《Fei Cai's Ascension— Reverend Insanity》19


Once again the deep-rooted tribal system of strength recognition shone within the Fei Tribe. Being an unorthodox northling, a stern father, and a caring husband, Fei Qing still showed a side wilder than any beast and sat in the most revered seat of the tent. The large tent was filled with members only above rank 3, both masters and slaves. With Fei Qing sitting at the head of the table, Mortal women dressed in skimpy clothing for the pleasure of Gu Elders continuing to serve one dish after another, Fei Chang sat to Fei Qing's right and Fei Kao sat to the Chieftain's left.

"Who knew!" Fei Qing smiled, his gaze filled with emotions that even a beautiful and mature woman standing beside the man couldn't stir within the Chieftain's heart. Raising his cup towards Fei Kao personally, Fei Qing grinned, "To think that you obtained blessing in disguise gu worm. Your breakthrough to rank 4 is a pleasant and welcoming surprise! May the Longevity Heavens bless us with more fortune!"

Draining his cup, Fei Qing watched Fei Kao empty his cup, too. In the Northern Plains, a few traditions were taken quite seriously. When a Gu Master raises his cup in honor of others, the most respectful action is to drink to that toast completely. Avoidance in the matter is regarded as a deep form of disrespect and contempt. But that wasn't all. Beside Fei Kao, Fei Chang, and Fei Qing, stood three distinct figures. Unlike the skimpy rags worn by female slaves and mortals, the three— two men and woman— wore an outfit equal to the elders of the Fei Tribe.

Fei Sheng eyed the three Gu Masters with a dark expression. If it wasn't for Fei Kao's surprising breakthrough to rank 4, Fei Sheng would have been the one to receive a rank 3 enslaved Gu Master! However, Fei Qing had the devious mind to store unusable gu worms of the three gu masters within the tribe treasury while taking most of the gu worms and recipes for himself. After all, Fei Qing waged and won the battle alone! He killed the opponent rank 4 gu master in cold blood and brought victory to Fei Tribe!

With the two men divided into Fei Chang and Fei Kao, Fei Qing made an astute decision to keep a tight leash on the Rank 3 Female Gu Master. In the control of patriarchal tribe such as the Pei Tribe, it was an astonishing feat for a female Gu Master to become an elder even with a rank 3 cultivation. The schemes and ordeals she must have braved through couldn't be imagined until one stood on the opposite sides of said conspiracies. Not only that, but the only reason such a shrewd Gu Master still lives is due to her attainments in the Refinement path of Gu Worms.

The three elders of the Pei Tribes wore modest expression and weighed their indignance deeply. Their thoughts were laid bare to their new masters but that was not punished due to tacit understanding. While they were slaves, if raised as beneficial subordinates, then the Pei Tribe Elders won't hold back to show their support for the victor. However, if truly treated as a slave, these Gu Masters would also begin conspiring against the Tribe itself. Out of the two options, it was easy to opt for the most beneficial one.

However, the festivities weren't dampened by such thoughts. Instead, under Fei Qing's lead, Fei Chang raised his cup of wine high and smiled broadly, "This is to the fortunate breakthrough of Elder Fei Kao. Just like Chieftain, I, Fei Chang, consider you a true brother!"


"Haha," Accepting the toast with a pleasant expression, Fei Kao downed his cup once again only to be filled by a servant promptly, "Please, the celebration is not only for my breakthrough and the battle victory but also the new addition to the group of elders! To Fei Nai!"

Fei Chang's, Fei Dan's, and Fei Nai's smiles broadened. Aside from the hidden, tacit agreement of the two cousins controlling the tribe, Fei Nai was a beloved member of the younger generation. However, Fei Kao didn't stop here. The man valued strength and honor over everything. That is why he retained his purity for not a single woman could ever best him. "This cup!" he raised, "I'll hold until Elder Fei Nai complete the Trials to Elder. Despite the suspension of the trials, Elder Fei Nai begged for a chance to prove himself. An honorable warrior through and through."

Putting down the cup, his cheeks flushed with excitement and alcohol, Fei Kao gazed at Fei Nai, "This cup I shall drink the moment you make all of us acknowledge your abilities, Elder Fei Nai!"

Draining his cup, Fei Nai stood up and cupped his hands, "I wouldn't ask for anything else. That drink shall be the only acknowledgment I will ever need, Elder Fei Kao. I hope I can stand up to everybody's expectations!" He said while turning to the Chieftain. Such pleasant callings only made the group of elders enjoy themselves further. Taking the chance to solidify their almost marital relationship, Fei Dai, too, raised his cup in Fei Nai's honor for the young elder's brother would soon marry Fei Dan's daughter.


