《Future's End - Book 1》Chapter 9 - Hunger


Amee rolled over and looked at her alarm clock, 6:30, she growled. Mischief responded with a annoyed meow and closed her eyes again. Amee had slept like the dead, yet she still felt like she'd been awake for a week. She rolled back over and closed her eyes, she had another half an hour. She tried to shifted again after a few minutes and opened her eyes. Obviously sleep was denied her so she stumbled to the bathroom. I must have the flu. She rubbed her eyes, and her face felt hot. Her night clothes were drenched in sweat. What day is it? Friday! This wouldn't go over well cancelling the date. She could make it through today. Take some meds, she could do it, drink lots of water. She looked at herself in the mirror. She had bags under her eyes. She was pale, her cheeks were sunken and her eyes pronounced, her skin was shrunken and pulled tightly. She looked almost skeletal. She shook her head blinked and went about showering

"Good Morning Miss Amee."

Helen greeted her without looking up from her breakfast preparations.

"Good Morning."

Amee responded, but it barely came out as a gravelly squeak.

"Oh dear, Miss Amee, you should be in bed!"

Helen rushed around to feel Amee's forehead.

"You're burning up."

Helen put a glass of water in front of Amee.

"I'm fine."

Amee cleared her throat and responded her voice was much clearer now. Amee took the handful of pills she had and swallowed them down.

"After these kick in, I'll be right as rain."

"Really Miss Amee. You haven't ever looked this sick before."

Helen busied herself again with her morning routine. She kept looking worriedly towards Amee. Amee just leaned on the table with her head buried in her arms.

"Just bring me lots of food, please."

Amee's voice was muffled by her arms and the table.

"You should just drink lots of water, you shouldn't eat any food."

Helen's voice was kindly and gentle as ever.

"I said give me food!"

Amee lifted her head and yelled at Helen, slamming her hand down on the table. Helen frowned. Amee blinked.

"I am so sorry Helen I have no idea where that came from."

Her cheeks burned.

"It is alright Miss Amee, you are obviously not feeling well."

Helen put a plate full of fruit in front of Amee. She wasted no time eating it. Amee started to feel better immediately. Helen noticed it too and put more food in front of her. Amee ate through four plates full of food before her brother and sister joined her, and she ate a fifth with them. She stood to leave and noticed her reflection in the refrigerator. She touched her cheeks which looked healthy and full now. She blinked a few times and then she felt a slap on the back of her head.

"You aren't even close to as good looking as me, don't worry."

Amber laughed. Amee shrugged and went about preparing to get a ride to school with her guardian angel. Then she stopped and looked at Amber suddenly.

"Oh no! Amber I need your help!"

Amee started to panic.

"What is it this time Amee? No you can't miss practice again."

Amber crossed her arms.

"No, no, I have a date with Gabriel tonight and I have no idea what to wear or do with my hair, or my make-up..or anything I need your help!"

Amee's voice was a harsh whisper so she wouldn't be overheard by her obnoxious little brother. Amber's mouth opened and formed a perfect, "O".


"That is an emergency, I promise if you go to practice tonight I will help you get ready. Did you hear Jane broke her arm in two places? Karma sucks doesn't it?"

Amber snickered.

"Couldn't have happened to a better person, and thanks sis."

Amee took a few deep breaths and went out to face the day.

Her morning was much quieter than usual. Of course there were a lot of eyes on her, but they weren't demeaning as usual. Apparently word had gotten around about the events that transpired yesterday. She met with April who was busy trying to sort something out on her smart phone. So she didn't say much, if anything. Amee thought she was home free as she made her way to her math class.


A girls voice said and Amee slammed face first into a locker as it was opened in front of her. Or rather she would have if she hadn't put her hand out to stop it from hitting her. Something snapped inside Amee at that very moment and for the first time in a decade she lashed out at her tormenters. She shoved the door with all her strength and sent Beth sprawling, twisting her ankle badly on the way down. The locker door bent in with a loud creak, and then Amee yanked April who still wasn't paying attention out of the way of a viciously swung book bag. She grabbed it and slammed it's wielder into the already dented locker. It was Samantha, another one of Jane's cronies. She fell in a heap on Beth.


Amee said as she let go of April who blinked up from her smart phone to see the damage in front of her.

"Uh, Amee.. What just happened?"

April was still stunned.

"Beth and Samantha just ran into each other. So clumsy, were you taking lessons from Jane? There is a real pro at trying to kill herself. It's just too bad she didn't break her neck instead of her arm. She would be so much more attractive sitting in a wheelchair drooling, don't you think April?"

Amee gave a wicked grin as Jane came around the corner. April blinked at Amee, clearly speachless. Jane ran off crying. Amee kicked Samantha's school bag scatting the contents all over the floor and smashing her tablet against a wall.

