《The Cultivation System》Chapter 14: Section 6


I follow the stony hallways, trying to find section 6. After about 20 minutes, I come across a wide area with a pit in the middle. There is a stairway going down into this pit and along the walls of the stairway are shops. From the top of the stairs, I can see 6 floors, each branching into tunnels. In the middle of the bottom floor is the arena. It looks similar to the Colosseum in Rome from my old life.

As I start walking down the stairs to look for a place to eat and find a new dagger, I see two people I recognise. It's the girl from the mines and squeaky - I'm still not over how stupid that nickname is.

“Hey guys, how’s it going?” I politely ask.

“Speak of the devil and he shall appear,” the girl responds.

“I can't believe that you stole sprit stones from the big 3. HAHA, serves them right. You need to watch your back now though,” Squeaky warns me.

“Haha, they can try to come after me, but I'll just take more of their stones if they do,” I tell them as we continue to walk down the stairs while gazing at the various shops.

“Be careful. Hamish, their leader, has a rank 3 sponsor and the stones you stole were for him. You need to think before you act,” the girl lectures me.

“I'm sure I'll be fine. I have a few tricks; I just need to get myself a decent dagger set and a decent meal. Anyway, my name is Adam. What is yours?” I ask.

“Just call me Izzy. My elf name can’t be translated into your tongue,” she smugly says.

I roll my eyes.

“So, Izzy, Squeak, what is the best place for me to get a dagger and a good place for us to eat something? My treat, in regard to the food,” I announce.


“Oh, if that’s the case, I know the perfect place for some food follow me,” Squeaky replies and runs off.

Izzy and I look at each other, smile, then run after him.

Around the third floor, we find a 2-story building built-in to the wall with a frying pan as the logo.

“This is it. After you,” Squeaky says.

As I approach the door, the doorman says “1 spirt stone per person for entry.”

“Bit expensive,” I say while looking at squeak.

“Trust me, it'll be worth it,” he says with a hint of excitement.

“Here you go, sir, and take 1 as a tip,” I say as I politely give an extra stone.

“Thank you, sir. Please enter. Amy take them to the second floor. If anyone bothers you, tell them to come talk to me,” he shouts inside.

Always pays well to tip the doormen and serving staff.

“Adam, the second floor is normally only for KI levels 3 to 5,” Izzy whispers.

As enter, I notice how the bottom floor seems to be packed, with only a couple of free tables.

“Follow me, sirs and madam. This way,” the waitress' relaxing voice says.

Hearing her voice, I feel the stress melt away from me. As we climb the stairs, we see the top is separated into private rooms. Amy leads us to a room on the left. In it, there's a large table with soft pillows and furs surrounding it, giving it a relaxing vibe.

“Please take a seat. Since this is your first time here and you're on the second floor, may I give some recommendations?” She asks.

“By all means, go ahead,” I smile at her and I feel myself relax more.

"I recommend that you all get the Grizzle steak, with sides, and a glass of sprit water. Bit too young for the wine I’m afraid."


“Erm, how much is this going to cost me?” I ask nervously.

“5 Spirt stones per person,” she tells me with a smile

Wow, 15?! I'm pretty sure there are cheaper places. Maybe I shouldn't offer to pay ever again after this... But, I don’t want my new friends to think I go back on my word.

“Perfect, that’s fine”, I say and begin pulling out the stones before she interrupts me.

“Payment is after you're finished eating,” she says with a smile.

She exits the room with the orders she had recommended, leaving us 3 in awkward silence.

“So, what’s so special about this place?” I ask to break the silence.

“Just wait and see,” Squeaky replies.

“I have never been here, so I'm not sure myself, but I have heard good things,” Izzy tells me.

“So, how did you guys end up here?” I ask, despite worrying it might be a rude question.

“Isn’t it the same for you? Kidnapped during the test once you turn 10?” Squeaky asks while looking at me questioningly. Izzy looks at me with the same expression.

“Well, I’m... erm... only 8. Or 9 - I got trapped in an idol and I'm still not sure how many months I was in there. When was the last 10-year test?”

“You started to cultivate before you were 10 years old?!” Izzy shouts. I quickly lean against the table and slam my hand over her mouth to keep her quiet.

“Yes, but shhh, I don’t need any extra attention,” I whisper.

“Don’t worry, these rooms are warded,” Squeak says.

“It's been 3 months since the last test if that helps.” As Izzy is speaking, the server enters the room and places 3 dishes in front of us.

“Please enjoy,” she says before leaving.

The steak looks amazing - pink in the middle with a crispy char around the edge, and the side of salad looks fresh and crispy.

"Guess I am 9 now. Damn, time's going fast."

I take a bite. Oh my god, I can't even begin to describe the steak's flavours. It tastes like heaven if heaven could be tasted. After I finish eating the meal, I notice extra KI swirling in my system and that my friends must be cultivating, given their closed eyes.

As I begin cultivating, I feel my KI build-up as it strengthens. The barrier the system had in place was no longer there. I focus my mind and start pulling the surrounding KI in.

“Yes. KI refining level 2!” I shout out.

I open my eyes and see the shocked look on Izzy and Squeak.

I guess when the system disabled itself, it also disabled the restrictions.

As I cycle the KI around my body, I feel myself getting stronger and my muscles getting more defined.

Suddenly, a door slams open and the doorman is standing there again with a bright smile on his face. “Not even 10 and already KI refining level 2! We're going to be good friends,” he announces.

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