《And the world breaks》Chapter 16
>>Take your Time
20XX/04/12~5:27 AM
Tuesday-Early Morning-Heavy Rain.
Cafe Leblanc.
Ren:’Fate, Awakening of powers huh, So, how did mother kill father...?’
He looked at his phone, he wondered why he had woken up early, it didn’t make sense since he went to sleep a bit late last night, but there was no exhaustion on him, nor the desire to sleep.
Social Media
It seems that his popularity surged, his visit, videos, and photos, as well as the quasi-interviews he got from the pokemon headquarters made head into his popularity online, the comments were unbelievably pleasurable to read, even the hate comments, he just wanted to be someone better than a nobody, the flicks of a dream started surging deep within the recesses of his mind, to be a world leader, to make an undeniable change, to be written forever in the history books, that flicker of a dream started sprouting deep within, and Ren didn't even know.
Ren:’...The only Hypothesis I have is that she somehow has a Persona capable of flight…’
He made use of the ceiling girder made of wood to make reverse crunches, his body transformed by the Persona could now literally punch through stone, to make a body like that make an effort to build more muscle took a lot more effort and time, normal exercises didn't put stress into his body any longer, taking time he made sure the next exercise was crazier and more creative than the last, soon 35 minutes passed and he stopped the intensive workout.
20XX/04/12~6:02 AM
+3 HP
Ren:‘To use the persona in real life she used my skill World Ruled over by Power ’
He went towards the bath, because it was rainy it was a medicinal bath, it was very relaxing to just clean himself from the seat and dirt he accumulated while working out.
Ren:’Because I consider Kazumi, Okaa-sama, an ally, she was able to use her power in real life?’
Ren:'She needed to have a persona powerful enough to cross entire Eurasia, the possibility that she has flight is great, she needed to be fast so her alibi is believable, she was possibly recorded in the lobby of a hotel in England, her check in and everything was recorded, her arrival to the airport as well, damn, I'm thinking backward…'
-160 ¥
32705 ¥
+3 Charm
Allure 40/50
Ren:‘She was effectively in England when the crime when Hiroko disappeared, at least when the investigation is concerned, however in reality… she used her Persona to travel here and kill him discreetly in some ditch…’
Ren:’Pretty out there conclusion, but it is the most believable hypothesis, based on my findings.’
He entered Leblanc, already dressed in the uniform, he put the umbrella to rest near the door, opened up his bag and just started studying, these days his routine seemed to be more methodical than anything, which fit him just fine. He wanted to help Hideyo-han and his financial group grow and expand, he felt a bit of shame realizing that the criminal record might hinder his future, perhaps he could have saved that girl another way. However, he still stood by his decision of protecting her. Even if--
Sojiro entered the Cafe, both made small talk and he served breakfast and a cup of coffee, Ren devoured it with gusto.
+1 Knowledge
Scholarly 48/50
>>Take your Time.
20XX/04/12~8:00 AM
Tuesday-Early Morning-Heavy Rain.
Aoyama train.
He took the two trains to school like usual, the crowded train made it easy to eavesdrop, other people,
Lighthearted Student:”What was the conductor thinking, charging into the station at top speed like that?” a boy his age spoke with a bit of derisiveness.
Mellow Student:”Didn’t you see the footage recovered, it was leaked on the internet and it showed the conductor, he totally lost it in his final moments. These accidents have been happening a lot lately.” another boy responded and both started making a conversation.
Lighthearted Student:”All these accidents are people losing their minds, right?”
Mellow Student:”Well, between the economy sucking and how depressing the news always is, it’s all not that surprising.”
Ren was near the door, and behind him was a brown haired female student, she stared at him, ignoring her phone, her hand came and grabbed the small of his back, as she pressed against him. The rest of the trip had him stunned as the girl just held him close, no words were exchanged.
>>Take your Time
Male Announcer:“Aoyama-Itchome, This is Aoyama-Itchome.”
“Did you see what people were saying on that site? It’s him…”
“I think that’s the transfer student, the one people online are saying is a criminal”
He heard the buzz when he arrived on the station.
