《Shadow Reborn》*Bonus* Insider information


The world of Elysium is very diverse and vastly field sphere. There are 4 major contenital land masses that have a large ocean in between them. The four land masses belong to 4 individual kingdoms and each has their own ruling style. The MC is currently residing on the north western content known as Atlas. Meznor Academy is located somewhere in the capital city of Howlett.

The best way to describe the time period is modern with a twist. Everything in this world revolves around the access to magic and mana. Different varrients of magic are used to provide power, heat and etc to the every day average citizen. There are cars, skyscrapers, and all of the traditional ammenities. There are even missles and firearms however they are virtually useless against anyone who has a magical affinity. The natural armor provided by Mana will prevent most non magical weapons from harming a half way decent mage. That's not say thing that guns aren't useful for controlling the masses of weaker/ non magical personnel.

On Howlett the primary race is human, however there are a great number of variant Demi humans that live along side them. Demi humans are not Native to Howlett and come from a neighboring continent. This and a long standing war that ended hundreds of years ago has lead to mass predjudice against the Demi Human citizens. Overall Demi Humans are considered secon class citizens on the continent.

The power structure of the land falls mainly to the king. The king rules everything with an absolute iron fist. However it could be argued that his 4 generals are the real power holders. They all are responsible for a large section of the continent and take care of everything from taxes, to preventing or starting conflicts. The balance of power is delicate but it is absolutely fundamental in this world. The peace between the 4 great lands are constantly stressed but the threat of constant monster invasions tend to keep the prospect of another Great War at bay.


There is mass segregation that separates everyone based off their magical power. The weaker the magical powers of the individual the lower the standard of living is. Most guards don't even patrol the weakest and poorest neighborhoods. Middle class people tend to live decent and normal lives and tend to feel superior to the lower class. The upperclass live a grand life filled with riches and prosperity. For the most part they have the ability to do virtually anything they want within reason. Most of the upperclass consists of Nobels, adventures, high ranking military personnel and some extremely wealthy merchants. When you reach this level of status you can opt to have a family name as well as a family sigil.

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