《Fei Cai's Ascension— Reverend Insanity》22


At the peak of dawn, the gates of the Fei Tribe opened. Just as predicted, the Beast Trials were passed without any external threat. With the Beast Trials being a tradition of the Northern Plains, interfering with one would cause a backlash which might just surpass any form of benefit derived from the attack. Unlike yesterday, Fei Qing walked out on his foot. The large Terror Horse was nowhere to be seen. Following Fei Qing were the tribe elders which included a pale-faced Fei Nai, his cheeks sunken as if he had gone through a major change but his gaze revealed a bright shine and many of his competitor rank 2 gu masters of the path finally bowed their heads in respect. Fei Nai had truly ascended the position of elder through his wits and strength, surpassing his competitors and forcing them to admit that he is better. That the competition, even if temporarily, had ended for good.

Outside the gates were many rank 1 gu masters. Strangely, those who had the worst situation, bruised and battered, were the peak stage rank 1 gu worms. All 15-year-old. They held pouches in their hands to reveal their success and even Fei Sau, the genius the top-ranking gu master amongst the group, didn't look well off. Every beast trials were a harsh one if the gu masters really attempted to deal with the challenge. Nodding, Fei Qing unceremoniously gave Fei Nai the task to tally the emblems collected by the Gu Masters and with a line forming from those who had achieved the task, most of the gu masters who failed to collect any, almost a hundred in number, retreated into the tribe with shameful expression.

While Fei Nai's expression turned severe, he continued with the task, announcing the names to the Rank 2 Gu master he appointed to note the names.

"Fei Sau, 29 Emblems."

"Fei Jin, 11 Emblems..."

And just like that, many names were spoken but while the surrounding gu masters murmured Fei Sau's name for he had, once again, won the trials. Fei Qing's and Fei Chang's expression worsened. Their brows locked. "Lord Chieftain..." Knowing of Fei Qing's personality, Fei Kao whispered in deep worry. Fei Cai was nowhere to be soon. Out of almost 150 rank 1 gu master, 13 were reported dead, 21 gu masters managed to collect the emblems and the others retreated but Fei Cai... they weren't in those reports. Tasked with scouting, Fei Kao stepped backward and pulled his apprentice to inquire a few things in a hurried voice but the answer made Fei Kao almost cough loudly.

"Where if Cai'er?" Fei Qing inquired with a rumbling whisper. Only elders heard him but they shivered, still. Especially Fei Sheng, for various reasons. "Lord Chieftain... Fei Cai... he," Before Fei Kao could express, a loud neighing of a terror horse broke the silence. Turning their gaze towards the sound, much to the surprise of every gu master viewing the scene, five young kids slowly rode the back of a terror horse. Much like the kids, the horse did not seem to fare well but he limped towards the gathering of gu masters anyway.

"Father! Uncle! Help Cousin Mang," Fei Cai shouted with a worried expression but at his first word, Fei Nai had already shot towards the kids. Stopping beside the horse, he looked at his brother's mangle experience and if it wasn't for him sitting between Fei Ban and Kan, he would have fallen innumerable times. His chest was caved in but surprisingly, his brother survived, and under Fei Chang's dark and impassive gaze, Fei Nai quickly healed Fei Mang.


The terror horse's mouth was fashioned with three pieces of clothes, which explained why Fei Cai, Kan, and Ban had their torso exposed for one piece of the shirt was wrapped around the horse's mouth tightly, the second and third were tied to the side of the loop to makeshift a bridle. Fei Qing observed everything and under the astonished gazes of everyone, after touching the head of the horse, it knelt on its own accord. Finally, Fei Cai spoke loud enough for every elder to hear him, "Fei Cai managed to tame the terror horse instead of killing it without any gu worms."

This was all he needed to say before everyone looked at Fei Qing with a complicated expression. Nodding at everyone impassively, Fei Qing distributed the rewards to the rankers but none of them felt the taste of victory any longer. They all heard what Elder Fei Kao just said and thinking of their first trials, the three of them sighed again.


Opening his eyes, Fei Cai found himself within his room. He hadn't fallen unconscious but he may as well have. After a moment of silent recollection, he activated the computer gu worm and checked the description of Instinct Gu Worm once again.

'Instinct Gu Worm: A special type of gu worm series that is derived from wisdom path, strength path, and human path. The user of the gu worms will gain bouts of intuition in extreme situations and battles.'