Foulmouthed Male Student:“It’s raining pretty hard, fucking shit, if we don’t hurry we’ll get in a huge-ass, trouble if we’re late and you know that shitty teacher won’t let us catch a break.”
Black-Haired Male Student:"Sakamoto got into another confrontation yesterday with Kamoshida"
Foulmouthed Male Student:"School has already started and that bastard is already getting into a fight? Fuck him, he doesn't care about this shit at all."
Black-Haired Male Student:”School is annoying enough as it is, with Sakamoto buying fights, and the new criminal transfer student, might make more trouble for everyone else.”
After hearing for a bit he headed out of the station. He entered the road for the school, passing a map so he could locate it better, there was a clearing with a lot of vending machines near the entrance, there two girls were talking, they had transparent umbrellas and they were mildly attractive if a bit normal.
Melancholic Female Student:”I feel so down lately when it’s raining. I guess we’ll be playing Volleyball in the gym for PE Today.”
Loud Female Student:”I am not looking forward to that. Why’d I have to be on the same team as Takamaki?”
Loud Female Student:”She’s only a magazine model because of her stupid ridiculous body. Being near her disgust me”
Melancholic Female Student:”Yeah, but we can’t just ignore her, either, because of her relationship with Kamoshida-sensei”
Loud Female Student:”Dealing with her is such a hassle, I wish she’d stop coming to school.”
Ren:’Damn, people are insensitive just because she is beautiful, I guess jealousy can really hit people hard.’
Ren walked away, towards the entrance to the school.
‘Well, I seem to have made it to school without too much hassle.’
>>Take your Time
20XX/04/12~9:30 AM
Tuesday-Morning-Heavy Rain.
Shuujin Academy.
Ren lazily listened to the next teacher, Ann and him really hit off as friends, they had a lot in common, both being outcasts because of nasty rumors, Ren was proud to say that he even got her number discreetly.
Ushimaru-sensei:"I'm the social studies teacher, you shall call me Ushimaru-sensei. I'll be teaching you the rules and regulations of society this year." The old fart overweight teacher with rimmed glasses said to the class. The teacher looked around, seeing everyone's faces with a condescending look.
Ushimaru-sensei:"Hmph, you all look like you've been spoiled growing up. Before we learn society's rules, maybe… I should start with the rules of being an actual decent human being."
Ren was bored, he could with his intelligence now multitask and compartmentalize the lecture, all while paying attention to the rain outside counting raindrops to test his brain and see how potent it was, or passing flirty letters to Ann, people think that him being a victim of rape by that woman Kira Azami might make him squeamish to approach other women, however it was nothing like that, he was ashamed to say that he felt pleasure from the sex, the part he didn't like was Azami holding his life and future in his hands, controlling him and blackmailing him, she didn't care, he never met the woman before, yet she made him pass through that shameful and frankly rage-inducing experience, without his consent.
Perhaps it was different with women or other men who were raped, however, he knew that Kira Azami was an individual, he shouldn't blame or distrust the other gender, that's why he wasn't afraid of getting close to Ann.
Ushimaru-sensei:”Hey, new kid.” the teacher called him, it wasn’t unexpected at all, by the discussion earlier about being a decent human the teacher targeted him, because he had a criminal record, perhaps the teacher wanted to ask a difficult question that Ren had no hope of answering, however that was naive of the old fart, Ren had rank 4 in knowledge after all.
Ushimaru's brown eyes, behind his spectacles, called the new student with black wavy hair, the new kid was looking at the rain, as if he found something funny, he was so focused it seemed that he was counting every raindrop, but that was frankly impossible, the kid slowly turned his head, and finally faced him, the seats near him had intimidated students, the male students turned their heads to the door in fear, cold sweat ran through their heads, the females were slip, some were completely enraptured by the new kid's appearance, the others were trying their hardest to ignore, finally Ushimaru managed to focus on the transfer student's eyes, they were gray in color, not entirely black, however he hesitated because of the intensity of those narrow eyes, it felt like he was completely analyze before being discarded as inconsequential by the new kid, it made his blood boil a bit, he graduated in the fine sciences of philosophy, sociology and had a Phd. in anthropology, yet he was being treated like trash by the new kid, he was being treated like a pebble on the side of the road.
