《Disdained Challenger》The One Above All
My new life starts now.
Our instructions on the letter were to go to the school, get our room number and head straight to class... and at the bottom of the page in bold letters, "Time waits for no man." That's great isn't it.
While on the way I meet up with Alice.
"Hey Stephen! You also live around here?" Said Alice
"Yeah, just down the block, how about you?" I replied.
"Just a further bit down. Are you going to dorm at school?" Alice asked.
"Yes, it's more convenient for me to be near the school at all times." I remarked.
"Same, it's going to be a hectic year won't it?" Said Alice.
If what the president said is true, that the Ethereal will invade in 2 months... I don't think we have enough time to train. The schools will most likely put students through the wringer, just to get them somewhat battle ready.
I nod silently whilst thinking about how daft the future may become.
As we enter the school grounds you can see military guards almost every 15 meters apart. It seems as if this place is more like a military base rather than a school, which would make sense.
We were instructed to go to the conveyor belt to have our bags and luggage checked. After they were checked, we were told that our items will be in our room when we reach there.
Me and Alice head to the front desk where we receive our schedule and ticket.
Huh... 1-A, that makes sense because me and Alice are both A ranked elemental users.
We make our way up the escalator, once again with just hundreds of eyes just peering at us... It feels like I'm being defiled, it was very unpleasant.
As we entered the class, we were presented with 6 other faces. I thought we would be first because it was quite early, but I guess not.
There were many pretty women there, but my eyes instantly locked onto a person who I had a bad feeling about...
"Ha... at least all the stuck up spoiled brats won't be able to throw their weight around... unless they are a stuck up spoiled brat who's strong, that would be fucked."
I took a deep breath...
"I found one," I mumbled.
"Hmm?" Alice snaps her head.
"No nothing, let's go find a seat." I replied.
Time went by, more and more students entered the class, soon the room was filled with 13 students all who had an affinity with lightning. They were all strong, you didn't have to be a prophet to see that.
After 3 minutes of waiting, the homeroom teacher entered. She seemed fierce, her eyes showed that she'd been in a few battles in her time.
Most of the professors here should all be extremely talented when it comes to the art of war.
The teacher introduces herself, "Good morning students, my name is Cora Huntington, and I will be our home room teacher for your foreseeable future. We will be going around and saying our name and physique type. let's start with the young man in the front of the room."
"My name is Florence Pettigrew, I'm an A Grade physique."
"My name is Oliver Gros, I'm a B Grade physique."
"My name is Martin Brisbois, I'm an A Grade Physique."
"My name is Alphonse Paul, I'm an S Grade Physique."
Everyone was surprised to hear that there was an S grade in our lightning class. Sadly, he fits in the category, Rich and Strong. Let's hope he doesn't try to throw his weight around, But I have a gut feeling that he will... I can't tell you why..
"My name is Lionel Bélanger, I'm an A Grade physique."
Now it was my turn to present myself...
"My name is Stephen Wilson, I'm an A grade physique."
That was all the boys in the class, now it was up to the girls to finish up the introductory phase of homeroom.
"My name is Emily Aguilar, I'm a B Grade physique."
"My name is Alice Blake, I'm an A Grade Physique."
Alice's last name is Blake? Is she the daughter of the old principal?
"My name is Bak Ji, I'm an A Grade Physique."
"My name is Yoshino Kimiko, I'm an A Grade Physique."
"My name is Shura Pavlova, I'm an A grade Physique."
"My name is Hazel Ortega, I'm an A grade Physique."
It seems as though S grade Challengers are indeed a rare sight.
"Good, now everyone, this is the first and last time we will ever do name checks. If you decide to not show up in class, that is not our problem, but when we go to war, we will call all students to join the war, it's your life on the line, don't fuck it up by not training. Said Cora.
"Second period will start soon, we started a bit late, tomorrow we will pick up where we left off, dismissed." Cora remarked.
As the teacher left, we had 5 minutes to ourselves...
That S grade was walking towards where me and Alice were sitting... Alphonso? No Alphonse... I'm bad with names, if you didn't know.
"Alice Blake? If I'm not mistaken?" Alphonse asked.
