《And the world breaks》Chapter 13
>>Take your Time
20XX/04/11~11:58 AM
Shujin Academy ~ Classroom building 1st F.
Entering the school, he put on his indoor shoes and stored his old ones in his new locker.
Ren;’I guess I need to go to the faculty office, Kawakami-sensei has waited long enough, I need to apologize for that huh?’
On another thought his curious side got the better of him
Ren:’...Well I guess I got time, let’s explore a little...’
“What if you get wrapped up in something because of him, It doesn’t matter if he is the prettiest boy you’ve seen, its best to stay away.”
Ren looked to the walls and there were a lot of awards medal and other paraphernalia hidden behind glass, just like he’d seen yesterday.
Ren:‘These are mostly volleyball trophies, perhaps the volleyball team’
Ren:’Wait, that guy that we saw in the castle, he is the P.E Teacher, perhaps he is the coach for the volleyball team as well.’
+3 Knowledge
Keen 19/25
He approached an old photo hidden behind glass.
“...Isn’t he a criminal that got into all sorts of stuff...?” A male student murmured gossip
“Wow, there is no way...he is so handsome for a drug addict don’t you think?” A female said blushing.
Ren:‘This picture was taken back when the school was first founded’ It was a picture taken after WW2, more specifically in the vietnamese war, student protesters were all the buzz back then, the pícture had an old retired general founding a school of all things, the uniforms were very ugly, resembling the army uniform back then.
He was about to enter the wooden floor when a Teacher called to him, he had a social white long sleeved shirt, with black pants a blue, checked necktie and black suspenders, the man had gray small hair and a full round face, he was a bit on the overweight side, but nothing outrageous for his age, he wore square small glasses.
Late Middle-aged Teacher:”So you’re that problem transfer student.” He said while a hand was on his belt, the other gesturing as he spoke.
Late Middle-aged Teacher:”Late on the first day too...I hope you would stay clear of trouble, both for your sake and the school’s, you seem bright, I suggest straightening up for the sake of your future” He said with such a fake tone, Ren’s keen senses picked it up, it made Ren cringe inside, it made him think for a second that political correctness should be thrown in the trash.
Ren, disillusioned, ended the conversation and moved on, passing by a bulletin board full of schedules of social events and other information, his keen eyes picked up a phrase.
Ren:’It says ”True freedom lies within the construct of society.” ...I get what they are trying to say...but society isn’t permanent, it changes all the time, true freedom lies somewhere else...at least that’s what I think.’
Ren:’Other than that there seems to be a volleyball rally tomorrow.’
“Did you see what people were saying on that site? It's him...” The hushed murmurs continued, this time it was a scared male student.
Ren:”Hrm?” His habit of spying other people returned as he approached two average looking girls.
Timid Female Student:”Sakamoto-kun was late again, will he be expelled soon?”
Carefree Female Student:”I can’t beçleive he’s still behaving like this after what he did to the track team…He is not expelled because Kamoshida-sensei covered for him, right?”
Timid Female Student:”Kamoshida-sensei is too nice for not abandoning a punk like that…”
After listening to some interesting information Ren walked towards the stair, drawing a bit of attention, however it seemed it couldn’t be helped.
“I’ve heard some pretty crazy rumors about him...wait, didn’t he appear on the news today?” The hushed whispers started grating him, but he remained composed.
Walking a bit he bumped into a girl she had brown eyes and dark black hair in a ponytail tied with a pink hairband. She wore her uniform without the black jacket, it was a beige sweater rolled up to her elbows, and the standard uniform skirt. She had a black leg brace on her right leg. Around her elbows and under her skirt, black bandages of some sort caught Ren’s eyes.
She lost her balance a bit, however Ren stood firm, even having a human body bump into him didn’t make him lose even a bit of balance, a few papers that she was carrying fell into the ground, before she could fall, however, Ren gave her support, he fished the papers of the ground to help her, as she focused on him, she started blushing up a storm.
Ren:”...Sorry” Ren smiled at her giving her the last paper.
By that point the girls ears were burning, he raised from his kneeling position and gave his goodbyes to the stunned student.
The ponytail girl turned to him clutching the papers to her chest.
Ponytail Female Student:”...Thank you! I-I’m Suzui Shiho!”
Ren turned around.
