《Future's End - Book 1》Chapter 15 - Bionic Woman...Err Well teenager.
“Poison Detected!” Amee heard as an alarm blared in her head. Amee opened her eyes. She looked around her hospital room. She noticed two men who were dressed in white lab coats. She didn’t recognize them she tried to sit up but she found her body was sluggish. Come on body get a move on.
“Damn she’s awake I thought you said this stuff would knock out an elephant.” Said taller of the two.
“Ya, but she’s not an elephant. Give her more.” The second man grabbed her shoulders and held her down firmly.
“You aren’t doctors!” She struggled, but it was useless whatever they had given her was keeping her weak. “Let me go!”
“Shut up!” The one holding her down punched her in the face. Amee’s head bounced back into the headboard and she stopped struggling, that hurt a lot, she closed her eyes and pretended to go unconscious. She heard a monotone beep, her monitors had apparently flat lined.
“Did you have to punch her?” Asked one of the men.
“Stupid girl, she was going to bring the whole hospital on top of our heads.” Replied the other.
“Ya and how do we explain the bruise if someone sees us with her?” Said the first.
“Look I donno, you’re in charge of this one, say it happened when we were trying to revive her.” Amee heard footsteps running towards the room. “Looks like someone heard her, we are screwed.” Amee felt the sheet being pulled over her face.
“Oh no!” she heard a female voice exclaim, it sounded like one of the night nurses. “What happened doctor?”
“We aren’t sure, she wasn’t responsive when we arrived, we tried to revive her, but she was too far gone.” Said the first man.
“What?” The nurse asked, by the tone of her voice Amee was sure she didn’t believe it for an instant. “I don’t recognize either of you, you aren’t from this floor, you stay right there, I’m calling security.” Amee heard her phone being picked up, then she heard a whizzing sound, she heard a soft thud.
“You idiot, you shot her. What didn’t you understand about this being a covert op?” The first man said in a harsh whisper.
Amee’s eyes went wide, they had shot the nurse. She felt the contents of her stomach flowing up her throat. What kind of monsters were they?
“She was going to call security. Let’s get the kid out of here before something else goes wrong.” Said the second man.
The alien voice of her computer indicated, “Poison Metabolized.” Amee said a silent prayer of thanks to whatever deity was looking out for her. Her body started to unfreeze. The computer said in its dull voice, “Threat Mode Engaged”
‘Two Hostiles detected, suggested actions: Disarm, then Retreat. Hostile two is primary threat. Armaments: Hostile One, syringe, stun wand. Hostile two: Gas powered pistol. Stun Wand. Continue with combat mode?’
Yes damn it. Amee thought with all her might. Amee saw her HUD light up, targeting circles started to form over the two men.
She coiled up then sprung out of the bed colliding with the second man, he seemed to be taken by surprise. He landed hard against the window causing it to break, his gun bounced out of his reach. He slid down against the wall unconscious. The other man reached for his stun gun. Amee kicked the bed with all her might. The man fumbled with the stun gun, then dropped it as he tried to dive out of the way of the bed. It slammed into him with a bone-splintering crunch, leaving him pinned against the wall.
“You, you, crazy bitch, you broke my legs!” His breathing was ragged he tried to reach the stun gun but it lay out of his reach on the bed. He looked up at Amee, she saw real fear in those eyes. Amee stumbled backwards. She felt sick. She could have killed them. She doubled over and gagged. She held her hand to her mouth. She heard the man pull something out of a pocket. “Fish has escaped the net, fish has escaped the net, primary team disabled.” Amee looked up again, the man dropped the radio and held up his hands. Amee bolted. She heard him swearing again, “She’s on the run!”
Amee ran out of the room and down the hall, it occurred to her she had no idea how to get out of this hospital. She looked down to her left and noticed a police officer was sitting outside her room, his head was drooped down like he was sleeping. She kneeled down and felt for a pulse, she felt blood. “Oh no.” She heard footsteps behind her.
“Is everything alright here?” She heard a male voice ask. She turned to look at him. She was relieved to see it was a security guard.
“No it’s not! Someone was trying to kidnap me.” She pointed to her hospital room. The guard didn’t move. She looked at his face, it was focused on her hand, she looked and it was covered in blood.
“Ma’am, stay right there, and don’t move.” The guard started to edge to the right, and took a quick glance inside the room. He put his hand on his gun. “Ma’am get on the ground.”