"Damn it, who leaves their school bag in the middle of the hallway? Seriously!"

Amee wrapped her hand around April's upper arm.

"Sorry about that Samantha, I'm sure your parents can afford a new one."

Amee paused.

"Oh no, Silly me, I just remembered they lost their jobs. I'm sure you'll figure something out."

Amee tugged April with her towards class. Leaving Beth and Samantha in tears on the ground.

The rest of the hallway stood in stunned silence at the altercation. Amee may as well have just shot someone. No one, stood up to Jane and her cronies, no one. An unseen Gabriel frowned as Amee passed. April's mouth hung open as she looked at Amee. Her eyes wide with disbelief.

"Amee, what was that?"

April's voice was barely a whisper such was the shock she had suffered. Amee rubbed her forehead.

"I...I... really don't know what came over me."

Amee buried her face in her arms and started to sob quietly. She'd always sworn never to stoop to their level, ever.

"Shh..shh, it's okay Amee, it was bound to happen one day, you can only get pushed so far, you're only human."


April patted Amee's shoulder gently. Then the inevitable occurred.

"Amee Morris, to the Principal's office."

The PA echoed through the school. Amee sniffled and rubbed her eyes in her sleeve. Well actually her sister's sleeve, she was still wearing barrowed clothes. Then stood up and walked out with her head held high.

I am so in for it from mom and dad now. She rubbed her eyes and pulled her glasses back down. No help for it. She thought revenge would feel good, she'd imagined it so many times, so many different ways over the years. It wasn't. It was a hollow feeling. Like she had lost the war. She walked into the office and sat down with a soft huff. She pulled a chocolate bar out of her bag and devoured it while she waited. Then another. She probably could have eaten the other three she had snuck in there but she heard her voice called and she stood up.

"Amee, come in."

Mrs. Allen who Amee knew by name, and reputation but had never spoken to her personally waved her inside an office. Mrs. Allen was a tall woman, with a healthy figure, her hair was graying, but her brown eyes were not as stern as Amee had expected. Her attempts to fly under the radar had been at least partially successful she'd never had this pleasure. Amee walked into the office she was greeted by Beth holding an icepack on her leg and Samantha nursing a head injury.

"These two tell me you were the aggressor in all this. And that you were responsible for this?"

Mrs. Allen motioned to the remains of Samantha's tablet.

"Yes, I did shove Beth's locker door, and I was responsible for Samantha hitting the locker, and yes, I did kick Samantha's bag, and I'll pay to replace her tablet. However, I was just defending myself and my friend from these two trying to hit me with a locker and my friend with a backpack."

Amee stood up tall. If she was going down she was going down being truthful. Mrs. Allen nodded, meeting Amee's gaze.

"We didn't start it, she just randomly threw me into a locker, and kicked my bag! I want her arrested!"

Samantha whined.

"And your being in that position had nothing to do with the text messages I'm reading on your cracked, but still working tablet. The ones where Jane, Beth and yourself had planned to harass this young woman and embarrass her, due to an unfortunate accident that occurred during cheerleading practice last evening? And the video I have of you trying to swing your school bag into April's head, that is what? Faked?"

Mrs. Allen crossed her arms.

"It wasn't like that, we're innocent in all this, she's the troublemaker, don't you know she deals drugs, and she beat up Gabrial the other day, and she dropped Jane on purpose. We were defending ourselves from her and her goons."

Beth put on her best innocent look, then when Mrs. Allen turned away to check a file she gave Amee a vicious grin.

"I am well aware of Ms. Morris's record. I also am aware of the ongoing bullying she suffers from you and your two friends. Ms. Morris you're going to spend your spare period this afternoon and every afternoon next week tutoring people."

Amee opened her mouth.

"No buts. Don't let this happen again, and you will have a replacement tablet on my desk by a week Monday. I expect better from a student of your caliber."

She looked towards Beth and Samantha,

"As for the two of you, you are both suspended for three days. Do yourselves a favor, reflect on what brought you to this point. And reconsider who your friends really are."

Beth and Samantha started talking at the same time. Mrs. Allen held up her hands to silence the pair.

"Your text messages here are clearly a violation of the anti-bullying legislation passed in two thousand and twenty-four. You both understand your behavior and these text messages could land you in juvenile detention for up to a year if the Police were to find out. And I could expel you both. So let me be very clear, unless you think prison jumpsuit orange is your color, you will just take this slap on the wrist, which won't find its way into your permanent record, keep your mouths shut about what the reason is, and get on with your lives. Do you understand me?"

She met both their eyes. And received two very curt nods.

"Now I suggest you inform your friend Jane I have evidence that would get the three of you thrown in jail, and that it would be in hers, and your best interest to stay away from Amee. I have a feeling she let you off easy today. Now get out of my office, and I better not hear about anything like this ever again."

