《Class549》Chapter I v.1.01: Neue


The trip to my new home was lonely at best. I took a train to the spaceport and then went to my ride, a cheap one at that.

I have to save money and keep a low profile, even my attire is low profile just a bunch of drab colored clothes with barely any aesthetic to think of. I brought only what I need: my best coat, best shirt, pants, socks, undies, utilities, gadgets and of course wallet money just in case.

I arrived at Korburg's primary spaceport located near the planetary capital of Erenburg. The port was similar to the ones found in Ventura: filled with air conditioners, cutting edge technologies, housing new and old entry craft or shuttles as the entire system lacks the technology to create spacecraft capable of atmospheric re-entry unlike most systems who had, and of course Nosy Nobles and prospective yet foolish commoners seeking a way out of the planet or rejoicing their return from the hell they went through in Ventura.

Traveling from planet to planet in the system is composed of three stages or rides. First is the atmospheric departure through shuttles to exit the planet and reach the nearest space station each containing at least 300 people on board. Second is the Interplanetary transit where a proper transport is utilized to reach the next space station in just a few hours compared to the older method of months worth of travel just to reach the next planet.

Still, travel time differs from company to company, you can travel cheaply and slowly or expensive and quickly. In my case a took a cheap yet good enough for my needs trip, I decided that rather than the hour-long rides back and forth my parents usually took which could immediately leave me bankrupt I took one which could take at least 6 hours till Korburg but with a slight advantage in the midst of drab colored and dusty spaces. The one with gaming cafes, retro arcades, VR stations and of course Holo immersed decks just for fun as I've set some funds aside for this purpose to shy myself away from the boredom of waiting for six hours.


After an endless shuffling and pushing a bunch of inconsiderate nobodies in the spaceport of Erenburg, I finally got out with my mind intact and immediately took a cab to the nearest train station with a pain in my gut. The guard punched me in the gut after I was unwittingly turned into a meat shield by some grim-faced retard to block the guard's blow. Luckily the guard caught him and gave a kick to the retard's groin. With that done I limped my way to the cabs and took my well-deserved ride.

The train ride was a huge relief from the previous affair I had with that retarded piece of shite. Now I can steer clear from the troubles and anxiety of being hunted by a big burly meat bag with improper brain function smeared on his face. The ride was another three hours worth of sitting in a 21st century-ish bullet train with at the least meager yet comfortable accommodation, but the greatest relief came into view in the form of the rice paddies, virgin mountains and tan brown people working and going on their normal routine.

Admittedly this is a far cry from the crowded streets, factories and traffic of Erenburg, the green mountains, hills and fields brought a prospect of hope and happiness unto me for now is the new life.

Without anything to do but watch the fields and landscape in my seat, I decided to pull out my trusty touch screen phone and my earphones then proceeded to play my favorite playlist: a collection of Neoclassical pieces. Literal revisions of the 19th-20th-century pieces of Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Shostakovich and the like after the original and contemporary recordings were destroyed in a missing incident in human history during the 23rd century.

The music and the view calmed my nerves for a while until I arrived at Harkov.


Harkov wasn't the last of my worries yet, this city has a reputation for the least number of active cars in the entire planet. Admittedly at least one in every three persons in this city has a car with either wheel or hover tech, yet even taxis can barely be found. This is a probable reason for me to visit the city library for dubious reasons. Now I have an option to either walk the entire way till the apartment which could mean an hour or wait for a cab which could still mean more hours or if luck allows just one hour.

This is a dilemma, I stood in the entrance of the train station for 20 minutes waiting for a cab, yet none came. I watched as other people walked right in front of me shuffling till they reached their destinations.

And so I decided to head to the apartment with my baggage until I found a bike shop. My baggage is composed of only a knapsack, and a suitcase that contained most of my gadgets. I bought a bike that's good enough for the job and is only worth a knapsack in Ventura. But the next problem is how to carry the suitcase with the small metallic basket in front of the vehicle. Luckily I found some oversized baskets in the shop and bought them. To sum it up I paid the bike, an oversized basket, and its installation just another step to my destination.

Finally, after a 50-minute oddly silent bike ride, I finally arrived. Home at last and the reception was great; the landlady was great, the place was clean just as the reviews said it was. It was neat, healthy and the place was peaceful, no noisy cars nor machinery was disturbing the peace.

And so with a little guidance from the locals, I finally found my flat. The emotions were overwhelming, happiness and freedom at last! My heart feels heavy with joy! My weary body felt relieved from the bondage and routine I had from Ventura. Now I can finally sleep in absolute slumber; noting that there is still enough time, eighteen days left to be exact until the next school year. I'll just eat the C-ration I bought in Ventura a few months ago, and some canned fruits to call it a day afterward.

I still have more time to unpack and take a tour around town till the first day of school. But as of today or should I say tonight I'll just take off my shoes, my coat, and my pants and sleep in a bed of my choosing and a home of my choosing.

0300 hours the clock told me so, I was awakened but there is only Silence!!!

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