《GameWorld: Earth's Apocalypse》Chapter 5


“The failure of newly Assimilated Zones comes in many forms. Most notably, in the paradigm shift of cultural and societal eradication. When one species, dominant in its standing of its Zone, is faced with numerous entities of equal and superior strength and development, there are only two reactions as seen across the endless spectrum of Zones and Realms that have undergone Assimilation. Solidification of a species under the threat of extinction, or disintegration of a species’s collectivity. More times than not, as recorded in the Annals of Assimilation, the latter choice stands dominant. The result, is the eradication of a species, and the paved path toward Calamity.”

Galtur olt’ Trek, Head Architect of The Council, taken from a speech to The Council

On the edge of the [Goblin Monster Den]’s forest, Jaxson waited. Head lowered. Eyes alight. Even as he laid completely still, his muscles ached and moaned. He has been lying in wait for the past 20 minutes, holding Duke, and covered in foliage. Waiting for his moment. Finally, just as doubt crept into his mind, it arrived.

Around the corner of the street, three Goblin Scouts appeared. The tinted green and orange sun was pale now. A melting hue on pale grey skin of the Goblin Scouts. Through the forest they moved. Three hellspawn midgets. With them though, were two larger beings. A tied and gagged adult male, old but thin with a bald head connected to a white and neatly groomed beard. Alongside him was a younger looking woman in her early forties who’s tanned face was marred by a mixed tangle of blonde hair and tears which streaked through her makeup.

“Hold still boy,” Jax whispered as he ever so slowly moved his hand toward the makeshift vine rope. “Hold still boy. Let them come closer. Closer...”

Beneath his arm, Duke rumbled his understanding. Feeling Duke’s hair stand up in aggression Jax diverted his attention to spy the pup with a sidelong glance. Outwardly nothing was different. Duke was still Duke. But Jaxson couldn’t help but think something was off. For over a year he had spent nearly every waking hour with Duke. He knew him. Now though, it seemed as if his lovably pup had undergone some change. He was smarter. Faster. Stronger. Deadlier. These thoughts ran through Jax’s head as the seed of anxiety buried itself in his mind. Yet, as worry about Duke’s health assaulted Jax, Duke himself seemed to sense Jax’s discomfort and turned to address him. Eyes of intelligence shined at Jax. Lips drew back to reveal deadly canines. Then, a pink tongue wagged out lopsidedly from Duke’s mouth as he leaned forward to bump his snout against Jax’s shoulder.

“Heh! That’s my boy...”

The two shared a smile. Then a tree branch snapping pulled Jax’s attention back to the task before him. He nestled back into the ground. Hand on the vine rope. Closer the Goblin Scouts approached, struggling to carry their prey just as Jax struggled to breath evenly. Heart in his throat. Mind buzzing with doubt. Still though, his hand remained steady. He knew what he needed to do. Thus, when the Goblins finally reached the trap, Jax acted.

Foliage scattered as Jax rose. In his hands, the makeshift vine rope drew taunt as Jax threw himself backward. Then resistance met the rope and he lost control of the vine. Sky met earth as Jax’s vision swam. He had forcefully headbutted the ground from the external force. Dazed and shocked, he rose with the KABAR in hand. He rose, ready to face any foe. Instead though, he was greeted with the fruits of his efforts and labour.


The three Goblin Scouts and their two prey had been successfully tripped and fell directly into the small ditch. The very ditch that Jax quietly dug earlier. The very ditch that Jax layered with tree ichor and sap. Sap so strong, that even after fifteen minutes, his fingers remained stuck together and attached like concrete to the KABAR knife. Such was not a concern for Jaxson at the moment though.

With utmost speed, he sprinted across the forest floor. At the edge of the still growing forest, hundreds of feet from the [Goblin Monster Den] and far out of sight, there was little need to stealth. There was none. Like a bull, Jax charged. At his heels raced Duke. In seconds, they closed the thirty foot gap separating them from the Goblin Scouts.

As Jax came upon his trap, he saw both humans firmly stuck in the tree sap covered ditch. Merely a foot deep and three feet wide, the ditch spanned one of the only openings in the forest tree line for hundreds of feet around. It was a perfect ambush. Made more perfect by the state of the Goblin Scouts. Of the three Scouts, two were still in fighting condition with their weapons still out and hands still free. Only their feet and legs were stuck in the sap, unable to escape. The same could not be said for the third. Unluckiest of them all, the third Goblin Scout remained face down, entrapped in the sap and suffocating.

It would be a slow death. But a less painful one compared to its two brethren.