“She’s crazy she tried to kill us, the cop tried to stop her and she killed him!” Amee heard from inside the room.
The security guard drew his gun, “Don’t move.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Amee stomped a foot. The unfairness of it all just infuriated her. She bolted again. The guard fired a shot and clipped her shoulder. She cried out but kept running.
She heard the guard talking on his radio, “We have a patient on the loose, she’s killed a police officer, and hurt an orderly and a doctor. Black hair, about five five, I’m in pursuit, I clipped her with a bullet I think I slowed her down.”
Amee swore a few times, she didn’t usually but she felt the situation warranted it. She heard the announcement system in the hospital state that a violent patient was on the loose, and that everyone should stay in their rooms and at their stations. Amee swore again. “This sucks!” She kept running. She held her injured shoulder.
‘Repairing damaged tissue, process will use up energy store. Action Required: Acquire more energy.’
And I’m running out of gas. It figures! “Would you give me a map of this place already?”
‘Accessing…downloading…Displaying Physical Layout.’ A three dimensional map appeared before her.
Amee kept running, she found she wasn’t running out of breath. “Lounge, lounge.” She searched the map for a visitor’s lounge. “There!” she changed direction and bashed through a set of double doors. As she’d predicted she saw some vending machines. “Finally something is going right.” She picked up one of the lounges metal legged chairs. She closed her eyes and slammed it into the vending machine that served snacks. She jumped back as shards of glass fell. She grabbed two handfuls of chocolate bars. She ran back out into the hallway.
“Stop right there!” She heard from behind her. She held up her hands and turned around. Amee silently cursed her impatience one look would have saved her this run in. Two security guards were standing in front of her now. They looked jittery. “Now…get on the ground.” The one who was speaking motioned with her gun. Amee closed her eyes, she didn’t want to hurt them, they were just doing their jobs, but she had to get away from those men. Her computer engaged combat mode again, it targeted the pair of security guards. It reacted quickly in response to the perceived threat. It coiled up and then sprung forward, colliding with the guards with bone-jarring force. One of the guard’s firearms discharged into the ceiling as her body made contact the other lost his gun and it bounced across the floor.
“Sorry guys.” Amee hopped up and kicked the remaining gun away. She started to run again. She heard the guards trailing behind her. She looked around for a place to hide. She noticed a hospital room to her left. “That’ll have to do.” She pushed the door open and slipped inside as quietly as she could. She closed the door gently and leaned against it.
She tore open one of the chocolate bars and started to shovel it in her mouth hungrily. She ate another bar. She was in the middle of her third when she heard someone moving in the room. Just my luck. She frowned.
“Who’s there?” She heard someone ask, it was a female voice. Amee stepped forward. The girl in the bed was about her age, she looked pale, and she had a handkerchief on her head. It looked like she was bald.
Cancer, Amee thought. “Umm sorry, there’s some people after me, just hiding out.” She smiled half-heartedly.
“Why?” The girl asked.
Amee held up the chocolate bars, “Midnight chocolate run?” She tried to look sincere.
“Ya they are pretty picky about that sort of thing around here aren’t they?” The girl laughed. Amee offered one of the bars. The girl took one and started to nibble on it. “This is so good, thank you. I’ve been dying for chocolate.” Amee nodded, she finished her last chocolate bar.
“Security please report to the exit doors, patients remain in your room, everyone be on the look out for a teenage girl, she is five foot five, and has black hair. She is very dangerous, if you see her call for security immediately.” Amee winced as the broadcast system blared into the room.
“You’re her…aren’t you?” The girl looked terrified.
“No…yes, but I didn’t do anything these guys tried to kidnap me.” Amee tried to explain, but the girl was reaching for her phone. “Don’t, please.” Amee begged. Amee moved closer to the girl. She snatched her hand away from the phone, it seemed to be more out of fear then out of Amee’s begging. “Do you have any street clothes?” Amee moved closer.
“You’re Amee Morris, you’re the Senator’s daughter that was shot.” The girl’s eyes went wide. “You’re bleeding!”The girl pointed at Amee’s shoulder.
“Yes, that’s me, and it’s just a scratch, Do you have clothes I can borrow? I promise I will pay you back.” Amee rubbed her temples. This had to be the worst night of her life. Then she remembered the four high caliber sniper rounds and shrugged, second worst.