From the moment he refined this gu worm, physical battles have become manageable. He would get hurt less and his mind felt sharp after each victory. While Fei Cai understood what the 'paths' meant, he only had instinct gu as the wisdom path gu worm but its mutated origins seem to have affected the insight of wisdom hidden within. But during the final blow against Terror Horse, many things clicked within his mind after the continuous use of Instinct Gu. He made several connections. First, he suddenly recalled a story about Fei Qing and how he tamed a beast quite naturally without any gu worms, turning a mortal danger into an opportunity and gaining his first enslavement path gu. Second, Fei Cai recalled his need to outshine everyone in the trials to gain Fei Qing's recognition and his support without any qualms. There were many more thoughts but these two clicked as if made for each other.

Instead of killing the Horse like everyone, if he could tame it successfully, he would be able to make Fei Qing recognize that his son wasn't different and maybe more talented which needed to be nurtured. And the results were still pending. On the way home, Fei Qing was silent. Even during healing Fei Cai, he didn't do much and let him keep his rather deep injuries but detoxed him, still. Slowly sitting up, his body aching, Fei Cai croaked, "Lo, help me reach the bathing ponds."

His order was met with an effective and anxious Lo who helped Fei Cai towards the lakes. The moment they walked out of the camp, terror horse's soft snort surprised Fei Cai but seeing that very same horse tied outside the tent, Fei Cai's gaze twinkled. On his way, Fei Cai found a few appeasing and admiring gazes but he didn't give any recognition to them, and after letting Lo wait far into the lakes belonging to the slave, dipped into the water to clean himself.


"How is Little Mang?" Away from public eyes, Fei Qing inquired Fei Chang with a worried expression. Nodding with a sigh of relief, Fei Chang leaned against the tree, "I am a failure as a northerner. Instead of letting my son face danger and deal with the consequences, I meddled in his path and used my vital worm on him— Second Chance Poison Gu. His body is now extremely feeble due to poison but he lives. He would face a minor setback in his cultivation though but in time, Fei Dan will take care of the situation."


"You know it is not cowardice," Fei Qing could only speak this line before growing silent.

"I've known you for the longest time and even you, Elder Cousin, did not leave such a method on Little Cai," smiling sadly, Fei Chang sighed, "that boy is just like you. But let us not discuss the young ones. Time heals all wounds and this matter would turn into a lesson for Young Mang'er. It is Fei Nai who worries me."

"The effects of Emotion Poison Gu was noticeable," Fei Qing nodded.

"I've given him a good hearing but we both know that the effect of gu worm cannot crumble after one round of scolding. I'll have to nurture that boy personally for a little while as my father did. Meanwhile, I beg you to keep wary of Fei Sheng. I found out that Fei Sheng had been trying to get close to Mang'er. My sources are true at this point."

Fei Qing nodded with a heavy sigh. If they knew Fei Sheng's true intentions and motives then maybe they could deal with the old elder but they didn't. Fei Sheng had shown his loyalty to the tribe countless times and an elder approaching a young gu master did not warrant any actions. Still, Fei Sheng had a distrusting quality about himself. When Fei Chang was gone, a grim expression touched Fei Qing. He couldn't empathize with Fei Chang for his son seemed to be impeccable in his actions.

Fei Qing had gone through the reports received from the scouts. He now understood the entire situation of battle and realized that if it wasn't for Fei Cai's actions of antagonizing the bird group and then claiming the wings which were sold for meager primeval stones. This attracted the terror horse which caused the entire event of Fei Cai's name to resound within the tribe momentarily and removing all efforts Fei Mang put in. The last statement regarding Fei Cai being a good lad by Fei Chang was sarcastic in nature.

A rift had formed within the two cousins due to Fei Cai's actions but that didn't affect Fei Qing's train of thought. He made his way back to the tribe. 'Fei Cai needed nurturing to not make the same mistakes again. But his talent in taming beasts is a fact and needs to be carefully mobilized.' He thought silently and seeing Lo carefully tend to the old horse, Fei Qing nodded in satisfaction. It was with Fei Qing's own efforts that a single terror horse in the middle of the tribe was calm till now.

Entering the tent, Fei Qing stumbled onto the scene of Fei Yang placing a dish in front of Fei Cai. Seeing Fei Qing enter, the mature woman with her clothes slightly 'wide', hurriedly stood straight and bowed but seeing no change in the expression of his son, Fei Qing nodded. "Give us some space, Yang. Go teach Lo how to tend to a horse," he stated as the woman walked out. Walking past Fei Yang, Fei Qing realized that Fei Yang had gotten her hands on scented water and was probably trying to seduce Fei Cai.