With rage, Jax and Duke struck. Two [Mana Bolt]’s flew out from Jaxson. One missed. The second struck a [Goblin Scout LVL 2] directly in the neck. Forward, Duke charged and pounced. Over 100 pounds of muscle rammed into the convulsing Goblin Scout, sending the creature fully into the sap. Fangs met flesh as the two became entangled and trapped. Yet the Goblin was helpless. Unprepared. Off-guard. Weakened. He was like a sheep sent to the slaughter before Duke’s animalistic instincts and ability. Low, aiming to cripple, Duke raked and attacked the Goblin’s lower body as it struggled to escape the tree sap that now coated its entire body. It’s efforts were futile.

With frenzy, Jax descended. There was no finesse in his actions. No beauty. No grace. No skill. Only raw aggression. Only a need for release in the ancient anger that hummed with burning desire in his blood.

Two more [Mana Bolt]’s launched themselves from his palm. Nearly on top of the Goblin Scout, the bolts impaled themselves into the creature’s upper chest. As they did, the crack of a ribs breaking and the gurgling of fluids in the Goblin Scouts mouth echoed in Jaxson’s ears. Then, the sound of his KABAR cutting deep was all he heard. It was all he saw. Green blood that spurted as his KABAR stabbed deeply in the Goblin Scout’s chest. Directly where its heart would be. Lost in the violence, any semblance of the shy and nerdy SoCal surfer was gone. Only a phantom of rage and violence remained.

“Ha....ha....ha...” Jax gasped for breath as he rose. At his feet, the [Goblin Scout LVL 2] remained still. Its blood seeping out, mixing with the brown sap of the tree. Flowing and pooling toward its kin. The remaining [Goblin Scout LVL 1] who desperately struggled to free itself.

Breathing deep, Jax watched the creature. Short legs that furiously pumped to free itself from the sap. Canine mouth opened as raw emotion poured out into the sky. Beady black eyes that mimicked an animal backed into a corner. It knew its fate. So too did Jax.


He approached slowly. Careful in the face of a cornered and desperate animal. Duke charged from the right. The Goblin scrambled to react. A crude metal axe cut through air to ward off Duke. With a side-step, the pup backed off. It was a feint. Jax’s attack was not.

“ [Mana Bolt]! [Mana Bolt]! [Mana Bolt]!”

Three bolts took the Goblin Scout in the head. It slumped to the side. Dazed, seemingly groggy and tired as if waking from sleep. It batted at Jax with a taloned hand. Jax’s KABAR struck to the bone. The second stab took it clean in the shoulder. The third ended its vengeful cry. The fourth ended its life.

Pulling his knife free, Jaxson scrambled away from the corpse and away from the sap covered ditch. His breathes came ragged now. Eyes unfocused. Hands trembling. The stench of blood from the [Goblin Scout LVL 1] assaulted his nose. Nausea threatened to empty whatever remained in his stomach. He held. Rising, his deadened feet trudged forward. Before him, struggling feebly in the muck and mire, remained the sole Goblin Scout. Eyes trained on the creature, Jaxson advanced.

He never saw the looks on the faces of the two people. The terror in their eyes as he acted as death’s messenger.

Kneeling in the dirt, he brought his KABAR to bear. Numb hands drove cold steel forward. Weak now, without adrenaline, Jax struggled to finish the fight. Struggled to cull the last of the monsters. It was almost serene, he decided in the odd quiet of the moment. Around him the world stilled and waited. Waited for him. It was silent, in a world of chaos. Then, as Jax sliced through the back of the Goblin Scout’s neck, his world ignited.

Just as before, a sense of euphoric energy seemed to swell within his body. Three pulses of warmth and energy. Each weaker than the last, but together enough to bring Jax’s senses in slight overload. In seconds the feeling left him. What remained however, where messages from The System. Pulsating in his head as they called for his attention.

Congratulations! You have unlocked the Achievement [Apprentice Trapper]! You have entrapped and dispatched three enemies. It is your mind, and not your might, which grants you strength to slay your foes. Where others sees an obstacle, you see an opportunity. You have earned: +1 Intelligence

Congratulations! You have unlocked the Achievement [Apprentice Dagger Mastery]! You have slain five foes with a dagger. Keen and deadly, the dagger is a weapon for masters. Now, you have embarked on the journey to becoming one with the blade. Grasp firmly, for the hand that cuts can so easily be cut. You have earned the right to select one of the following Skills: [Honed Edge], [Ambidextrous], and [Hemorrhage]