“In the bathroom.” The girl pointed.
“Thanks, please don’t tell anyone I was in here, I don’t want anyone else to get hurt, and if they keep shooting at me, they are going to hit a bystander.” Amee walked to the bathroom pulling her gown off.
“I won’t.” The girl called out. “But aren’t you scared you’ll get shot?”
“Amee washed her hands and dried them on her hospital gown. “Not really. Not a bullet made that can slow me down.” She looked at her shoulder, the bullet hole had healed, she dampened her gown and started to scrub at it. She pulled the girls jeans out of the closet. They fit surprisingly well. She looked at the girl’s top, it had kittens on the front, she laughed softly, “Guess beggars can’t be choosers.” She heard the door open. Amee froze.
She heard a male voice ask, “Sorry for disturbing you, but have you seen anyone in your room tonight?”
“No, that girl isn’t near here is she?” The girl asked. Amee sighed with relief.
“No, no, just a routine search, sorry for bothering you.” Amee heard the door close again.
Amee pulled on the girls socks. The girl also had runners. Amee thanked the powers that be again. She pulled them on, they were a little big, but once she’d tightened the laces she barely noticed. She pulled the girls fall jacket on as she left the bathroom. “Thanks, umm…” Amee realized she didn’t know the girl’s name.
“My name is Karen. Karen Hamilton.” The girl smiled.
“Thank you Karen, I owe you one.” Amee smiled back.
“Don’t worry about it. I’m glad to help. Besides the way things are going I won’t need those clothes again.” Karen looked sad.
Amee looked over Karen, as if by her will alone, her HUD displayed a scan of the girl’s body, it indicated several tumors. The computer displayed, ‘Estimated life span at current rate of cancer expansion: Two months.’ That’s horrible, Amee thought, she’s my age, that could be me, I wish I could help her. Her computer displayed a file, ‘Cancer has several known cures. The most common is molecular therapy, a more effective treatment involves nanites, but it is banned under WTO law.’ That’s not so useful computer.
“You’re going beat it and live a long life, I’m sure of it.” Amee lied, why not give her hope?
“It’s nice of you to say that.” Karen looked down at the bed.
“I need to get going, if I wait too long I’ll never get out of the hospital.” Amee listened at the door. The hallway seemed quiet. “Thanks for not saying anything, and for the clothes.” Amee slipped out the door. Okay computer get me out of here.
‘Mapping strategic exits. Safest route determined’ Amee watched in amazement as the map rotated and pointed her through several corridors, a stair well and to the emergency room exit. “Good plan.” Amee shoved her hair under the baseball cap. I swear I’m cutting this hair the minute I get out of this. Amee walked casually down the hallway. She followed the back route through the hospital. As the computer had predicted she didn’t run into anyone. She rounded the final bend and approached the doors to the ER.
Amee stopped and stood on her toes to look through the window of one of the double doors. She saw at least eight uniformed police officers, and several more security guards. A plainclothes officer was starting to organize a proper search. She leaned on the wall behind her kicking it. Can’t a girl get a break? Amee took a deep breath. “You can do this Amee. Just be casual they are looking for a girl in a hospital gown.”Amee closed her eyes and pushed one of the doors open.
The ER was in a state of organized chaos, Patients trying to get help, doctors and nurses trying to help them. It was like a warzone, people shouting, everyone trying to be heard. The detective was trying to be heard over the noise, she wasn’t a tall woman, nor particularly loud. People were trying to get out, but there were two security guards by the door stopping them. She noticed one person who was looking particularly angry. He was a large man. He was yelling at a security guard. Amee looked at the two security guards by the door. She would never get by them, they were asking for ID from everyone who tried to leave. “Not a damn break.” She whispered under her breath. Amee formulated a plan and it wasn’t necessarily a good one. She closed her eyes. This was going to end badly.
She walked up behind the large man. “You gonna take that crap from a rent-a-cop? Screw them it’s a free country if we want a leave we should leave.” Amee positioned herself between the big guy and the security guard. “What you gonna do rent-a-cop?” Amee shoved the security guard.
The security guard as predicted tried to grab her, “Listen you little-“ She kneed him in the groin. He reacted as she thought he might and tried to take a swing at her. She had positioned herself perfectly. She ducked to the side. The security guard’s wild swing connected with squarely with the big guys jaw. The big guy roared.