"Yes you are correct, how can I help you?" Alice replied.
"I was wondering if you wanted to join me at lunch?" Alphonse remarked.
He looked at me with smug eyes.
Now I thought he was quite bold, I didn't even ask Alice because I'm sure she had many friends who'd eat lunch with her... Though it didn't matter much to me, I'm here to train.
"I'm sorry, but I was planning to eat lunch with another person... I'm sure there are others who would love to eat with you!" Alice declined.
You see what I mean? How would she not have someone who would eat with her.
"So it would seem, thank you for answering." he said.
Once again he looked at me with distasteful eyes.
"Shall we head to the next class?" I asked Alice.
"Yup!" she replied.
We started our walk to English.
Nothing happened in the class... It really was just a regular college level English class, I'm guessing they want their Challengers to speak proper English.
After that we made our way to Gym 1, this was for the class, "Basic Training"
Here there were multiple classes and elements:
There were Wind, Metal, Lightning, and healing
So many elements in 1 large gym, I wonder how many instructors are going to come out and teach the crowd?
A couple of minutes later an extremely well built teacher came through the door, without a second to waste, he started to introduce himself.
"My name is Samuel Hanes, Yes I'm the brother of the principal, I'm your basics teacher. The reason we have basic training is simple: we need to make sure your body doesn't break after 3 minutes of use." The Instructor said.
"Enough chit chat, have all the groups separated by element, and get into rows. We will be doing Horse Stance for exactly 2 training days. When you fall, go to the side, the elemental group with the longest standing Challenger will gain a point for the element. At the end of the month, the group with the most points will all get a skill book from the principal. MOVE." Said the Instructor.
Groups were formed, and before I knew it, it looked like we were a full fledged army.
"Get into positions, 3....2....1.... GO!" Yelled the instructor.
This was quite unfair because... well I trained in this stance for like 3 weeks non-stop.
5 minutes passed, nearly half of the contestants fell. I hadn't even broken a sweat yet.
10 minutes passed and now only 1/5 of the contestants remain. I think I got better... will I be able to hit an hour thirty?
15 minutes passed, Alice along with everyone was out, except for me and... Alphonse. You must give credit where it's due, the lad is strong.
2 more minutes pass, and Alphonse falls... I was the last one standing. Only 17 minutes passed, this was nowhere near what I wanted to go for...
I was about to get up and stop but then the instructor said, "Don't stop everyone, take a 5 minute break, and get into position, you will all go for round 2. What's your name kid?"
With a calm breath I responded, "Stephen, Sir. Stephen Wilson."
"Wilson... Wilson..." The instructor was mumbling, then out of nowhere he started to laugh.
"Good job Wilson." is what he said.
I was flabbergasted, I didn't think he'd be a type to dish out a complement.
The students got in line and were ready for round 2, while I was in round 1.
"3....2....1.... GO!" The Instructor yelled.
Students were lasting even shorter times than their first set.
"Stephen... Why are you so good at this?" Alice says while panting away.
15 minutes passed in round 2, while 37 minutes passed for me.
"Splendid, absolutely splendid!" the instructor yelled.
As I look around I see everyone has their eyes on me... For once everyone is looking at me because of something amazing I've done, not for some degrading reason.
I look up and see the principal with other teachers.
A conversation inaudible from Stephens ear:
"This kid is an absolute unit." Cora remarked.
"I was told he would be a huge figure in the future, and that I must treat him as I would treat my sons, now I see why. Though, Horse Stance doesn't mean everything, it gives an idea on how stable their body is. Let's see if he is as proficient as he is in his element." Michal replied.
Cora asked, "What's his ability, it seems weird that you placed him in lightning?"
"I don't have the clearance to tell you." said Michael.
I wonder what they are talking about. I hope it's nothing that would damage my name any further...
The time allocated for home room was 45 minutes, the time for English was 1 hour, the time for gym is 2 hours, the time for lunch is 1 hour, the time for Ethereal language was 1 hour and 15 minutes, the time for elemental training was 2 hours and 30 minutes.
I already used up 40 or so minutes just doing a horse stance...
"Get ready for round three!" the instructor yelled.
