《Shadow Reborn》Talon


A year ago.

A talk and muscular man sat behind an office desk. He had red hair in a Mohawk shape, a tattoo that says all hope ends here on his right skull side, and he was dark-toned. He sat in a giant room covered in office supplies and books. There were stacks of paper all around him. The man was lost in thought as he recorded inventory in the black book when a man in armor barged into the room.

“Sir, the site is under attack. Demons are crawling everywhere. We need you to evacuate.”

The armored man breathlessly yelled out. The man behind the desk stood up and placed his hat on his head.

“The blaze family doesn’t retreat, we inspire fear."

The man spoke with authority. As he walked towards the door with an armored man. Outside of the building the entire town was in flames.

There were giant bird creatures with Scorpion tails and human faces. These creatures were clutching the remains of the city dwellers. In the streets, armed guards and mages were locked in conflict with the flying invaders. Spells began whirling through the air and making an impact on their assailants. One of the birds falls into the town wall, it’s feathers on fire from the spell. It climbs onto its feet and charges the nearest person launching its tail at him. The man had no chance to react as the tail ripped through his stomach tearing him in half. Blood soaked the street as the creature began to devour his head first. The knights rushed the injured beats and began Thrusting their swords at it. The creature responded by throwing the other half of the human torso at them causing a domino-like effect knocking them down. The creature's wounds faded as if it were healing from something and it rushed the downed knights tearing its claws deep into the first knight's chest. A fountain of blood shot out as the man's heart was pierced by the creature's talons. The mages stepped back trying to gain distance as they had no armor on and couldn’t defend from the attacks while chanting the next incantation. The creature seized this opportunity and rushed forward over the nights towards the mages. If it could kill them the cities defense against their attack would become almost zero. The creature was so close to the mages that they could smell the rotting flesh of its victims on its feathers. As it swung its tail at the neck of the closest mage it came to a crashing stop. There holding the tail of the creature in hand was a teenaged boy.

The boy was thin with red hair, he was dark-toned and covered in the flame-like aura.

“Your dashing hero is to the rescue! No one attacks the innocent while I’m around “.


The man said as he lifted the creature by his tail and began slamming it over and over onto the ground. The creature's defense was strong and it managed to stand on its feet. As it lunged again towards the mages it began to stumble and appeared to be almost drunk.

“You may have an armored like body, but your insides are soft. Enough concussive force to the brain can knock out any creature.”

The man spoke while drawing his arm back. As he did he whispered an incantation and his aura shifted to his hand. The fire erupted in a giant blaze that whirled around threatening to consume anything it touched. The man thrust his fist into the creature's chest and the creature writhed in pain. As it swung its body in a twisted manner it slowly began to disintegrate leaving nothing but ashes behind.

While the war outside raged on the muscular adult man approached a room. The guards in front of the room let out a bow and opened the door. As the man entered he became enraged.

“Where is my son, where the fuck is Garth”.

He spoke with an amount of force that struck fear into the guards. “Sir he never left. We’ve been standing guard all night” the guard said in a shaking manner. The muscular man looked around and saw that there was an open window. Garth must have snuck out he thought to himself.

“Who is the ranking officer here.”

A guard with 3 stripes on his arm bowed his head,

“me sir, but I..”

Before he could finish his words his head had left his shoulders. The muscular man looked at another guard with two stripes.

“You’re in charge now, find my son or you will be replaced too. Also, clean this mess up.”

The guard bowed his head and the entire group ran frantically through the building searching for the child.

As the bird disintegrated all of the remainders began to hover around preparing to attack the teen. As the encircled a bolt of lightning came from the sky as the mages finished chanting. The electricity bounced from bird to bird, striking them and knocking them from the sky. The birds didn’t have a chance to react as the electricity impacted their heartbeat and caused heart attacks amongst them. In total there. Were 9 birds, 7 were killed by the strike. Their proximity to each other had made the spell far more effective. Two of the mages passed out from mana exhaustion. Their rapid firing of spells was finally affecting their ability to fight. The man knew he had to end this encounter quickly before they could recover. “Burn the fire of the sun, erupt with the force of a volcano and show no mercy!” The man spoke and a tornado of flames spun into the remains two birds. The birds were lifted into the air and were spinning while colliding with each other. The tornadoes crashed into the grow incinerating the creatures. Text appeared in front of the man


“message from Henderson, do you accept.”