Ushimaru disliked this feeling very much.
Ren:"What is it, Ushimaru-sensei?" the new kid said in such a deep voice, Ushimaru couldn't believe it came from a 16-17-year-old kid, it had such a charismatic tone to it that he was instantly at ease, the bad feeling he had immediately disappeared, he eventually forgot the kid looked like he was trash just by the voice.
Ushimaru-sensei:‘What was the kid’s name again? Oh right, Amamiya Ren-kun’
Ushimaru-sensei:"Amamiya-kun, the Greek philosopher Plato divided the human soul into three parts. A soul is composed of what?"
Ren:’So he goes right for a western philosopher to throw me a bit off huh?’
Ren:”According to Plato's tripartite theory of soul Plato asserted that the soul is composed of three parts; the logical, the spirited and the appetitive. These three parts of the soul also correspond to the three classes of a society.” Correctly and precisely, his knowledge came out of his lips, with a modulated tone, carrying charm enough to burn this knowledge in everyone’s mind.
Ushimaru-sensei:"Correct." the teacher complimented him by even giving out claps.
Ushimaru-sensei:"So you know that huh? Plato's teacher, Socrates, said that evil is born from ignorance. People who have been babied, taught that evil is due to individuality, can only become society's scum."
Ren:‘It is not in human nature to choose to act in a way what one believes to be harmful, instead of a way that is good. All wrong, or evil, is only done out of ignorance and not from the intention to do evil. People are known to occasionally commit deeds that are apparently evil either out of self-interest or acting on impulse, against their best. All human actions are driven by self-interest. When people do harmful things, it is only out of ignorance; either not knowing what will benefit them the most, not knowing the correct method of attaining that benefit, or not knowing how not to do something which is harmful to them, there is no conflict between self-interest and morality.’
Ren:'Ignorance, huh? Driven by self-interest and ignorance means that the whole ecosystem of the Earth is evil, not only humans are driven by self-interest, all living beings are... Ignorance, the human race is better knowledgeable about the universe than the animals are, but on a drastic scale it is not by much, there are so many things they don't understand. If this logic holds true then humanity will never know what's best for them, because their ignorance and self-interest will always drive them to be evil, and so there is no escape, only an omniscient being can be called truly just. And that's where you are wrong Socrates, the multiverse doesn't abide by things like evil, good, or self interest, the world wants much more from the living than humans will ever expect' Ren thought back hard on last night's conversation with the twins, he now understood the world better from that, one thing to note about his thoughts was the disconnect he now had with humans, after the twins told him that he, a persona user wasn't human, his subconscious slowly started accepting that, making his thoughts removed from humanity itself.
+10 Knowledge
Genius 08/250 -- Rank 5
Exceptional intellect, Ren is an expert in deduction, having the most complex strategies and theories n on the tips of his lips, Unrivaled in history he is the smartest guy around in many light years away from the earth.
Only a second has passed since the teacher spoke, he was honestly surprised by how quick his thoughts were.
Balck-Haired Student:"Wow he got that right… Is he really a criminal?"
Brown-Haired Student:"He seems like a dangerous pretty boy, but maybe he's actually serious about studying?"
The good rumors continued to roll around, making him give a little chuckle, it was a little side mission, but he wanted to change the perception of the student body about him, at least by the end of the year, as his thoughts sobered up, remembering that his dad was missing, he thought somber, with him out of the picture he, Ren would inherit his grandfather's place as the owner of Amamiya finance, that meant he would probably be expecting an arranged marriage soon, when they inevitably pronounce Hiroko, dad's death.