The stares were truly coming in, I was on my first round, while everyone was on their 3rd... I have to thank that mysterious book. Speaking of, I haven't done my training today, perhaps when we go back to our dorms, I'll have a go at it.
The same thing occurred last time, near the 10 minute mark, everyone fell, and my legs started to get shaky.
For me, I've already gone at it for 55 minutes, I think 1 hour is the physical limit of my body.
The 1 hour mark hit and my body instantly dropped to the floor.
"Amazing, truly amazing! 1 hour horse stance! One point for the lightning elementals." exclaimed the instructor.
Everyone in our group was happy, I looked around trying to find Alice, it looked like she was about to fall asleep.
We still had 1 hour left, I wondered what we would do, since everyone is dead beat tired.
"Ah.. Ah.. Ah... your 5 minute resting period is over. Now we go on to basic exercise, give me 10 laps around the field! NOW!" said the instructor.
This again was a bit unfair, I go on a run daily, and the assignment was only 10 laps? light work.
We were on the run, after about 5 laps a lot of people dropped out, surprisingly Alice was still running, looks like her stamina is on point.
It was as it seemed, most of the people running were either ranked B and A, there were only a few S though.
As we come near the end of the line, I quickly glance at all who are running, and it looks like no one with a higher physique had any trouble with the run.
"Hm. It looks like we have some capable people among us." said the instructor.
After the 10 lap run, we got a 10 minute break, then we did basic exercises: push-ups, sit-ups, planks... just things to keep us fit.
Our 2 hour session ended just like that, everyone looked tired, and I'm not going to lie, it was an intense workout for our first day.
This place truly is like a military base, the workout volume is crazy, they truly are trying to make soldiers out of us.
That aside, for our class lunch was next. Thank god, I was so hungry.
As I was walking towards the door Alice stopped me and asked, "Do you want to have lunch together?"
It took like 5 seconds to process what happened... She said she had plans to meet with someone else, no? If I was the plan the whole time... What if I declined her?
"Yeah sure." I replied.
I thought that it would be a douche move to see how she would act, so I just said yes.
"Awesome! Shall we head there now?" Alice asked.
"Lead the way." I replied.
At the cafeteria we found a table for two and took our seats.
There were actual waitresses and waiters ready to serve meals... Mind you this is a school.
"May I take your orders?" a waiter asks.
I didn't want to seem like a pig so I just ordered, "One chicken sandwich, with a medium fry."
Alice replied with, "A chicken salad, with a medium fry."
The waiter nodded his head and took his leave.
It truly was a sight to behold.
There was an awkward silence between the two of us as we waited for the food... I had to break the ice.
"Some crazy day huh?" I asked
"Huh? Oh yeah, the training was super rough, but the English class was quite boring." Alice said.
"We have Ethereal language next right...? That's going to be a rough, yet another boring class." I said.
"You are not wrong, but I guess we need it in the event that the new language is present and no-one who can translate it is present." Alice remarks.
The food arrives, and we keep on having these small talks... This sort of feels like a date... I'm getting horrible déjà vu. Let us hope a recurrence doesn't happen.
I say that, and as I go for a bite, June walks up... yup, June.
"Hey Stephen, you remember me? Your ex, I was wondering if we could sort it out again..." June said with teary eyes.
There was a sinister feeling that was building up in my stomach, it was beyond suffocating... All it wanted to do was kill the person who was in front me. My hands started to release smoke, dark smoke.
All of a sudden, Alice places her hands on mine, the suffocating feeling slowly leaves my body.
I gave a calm and collected answer, "Remember when you dragged me to an ally and sent 5, no 6 guys on me... remember when you said that I wasn't worthy for you?"
"How can I, a mere servant of civilization, have a chance with you, please leave as I don't want to look at a jewel that cannot be mine." I sarcastically say.
"Let's not dwell on spilled milk, I find you a lovely—" I cut off June while she speaks
"Please leave, as before I can no longer contain myself." I say as black smoke begins to secrete through my eyes.
"But—" June once again cut off.
"He said please leave, I think its lady like for you to leave." Alice says with a very faint amount of lightning flowing through her body.