Fei Qing's pleasant mood didn't shift even when he saw Fei Cai kneeling in front of the Chieftain with a 'remorseful' expression. "Father, I am not obedient!" Fei Cai chanted as Fei Qing sat in front of his son, cross-legged. "Son, raise your head. Your father brought glory to the tribe, don't let it be tarnished due to a mistake," Fei Qing smiled and gestured the female elder to stand beside Lo who looked fearful of the new arrival.

"Now tell me, what ails your mind, Cai'er?"

Taking a deep breath, Fei Cai whispered, "It was your guidance to start refining gu worm that your recipe dictated. However, I made a different decision and decided to train my abilities in Gu Worms for tomorrow's Beast Trials. Please admonish me, Lord Father."

Exhaling softly, Fei Qing stated plainly. He was feeling generous and quite happy so he decided to point out the direction beneficial for his son. "Cai'er, I will recite a chapter from Legends of Ren Zu. Listen carefully."


Ever since Ren Zu was able to get their names and subdue the Rules Gu and Regulation Gu, his first order was for them to capture a Longevity Gu.

Rules Gu and Regulation Gu, one round and another square, worked together and could capture all the Gu in the world, a Longevity Gu was nothing difficult.

Ren Zu used the Longevity Gu and got back his youth, becoming 20 years old again.

But now the Rules Gu said, "Human, although you subdued us, every time you command us, it will add a rule and regulation."

Regulation Gu continued, "We can catch the Longevity Gu for you, this is the first order. Our new rule and regulation is, we will not repeatedly catch the same Gu for you."

That means, if Ren Zu wanted to catch a Longevity Gu again, the two Rules Gu and Regulation Gu would not help.


Ren Zu nodded, having no choice but to accept.

He gave his second command, "Then, other than the Longevity Gu, please capture all the other ten thousand Gu in the world for me."

Rules Gu and Regulation Gu got this command and both the Gu turned into a giant circle, encompassing the universe. Regulation Gu turned into a giant square, covering the large world.

One square and one round formed a giant net together, enveloping the entire world.

When they shrunk again and returned to Ren Zu, all the Gu in the world other than Longevity Gu were captured.

Ren Zu was overjoyed, with this all the Gu belonged to him, from now on he was the ruler of the world!

But once he opened the net, with a swoosh, a large number of worms flew outside and the Gu worms that Rule Gu and Regulation Gu worked hard to catch, all escaped fervently.

When Ren Zu closed the net, only five Gu were left.

"What happened?" Ren Zu was astonished.

Rules Gu and Regulation Gu answered him, "Human, the world has over ten thousand Gu with all sorts of abilities. You have no strength or knowledge, how can you subdue them? We can only capture Gu for you, to subdue them, you have to rely on yourself to get them to work for you."

Next, they added, "This is your second order, so we’ll add a second rule and regulation --- From now on, we can only catch one Gu for you at a time."

Ren Zu could only nod, and carefully opened the net, only showing a small gap.

The remaining five Gu contained the Strength Gu and Wisdom Gu. Seeing this, Ren Zu was overjoyed.

He said to Strength Gu, "Strength Gu, you left me back then, do you have any regrets? If you succumb to me now, I will return you your freedom."

Strength Gu said, "Human, you are wrong. I didn’t leave not because I couldn’t, but because I wanted to stay. You want to subdue me but that’s impossible. I only succumb to those stronger than me, but you are out of the question. However, we can deal again, give me your youth and I will temporarily obey you."

Ren Zu was reluctant upon hearing this, he had just gotten back his youth, was he about to lose it again?

But he desired strength, he knew that with strength, he would get stronger and life would get easier.

Moreover, with strength, he could subdue more Gu.

Thus, Ren Zu accepted, and formed a second deal with it.

Ren Zu became middle-aged at once, and the Strength Gu flew out of the web and landed on Ren Zu’s shoulder.

Ren Zu had strength, and was full of confidence.

He said to Wisdom Gu: "Wisdom Gu, you left me back then, do you have any regrets? If you succumb to me now, I will return you your freedom."

Wisdom Gu said, "Human, you are wrong. I did not leave not because I couldn’t, but because I wanted to stay. You want to subdue me but that’s impossible. I only succumb to those smarter than me, yet you are not smarter than me. But we can deal again, give me your middle age and I will temporarily obey you."

Ren Zu upon hearing this refused to do the same deal again.