Mrs. Allen sat down behind her desk and the trio shuffled out. Amee made her way back to class, offering Mr. Thomas her excusal slip for the time she missed. She took her seat and April gave her a questioning look, Amee just shrugged and opened her math book.

"Amee, work on these would you please? I have a feeling you will find them more challenging"

Mr. Thomas came beside her desk, kneeled down and closed her book placing another book in front of her. Amee opened the book and her eyes lit up, impossible math equations, dozens of them.

"There are cash prizes if you can solve any one of them."

Mr. Thomas finished quietly. Then went back to his desk. Amee dove into the book, with glee.

"Amee what are you working on? It looks like gibberish."

April glanced over and raised an eyebrow.

"Just some advanced math, Mr. Thomas didn't think he was challenging me enough."

Amee continued writing furiously. Though tablet computers were pretty much the mainstay of her school she preferred paper.

"Don't look so excited about it, it's kind of scary hon."

April shook her head and went back to her grade 10 math.

English passed without incident. Amee fought hard not to be distracted by the math she had been working on. It was hard. She loved English, but those problems were amazing. Mrs. Hope had to continuously tap the book on her desk to get Amee's mind away from them. She did try to get into To Kill a Mockingbird. She really did.


The Judge hammered his gavel.

"But she clearly forgot to take all the variables into account!"

Atticus would shout. Then Amee would be back to her math problems dancing through her head.

"I didn't think it was possible to get that lost in To Kill a Mockingbird"

April nudged her as they walked down the hallway towards the cafeteria. Amee blinked, she had been on autopilot again.

"Wha-? Oh no, no it was the math problems."

Amee rubbed her eyes.

"Are your eyes okay? They look swollen and red."

April peered closely at Amee's face.

"Oh great, and I have a date with Gabriel tonight. I don't know everything is blurry and they are hurting."

"You should take your contacts out. They're probably dirty. Give me your money I'll pick up your lunch, what do you want?"

April held out her hand.

"Two specials."

April nodded and turned to leave. Then Amee touched her shoulder.

"Get me a couple of deserts too."

April rolled her eyes when Amee grabbed her shoulder again.

"Oh and, and, get me a few chocolate bars too."

"Do you want me to just tell them to put the whole cafeteria menu on your tray while I am at it?"

April put her hands on her hips and tapped her foot.

"Umm, no that should be enough."

Amee snickered and walked towards the washroom. It was empty, or so Amee thought until she felt a shove on the back of her shoulder. She had her finger almost in her eye and her contact was sent flying. She swung around ready for a fight. Jane stood there looking down at her.

"I know what you did. You won't get away with it, we will get you."


Amee picked up her contact and avoided the pointed toe of a shoe that came towards her face. Jane lost her balance and had no arm to keep herself up with. Amee caught her and steadied her.

"I hate you!"

Jane screeched. Amee let her go.

"I assure you the feeling is mutual."

Amee put threw her fouled contacts into the trash.

"You are a stain on this school, you are so dirty and fat! Gabrial only asked you out because his dad wants the president's ear."

Jane spit at Amee as she shouted.

"Are you done? I'm hungry."

Amee put her glasses on carefully.

"We'll get you back. You're dead."

Jane threw a book at Amee, who dodged it deftly. A feat that would have inevitably ended up with her on the floor in pain before.

"What did that book ever do to you, Jane?"

Amee snickered and picked her bag up.

"What makes you angrier, the fact I'm going out with Gabriel, or that I'm not an easy target anymore?"

Jane screamed at her. Amee walked out with a smile on her face. She had no idea what was happening to her, but she liked it.

"You look pleased with yourself."

April smiled as Amee arrived and sat down.

"I have no idea what is coming over me, but Jane just tried to get to me in the bathroom, and I actually stood up to her."

Amee started devouring the massive lunch April had placed in front of her. She had a mouthful of food and was in a very unattractive position when Gabriel sat down in front of her. She almost spit her food out but just covered her mouth up and finished chewing the fist-full of fries. Her cheeks grew a deep crimson and she got ready to bolt.

"Hey it's nice of you to make me feel at home, like I'm sitting with my friends."

Gabriel smiled. April snickered. Amee shot her a withering glance.


Amee gave up and just started eating. It would be much easier to not embarrass herself with her mouth full. Gabriel smiled. Amee melted.

"Very well said."

April seemed to be enjoying Amee's predicament a little too much. Amee glared at her.

"I'm glad you're here April, that's the look she usually reserves for me."

Gabriel munched on his sandwich. April nearly spit out her water. Amee glared at Gabriel, shrunk a bit more and kept eating like it was her job. Gabriel held up his hands as if to surrender.