"Son..." Fei Qing sat in front of Fei Cai, "How are you feeling?" He inquired.

"Ashamed at my inability to help Cousin Mang," Fei Cai replied in a soft voice, his gaze still downcast. Looking at Fei Cai with a narrowed gaze, Fei Qing's palm struck Fei Cai at a speed and impulse that even the instinct gu failed to register.


The slap rang true and Fei Cai's head was snapped aside. Stunned at Fei Qing's reaction, Fei Cai internally cackled but warm tears emerged from his eyes as he sobbed softly, still not looking up.

"Do you realize why I slapped you?" Fei Qing inquired sternly. Shaking his head was all Fei Cai did to reply.

"I struck you because you thought an injury to a fellow gu master is your fault. Did you make Little Mang follow you by forcing him?"

Fei Cai shook his head.

"Did you strike Fei Mang in the battle and caused his injuries?"

Fei Cai shook his head again.

"Then do not cry for weakness," his tone was slightly tinged with cruelty as the man imparted certain wisdom Fei Cai was already well aware of.

"Son, listen close and bury this deep into your heart. In this world, only you and the people you choose matters. It's is the same for me and everybody else. We cannot live for others without consequences. You can grieve for Little Mang. But you can never take somebody else's blame on yourself. Now wipe your face. I have a present for you since you performed outstandingly in the trials."

Saying so, Fei Qing waited as Fei Cai concluded the act with his cheeks still burning due to the sting of the slap and wiped his face. Seeing his struggle in standing up due to accumulated wounds, Fei Qing helped him up and supported him while walking to the exit. Once out, he found Lo tending to the horse, his movements now a little brisker while Fei Yang stood straight with her arms crossed and a stern expression on her face.

"Good," Fei Qing nodded and opened his palms, revealing a blue dung beetle which was quite eye-catching. "Son, this is your reward. A rank 1 Horse Enslavement Gu. Refine it and I shall guide you through your first enslavement process right now."

Nodding, Fei Cai sighed, "Thank you, father," his voice still soft.

Taking the gu worm from his hand, Fei Cai refined the gu worm instantly. This gu worm belonged to Fei Qing and with his approval, Fei Cai was able to refine the gu easily. Now holding the gu worm in his palms, Fei Cai injected his primeval essence into the gu worm and directed it to interact with the terror horse.

Seeing the scene, Fei Qing nodded with satisfaction. As it turns out, Fei Cai already had quite a bit of experience in controlling a gu work and didn't require any guidance until the mote of light which was the gu worm interacted with the horse and entered its pitch black head.

"Argh!" Despite preparations, Fei Cai felt his mind suffer the consequences as a groan echoed through his throat. "Keep calm. The horse has a will of its own. Amongst myriad beasts, Horses are a few that represent freedom so enslaving them is always harder. Now, coax the will of a horse which is struggling against your mental bond. Do it through communicating with your gu worm." Fei Qing instructed as the young boy calmed his breathing. His mental state was developed already and aside from the slight pain, in the beginning, Fei Cai did not feel many struggles.

Using the gu worm, Fei Cai realized that enslaving a horse was similar to refining a natural gu worm. He didn't need to inject his primeval essence but something more ethereal. His will. This gu worm was able to give substance to the ethereal concept of a human's will and use it to refine the will of another being getting enslaved. The theory was of course modified in Fei Cai's heart to match his situation but this was the gist of Enslavement Path and the process.

Once the process was completed, the terror horse grew calm once again. This time, its eyes revealed reverence towards Fei Cai and gently moved forward, nudging its face against Fei Cai's outstretched hand.

'Amazing,' Fei Yang exclaimed to herself, 'This father-son duo are dangerous and admirable. Both of them tamed a beast a cruel as terror horses. And not only that, this Fei Qing has the heart to ruthlessly make his son form his first Enslavement bond right after a month of cultivation. Enslavement Path burdens the soul and the boy will face slight troubles in the next few days.'

Still, her plan to try and seduce such a talented boy was not pushed away. In fact, she had now realized the boy's value in Fei Qing's eyes and cautioned her heart to grow discreet in the matter. Everybody wished their freedom and for Fei Yang, her current situation was a fate worse than death.

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