June storms off.
"Thank you, I really appreciate it." I say to Alice.
"No problem, if you ever need help I'll be there for you." Alice replied.
Now this was totally out of what I was expecting... Alice actually helped me in the situation, she calmed me down when it felt like I was about to go on a rampage... her hands are still on mine...
"Uhm, your hands..." I said.
Alice quickly retracts her hand, her face as red as a beet.
That was quite cute...
There was again an awkward silence, but thank god that the bell rang, that quickly broke the ice and we made our way to the next class: Ethereal Language.
Just like English, nothing too eventful happened, just the painstaking work on how to formulate their words, and how to actually pronounce the words properly, with the proper accent. It was all just a drag.
Next came the class that I was truly waiting for, Specialized Training. This class is meant for you to actually learn how to use your element in combat.
Me and Alice made our way to the class, but before we were about to enter, Alphonse grabbed Alice's hands...
Now... I must say, I was very ticked off for some reason, and I wasn't the only one.
Alice quickly yanked her hands back to her side while saying, "How can I help you?" she was clearly ticked off, but she tried her best to not show it.
"I was hoping you and I can sit together, you an A rank, me an S rank, I was hoping we could learn from each other." Alphonse said.
"There are plenty of A ranks in our class, go ahead and ask them, I already have a plan to sit with someone..." Alice says while tightly gripping my wrist and dragging me towards a seat on the bleachers.
I quickly glanced back and saw him get a little angry... I had a good laugh.
As we sat down, Alice inhaled a deep breath.
"First time?" I asked.
she lightly punched my right arm.
After a couple of minutes the teacher came in, he had scars all over his body and face.
"Sit down and shut up, class is in session." He said with a surprisingly deep voice.
"I am Mathew Drake, and I'm your Specialized Training teacher. Today it's quite simple, for the first hour you will try your best to shoot lightning out of your hands. It's a simple offensive technique. Do not worry about how much mana you have, this room is fortified with expensive ass crystals that will replenish your mana every 20 minutes." Said the teacher.
He seems chill, but a little dead inside... He has no expression on his face.
"When you want to cast a spell, it depends on how well you can visualize it. Try to visualize the lightning coming through your palm and hitting your target. The more you practice, the more you can visualize it, the more potent and stronger your attack will be." Said the instructor.
The concept seemed pretty easy, just use your imagination of lightning calming through your palms.
For the first 10-15 minutes, no one knew what they were doing, everyone's eyes were just closed with their hands out
After a couple more minutes, Alphonse, the S ranked talent shot, a very dull and weak bolt of lightning.
Even though it was weak, it was still a start from what everyone else was doing.
But it was weird... I could feel the energy building up and when I tried to fire, I would feel like a hard lock stopping me from firing.
"Good, we have someone who was at least able to do something... you are going to keep on training this for the rest of class." said the instructor.
Alphonse looked back at me and Alice, shaking his head.
I didn't care, and neither did Alice.
Near the 30 minute mark, almost everyone was able to shoot a bolt of lightning, whether it be weak or mild. None of them reached the testing dummy, but it was still farther than what I got...
I didn't understand why I couldn't shoot lightning. This chain that was binding me down was very annoying.
"You can do it, trust me!" whispered Alice.
Everyone including the instructor was looking at me... Once again, I'm not the type to get pressured from things like this.
I tried once again:
I aimed at the target, but this time I didn't close my eyes, I thought about the lightning traveling through my heart to every pore in my body. This time I didn't stop there, I infused the power of lightning with the mysterious black smoke in my body, my body started to electrify, miniature zaps came out from my body, but they weren't white... They were colored black.
I released the charge that I held in my body, a huge bolt of black lightning shot through my arms, it completely decimated my dummy and the dummies on either side of it.
I released an exhaust, but there was smoke coming out of my mouth when I exhausted.
Everyone was looking at me with admiration in their eyes, but they also had a hint of confusion.
"I'm not sure what that was, why was your lightning black?" Said the instructor.
I shrugged my shoulders.
The principal walks in.