He never really thought much about his dad when growing up, he was only focused on making money and building connections, if there was a word that could describe Hiroko was ‘productive', he was one obsessed with his job, obsessed with controlling the economy, obsessed of making billions and billions of profit every year, Hiroko didn't care for much else, that was what he loved to do, in fact making profit was the goal here, he did not spend his massive fortune, no he lived more frugally than anyone else, it was a weird thought, to Hiroko the money at the end didn't matter at all, it was only the process that interested him.
Ushimaru-sensei:”...Bizzare incidents have been happening frequently, those are but the actions of such scum...”
Ren:'Evil is not born from individuality? Yes, I agree. However there are still points that you are not grasping yet Ushimaru-sensei, and you will probably never learn them in your lifetime, I'm afraid, I can see that you will die, perhaps 5 years from now on, prostate cancer, what a way to go huh?' The genius mind in him could already make predictions of the people's future, it made him almost jump in happiness, his brain was so content right now it was staggering.
Ushimaru-sensei:”...We don’t need crude people like that in school. Understand?”
>>Take your Time
20XX/04/12~11:20 AM
Shuujin Academy, Indoor court.
Kamoshida-sensei:“To you!” the teacher said launching a ball, the size and design gave away as a volleyball, the ball came very fast, a spike, from a former olympic player, there was no way a student could receive a serious attack from Kamoshida, and yet, ever so smoothly the new transfer student positioned himself, flexing his knees, and joining his hands, he coordinated his feet to better stand in the path of the ball, and finally received the fast ball, the impact should have been pretty painful, yet no red marks were noticed on the forearms of the student, it was still the usual pale skin, as for the ball it was robbed of its momentum and thrown into the air, it didn’t fall outside of the court, it landed in fact on the inside, ready for another theoretical teammate to make the play, but there were no such players on the court, it was just him inside, with the teacher on the other side, the teacher, Kamoshida was standing in the stairs with a box full of volleyballs, it was his idea of exercise, men would take turns training in receiving the ball, it was the activity for the day in fact.
The girls were on the other court playing team basketball, while the rest waited for their turn near the wall, Ren who received the ball perfectly caught Ann in his eyes, she was far removed from the other girls, alone, unfortunate, but there was nothing he could do right now to alleviate her loneliness.
The boys on the sidelines waiting for their turn were all surprised to see the transfer student receive so well, however it wasn't over.
Kamoshida-sensei:"Great receive newbie, let's go even further!!" he picked another ball, threw in the air this time, and with all of his 194 cm form he pushed the ball with his palm, launching it faster than 100 km/h, Ren glared, this was not fair for teenagers, adults were much stronger than them, he knew that he himself was stronger than Kamoshida-sensei by a lot, however, this information wasn't known, so this was just an attempt to bully him, he disliked it.
Again, just as easily Ren jumped to the trajectory's impact, he received it just as easily, throwing into the air, almost reaching the ceiling, again it landed in a prime position for the imaginary teammate to make a play before falling into the wooden floor, this was probably due to Ren's strength, speed, and proficiency which made him very in tune with his body.
Kamoshida-sensei:"Again!!" However this time it was unexpected, Kamoshida only warned after he took the shot, so Ren was honestly pissed by this point, instead of flexing his knees and getting into a position for receiving, he stood straight, and caught the ball with one hand, the ball rolled hard for just a second before Ren pressed his fingers and clawed the ball's momentum, making it stop, Kamoshida, the boys, and even the girls playing turned to stare at him in shock, to block an Olympic spike with one hand, without difficulty was just…
Kamoshida wanted to raise his voice and yell at the student, it wasn't proper form, the exercise was to receive the ball not catch it, however, he was silently glared at, those grey eyes were projected into his brain, the fear made him hesitate.
Kamoshida-sensei:’W-why is he glaring at me?’
Kamoshida-sensei:"R-right, next! Mishima!" the teacher glanced at Mishima who was next in line, he had enough of the transfer student.
Mishima:"Huh? Oh? O-Okay!" Mishima seemed surprised, after all, it was 10 receives for the next player and the transfer just completed 3 of them if you counted the catch. However he entered the court without complaining, Ren walked out and headed towards Ann, his only friend in the class, Kamoshida saw this and grit his teeth, another thought crossed his mind, to think a teen could catch his spike, impossible, it must have been a fluke, it had to be.