Ren:”I’m Amamiya Ren, It’s nice to meet you Suzui-san”
+2 Kindness
Warm-hearted 1/25 -- Rank 3
Ren can now understand the pains of people, he can now know what a person needs, and is very passionate about humanity.
Author’s Note:Kindness doesn’t equal a good person, Ren’s version of kindness in this story will be very skewed and wrong.
He passed a couple wearing volley uniforms, and exercise accessories.
Female Volleyball Player:”Did you know Senpai? Some crazy second-year student is transferring to our school.”
Male Volleyball Player:”Yeah...I heard about him. All the second-years are talking about him.”
Male Volleyball Player:”Apparently he’s such a problem student that no other school will take him.”
Female Volleyball Player:”Why does he have to come here…? I hope he doesn’t try anything funny with the volleyball team.”
Male Volleyball Player:”It’s fine. Kamoshida-sensei is on our side, the transfer student won’t do anything to us.”
Ren:’...If that castle is that bastard’s mind, then no doubt you need to worry about other things besides a transfer student...’
+1 Knowledge
Keen 20/25
“H-hey don’t go, he is nothing but danger.” A boy said frustrated as he grabbed a girl by her shoulder.
“But, he is so cute such a cute Kouhai, he must be just misunderstood!” The girl whined, as she saw Ren, a bad boy, in her mind passing by.
Ren started climbing the stairs, but before he could reach the second floor he heard one thing that stinged.
“That guy’s life is over. He should just disappear already.”
Ren mentally sighed.
20XX/04/11~11:59 AM
Shujin Academy ~ Classroom building 2nd F.
“So he’s the transfer student everyone was talking about online...hum...he doesn’t seem that bad”
Ren tired of the gossip reaching his ear went forward towards the faculty office.
Ren passed through a below average looking second year who was a bit arrogant and an ugly small and obese student, that seemed a bit scared.
Skittish Male Student:”They allow criminals into the school I don’t want go to school with someone like that.”
High-Strung Male student:”Can he still be called a criminal even if he is underage? I guess all that matter is that he is dangerous… He was convicted of assault, right? A guy like that has to be really scary-looking.”
Ren mentally chuckled at the image of him being scary-looking, like a Gokudo(Yakuza), perhaps a fancy scar, colorful suit and gaudy glasses might do the trick.
Skittish Male Student:”The school should just get rid of him already. He sounds like a ticking time bomb.”
He was tired of listening in and removed himself from that location, passing a glasses-wearing teacher and a 3rd year.
Bespectacled Male Teacher:”I can’t recommend you to that university anymore. We’ve decided on a different student, it was sudden I know--”
Panicked Male Student:”What?! But you already promised to recommend me…”
Bespectacled Male Teacher:”I’m sorry, but you’ll have to accept that this was decided by the school...They want to prioritize students from our highly acclaimed volleyball team...”
Ren finally arrived at his destination, looking at the yellow plaque.
Ren:’This looks like the Faculty Office alright, well... time to go inside...’
>>Take your time
He entered the room and soon Ren’s charm stole the attention of everyone in the room, Ren became confused, however maintaining his aloof posture he approached the woman called Kawakami Sadayo.
Kawakami-sensei:”*sigh* I can’t believe this Amamiya-kun, Being over half a day late on your first day…? Can you explain yourself?” She looked tired, however she intently gazed upon him, it was a bit of a weird look, one that he saw many times during his stroll yesterday.
Ren:”There is no explanation I can give that would relieve your stress...all I can give is my apology, please accept it.” Ren said as a self deprecating smile overcame his face, the words that came out of his mouth were so manipulative that he had to double take himself, even the charming and clumsy smile was foreign to him.
+3 Charm
+2 Knowledge
+3 Kindness
+2 Guts
Allure 7/50
Considerate 19/20
Staunch 16/25
Keen 22/25
Kawakami got a bit distracted, this boy was unbelievably attractive, but she composed herself.
Kawakami-sensei:”W-well, this time I’ll allow it, there was that crazy accident yesterday so...so…” She lost her train of thought.
Kawakami-sensei:”...*sigh* Please, pull yourself together, you were given a fair warning yesterday” she said in a gentle, but tired tone, Ren had to wonder about her, was she not sleeping well?
+1 Kindness
Warm-hearted 2/25
Kawakami-sensei:”More importantly I hear you were caught along with Sakamoto-kun? Well, I don’t have the authority to decide your friends, but be careful alright?”
