《Rise of the death seeking emperor》15- Talk & Soul Banishment




After the session ended , Vermin and Adel proceeded to walk back to their homes, but when they were about to enter , Vermin suddenly remembered something and grabbed Adel's hand excitedly, and said :

" Wait ! We didn't get to talk to my parents last time for long , as there were guests there! So how about we go now that we and they aren't busy?!" Vermin said , but then she blushed as she realized that she grabbed his hands , so she embarrassedly scratched her cheek , with a blush still evident there , and said :" Sorry I was too excited."

Adel didn't mind so he just shook his head with a smile and said :" Let's go . I ,too ,am not busy right now."



After they entered the room , Adel then politely greeted the both of them , and then the couple glanced at each other with a serious look in their faces before nodding , and then Albrecht ( Vermin's dad) looked at Adel with a serious look on his face before saying :

" Adel , you have a talent that even the ancestors have tried but can't see through , so we are going to try nurturing you in order to see whether you can enter the Qi Sensing realm or not.

We don't usually do things like these directly , as we prepare a test for someone's will and then see whether his allegiance towards the clan is true or false.

But since Vermin trusts you so much , we'll be going to give you this chance. "

In actuality though , Although Albrecht did say he trusted Adel , he didn't completely do as he said as he still sent a bit of his spiritual sense ( energy ) on him, that would kill him the moment he betrays them .

Which was barely detectable for anyone in the Soul Refining realm , but was of course easily removed by Adel , but he still exhausted most of his Nao energy in the process...


But what he didn't know was that his soul had double his previous body's strength, since only after his and the previous body owner were of the same origin , could they fuse, could he have such tremendous Nao energy, and after which he could remove the spiritual energy Albrecht sent....

{ Spiritual energy = spiritual sense , difference is spiritual sense being able to see through one's body , spiritual energy is like Nao but usable to harm others , like what Adel had done in the beginning to Damon..

It's the same as I might use both in both cases in the future.. }



After that , they continued talking about several unimportant topics until Vermin and Adel bowed to them and left.


After they left , they went to their own seperate rooms , of which Adel trained his technique to mastery for the next couple of days .

Until a day , he finally was successful at completely hiding his own breath from others , he left quietly without anyone's attention , and visited both Vermin's parents in order to make them trust him , and believe that he had complete allegiance towards the clan with arousing any suspicions on them.

As for why he didn't do it the day he was with Vermin , he was exhausted after removing the spiritual sense left by Albrecht , as even though his soul was strong , his body wasn't strong enough to handle his soul's Nao strength..

After successfully manipulating their minds , he left and went straight to the uncle and wife pair ( Hilbert & Elke ) to have them target someone else...

- ( Gruesome scenes warning )

But then he was stunned as he arrived at their residence , he used spiritual sense to see both of them and their son having a feast of a child's body , and the child's blood was being drank as if it's the most delicious wine out there for them ...


He then gritted his teeth in anger as he saw what they were doing . Even though he wasn't a warrior of justice , even he had a limit...

He no longer wanted just to peacefully leave them be to another target , though he didn't make any rash decisions , since he knew his body's state the best , as even their son could kill him with a slap .

So he decided to wait until they finished , and then use a soul curse that he'd self-made in his past body that didn't have side-effects for his current state - Soul Banishment , which was the nemesis of all Fiend cultivators.

The curse allowed him to only be able to send those who had extreme amount of bad karma straight to hell without judgement in the current dimension , as he changed it from the original one since it had a limit to it sending their souls to God's judgement on Earth..

As for when he made it , when he was on the Nascent Soul forming realm , he was lacking a bit of understanding of the soul law , so he went around being a ' warrior of justice ' to send Fiend Cultivators straight to God's judgement ( As that was Earth , not the current dimension ) while also understanding the soul law to form his own special nascent soul...


After they finished they feast, they felt like they were being watched , which only happened after their strength increased a bit from their feast..

Adel then barked in , and without saying anything he directly used the Soul Banishment spell.






Three souls could be seen flying on a direction , while they were terrified as they felt themselves being linked to a terrifying place that felt like their nemesis...


The amount of Nao the spell used was extreme too , but he didn't pay much attention to it as it didn't harm his soul, only exhausted it...

After looking at the direction where the souls went for a while, he wiped the sweat from his head , and then proceeded to look at the soul of the child that was laying on the body , still not dead and experiencing extreme pain , he sighed and then grabbed a knife and freed him from his misery , killing l him with as much of a painless death as possible .

{ He does know soul law but doesn't mean he'll know the opposite of the Soul Banishment spell , as it is useless since when he'll die, he'll go to Heaven anyway as he was tortured and such...

So the best way was him killing him, though he had no other way since soul spells that can actually send souls to hell or heaven are rare to know..}


-( Gruesome scenes' end )


Adel then went back home to get back his exhausted Nao energy , which had a little bit of addition in quality , and he'd also touched the threshold of life and death law , of which he didn't notice as he was far too exhausted...

And since even if he was at his full energy he couldn't know about him touching the threshold as he couldn't use them as of yet due to his low power..


The next day , Adel then got close to the main clan head's mansion's door, and did a large mind reading spell effect , as he then proceeded to 'convince' the disciples , elders included that Vermin's or his life aren't of any importance so to not pay any attention to them , and even if anything happened , he 'convinced' them that it all was for the 'greater good' of the clan ...

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