《Rise of the death seeking emperor》17- Contracted spiritual beast - Gisil..




After that , Adel proceeded to go to the outer parameter of the mountain peak once a day every month , until one day , on the week before he had to visit the ancestors , he saw a beast that was around 60-80 meters long , along with a body that look quite thin , which was about 20 centimeters wide.

It was the fact that it was both wide and long , along with its thinness that kept it out of of the ancestors' spiritual sense, that made Adel frown slightly...

He then cautiously moved closer to it , as to identify the beast - only when he was 50 steps away was he left disappointed as he couldn't identify it no matter how hard he tried..

He then clenched his head tightly as he felt a sharp pain in his head - as new memories which looked like they always existed there in the first place - of which he quickly forgot about - as if he never experienced any pain nor had any new memories...

The pieces of memory then showed themselves in front of Adel..

The beasts' name was 'Gisil' - who were called the 'Thief' beasts as it was a unique type of beasts that didn't specialize in battle , but had another function - that was stealing.

It could steal under even a Chi Formation realm expert only when it was only on the magic refining realm which meant that these beasts bad the potential to go beyond the mortal realm...

Adel then closed his breath with his technique - Invisible air , not closing in rashly , but slowly started moving backwards.

He knew that if what the information he got from the memory of the beast was true - which was most likely , then he'd hit the jackpot as he could contract it as his spiritual beast , in order to gain one skill of its own.

Contracted spiritual beasts are special for cultivators , as they share the 4 energies (Ki , Nao , Qi , Mana) in the mortal realm in order to trade one skill of their own , in turn of the constant nourishment, but then share Chi when they trespass the mortal realm, which is a talk for another day.

Most beasts though wouldn't want to be become a cultivator's spiritual beast as it limited their future's goals , though Adel already had two solution for that - one of which was he didn't want to have his spiritual beast to be his close companion - as of yet, especially the current 'Gisil' beast as he knew he couldn't explain their origins to other people...

As for the second solution, it was that the 'Gisil' beasts rarely cultivated - As they were too lazy to do so , which made it easier for him to only nourish them with the 4 energies.


So albeit rarely , but when cultivators decide to sell them, they are at the very least at a sky-high price, although they seldom sell them as it was just too precious...

Adel then went towards the beast cautiously as he didn't know what beast could escape even ancestors' senses - which were to that of the peak Mana Core formation realm..

He then scanned it with a bit of spiritual energy that was impossible even for the beast to sense - As Adel's soul was something abnormal - of which them showed the strength residing in the beast to that of the peak of nascent soul forming realm.

He knew his distant was very near , but to really catch a 'Gisil' that was on the Mana core formation realm was incredibly difficult even for a cultivating refining realm - as it had very thin spiritual energy that couldn't be naturally sensed by anyone under the Chi formation realm - which was of course unknown to Adel , as he truly didn't know how special his current soul was..

He then went back to a distance that made it harder for him to see the 'Gisil' clearly , as it was better to be safe than sorry , but in the darkness ( as it was currently night time ) he could see that the 'Gisil' was directing most of its strength in order to suppress the senses of the ancestors', as although it was indeed possible for them to hide their senses from below Chi formation realm - it was costly too as that used a lot of spiritual energy in order to keep its vigilance around..

Adel knew , that if the 'Gisil' was to run away then he'd never be able to encounter one again - He needed it to drop its vigilance slightly in order to quickly make it as his spiritual beast with his more powerful spiritual energy dominant over it's will.

The 'Gisil' then looked around , seeing that nothing was nearby it, finally dropping its vigilance to a low level that made Adel able to put his spiritual mark on it without it noticing his breath ( as it could sense him, if he was close when their vigilance was at their max , due to the technique being only at the mortal realm but the beast's potential being beyond that. )

With the delicious stones that the 'Gisil' was glancing at , the beast couldn't resist anymore as it looked like it was ravenous , too tempted - to the extent that if it had saliva , it would have long been drooling a pool of it around..

{ The stones' origin won't be mentioned now since... well continue reading .}

The 'Gisil' then opened it's mouth that showed if various sharp teeth that looked capable of shattering stone easily...