+7 Proficiency
Skilled 20/50
20XX/04/12~12:00 AM
Shuujin Academy, Outdoor.
-1700 ¥
31005 ¥
Ren stood outside on the bench, still wearing his PE Uniform, by his side was an assortment of empty bags, they were once upon a time full of bread, however they all were swallowed by his hunger, this time there were a lot of energy drinks as well, he argued that his hunger was being caused by his persona or the wild card thing the twins talked about yesterday, finishing his last bread he heard a bit of yelling.
Brown-Haired Male Student:“Give a break Sakamoto!”
He went to spy on them, and soon he saw Sakamoto and some other dudes, they were probably grilling him for the confrontation with Kamoshida yesterday.
Brown-Haired Male Student:"You were a smart ass with Kamoshida again? Dude read the mood, We're all desperately trying to avoid his attention!"
Ren:'Avoid attention? So they are probably, the failed track team, so its members are still active under the school's nose, it seems to be just these guys, no supervision and support, Sakamoto, they are not the best company for you, they probably blame you for what happened, you hit Kamoshida probably last year? Perhaps you were provoked with something, but…' Ren's mind didn't know the story at all, in fact, these thoughts were constructed on the basis of the belief of his own hypothesis of what happened, the rumors he heard about the track team, the guilty look on Sakamoto's face and everything else was used to construct this hypothesis, and Ren's mind accepted it, it was the most probable one after all.
Ryuji:”Sorry, my bad.”
Brown-Haired Male Student:"We're still keeping up with practice so we might get back into track and field in college."
Jersey-Wearing Male Student:"We do feel bad about what happened with your leg, but…" Ryuji looked down, clenched his fist in frustration. The student was made to stop by another.
Black-Haired Male Student:"Anyway, Sakamoto, don't antagonize Kamoshida-sensei again." this one said with a harsh voice, it seemed this one had a more resentful attitude than the rest.
Black-Haired Male Student:"All we can do is keep quiet and wait for graduation this year, don't you dare put the spotlight on us with your fucking stunts. THat's all we wanted to say. Let's go" They left all following him.
Ryuji:"Yeah, that's right, I can't run anymore. It's what I get for involving you all in my problems. But..." Ryuji glared at the nothing, his eyes narrowed in rage.
Ryuji:"If I could at least do something about Kamsohida, then this school…"
Ren:'I see…' ren put one hand in his pocket and walked away, leaving Ryuji to stew in his thoughts.
Ren:'Didn't Morgana heal him? His legs should be okay, even if it's an old wound, or tendon or cartilage damage, it should be healed already, Perhaps he didn't notice?'
20XX/04/12~3:02 PM
Tuesday-After School-Cloudy.
Shuujin Academy.
Ren walked out of the room, after taking his organized notes, on his way out he saw Ann walking, and then being cut by Kamoshida.
Kamoshida-sensei:”Hey there, Takamaki-chan”
Ren:’Hey, calling a high school girl in your age as ”-chan”, that’s just too creepy ‘
Kamoshida-sensei:"You looking for a ride home? Things are getting pretty dangerous lately with all these accidents."
Ren:‘Offering a ride home, how creepy can you actually get'
Ann:"Sorry, I have a photoshoot today, It's for the special summer issue, so I can't afford to miss it." she said, massively uncomfortable at the unneeded attention.
Kamoshida-sensei:”Hey now… Being a model’s fine and dan--....” Kamoshida made a small gasp of surprise as Ren approached and settled right behind Tamakamai, she glanced upwards to him and smirked.
Kamoshida:”You’re the new student…”
Ren:"Amamiya Ren, I hope you remember it, it is an important name after all..." ‘...To the future...'
Ren:"Sensei, I couldn't help but notice that you are making Takamaki-san uncomfortable, you see, as a classmate I need to be supportive and take care of everybody there" Ren said with a smirk, however his eyes weren't laughing, in fact, they were furious, he had half a mind to summon Arsene here and give the teacher a much-needed execution, just a little swipe of Arsene's forearm to the face, that is enough to cut his head off .