Congratulations! You have unlocked the Achievement [Apprentice Hunter]! You have slain five foes with the aid and assistance of a friendly creature! To claim the title of a Hunter is to share burden and bounty. Together, a Master and Companion are strong. Apart, you are but one piece of a whole. You have earned the skill: [Bond]

Congratulations! You have unlocked the Achievement [Savior]! You have rescued one person in danger! Few, among any race or people, sacrifice for the salvation of another. You bleed so that others may not. You suffer so that others may not. To you, this is no sacrifice. It is your duty. You have earned: +1 Distributable Attribute

The four messages appeared in Jax’s mind. Almost tangible. Like a memory or vivid dream which he could recall in perfect accuracy. The truth though, was that it was far better than a dream for Jax. This is what he sought. Strength. Growth. Power. For his goals, he would sacrifice anything and everything. It was what made him great at everything he set his mind to. It was also what made him hard to get along with. The whole-hearted pursuit toward his goal.

The willingness to burn like Icarus.

Smiling, adjusting to the new strength in his body, Jax kneeled in the ground. The familiar padding of four paws on the ground came from his left. Warm and panting breathe. Cracking an eye open, Jax regarded Duke with a tired, near delirious smile. Already, the thought of his actions, of killing, far out of mind. Only the strength. Only the achievement. Only the euphoria. That was all that remained.

“God job Duke,” he whispered while nuzzling his head against Duke’s fur and resting his eyes. “Good job boy. Such a good boy. Your such a good boy. I love you buddy. Hmh? I love -”

Rapid movement sounded. Panicked mutters of a man who scrambled away. Jax, interrupted in his attention to Duke, raised his head to spy the sound. He was greeted by the aged older man. No longer was the man stuck in the pit of sap. Now he stood outside of it, back hugging a tree. Sweat dripped down his face, splashing on his grey button down shirt, and falling to the ground where one foot was missing a shoe. In his hand was a crude steel dagger. One similar to the weapon the third Goblin Scout previously held.

“Sir... Please, put down the weapon. Sir, can -”

“FREAK! You freak! Stay back! Do you hear me? Stay back. Back I said!”

The man’s voice tore through the forest as Jaxson rose and tried to approach the man. Back against the looming and gargantuan tree, the aged but healthy man shook like a leaf in wind. Jaxson, weary but out of his depth, backed away as he raised his hands. Next to him, Duke’s throaty growl of aggression built slowly.

“Sir! Please stop this. I’m trying to help you and,” he looked towards the woman who had stopped crying, “and the woman. Now calm down. Your voice is too loud and will-”

“Shut up!” the man screamed at Jax. Duke barked and put himself between Jax and the man. “And shut up your damn mutt! You hear me freak? I told you to-”

“Enough.” There was no patience in his voice anymore. Only anger. Only steel. He had saved the man. Albeit not with direct purpose, but all the same, he had saved him. Yet instead of thanks, or happiness, or gratefulness, the man was beyond reason. So he took a step forward.

“BACK! I SAID BACK!” Desperate, the man’s face twisted left and right rapidly. Reason had fled him. Only survival mattered. His survival. Jaxson understood this. Just a second too late, because before he could do anything, the aged but healthy man darted off to the right and sprinted away from the forest and back to the ruins of society. As his form fled back to the ruins, a desperate escape back toward death, Jax, Duke, and the woman all watched quietly. For moments, nothing was said as Jax absorbed himself in the man’s actions. He only came to when a feminine voice to his left called out.

“He is a coward.” The voice sounded haunted. Empty of emotion. It was a voice Jax was familiar from his mother. “I just never knew....no....no I knew. I knew....”

Facing her, Jax watched as realization set in for the woman. Maybe not about the reality of the world. But the reality of the current situation she was in. Yet, before him, he watched her transform. She didn’t fold. She didn’t quit. She rose. Her feet slipped out of her shoes. Step by step, she approached Jax and Duke. A hesitant smile on her face as she graced Duke with a friendly look while gingerly stepping around the turmoil of the forest around her.

“I....I know this is a lot to ask,” the woman spoke in halting words. Her hands scrunched and fiddled with her dress. “But can you help me? My daughter....Madison, she....she....she was taken by those....things. Please. Please. Please. Can you help me?”

The words hung in the air. The desperate plea asked in a lost voice that drowned Jax’s soul. But in the sea of sorrow that threatened to take him down, he was a rock in the tides of a storm. He would not falter. He would not break.

Congratulations! You have pushed the boundaries of your limits and grown stronger. You have earned: +1 Tenacity

“I promise you.” His voice was unwavering. Standing, he grabbed the few weapons on the ground. “We’ll save her. We’ll save all of them. First though, we need a plan. Then, we need more people.”

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