《Rise of the death seeking emperor》0 - Prologue


On Earth, where nearly everything is modern except a few places, there exist various dimensions that Earth oversees as its hub.

Humans on this Earth possess many sorts of element practice, these sorts are Mana that is made for mages, Ki that is made for body cultivators, Qi for cultivators, and finally Nao for soul cultivators.

The cheapest occupation is for the mages, where magic stones are slightly cheaper than Ki stones, followed by Nao stones then Qi stones.

That leads to the extreme rarity of cultivators on Earth unless they have been to the highest dimensions.

Everything in this universe, whether it is the various types of stones, all dimensions, even Earth is made by God.

On Earth, in a small desolate city called Berhüm, in a country that was isolated from the modern society due to it being focused on nourishing mages and body cultivators, there exists a boy who has long hair tied at the top, who had an extraordinary charm, though whoever would look at him in the eyes would feel as if all his secrets have been discovered.

This boy's name was Adel, he was glaring at numerous books on different languages.

If one focuses on the books' names, they might disclose that everything in the books is related to Death.

"Humans on the highest dimension possible, that is connected to Earth, reach power that can eradicate planets, even galaxies at the pinnacle, but what they don't perceive is that everything is God's. No matter the lifespan a realm they would attain, they're perishing when God determines everything has to end, and thus they go through his judgment."

"But even though I reckon those novels out there are related to what's happening here, it's just odd how it indicates that people can attain godhood and not go through a process where true godhood is; after all, everything is made from God on this universe, so no matter the methods one trains, one can't reach his strength.

As an example of how humans create A, they create them with restrictions that they can't surpass them; though what those novels fail to mention is God never had a physical body and doesn't get hindered by the same things as mortals."

"But what if other than a yearning for godhood and such, going for true death?

Because no matter, once one's lifespan fulfills its end, they only go through death that ensues to one's body; and then due to the limitations placed by God, they all must go through his judgment in one's soul form to achieve eternal life eternally, but that is in either Heaven or Hell, relying on one's karma.

It is nearly impossible for someone to achieve True Death by eliminating all shackles placed by God unless one successfully learns a Supreme La, which is too unbelievable; as made by God's limitations on his dimensions, they can't successfully die."

"One can never realize all the limitations and the actual 'after-fake-death' process unless they reach the peak, but there's another way, that is if one sacrifices one's future of going through practice to discern the true meaning of life, but there's an immense catch; as one cannot tell another form, whether demon, elf, other existence humans, etc.

But there is a loophole if one master the arts of mind-reading to its peak, one could discover the memories of either the one who reached the peak of strength, or sacrificed his whole future for training, of which I have done."

"So, other humans don't know that after they die they would go under God's Judgment unless they reach the peak or do the same process as I have done, but there's no one who has thoughts about the true meaning of life other than the peak life forms on Earth and its nearby dimensions.


I was of no exception until a day I found a secret realm, of which there was a body in a hibernation process, that was holding a book that was named by ' what is the true meaning of life ?', and it goes to explain that if one wants to know, one has to fully master mind reading arts to its peak and read his mind, and train all through 4 ways of training, after which when I was done reading his memories, his body and the book turned into ashes.

But strangely though, I noticed his soul fleeing into someplace."

"I currently know that I and other humans are limited by their 7 emotions and 6 desires. They can't think rationally, due to the effect of Greed, Lust, Envy, Revenge, etc.

Though one can control one's emotions if they go through every 7 emotions and 6 desires and experience them to their highest influence, which I must do in my hibernation ."

"But the other problem is that, depending on the body's memories, supreme laws ( At which he mentioned 6:Time, Space, Life, Death, Fate, Destiny ) are impossible to learn due to them being placed by God, on Earth and other dimensions.

At which humans and other races even at their peak can't truly understand anything even if they try their best. they can't even step into the threshold of the law.

But other laws are possible for humans and other races to access, as an example there are Fire, Earth, even cooking laws, etc. But that is on Earth.

I have personally understood the soul law, and some laws too, that would be useful for me later on.."

"The true restrictions that are hidden by God are how karma is spoken of, which is the most mysterious, as it is only mentioned once one reaches the peak of the mortal realm.

As one needs to follow certain rules that they know at their birth, as the rules are: no killing unless one was targeted, no r*pe, etc.

Though what one doesn't know is that good and bad karma are decided by these actions, so if one r*pes, they are destined to go to Hell after fake death. But only if the constraints of God are still in place."

"Now the only viable ways for me to achieve true death is by the method mentioned by the body owner( Which looked genderless for some reason..), That requires one to slumber for 1,000 years and once they're in that slumber, one needs to focus on understanding the specific supreme law, and finally, be in an environment that has enough resources that support the body, for the absence of the soul, to make it healthy during the slumber."

"I achieved all that, now all I lack is to find a random secret realm, and making a tomb with enough arrays to make anyone at the peak realms not notice me, so worst-case scenario that happens to my body is that the tomb gets placed in a museum."

On Earth, in a small desolate city called Berhüm, in a country that was isolated from the modern society due to it being focused on nourishing mages and body cultivators, there exists a boy who has long hair tied at the top, who had an extraordinary charm, though whoever would look at him in the eyes would feel as if all his secrets have been discovered.

This boy's name was Adel, he was glaring at numerous books on different languages.

If one focuses on the books' names, they might disclose that everything in the books is related to Death.


- 1st Person POV start -

" So based on what I've read on these books, Earth is where nearly everything is modern except a few places, there exist various dimensions that Earth oversees as its hub.

Humans here possess many sorts of element practice, these sorts are Mana that is made for mages, Ki that is made for body cultivators, Qi for cultivators, and finally Nao for soul cultivators.