His ham sized fist connected with the security guard. The fuse was lit. “Sorry big guy.” Amee crawled away from the melee. She really felt bad. She stood up and watched as the brawl spread to more and more people, the security guards at the door rushed into the pile. “Thank god.” She made a dash towards the door.
Out of the corner of her eye she saw something coming towards her. She looked it was an indistinct man with a stun gun. She silently swore as it connected with her. She felt the pulse enter her. “Got her!” She heard the man whisper harshly.
Something happened then that neither party expected, the energy drained harmlessly into Amee. She paused for just a moment, and then she bolted through the door. She heard them giving chase. “Come on body give me all you got.” She prayed to whoever was listening. Her body responded.
The world started to blur around her as she accelerated away from the hospital. Her HUD read sixty miles per hour, and it was climbing. She ran towards the back of the hospital. It was bordered by a ravine. She hoped she could lose any pursuer’s in the trees. She saw her energy getting depleted as she ran. She hadn’t had a chance to fill her reserves. She hoped it would hold out. The parking lot behind the hospital was mostly empty. A small blessing, it meant she didn’t have to slow down. She saw the fence approaching quickly, Damn barbed wire. I can do this. I can jump it. She pushed herself faster, her body responded, she launched herself into the air. She sailed over the fence easily. “That was so cool.” She glanced back at the hospital. The momentary distraction at such high speeds spelt calamity. She landed hard in the wooded ravine.
She pushed herself off the damp earth. “Now I know how cars feel.” She noticed her energy reserves had dropped considerably. I hope it’s enough to get me out of this. She heard the frost wire fence shaking behind her. She looked back. She saw the man that tried to hit her with the stun gun hopping down off the fence. Another man was with him. She cursed silently, they had flash lights. Amee could see the beams weaving back and forth in the darkness of the ravine. She closed her eyes again. “They don’t know when to give up.” She started to run again, but this time she kept it slow. High speed would be suicidal in the thickly wooded ravine. She had no trouble seeing where she was going, it may as well have been daylight to her.
She reached the other side of the ravine. She could barely make out the flicker of flash lights still descending the other side. She sighed with relief. Convinced she’d outdistanced her pursuers she looked at her barrowed cloths, they were filthy. She put her finger through a hole in the sleeve of the jacket. And there were more than a few tears in them. “I might as well be wearing a sign.” She trudged up and over a guard rail. She found herself standing in one of the worst neighborhoods in town. “Can my night get any worse?” She looked at the moon, it didn’t answer. She shoved her hands in the pockets of the jacket and started to walk away from the edge of the ravine.
Douglas reached over and picked up his cell phone, it had been ringing for some time. He growled and opened it. “You said you had everything under control, if that is true why are you calling me at this hour?” He didn’t even wait for the person to speak.
“Sir, it went sideways, the tranquilizer didn’t work. She woke up. Took out two of the men, we’re chasing her on foot. We lost her in the valley.” Nick was panting heavily, Douglas had picked the men specifically ex-special forces backgrounds, contractors. He was sourly disappointed.
“I’m paying you so things do not go sideways. You do not call me in the middle of the night and tell me your team screwed up. You find her and you bring her in, or I will be eliminating your employment and seeking other help, am I perfectly clear?” Douglas allowed his displeasure to show in his voice.
“Sir, there’s another problem, a nurse and police officer were killed.” Nick sounded like he hadn’t wanted to pass that information along. Douglas nearly snapped his phone in half in anger.
“I hired your team because you assured me there would be no collateral damage, and you would be discrete. Now you are telling me, that you’ve killed a police officer and let the target escape? What am I paying you for then?” Douglas was so furious his hands were shaking.
“I understand, sir. The men in question are in police custody...” Nick trailed off.
“And you want me to arrange something?” Douglas’s voice nearly cracked.
“Sir, if you could arrange for their release, it is part of our contract.” Nick was more firm.
“Very well, I’ll see what I can do.” Douglas retreated to his business facade, but inside he wanted to have the entire team punished severely. “Now you find that girl, and you get her into my possession.”
“Yes sir, the rest of the team is starting a search.” Nick hung up the phone. Douglas slipped out of bed and started to get dressed, his night was going to be a long one.
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