It then started munching on the stones - quickly lost in their deliciousness , totally dropping enough its vigilance for Adel. ( though was still keeping it for the ancestors.)

At this moment , Adel proceeded to approach the 'Gisil' cautiously , as the closer he got , the better he could see the beast...

In a moment , the beast withdrew from the stones as it finished it's meal, but was left dazed for a brief moment due to it still being ingulfed in the deliciousness of the stones - which was enough for Adel as it has completely lost its vigilance against him at its current state.

He then quickly made a few hand gesture that made the spell - Beast Taming , that consisted of using one's spiritual energy in order to suppress the beast's will , which also made it look marked for other cultivators , if they were to find it

After that , he quickly withdrew a few meters away and finally could feel a weak link with the beast - which was his spiritual beast now , along with a brand new skill that was more of an advantage over Invisible Air - as it was a skill and could be activated subconsciously by using the energy in the air .

As for spells , they too use spiritual energy in the air but require them linking the spiritual energy to their hands , souls , or the place where they started the spell at in order to use it.

Which was the reason thay many cultivators went for contracting spiritual beasts in order to get them, as they provided them with skills.

After a few seconds , which was after the beast regained it's clarity , it then started talking with Adel:

" Puny human , remove this mark of yours! You don't know who your offending as even with my current strength I can still kill you. " Lied the beast in the telepathic message ( As it was allowed due to the weak link with the beast. ).

The beast didn't know that Adel's soul strength was really strong, which allowed his spiritual sense to scan the beast's cultivation realm, as Jr didn't think that it'd meet someone like Adel in a backward place like this...

Though the beast was indeed stronger than Adel, but it couldn't truly kill Adel as he had many means to escape even if he were to be chased with Mana core formation realm cultivators, as only with enough confidence in his current power could he truly stay with Vermin in her clan , which he couldn't tell as he was too insecure..

But that didn't matter as he didn't have to rely on such methods , as he was confident that the beast wouldn't kill him...

" You're lying , you're only at the Nascent soul realm. And yes, although you could kill me , but you wouldn't as we both know that's impossible.

As once the spiritual mark by me , it means that you can't harm me in any way. Now now , don't get mad at me as it is truly wasteful for me to ignore you - which I would have done were it not for my knowledge about your origins." Said Adel ( telepathically ) with a smirk .

The beast was silent as it truly didn't know what to do , as it didn't experience the human in front of it to either know about the true functions of the spiritual mark , or its origins...

" If you were to know if my origins , then why did you still add the spiritual mark on me?" Asked the beast ( telepathically ) in confusion since it didn't understand whether the human was foolish or confident in stuff he didn't know..

" That's the secret , now why would I tell you? We might be contracted but that doesn't make you loyal to me enough for me to tell you a secret of mine ." Replied Adel (telepathically ) with a mysterious smile on his face.

" Now , I won't be with you . You're free , just continue living like you always have been , as for me I , too will continue to live , without you.

The reason I made you my contracted spiritual beast was just for a skill of yours , as I needed it." replied Adel( telepathically ) to the beast.

Who , in turn didn't know about skills, as they were something that couldn't be gotten from normal beasts , unless special spiritual beasts like the 'Gisil' , but even then it won't work , as it relied on the spiritual mark's power that was placed over the beasts, which weirdly enough forgot to ask him about it..

And just like that , the beast shook it's head as the beast forgot about today's events and proceeded with its life.

But it didn't know that today was a very fortunate day for it , as it turned it's fate for the better...


' Naive beast... *sigh*, you'll one day remember the events of this day and be thankful to your luck for meeting him..' The figure saw everything that was going on and watched with interest , as it wasn't planned by him , but a fortunate events of Adel's on his own..


And time passed quickly , and just like that Adel spent the next week training his skill , along with updating his Invisible air technique

The day before the meeting with ancestors , he then left with Vermin in the direction of the clan heads' mansion , as they agreed on meeting there along with an ancestor that would then lead them to the mountain peak..

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