Ren did a noncommittal nod, in his mind he didn’t agree to what she was saying, but with his keen intelligence he saw that she was trying to protect him a bit, which made him a bit happy.
Kawakami-sensei:”...Anyway. Break’s is almost over.”
Kawakami-sensei:”I’ll have you introduce yourself when class resumes. Follow me.”
In the way to the classroom.
Kawakami-sensei:”By the way when you introduce yourself be serious about it…”
Two girls passed by him, as Ren and Kawakami headed to class.
Sharp Female Student:”...You think that’s him?”
Short-haired Female Student:”Huh? the one in the rumors, he is too cute for that”
Sharp Female Student:”Don’t be stupid and judge people by appearances, models can commit crimes too dummy”
20XX/04/11~12:09 PM
Shujin Academy ~ Classroom.
He entered the class with Kawakami, he looked around, memorising all their faces with his keen intelligence, however he got bored, the class was full of bland people, however he perked up when he recognized a certain someone.
Quiet Male Student:”Being super late on his first day? He is really bad news.”
Brown-Haired Female Student:”But he’s…He’s so attractive, are you sure he is a bad guy?”
Kawakami-sensei:”Well then, I’d like to introduce our new student Amamiya Ren-kun”
Ren wrote his name on the blackboard, what caught his attention was how much his calligraphy had improved, 1 day ago it wasn’t anything bad, but it wasn’t noteworthy at all, it was strange.
Kawakami-sensei:”He’s attending late today because he wasn’t feeling well.”
Kawakami-sensei:”Then, please say something to the class.” She gave him a side glance of support towards Ren.
Ren:“Amamiya Ren, I transfered to Tokyo from my hometown Osaka…”
His anxiety attacked him a bit, being in the scrutinizing gaze of many students… being raped in the train didn’t help cure his taciturn personality.
Ren:”Nice to meet you...”
Prim Female Student:”He seems cute and quiet but I bet when he snaps…” She said with a joking tone to her friend, however she was unprepared Ren faced her, and locked her with his gaze, she looked down with a blush.
Braided Female Student:”Oh, he just oozes danger, I love bad boys” she murmured and looked down, she started giggling to herself, it was just weird.
Gaudy Male Student:”He was arrested for assault right? Won’t he be trouble for the school?” A boy murmured to his nerdy friend.
Bespectacled Male Student:”W-well he is on probation right? Anything bad he does, he is out.”
Ren faced the student with a piercing glare, and the student shut up very quickly, most of the class saw the scowl on Ren’s face and looked down in fear.
Ren:’How did he know such a personal information? Knowing about my crime is one thing, but my sentence as well? *sigh*’
Kawakami-sensei:”Uh...Um so… “ Kawakami looked down,
Kawakami-sensei:”Your seat will be… Hmm… “ She suddenly perked up with a cheerful attitude, as to placate him or to welcome him? He didn’t know the answer, he secretly hoped it was the latter, He liked Kawakami.
Kawakami-sensei:”Over there. The one that’s open.”
Ren looked at the spot near the window, in front of it was a girl he was familiar with, she waved at him, people started murmuring after the fear in their hearts passed.
Ren walked over and sat behind Ann, she turned to him smiling.
Ann:”Liar~~, We saw each other in the station.” She said with a grin, her eyes were very eased with his presence, she wasn’t like the others in this school.
Ren:”W-well I just got caught in some trouble, that’s all.. Takamaki-san”
Brown-Haired Female Student:”... Did you catch that? Do those two know each other?”
Prim Female Student:”Does that mean Takamaki-san is cheating on Kamoshida-sensei? Well, then again this is Takamaki we are talking about.”
Brown-Haired Female Student:”For real, that side of the room is totally awful”
Ann:”Ignore them, this school really likes gossip.”
Ren:”Don’t worry, although sometimes it stings a little, I’ll do my best to ignore them from now on” He smiled at her care for him.
Her aquamarine eyes faced his grey eyes as she smiled and blushed, she said nothing until class started.
The brown haired girl besides him joined desks, well he was the one who carried the desk, it was surprisingly easy to carry such a heavy wooden object, not that he was weak before, but this was a surprise, his physical strength changed, he felt like he could shatter the wooden desk if he pushed hard enough, that was a cause for worry.
Kawakami-sensei:”Oh right, the volleyball rally is in two days…”
Ren:’Wait, the flyer said it was tomorrow, was it outdated? Wow, not impressed with the management in the school.’
