《And the world breaks》Chapter 2
>>Take your Time
He sat in a chair, dozing off, an unused syringe with its liquid still inside, was beside his feet, they couldn’t use it on him, his arm couldn’t be penetrated by the needle, so they tried on the nose, eyes and inside of the mouth to no avail, the only option left was to drug him through digestion and they did just that.
???:“Wake him up” A bucket of water was thrown right to his face, he shook his head to get the excess water out of his hair, he gazed at the men inside of the room.
Detective:“Don’t sleep” Joker looked behind him as he saw the flimsy cuffs.
Detective:“You still don’t understand?”
Detective:“It's hopeless for you!” The man in the suit kicked him in the stomach, Joker lost his balance, and fell to the ground, he turned his head towards the man and smirked.
Detective:“Tch! Come on cooperate, Or do you want another one?”
Joker just chuckled, as the man stomped on his head, he looked around the room and spotted a security camera.
Detective:“Hm, are you curious about the camera? You think it can be used as video evidence?”
Joker:”...” He continued smirking to the man’s face.
Detective:“Huh? Didn’t you hear me? ANSWER?” The man kicked Joker’s stomach, but the boy barely moved.
Detective:“Khr...Even if it could be used as evidence, nobody in this world would save a man like you”
The man walked to his colleague and grabbed a list from him.
Detective:“Genocide, mass manslaughter, mind control, terrorism, blackmail, possession of weapons, defamation… man this is such a long list, a full course! You are probably the biggest criminal we’ve ever had, few individuals in history have killed more than you killed, all of this shit caused by a brat like this...And you enjoyed it all, didn’t you?... Huh?!”
Joker still had the insufferable smirk was still in place.
Joker:‘Did I enjoy it? Yes… of course, I did, but memory is fuzzy right now, they gave me enough drug to overdose a whale...’
Both men in suits came forward, grabbed his arm and the third started beating Joker, from the shadows a menacing shape appeared, the shadows encircled the detective’s neck, poised to kill, it was his Persona, just one little push and its clawed hands would dig right in the man’s throat, however he pushed the Persona back into his body, it was not the time…yet.
After a few minutes the man stopped, panting, his knuckles bleeding, yet Joker was completely fine, in fact, the only bruises he seemed to have were tiny ones from the shotguns, those were painful.
Detective:“You truly aren't human... don’t worry, you will be given the death penalty and your corpse will be thoroughly researched”
Joker:”I thought minors didn’t receive capital punishment and if they did the minimum age was 18.” Joker said mocking the law.
Detective:”Khr...you should know your place, tomorrow until the end of the week, a motion will pass in the cabinet, they will lower the age of death penalty to sixteen, just for scum like you! Do you understand?! By the end of the month, you will be on the noose!”
Joker:”I wonder if a noose could break my neck, or even suffocate me…” Joker said with a chuckle.
Detective:”Inhuman Bastard… Even if you survive being hanged, we will find a way to kill you...Don’t worry there are a lot of ways to kill the unkillable...Sign here...Its a confession under your name...It will help us immensely to pass the capital punishment forward...” He gave joker a sheet of paper, in a wooden clip to sign, he then fished a pen from his pocket and gave to the underage criminal, Joker signed the paper, with a smirk still in place, it was starting to get painful, smirking for so long but Joker couldn’t help it, this was too much fun.
Joker:‘This is life...the past year has been so much fun, and it will continue on giving’
He delivered the confession back to the Detective.
The Detective looked at the signature and kicked Joker in the face, it was futile as kicks had shown no effect on the inhuman creature.
Detective:”Khr! I said to write your name, what the fuck is this!” He thrust the confession forward, there in the bottom was a ‘FUCK OFF’ in capital letters.
Detective:”No matter, we can forge your signature easily enough... Amamiya Ren”
>>Take your Time
A woman walked in the corridor, on the underground of the police headquarters, towards the room which contained the suspect, she was slender and tall reaching 5’7”, possessing a healthy amount of hip, and C-cup breasts, but still maintaining a slender frame, she had long gray hair asymmetrically parted on her right side, with soft facial features, and deep mauve red eyes.
She wore a black business suit with a black turtleneck. Her blazer's cuffs and the lower part had clamshell-like designs. Accessory-wise, she wore a necklace of a section sign (§) which referenced her judicial occupation, silver earrings, and a few dark hair clips were above her right ear. She had violet fingernails and wore dark grey high heels. She had a black bag slung over her shoulder.
Police Detective:”Excuse me, but this area is off-”
Woman in a Business Suit:”I’m Niijima, from the Public Prosecutors Office.”
Police Detective:”The Public Prosecutors Office? What business do you have here?”
Niijima:”Just let me through, there is something I need to confirm with the suspect.”
Police Detective:”Niijima-san, I believe this case is no longer your. Besides...”