Ren:”So, Kamoshida-sensei, what is your business with Takamaki-san?”
Kamoshida:"No-Nothing" He rushed past the corridor, quickly walking away a bit flustered.
Kamoshida:"Damn brat, think he can joke around, well that won't last" Out of hearing he said.
Ann:'THank you Amamiya-kun" she said with a blush, yes it was still too hard not to feel attracted to him, even though they were friends now.
Ren:”There is nothing to it, listen, if that creep bothers you again give me a touch, I’ll set him straight.”
>>Take your Time
He delivered the book back and picked up ‘Captain Kidd's Cat' a pirate story through the eyes of the captain's cat, he felt it would be an interesting read.
>>Take your Time
Ren was walking out of the school, passing by the gate he detected Ryuji waiting for him.
Ryuji:"Yo." Ren thought about some ways to mess with Ryuji's head, however, the words he spoke were a bit cruel, but his charm would cover it.
Ren:"Who are you again?" inciting a bit of the loneliness that an outcast like Ryuji had.
Ryuji:"H-huh? … I wasn't expecting such a brutal response, You truly don't remember me.' He seemed on the verge of tears, at that point Ren put a hand on Ryuji's shoulder, drawing Ryuji's attention back, Ren smiled, a very kind smile.
Ren:"Sorry, I was just messing around Sakamoto-san, there's no way I can forget someone like you, you know" Ryuji returned to normal, glad not to be forgotten, the kind smile roped him in, hearing Ren's voice reminded him of the warmth friends had for each other.
Ryuji:"Hey, I wanna talk about the castle that we went yesterday…I tried telling myself it's just a dream but it ain't cutting it."
Ren:"The castle is not a dream Ryuji, at least I don't think so anymore."
Ryuji:"Yeah, I can't act as nothing happened, It's all connected to that bastard Kamoshida, after all… I wanna find out what's up with that place no matter what." Ryuji smiled, going on a more laid-back pose.
Ryuji:”and y’know Ren, you’re the only person I can rely on for this stuff, so you in?”
Ren:”But it is very dangerous…”
Ryuji:"Yeah, I was seriously almost killed. I don't wanna put myself in that pain again, but...There's no other way, if I do nothing it will be all over for me, and my mom… So I'd rather take a gamble and..." Ren saw it all, all the emotions playing in Ryuji's face, he then smiled, bringing happiness to everyone around.
Ren:“Okay, you can count me in, Let’s go”
Ryuji:”For real?”
Ren picked up his phone, and walked off to the narrow alley, Ren put his phone on Ryuji’s face, pointing at the red icon with an eye…
Ryuji:”What is this eyeball-looking thing…?”
Ren:”Cute logo huh?”
Ryuji:"Cute, I wouldn't exactly call it cute, what a weird app…"
Ren:"This app will take us there, it just downloaded itself onto my phone and now I can't delete no matter what, this thing is called a Metaverse navigator, it will allow us to cross worlds, to that other world where we met that cat, where we met that King."
Ren clicked on the icon, opening up the navigator, he went to the sidebar there was a history menu, there only one thing was displayed.
[Kamoshida, Shuujin Academy, Castle]
Ryuji:"Seriously? Ren, its right there in the history."
Ren:"Yeah, it seems very convenient. I'm going... Ready?"
Ryuji:”heh, wouldn’t miss it for the world!”
He clicked the display, making the world distort itself.
Both still didn't know, that the things they would be forced to see, the things they would be forced to do, the things that would be felt, would change everything, after this there was no way they would be able to return to being normal again, this was the first step in their descent into madness, cruelty, and evil.
To be continued~
Ren Amamiya
Level 4
Genius 8/250 -- Rank 5
Guts-Valiant 17/50 -- Rank 4
Proficiency-Skilled 20/50 -- Rank 4
Kindness-Empathetic 7/50 -- Rank 4
Charm- Allure 40/250-- Rank 5
31005 ¥
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