Kawakami-sensei:”Everyone’s just changed classes, so make sure you use that time to get to know each other.”
Kawakami-sensei:”Well then, let’s get class started. Who’s on duty today?”
A boy shorter than average, with spiky blue-tinted black hair, black eyes and a relatively average face rose from his seat he wore the standard winter uniform sans the blazer and with the shirt untucked, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and suspenders off his shoulders and on his things instead. He also wore white tennis shoes with green accents from what Ren could see.
Ren also had to shake his head at the boys face, there were three visible bruises and one bandage below one of his eyes, while not as bad as Ryuji’s face when he was beat up by that King, it was still alarming to say the least.
Well-Behaved Student:”Everyone, please rise…“
>>Take your Time
20XX/04/11~12:55 PM
Monday-After School-Cloudy.
Shujin Academy ~ Classroom.
During the whole class Ren was surprised at himself, he spent his time multitasking, taking notes and whispering poisoned words into the girl next to him, she was a brown-haired short girl who gossiped about him, she had the task to share her text with him, so she sat close to him, so for the duration of the class, he brainwashed and groomed her, by the end of the class she only had eyes for him, wide crazy eyes as she drooled from the ends of the mouth, even as he was leaving, her eyes still followed him.
Ren:’Why did I play with that girl like that? What is happening here? I’m doing irrational decisions today…‘ Ren got lost in thought as one finger scratched his crown.
Female Student:“...Takamaki-san is hard to approach, She is an amateur magazine model isn’t she?”
Energetic Student:“Isn’t she dating Kamoshida-sensei? That’s sort of gross…”
Female Student:”She just moved back here after living abroad, but I read that her love life’s pretty scandalous.”
Energetic Student:”Oh you visit that underground internet site too? It also listed the crimes of the new transfer student”
Ren:’Well that’s one less mystery, now to find the site… and the one who posted my information…’
Inquisitive Girl:”There are so many stores here, sometimes I get lost while I’m trying to choose where to go… I wonder if I can find anywhere good to eat”
Foodie Girl:”I know all about finding the best stuff to eat! You should look for limited-time specials! They are usually very delicious, and you can get them at a discount! Whenever you want, I’ll tell you if there is any limited-time specials you might want to try!”
Inquisitive Girl:”Really? Cool, I can’t wait!”
Ren:’Guess I found the source of food information around here *chuckle*’
Walking outside he glanced at the white walls, and wood grain ground, however soon the ground and the walls were swapped with fancy leather chairs, gaudy gold decorations and a red antique carpet, however the image disappeared and everything returned to normal.
He pressed his fingers on his forehead, as he massaged his wavy hair.
Kawakami-sensei:”Are you alright…?”
Ren:”Hrm… yeah…“
Kawakami-sensei:”Seems like there’s already people talking about you, I’m not the one who spread the rumors okay?”
Ren:”Don’t worry… Rumors won’t affect me anymore… However I like mysteries… I’ll find the leak.”
She sighed.
Kawakami-sensei:”You should head straight home… Sakura-san seemed very angry.”
Kawakami-sensei:”Oh, and Sakamoto-kun. Don’t get involved-”
Ryuiji:”Oi, Ren!” Ryuji approached, cutting the conversation.
Kawakami-sensei:”Speak of the devil…“ Kawakami closed her arms in her chest.
Kawakami-sensei:”What do you want? I heard you were cutting classes today.”
Ryuji:”Shut up, It was nothin’” He murmured.
Kawakami put one arm in her waist.
Kawakami-sensei:”And you haven’t dyed your hair back to black either…“
Ryuji:”Sorry ‘bout that”
Ryuji approached Ren and whispered.
Ryuji:”... I’ll be waiting on the roof”
Kawakami-sensei:”Aahh, See? That’s why I don’t want you getting involved, Understood? Then until tomorrow Amamiya-kun.” She walked away towards the faculty office.
Ren spied on a conversation between Kamoshida-sensei and the Director.
Kamoshida-sensei:”Why did you allow a student like that to be transferred here? He’s already associating with Sakamoto, A student with a criminal record, and the culprit of an assault case.”
Kamoshida-sensei:”At this rate, It’d be pointless how much I contribute to the school.”
Principal:”Don’t be like that, This school counts on you, Kamoshida-kun, you are our star.”