"There was always a myth, that there were, "variant deviants" these people are deviants, but their deviant power would also be a deviant from the norm, hence variant deviant. Though there was no proof of this for over 8,000 years, it looks like there finally is." said the principal.
"Although this is overwhelmingly strong, the tracker in your uniform shows that you used 2 times the mana than what you would normally use for a normal lightning bolt. so you will have to use your powers more conservatively." exclaimed the principal.
So I'm stronger than most people, but I also use more mana than what they would use... If I were ever to be in a fight, I would need to end it quickly and not drag it out.
Alice clutches my arm and says, "You see Mr. Death, I told you, you would succeed."
I start to chuckle.
We had a 10 minute break, everyone just sat trying to recover some mana that the room cannot supply in the 10 minute gap.
I though was just sitting down, I didn't lose that much many as everyone else... perhaps I have a larger mana pool that most.
But that's besides the point. What was curious was the black smoke... I'm sure if I tried hard enough, I could shoot a regular bolt of lightning, but for this test I infused it with the black smoke. What is this power that Daruma gave to me? Perhaps I should try to shoot a regular bolt of lightning, but if I ever need to amp my power up, then I'll infuse with the darkness.
After the 10 minute break was over we got back up to do the same routine.
Everyone did the same weak bolt, but I didn't try to infuse the darkness this time, I purely tried only my lightning.
For the whole integrity of class, training, break, training, break, training... I couldn't shoot even 1 normal bolt of lightning. This "lock" that's on my body is super restricting...
We were dismissed, and set our way to our dorms.
I didn't go straight to the dorms though, I went to an alleyway a couple blocks from the school... to start training on one of the books I picked from my library.
This time a dark red book started resonating with me. Like last time I took it because it was glowing...
I found a cozy corner, and sat on the ground. When I opened the page I was dragged into a world with a light purple sky and green grass... It looked quite funky.
There was a pool of what looked like water. From what I know about the previous books, it's probably a test of sorts.
I took off my clothes and dived head deep into the water, not even 1 second later I flopped onto the ground... The water was scorching hot. I thought I had some decent flame resistance, but this was crazy.
I didn't want to do this considering my body is probably flopped over in some corner in the real world, but I took that bait.
I went hip deep into the water, it was painful. I was screaming super loud, it felt as if someone was taking a million knives and started to repeatedly jab you.
I didn't know what to do... I started opening my pores to let the water in... I screamed even louder, but I saw some progress, the water was slowly going down.
After about 4 hours of painstaking work, the water was finally drained... I was shot back out into the corner where I sat.
I checked my phone for the time and it was a 2:1 ratio... 4 hours passed there and 2 hour passed here.
Though I don't really know the benefits I got from the book, I felt refreshed. That had to have been the hardest book of the 3 so far.
Daylight was running thin, I should really head back and get some sleep.
The dorms were dual person dorms, so that means I had another guy in my room. I never really dormed in my life, I hope the guy I dorm with isn't weird.
I headed to the second floor and made my room to 2J.
I opened the door silently with my keycard, I didn't want to wake up whoever was inside. I saw a dude taking off his trousers, and beholding... panties? I walked into the room.
I slapped the back of his back... it was weird... I never felt a man's skin being so soft... I had the most disgusted look on my face.
I said, "Nice underwear."
I instantly flopped onto the bed.
The guy yelped... I was about to turn my head but then he screamed, "Don't turn around!"
Eh, I didn't care much, but man... was he like some sort of secluded prince? Why is he so shy? he's my roommate now.
After a bit, he said you could turn your head now.
It was so weird... He looked cute— looked better than most of the girls in the goddam school... I'm not turning gay am I?!
"My name is Stephen, I'm an "A" ranked lightning elemental, what is your name?
"My name is Cha— Chase Elliot, a "B" ranked fire elemental." said Chase.
So my suspicions are somewhat cleared, his name was Chase, it was like Char or something along the lines, all my flags would be turning red.
"Whelp, I'm sorry Chase but I'm exhausted, let's hope we can be great roommates in the future." I said.
While saying that I flop towards my pillow and instantly knock out.
The strength I showed in the gym... I hope people think I'm reliable and strong. I hope Alice thinks I'm not some monster...
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