot do anything]

After that, Cloud began to tell the story of what happened until now.

[Sigh, it’s been hard for you, Cloud. I am so sorry]

[It’s alright master]

[No, I couldn’t protect you and also you don’t have to call me master anymore since the bond basically nullified by the Academy]

According to what Alfred told Cloud, Academy will sever any bonds of the person who was sent to the other world. So, Alfred as his official employee also got the notification of his departure just one day after he was transported and he couldn’t do anything to retort the decision. So now, Cloud status is not a slave anymore even if he did return to the previous world.

[Because of that, I also advise Miss not to be ranked top 10 at the battlefield]

[Yes, I agree to that, Elizabeth you must do as Cloud says]

[Alright dad, I also hate and don’t want to be forced like Cloud. I am sorry for you too Cloud]

[No my lady, it is alright, the fault is not with you anyway]

After talking for a while, as the day has already so late, they decided to end the conversation for the day. So, Cloud went to bed and it didn’t take long before he went asleep. But that night, Cloud went back in the white room where God had waited for him. Since it’s already the third time, it’s not surprising anymore for Cloud, more like he was confused what did the God called him for.

“Sorry to call you, here again, Cloud. But it is emergency since it is something beyond my expectation”

“No problem, so what can I help you with?”

“The gift that We gave to you, it evolved on its own and We cannot control it anymore. We don’t know what will happen in the future but for now, it seems it did something good for you”

“What do you mean?”

“The whole monster dropping gold like a game should not be possible. We designed the system to help you understanding things and your abilities on your daily life using the most familiar way, a game interface. But we still limit it to how a normal life should be. But now, it is evolving into more like a game feature than just a game interface”

“I see, I thought that You designed it this way but I guess I am wrong. So, what will happen to the interface, will you take it away from me?”

Cloud began to panic, as the system basically so beneficial

“We tried to get it back to its normal course but somehow a power blocked us from doing so. We even tried to remove the gift from you but we failed. So, I guess for now you have to deal with it Cloud since We also don’t know what it will become”

“Okay, I will keep it in mind. But will it have some kind of negative effect on the world if I keep using it?”

“It shouldn’t affect the world since it is specially designed only for you but in case it did, we will deal with it so feel free to use it as you like. If you have any question, feel free to ask us through prayer. Since you are a special case because your evolved soul and the system, We will try to prioritize your prayer.”

“Okay, that’s convenient, thank you for the notification”

“Well it’s time, goodbye Cloud, have a good life”


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