Principal:’As for Amamiya Ren-kun… If Amamiya is his family name… I just hope he isn’t part of that financial group… but if he is… ‘
Kamoshida-sensei:”... Your troubles never seem to end, do they, Director… Alright if that’s the case, I’ll continue to do my best to fulfill your expectations of me.”
After that both split up.
Ren:’Damn, their fake speeches are nauseating’
Ren frowned, looking at the directors back, a multitude of thoughts surged, he used every bit of intelligence and deduction skills, to reach a conclusion, and he finally did.
Ren:’*sigh* I see, so that’s why… Director Kobayakawa, you are shrewder than I gave you credit, however you are still in the stupid category, in my opinion’
+7 Knowledge
Scholarly 2/50 -- Rank 4
By this point Ren has reached partial eidetic memory, his muscle memory and intelligence cannot be replicated by normal humans any more, his deductive skills are now starting to rise above the common investigator.
Ren:’Guess I’ll have to talk about it with my Grandfather when I have the time, Dad is probably dead at this point and Mother might have vanished again.’
>>Take your Time
Ren went downstairs for a minute and bought a large assortment of bread, melon pan and yakisoba pan, he bought too much, in fact he had to hold them with both his arms, yet it still made a small mountain in his chest.
-3467 ¥
10330 ¥
It felt like he bought the whole school store, however it could be helped, he felt a lot of pain in his stomach, hunger pains, truly he had not eaten since his breakfast, however all in all it was weird how much he was hungry.
Listless Male Student:”You wanna do anything? Maybe we can stop somewhere on the way home?”
Tired-Looking Male Student:”Oh, I’m going to cram school to study. I’m a third-year already-- I can’t waste time playing around”
Listless Male Student:”I get you. I mean “Shujin Academy” more like “Prison Academy”, Ugh, sorry, that was so lame…”
Tired-Looking Male Student:”No, you’ve got a point dude, We’re just prisoners here until we can make it to college.”
Passing some Volleyball teammates, he spied on their conversation.
Female Volleyball Student:”Well, time to put in some work for the team, we’ve got another competition coming up.”
Female Student in a Jersey:”Sure must be nice being on top of the volleyball team, you guys get to use the gym whenever you want” The jealousy was palpable, even Ren cringed a bit.
Female Volleyball Student:”We owe it all to Kamoshida-sensei, The alumni and our parents have high hopes for us too.”
>>Take your Time
He was on his way to the stairs, carrying the large assortment of bread, when someone tried to push him down, it was some punk, a delinquent.
Ren:”What do ‘you’ want?”
Scary-looking Student:”I hear you made friends with Sakamoto, Bastard, It’s more than a criminal like you deserves. Then again, I’m sure you two losers get along because the both of you are nothing but garbage.”
Ren:”...” Ren looked at the punk with impassive eyes, his grey eyes becoming more defined and dangerous, each passing moment.
Scary-looking Student:”Get it? You’ve already gotten on Kamoshida’s shit list, that means the whole school is against you!”
Ren:”You’ve mistaken me for someone who gives a damn…“
Ren faced him, threat was written all over his grey eyes, his mouth, in an expression of utter disgust, the world around him, shifted by his rage alone.
The student, cowed by fear as he sweat bullets, he just walked unsteadily away, as Ren’s eyes followed him to the entrance.
The Student couldn’t say anything, but walk away in a sedated pace, it was all his body could do to survive, it was a natural reaction, and it was the right one.
As Ren walked to the stairs, blue flames, as Arsene surged, and with incredible agility the persona flew towards the entrance to the school, passing through walls like a ghost, the student who threatened Ren was walking down the stairs, Ren’s vindictive thoughts bubbled, Arsene reached and pushed the student down the stairs, face first into the hard asphalt, the people around the student rushed to help, some however chuckled a bit, the entrance was ripe with people, yet none could see or even touch Arsene, only Arsene could touch them, damage them, kill them, it was unreasonably unfair.
Ren:”...” Ren saw everything happening through Arsene’s eyes, as the persona returned, and melded back into his body.
Ren:’Passing the week with a broken nose will do you good Asshat, Fuckface...’ The string of insults continued on Ren’s ‘Scholarly’ mind.
He climbed to the second floor again, and came face to face with the blue haired, bland-faced, bruised face student, the one who was on duty today, a classmate.