The man clicked yes and a voice was heard.

“Your brother is missing. We must find him urgently. Talon search everywhere bring him home safe”

The large man spoke in a deceptively calm manner.

“Yes, father”

talon spoke as he began racing through the streets looking for his little brother. Talon approached the playground where he knew Garth loved to play.

If he was anywhere he’d be here. His eyes widened as he saw the park was on fire. There were large horned lizards shooting flames from the mouth and engulfing everything they could. Talon ran forward and hit the first creature so hard its head exploded. He then spun around striking a second before it could react, this attack crushed its skull. Talon was sweating from combat, mana use, and the flames around him. There were two lizards left. They extended their claws towards him attacking from two sides. Talon was tiring as he parried their attacks looking for an opening. One of the creatures missed its timing and swung too wide. Talon saw this chance and brought forward and uppercut. As his fist glided through the air he caught glimpse of the slide. Inside the slide, he could see Garth hiding and it caused him to hesitate. The second creature dug its talons into his side breaking 2 of his ribs on the right side. Searing pain ran through his body as he responded by grabbing its arm and head butting the creature so hard it collapsed. Talon was weakening quickly. He knew he was low on mana and couldn’t fight much longer. He engulfed his body in flames and used the fire as a shield to cause the lizard to hesitate. When he did this he spun around with an elbow to its neck. The creature wasn’t fast enough to respond and could feel the flames singe it as its neck broke. Talon let out a sigh of relief.

He walked towards his brother and was about to escort him to his father when more lizards arrived. This time there were 6. They let out a screech and charged. Talon knew he couldn’t defeat them, but he couldn’t let his brother be eaten.

“Don't worry Garth. I will protect you like I always do. Stay there and wait for dad.”

He smiled at his little brother while turning around.

"Don't cry, bro. Am I not your strong and dare I say dashing older brother? I will be back. Trust me."

Somehow his voice didn't portray the confidence his face had. In fact, his voice had a slight tremble in it.

He launched several small ember attacks at the creatures and they began to rush him. Talon ran as fast as he could luring the creature away. As he ran he sent a message to Henderson telling him where Garth was. Talon could hear the lizards gaining on him. He used his fire magic to enhance his movement speed. He lured them deep into the heart of the city before mana exhaustion hit. He was far enough away that he knew His father would find Garth before the lizards could. He turned around and took up a sluggish fighting stance.

The lizards circled him as his vision faded. Talons eyes narrowed as darkness took over and the last he could see was a lizard lunging towards him. Henderson arrived at the playground and found Garth hiding in the slide. He took the small boy into his arms and told the guards to find Talon. None of his message attempts were registering and all came back as unreachable. For the first time, he felt fear. He was scared not of the attack but of losing his family.

"A hero doesn't fall. Do you think you can take me out? You guys aren't even the main villain. I will show you the power of the blaze family!"

Those were the last words anyone ever heard spoken by Talon.

The attack raged on through the night until the demons were finally pushed back. Homes were destroyed and there was death everywhere. The creatures completely ignored the town's mana shield and somehow attacked without anyone seeing them crossing the neighboring land. The guards searched everywhere and there was no sign of talon or his body. They did find his necklace of the family crest in the center of town. It was surrounded by lizard tracks and there were scorch marks as well as blood. There was nothing that could be done to determine what actually happened. All of the homes nearby had been destroyed in the conflict and there was no way there were any survivors. Henderson knew he needed Garth to be stronger so he decided his best bet was to send him to Meznor academy while he got to the bottom of the attack.

"My son, grow strong. When you're stronger we will hunt down whoever did this to us."

Garth heard his dad speak but the words felt hollow. All he could think about was how he wanted to be a strong hero like his brother. He wanted to find him.

"I will be a hero."

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