The cheapest occupation is for the mages, where magic stones are slightly cheaper than Ki stones, followed by Nao stones then Qi stones, but what if someone did all four?

That leads to the extreme rarity of Qi and Nao cultivators on Earth unless they have been to the highest dimensions, where resources aren't as scarce.

Everything in this universe, whether it is the various types of stones, all dimensions, even this Earth that is the hub of everything is made by God.

Humans on the highest dimension possible, that is connected to Earth, reach power that can eradicate planets, even galaxies at the very pinnacle of the one way training, but what they don't perceive is that everything is God's. No matter the lifespan a realm they would attain, they're perishing when God determines everything has to end, and thus they go through his judgment.

But even though I reckon those novels out there are related to what's happening here, it's just odd how it indicates that people can attain godhood and not go through a process where true godhood is; after all, everything is made from God on this universe, so no matter the methods one trains, one can't reach his strength nor surpass him.

As an example of how humans create AI, they create them with restrictions so that they can't surpass them; though what those novels fail to mention is God never had a physical body and doesn't get hindered by the same things as mortals, such as emotions, desires, etc."

"But what if other than a yearning for godhood and such, going for true death?

Because no matter, once one's lifespan fulfills its end, they only go through death that ensues to one's body; and then due to the limitations placed by God, they all must go through his judgment in one's soul form to achieve eternal life eternally, but that is in either Heaven or Hell, relying on one's karma.

It is nearly impossible for someone to achieve true death by eliminating all shackles placed by God unless one successfully learns a Supreme Law, but that too is impossible; as made by God's limitations on his dimensions.

One can never realize all the limitations and the actual 'after-fake-death' process unless they reach the peak, but there's another way, that is if one sacrifices one's future of going through practice to discern the true meaning of life, but there's an immense catch; as one cannot tell another form, whether demon, elf, other existence humans, etc.

But there is a loophole if one masters the arts of mind-reading to its peak, one could discover the memories of either the one who reached the peak of strength or sacrificed his whole future for training.

But there's a sneaky method that is hidden, amongst everyone, and rarely does anyone even think about it, much less do it; because it requires a fresh body that has reached the very pinnacle, and was on the verge of death.

That method is learning mind-reading arts -- that can manipulate people's memories, read them, and also create a strong mind within the soul to bear the memories of others.

So, other humans don't know that after they die they would go under God's Judgment unless they reach the peak or do the same process as I have done, but no one has thoughts about the true meaning of life other than the peak life forms on Earth and its nearby dimensions.

I was of no exception until a day I found a secret realm, that had a body in a hibernation process?

Hibernation process? What's that? Well, I didn't know it either until I saw the body that looked genderless, holding a book named ' what is the true meaning of life ?', and it goes to explain the process of hibernation -- that was locking the body up in a secret realm, which was a state of sleep.

It also mentioned that if one wants to know about the true meaning of life, they had to fully master mind reading arts to its peak and read his mind, and train all through 4 ways of training, after which when I was done reading his memories, his body and the book turned into ashes.

But strangely though, due to my understanding of the soul law, I noticed his soul fleeing into someplace.

I know from the book, that I and other humans are limited by their 7 emotions and 6 desires. They can't think rationally, due to the effect of Greed, Lust, Envy, Revenge, etc.

Though one can control one's emotions if they go through every 7 emotions and 6 desires and experience them to their highest influence, which I must do once I follow the book's orders, and be put in hibernation too; to be freed from God's restraints.

But the other problem is that, depending on the body's memories, supreme laws ( He mentioned 6:Time, Space, Life, Death, Fate, Destiny ) are impossible to learn due to them being placed by God, on Earth and other dimensions over here.

At which humans and other races even at their peak can't truly understand anything even if they try their best. they can't even step into the threshold of the law.

But other laws are possible for humans and other races to access, as an example there are Fire, Earth, even cooking laws, etc. But that is on Earth.

I have personally understood the soul law, and some laws too, that would be useful for me later on when I'm in the hibernation process...

The true restrictions that are hidden by God are how karma is spoken of, which is the most mysterious, as it is only mentioned once one reaches the peak of the mortal realm.

As one needs to follow certain rules that they know at their birth, as the rules are: no killing unless one was targeted, no r*pe, etc.

Though what one doesn't know is that good and bad karma are decided by these actions, so if one r*pes, they are destined to go to Hell after fake death. But only if the limitations of God are still in place, which is weird how God wants most cultivators in his dimension to go to Hell but not heaven..." Weirdly though, when I was about to think further about the matter of God wanting cultivators to go to hell, I just shook my head as I didn't think too much about it...

"Anyway, now the only viable ways for me to achieve what I want, that is true death, I have to follow what the book said, thus being in hibernation for 1,000 years, and once they're in that slumber, one needs to focus on understanding the specific supreme law, and finally, be in an environment that has enough resources that support the body, for the absence of the soul, to make it healthy during the slumber of the 1,000 years.." I then started looking around, to see the various resources that would support my body's hibernation for 1,000 years, and then continued excitedly: "I achieved all that, now all I lack is to find a random secret realm, and make a tomb with enough arrays to make anyone at the peak realms not notice me, so worst-case scenario that happens to my body is that the tomb gets placed in a museum."

-1st Person POV end-

Meanwhile, a flying shred of a soul could be seen a few meters away from Adel, but it was invisible as no one, even God in this dimension could sense it...

"..So everything is set in place, now is the time to properly start the discussion with him, thus officially starting the plan..." murmured the figure in a tone that no one could hear it...



1st Person POV is only this chapter. Afterward, it's 3rd person.

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