Ren pierced him with his stare, as the boy shrunk and hunched.
Bruised Student:”Huh…? What? What do you want?”
Ren:”Where is the Rooftop?”
Bruised Student:”...But, nobody is allowed up there…“
Ren scowled.
Bruised Student:”I-I mean, uh… Just go up the stairs and you will get there…”
Ren, with a scowl still in place walked away, however he stopped mid step and turned to face the bland boy.
Bruised Student:”Um?”
Ren:”No… Never mind.”
He continued walking away, as the student faced the floor in his hunchback.
One walked with poise and gait, befit of a noble or a royal, exuding confidence and charisma, having a dangerous background and living an extraordinary life -- the other was a bland boy, with his only remarkable feature of having blue hair, his mannerisms exuded insecurity and lack of confidence, they were too different for words to express, both had a bit of social anxiety, however their way of dealing with it was vastly different.
Ren picked up a bread, it was a melon pan, he opened the plastic cover and started binge eating.
>> Take your Time
Newspaper Club Member:”Hm… What should I write about for the next paper…? I wish there was a good topic out there”
Ren:”How about the castle?” He said, messing with her.
Ren opened the 5th bread, this time it was Yakisoba.
Newspaper Club Member:”A castle…? Like the one of the old sengoku castles?” The girl, pressed her pen to her chin, in a thoughtful position, not facing him.
Ren:’Well, that’s rude, not that I’m any better...’
Newspaper Club Member:”Sorry I have no expertise in the area”
Ren:”Maybe the transfer student?” He prodded the girl further.
Newspaper Club Member:”Wah! What!? You are talking about the one in the center of the rumors online? Alcohol, smoking theft violence, rape… the teacher will never approve of such an article.”
Ren:”You should just give up then” He said with a bit of bite.
Newspaper Club Member:”W-wait, what are you saying? Wait… Who are you anyway? I don’t think I’ve seen you before, are you a model or actor perhaps? No it can’t be… The transfer student is supposed to be a vicious person who drinks, smokes, kills and assault people, Nothing like you.”
Ren:’Well damn, I guess this conversation is over… ‘
>> Take your Time
Carefree Female Student:”Aren’t criminal records supposed to be like, really bad? How is he even allowed at our school?”
Timid Female Student:”Everyone’s afraid of him… I hope he gets expelled soon…”
Carefree Female Student:”Our school’s seriously full of troublemakers, Didn’t something like this happen last year too?”
Timid Female Student:”*sigh* And we’re supposed to be an elite college prep school. I wish they’d fix this problem…”
Ren:”Am I really that bad?” Ren interjected, a smile on his face.
Carefree Female Student:”N-no…” She managed to stutter, stunned at his appearance.
Timid Female Student:”C-c'mon, let’s go…” She pushed her friend, her bangs hiding her eyes, however her face was red hot.
Soon they left, still talking behind his back.
Ren took a tiny trip to the bathroom, to verify his face on the mirror, he knew he was above average in attractiveness but this was ridiculous, however seeing his face on the mirror, stunned him, it was like he was looking into the face of a great model or actor, completely different from yesterday morning -- the last time he saw himself on a mirror-- Yes, he could recognize himself, however there were many small changes that made his face that much more stunning.
Ren:’What the? How did this happen? Is it puberty? Or perhaps it was Arsene? Or something else I’m not getting?’
Ren removed himself from the restroom, any longer and he might be mistaken as a narcissist.
Ren:’Am I a narcissist? I’m not sure’
He took the stairs to the third floor, towards the rooftop.
He was already on the 11th bread, he was insatiable for some reason.
Proper First-year:”There have been far too many accidents lately. What’s the point of waking up early if my train is just going to get to the station late?”
Gossiping First-year:”you mean like yesterday right, so many people died, I saw a video of the first cart online, it was after the accident, someone managed to upload it, it was on an english site called Liveleak, The bodies were completely crushed, the metal parts of the train just snapped, and impaled a lot of people… there was even a little kid...that got decapitated half way, so I could still see a bit of her spine, her parents are still in critical condition, and have little chance to survive”
Proper First-year:”You sure like morbid stuff, There are rumors that it was the minister of transport’s fault that it happened, you know?”
Gossiping First-year:”They need to put that corrupt ass in prison”
Motivated First-year:”Hey, wasn’t Sakamoto-senpai? I saw him going up the stairs…”
Energetic First-year:”Maybe he called someone up there so he could punch them.”