Older Detective:”Prosecutor Niijima Sae-san, huh?” An older man approached her from behind, she turned her head around to face the man.
Older Detective:”There’s a call from your director, hurry and get it over with, to be honest, you are an inconvenience.” The man made his annoyance clear by his tone.
Sae picked her phone from her pocket and answered.
SIU Director:“Good grief, I thought I ordered you to stand by”
Sae:”I’m responsible for this case, and I’m not allowed an interrogation?!”
SIU Director:”I’m calling because I knew you’d bring it up.”
Sae:”I will not be convinced unless I see it for myself. This is MY job”
SIU Director:”*sigh* Good luck then, I will not be expecting much though.” The director closed the call and she ended it too, putting her phone in her pocket.
Older Detective:”Ah, Prosecutor, I forgot to mention something important, we can’t let you in there for long, after all, he is a most dangerous individual, and his methods are still unknown, Hahaha” The voice was slimy and untrue, Sae knew that she was perhaps walking into a death trap, the suspect was dangerous, and could use her as a hostage, but at this point...She didn’t care.
Sae:”...I understand…” She walked towards the door and entered the room, there, across the table, was a stunning teenager, he was ruffled in appearance, yet still maintained his regal disposition, she could not see a single wound on him, but looking well she could see imperceptible spots of minor bruising, but that was it.
She sat opposite to him, her arms crossed beneath her breasts, and her hands caressing her arms.
Sae:”...It was you then...Why?...Why did it have to be you… Of all people” She started tearing a bit as she glared at his crimson eyes, which was previously grey.
Ren:”The question is, Why wouldn’t it be me? There is no one else capable of doing the things I did…” He smiled, this time, instead of a smirk, it was that charming smile that captured, the hearts of teenage girls, young women, and old housewives, that same smile that appeared on TV, Internet, and magazines.
Sae blushed a bit.
Sae:”That smile won’t work on me y’know.”
Ren:”Hrm, it seems to work just fine, your blushing face is very cute Sae-san” He complimented her, and made her face even redder.
Sae:”Hah...You will be answering my questions this time Ren-kun”
She looked below the table and surely a needle was there, full of drugs inside.
Sae:”Tch...Those people... Ren-kun, can you hear me just fine? It seems you’ve been through a lot... Almost anything can happen here, and I can’t stop them. That’s why I need you to answer me honestly. I don’t have much time either.”
Sae:”*sigh* What was your objective? 121 counts of murder… that is enough for a case of the prosecution, we have witnesses, but 3765 counts of suspected murder, that part still boggles me...I can’t assemble a case for prosecution from this...I couldn’t figure out the method behind these suspected murders….”
Ren:”Of course you couldn’t…” He said in a factual tone.
Sae:”True… but I need to know from your mouth, this is my case after all.”
Sae:”When and where did you found about that world?... How is it possible to physically remove someone's heart without any wounds… and kill them like that… manipulating those victims to do what you’ve wanted...Why?... So much death…” Sae shed a lone tear, she was not one to show emotion, but this was an exception.
Sae:”Now, tell me your account of everything.”
>>Take your Time
Time stopped, shadows enclosed his vision, yet a blue butterfly flew close to his body, it encircled him playfully.
Melodic Voice:“...You are a prisoner...A future that has been sealed...A prisoner of Fate, This is an unjust game, your chances of winning are almost nil...But if you can hear my voice...My Beloved Trickster, there is still a chance waiting for you...I beg of you...Please win this game of death...and save me…”
Melodic Voice:”The world hates you...the world fears you...yet the world adores you...such incongruence...and yet it all makes sense in the end...The key to victory lies with your memories...the strong bonds you’ve made...the truth that you and your friends grasped tightly...believe in your sense of justice and it will not fail you, even if the world blames you, even if the world disregards your belief...know that there are those close to you that share it and are willing to follow you to the deepest hell if needs be….” The voice was a young girl, her voice was soft like chimes, it refreshed Ren, he wanted to hear more of that pleasant voice, in fact, he wanted to hear it forever
Melodic Voice:“It all began that day...when this unjust game started half a year ago…Please, remember everything, for the sake of our future...My Beloved, the day of our meeting draws closer and closer...I will finally be able to tell you in person that I love you” Ren looked at the butterfly as it disappeared in blue particles.
>>Take your Time
Ren Stats
-- Hp:84
Knowledge -- Learned -- 1/20
Guts -- Milquetoast -- 9/10
Proficiency -- Decent -- 5/20
Kindness -- Considerate -- 2/20
Charm -- Gorgeous -- 19/20
2.507 ¥
A surprised gasp escaped Ren’s lips as an announcer's voice called the next station Shibuya, he looked around seeing the ads in the train cart, as the chime from the train caught his ear he was reminded of why he was here, He was charged with assault, a man was forcing himself on her...He intervened and got the short stick of the story after everything ended, he frowned a bit at the memory.