"You're right it's not fair to torment you when you can't fight back."

"You are both evil, you know that right?"

Amee scowled and tore through a chocolate bar. I look like a total pig, but I'm so hungry. She wanted to crawl into a corner and die by this point, but there was no time for that, she needed more food. "Excuse me." Amee stood up and walked towards the food line again.

"Doesn't she usually get salads?"

Gabriel looked at April.

"Salad, low-fat dressing, water. Since I've known her."

April glanced in Amee's direct as she picked up another few deserts.

"She seems to be changing a lot, or maybe I just didn't know her as well as I thought I might. I never noticed her to be cruel either. What she did to Samantha was a bit over the top."

Gabriel finished the last of his lunch.

"I know. I was totally floored. She always promised herself she wouldn't stoop to their level. She's just acting weird. She's eating for four or five of her and she's still losing weight. Hey wait, you're snooping on my BFF here."

April's eyes narrowed.

"I'm just worried."

Gabriel lifted his hands in surrender.

"You barely know her!"

April whispered harshly as Amee started to approach.

"I know enough about her that, I can say: She's not acting like herself."

Gabriel whispered.

"What are you two conspiring about?"

Amee sat down in a huff.

"We were betting on which desert you would go for, I said the cheesecake, Gabriel said the chocolate. Pay up."

April held her hand out. Gabriel shrugged and gave her his apple.

"Never bet against a BFF you'll lose."

April winked at Gabriel. Both of them looked at Amee as she devoured two pieces of cheesecake, then gave secretive glances to each other. Amee seemed oblivious. The rest of the day blurred together for Amee. Even cheerleading practice. She was in a daze sitting on the stair leading to the second floor at her house when she felt a tap on her shoulder.


Amee blinked out of her daze looking up at Amber.

"You have a date in an hour and you haven't had a shower, done your make up, picked an outfit. What's up? Did you cancel?"

Amber crossed her arms.

"Oh, no, really, an hour? How long have I been here?" Amee rubbed her eyes, she realized she had no glasses on at that point. Must have left my contacts in.

"Wow, Amee, just wow. Let's get you ready."

Amber tugged on Amee's arm. Amee shuffled after her.

"I hope you're more with it on the date or Gabriel's going to ditch you, first chance he gets."

Amee shook off her daze enough to get herself beautiful for Gabriel, but she couldn't help but see her old overweight self in the mirror. She swore the skirt and t-shirt she'd chosen made her look like a bloated pig.

"I so fat. I can't believe I let you talked me into wearing this outfit."

Amee complained bitterly.

"What are you talking about? I really hate saying this but you look better in it then I do."

Amber finished off Amee's lip gloss.

"You're a bad liar, Amber."

Amee sucked in her stomach somewhat. Amber just shook her head. Amee had a better figure then her now. And her hair was so healthy.

"I won't say this ever again, but you're beautiful Amee. You just need to believe it."

Amber nibbled on the end of the lip gloss container inspecting her work.


She moved out of Amee's way again. Amee stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. Hideous thighs, belly hanging over belt. Amazingly fat. She frowned and looked towards her room determined to pick something more baggy. She started in that direction and the doorbell rang. Amber sensing trepidation redirected Amee's movement towards the stairs and front door.

"Go get him tiger."

Amber joked, imitating their father's voice. Amee frowned, took a deep breath and opened the door. Gabriel stood there in all his almost six foot glory.

"Hi Gabriel."

Amee gripped the door tightly to stop from shaking. The pair heard the wood crack. Amee loosened her grip reflexively. She looked at the door, there was indeed a spider web of damage. Amee pulled her hand away from the door and she had a massive splinter stuck in her right thumb

"Are you alright?"

Gabriel reached for Amee's hand.

"Just my bad luck, I touch the one spot on the door that's cracked and get a sliver."

Amee let him take her hand. His touch sent shivers down her spine. She fidgeted slightly.

"Calm down, looks like there is no harm done."

He held up a nasty looking two-inch-long splinter with a bit of blood on the end of it. Amee's eyes went wide, she had been so excited by him holding her hand she hadn't noticed the pain. He threw it outside and looked at her hand.

"Good news is you aren't bleeding. Don't know how."

"You're just teasing me, I didn't feel a thing."

Amee took another deep breath she felt her face growing flush as Gabriel kept her hand in his.

"I won't complain about getting to touch your hand without you trying to bash my skull in."

Gabriel smirked.

"Let's get going it's opening night. It will be busy."

Amee allowed herself to be hustled towards Gabriel's car.

"That girl could find a way to cut herself in a rubber room."

Amber collapsed against the door fanning herself. She watched Gabriel drive off, followed by a non-descript sedan. Poor Amee, her first date being watched by the secret service. She sighed.

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