He treasured his life more, and he also knew that once he sold his middle age, he would be left with old age. Before long, the Strength Gu and Wisdom Gu would leave him again, just like last time.

Ren Zu refused to deal but did not want to let go of the Wisdom Gu.

Wisdom Gu was anxious, reluctantly giving in, "Alright, Human, you win. I lost to you this time. As long as you tell me what method you used to capture me, I will admit defeat and not take anything from you, being at your disposal."

Upon hearing this, Ren Zu was overjoyed and before the Rules Gu and Regulation Gu could stop him, he said, "I used the Rules Gu and Regulation Gu to capture you."

Wisdom Gu laughed upon hearing, "I remembered it, so these Gu are called Rules Gu and Regulation Gu. Haha, now that I know your names, you can no longer capture me."

Saying so, it turned into a flash of light and flew away, vanishing into thin air.

Rules Gu and Regulation Gu begin to complain, "Human, we told you long ago that our name should be known by you alone, and not others. Otherwise, we would be used by others. Look what happened, now that Wisdom Gu knows our names, it spells trouble."

Only then did Ren Zu realize that he was tricked by Wisdom Gu. He was anguished, for he knew he lost the only chance he had of capturing the Wisdom Gu using Rules Gu and Regulation Gu.


The female elder's gaze flickered as she heard the story. A sigh escaped her lips as she gazed at the father-son duo. Conflicting emotions resurged within the depths of her heart as she seemed to be recalling a few of her lasting memories. However, Fei Qing's gaze managed to remain clear after reciting such a troubling tale. "Cai'er, you have read the Legends time and again. Each time a Gu Master reads the Legends, surprisingly, a new insight into one's nature is gained. Tell me, what have you learned?"

Closing his eyes for a moment and relishing the story that managed to detail upon the entirety of human beings and their nature, Fei Cai analyzed his own 'real' situation. He couldn't care what homework his father sets for him. Enslavement Gu could he refined with his recipe but after taking an initial step that only belonged to him. A recipe that converged from Venerable's methods, his father's recipe, and the Dead Gu Master's journal, Fei Cai realized that a sense of profound knowledge lay right in front of him should he decide to step on his own.

Similarly, Ren Zu, at the time, was indirectly bound to Rules Gu and Regulation Gu. For Fei Cai, it was his inheritances. Similar to the two gu worms in the legends, the Venerable's gu worm stated clearly that his successor should forge a path of his own. It was not a shame to refer to the notes left by a Venerable but even if a tiny one, Fei Cai seemed to have retained the urge of holding out his own. In vague terms but with a clear mind, Fei Cai replied, "I understand, father. Human ancestor, in face of wisdom and strength, held impatience. He willingly forgot the caution of Rules Gu and Regulation Gu worm. I failed to recognize the true meaning behind your words and acted hastily."

Impressed, both Fei Qing's and the nameless slave elder's gaze focused on Fei Cai. "Good," Fei Qing nodded, "Beast Trials is a hurdle that I never meant for you. Not because you are weak, but your capabilities are far higher than the middling rank 1 weakling who shall never breakthrough. Refining gu worms increases a Gu Master's potential in a long run. This time, I shall forget the matter but next time, should I ever advise you on any topic, those instructions must be met without failure."

Nodding silently, Fei Cai waited as Fei Qing raised his arm and gestured the Female to walk forward. "It is time for introductions. Like Lo is your slave, Pei Yang, now named Fei Yang, belongs to this household. She is a Peak Rank 3 Gu Master who submitted to our clan. In the daytime, she will accompany your Uncle in the refining procedures but after dusk, she won't leave the house and will answer every single one of your queries regarding refining and cultivation."

"Pleasant to meet you, Master—" Before Fei Yang could complete, Fei Qing raised his gaze sternly, making the woman shiver instantly. "Woman," Fei Qing began with unconcealed coldness, "You are a subordinate of the Chieftain. Unless my head rolls, your only master will remain me. My son will earn his titles without your flowery encouragement. One word about you getting into his head, just one word, and I shall make you wish death!"

"Apologies!" Fei Yang knelt with her expression twisting with fright. Strong she may be but never had she seen an enslavement path gu master strike a sword path gu cultivator of equal rank, the path known to have the greatest attack strength, in a few personal strikes.

Nodding in satisfaction, Fei Qing allowed Fei Cai to retreat into his room and brought Fei Yang with him. However, instead of lust, Fei Qing's gaze flickered with tiredness and the moment they entered the room, Fei Yang fell unconscious and Fei Qing returned to his mattress to sit cross-legged and enter a deep meditative stance.

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