Orange-Haired Girl:“What? Is that real? Mental shutdowns and stuff?”
Ren gazed at the two cute school girls, they seemed a year older than him.
Brown-Haired Girl“ Its true…”
Orange-Haired Girl:“Happening to a person all of the sudden...Hmm...That has to be a hoax. You really love all of that occult stuff huh?” They started laughing a bit, then noticed his gaze, the girls never seen such a gorgeous person before, so they blushed a bit, averted their gaze and giggled at the attention at the cute guy, Ren after a while averted his eyes from the conversation, after getting out from the station he walked around Shibuya to transfer to his new lodgings, he admired the downtown, it was truly filled with crowds and crowds of people crossing the streets.
Ren:‘So this is Shibuya.’
However a System sound on his phone grabbed his attention, he looked towards the screen of his new smartphone and right in his navigation app was the icon of an eye, it expanded to fit the sides of the screen, he pressed his fingers to touch it and try to get rid of it but to no avail.
However, he looked around and then people started slowing down and then stood still… like they were mannequins… like time had stopped, he looked around in awe and soon across the street a blue fire rose...forming a humanoid shape...the blue fire starts to burn brightly as wings were formed, a red fire formed a demonic face on the humanoid shape as blood started seeping to the floor, the blood expanded rapidly and when it touched the people stopped in time they screamed in terror and were consumed, disappearing in a black mist… soon only Ren remained… and in the blue fire… He saw himself with a menacing grin and yellow eyes, cruel eyes, soon everything returned to normal… the people who died returned like nothing happened and only him was paralyzed in confusion, he turned around to look, and then he looked to his phone again and deleted the weird app with the eye icon.
>>Take your Time
20XX/04/09~3:00 PM
Yongen-Jaya Subway Platform.
Announcer:”Yongen-Jaya, This is Yongen-Jaya”
Ren exited the train and looked around, soon he headed for the exit after seeing a few ads on the wall and hearing some pointless chatter about politics and security, he climbed the stairs leading towards the backstreets.
20XX/04/09~3:07 PM
Yongen-Jaya Backstreets
Ren:’Starting today, I will be living with Sakura Sojiro…His place should be here in this backstreet, now...’
Ren approached an officer and he gave instructions towards his new home, following the officer’s instructions he turned right at the apartment with wooden stairs.
He spied on a conversation.
Little Girl:”Was there another, um, a-ack-si-dent? I see a police person over there.” She said petting her dog.
Gentle-Looking Mother:”Oh, he’s just there to ensure everyone’s safety, It’d be scary if something like that happened again though, let’s hurry home” She held the girl’s hand as they prepared to leave, but not before observing Ren, the lone mother had a paint pink hue on her cheeks as she awkwardly lead her daughter away.
Little Girl:”That man was so handsome! Hmmm? Mom, why are you blushing? Ah! Mommy’s got a boyfriend! Mommy’s got a boyfriend!”
Gentle-Looking Mother:”I...It’s not that, let’s go!” They left with the mother flustered.
Ren continued his walk until he arrived at the House with a plate saying ‘Sakura’ on it, he ringed the bell, but after waiting, nobody responded.
Ren:’This should be it...But it looks like no one’s home…Maybe he’s gone out or something...’
Parcel Delivery Man:”Looks like no one’s home…”
Ren:”Hrm” He looked towards a guy holding a package, behind him was a delivery truck.
Parcel Delivery Man:”Oh right...Sakura-san’s attending his cafe at this hour, Well, Leblanc’s in the back alley so I should make other deliveries first...Mmm, next I need to take this package to...” The Delivery guy mumbled.
Ren returned to the backstreets and approached the officer again.
Officer:”You again, what is it?”
Ren:”Where is Leblanc?”
Officer:”Leblanc?...Oh right, that cafe. It’s in the alley past the tobacco shop here.”
Ren thanked him and turned left past the Tobacco store, soon he saw the Leblanc Cafe, but a radio sound distracted him, curious as he was he followed the sound until he met an Old man listening in to his radio.
Old Man:”Hm, do you want to listen in?” He saw the curious teen.
Radio Announcer:”...With the economy in a slump and the population aging, is there a future for the next generation?”
Old Man:”Hmph, Don’t gimme this “next generation” malarkey. You’re just ganging up on us old folk.”
Ren politely left the old man and went back to Leblanc.
His hand was on the door.
Ren:’I...My life has been disgraced already...there is nothing left for me...I can die, or I can live the way I want to live...No more fear...No more restrictions, time to face life with confidence in myself’ He straightened his posture and looked forward.
+1 Guts
Rank up -- Rank 2 -- Bold 1/20
Bold: Ren is able to face dangers head on, people look up to Ren's above-average confidence.
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