Motivated First-year:”Oh, do you mean like what happened at track practice last year? I heard it was a big fight…”
Energetic First-year:”Stay away from him! We only just started high school… I’m too young to die!”
Ren:’So Sakamoto-san got into a big fight last year, with who? A student? No… It wouldn’t cause this much noise, only if it was an honor student, or the son or daughter of someone important, it happened on track practice, by the gossip he was a member of the club… Perhaps a Coach? A manager or a Teacher? Yeah, my assumptions might be right… Ah! I got it! that animosity towards Kamoshida-sensei, he attacked and got into a fight with him’
+8 Knowledge
Scholarly 10/50
Ren:’but how did he get off, without getting expelled? Kamoshida...He was faking his speeches with the director, so assuming he uses fake gentle acts towards people, I can deduce he covered for Sakamoto-kun just enough so he wasn’t expelled, going by that assumption, that man is dangerously manipulative, he is a blight to this school. That castle… I see...I see!’ His blooming detective skills, worked full on the case like a kid with a new toy, his brain sang for joy, he smiled, satisfied like never before.
+10 Knowledge
Scholarly 20/50
>>Take your Time
Scared First-year:”Have you seen the new Transfer student? Our Senpai? He is a criminal right?”
Talkative First-year:”Yeah I saw him, he was buying something downstairs…”
Scared First-year:”How does he look like? Tough?”
Talkative First-year:”He doesn’t look tough, he isn’t a Yakuza or a punk or anything, he isn’t from a gang either, the rumors seems really exaggerated”
Scared First-year:”What? Boring…”
Talkative First-year:”Perhaps, however even from a distance I could tell, he was, how can I describe it, he was intense as hell… he had that aura of ‘don’t fuck with me’,”
Scared First-year:”I’ll make sure not to cross him…”
Talkative First-year:”Yeah, I bet he’s a totally different person when mad, I heard he almost killed someone”
- In Serial9 Chapters
The Immortal Spear
In the world of Icona, the story follows the journey of Miles and Aila as they travel the world and progress through the tier's of the system. ----- The cover is my own poorly done drawing/editing.
8 200 - In Serial21 Chapters
Zeke Herald, Goblin Slayer
Zeke wakes up inside a small cavemouth, no memories or direction, just the will to live. Also, he's smack dab in the middle of a forest that's teeming with ugly little goblins. The only good goblin is one with a sword sticking out of it, as my father used to say. I tried to incorperate LitRPG elements. I'm only recently introduced to the genre, but I find it really fasinating! So intrigued I even started writing a little story expressing my joy of all things numerical! This story has a focus on hardwork and deliberate progression, no magical deus ex machinas here sorry.
8 104 - In Serial6 Chapters
The Abnormal Existence Called The Creator
A new being called The Creator awakens from a long slumber confused and afraid not knowing what or who he was he quickly found out that he had the power to create different beings and objects bored at the void he was resting in he decided that he would use his power to create an interesting and wonderful world one that would entertain him into the end of time, the strong would rise and calm power while the weak would perish and be forgotten thus begins The Age of Birth And Freedom.
8 75 - In Serial17 Chapters
Mana World - Convergence
The story is complete it was a prototype and it is BAD.I do not recommend reading it, I will not edit it in any form, it is still here as a personal remained of how bad I was at the start. Mages are soo cool but without mana you can't become a mage. Well let's see how we can get mana to this world. I'm sure it would be a perfectly safe and excellent idea. First try at writing something like this. Dunno if I will update constantly or not, dunno what will happen with the story and the characters. Recipe: 3 cubic meters of science, 5 shit tons of pseudo science, 2 dantians of mistycism,1/2 cup of stupid references, 1 package of sarcasm, 1/400 tolkien epicness, 1 tea spoon of stupid commentaries, a pinch of craziness and dressed with randomness, uppps, too much randomness. Accepting all kinds of constructive criticism. Well prologue is finished.
8 94 - In Serial22 Chapters
A Blind Ninja's Tale
It takes a brave soul to be a ninja. It takes an even braver soul to be a ninja and blind.
8 193 - In Serial13 Chapters
Undead Nightmare
A young high school student is thrusted into the zombie apocalypse and must survive with a group of his fellow students. They must fight through hordes of the undead in order to find sanctuary in this new nightmare world.
8 135