《Fei Cai's Ascension— Reverend Insanity》13


The sudden appearance of the Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's legacy did not change Fei Cai's circumstances. He was still a lower-stage rank 1 Gu Master. He was still a nobody, and he didn't let this sort of 'empty' treasure move him. Right now, Fei Cai stood in one of the unvisited patches of grassland. His expression was serene as he had already discovered his target. Lo crouched beside Fei Cai and hastily skinned the blossom rabbit. Fei Cai looked down at Lo and recalled his foolish actions. This was a glaring signal for Fei Cai to change his way of thinking. Subconsciously, Fei Cai had pushed away all the risk onto Lo. Whether he lived or died did not affect Fei Cai.

But what if the threat was so extreme that it could still follow Fei Cai after dealing with Lo? For instance, a greenhorn salamander. Lo was practically useless in the previous battle. The tactic of depending on other people proved to be fatal, and Fei Cai didn't dare commit the same mistake again. So what if he had a slave that would jump at life-threatening risks without a shred of hesitation? Could Lo defend Fei Cai? No.

Aside from the sublime change in Fei Cai's thinking, there was another fact that deeply disturbed him.

As Lo continued to process the hunt, Fei Cai's gaze suddenly flashed, and he stepped forward with a punch tearing through the air! Once again, a vicious wolf's phantom appeared behind him, and Fei Cai's strength surged off the charts!


A soft sound echoed from the point where his fist stopped, and Fei Cai took sat on the ground with his breathing ragged and his body sweating profusely.

'Ten out of ten times.'

Fei Cai muttered internally. Wolf Strength Gu, Goat Strength Gu, Python Strength Gu, and many other rank 1 beast strength gu worms passively increased a Gu Master's strength. This is the reason why such a line of gu worms is famous in the market. After all, once the Gu Master's power has increased, they can fight without using their primeval essence and focus on other gu worms, too. In this manner, a Gu Master can battle more efficiently.

This type of gu worms perfectly exemplified the saying— Human is the spirit of all living beings. Even when a human being is not born with high strength like beasts, he can create gu worms to attain their strength! But, the only way a human body can display a wolf's real power is— Beast Phantom.

A beast phantom, without necessary gu worms, only appear randomly. It is purely based on luck, and here Fei Cai lay, managing to bring out a wolf's phantom for the fifteenth time consecutively. Once Lo had concluded the task, Fei Cai stood up and walked towards another direction. The forest shouldn't be explored without defensive gu worms, so Fei Cai walked around the grassland stealthily. Every once in a while, Fei Cai activated his ground eye gu worm and scouted the area. The pair could barely find any catch.

"Blossom rabbit will probably be accepted for 3 primeval stones. This won't do. My expenditure of primeval stones is already surpassing my gains. Even if I end up with another luck catch, I still need to expend primeval stones to feed my gu worms. And now, I also need materials to practice refining of gu worm and increase my control. The only way to ease the situation is to either borrow primeval stones from Fei Qing, but I have a reason to believe that he will turn this event into a lesson for me and add a high interest."


Fei Cai mumbled while he focused on the other solution, "I could also sell my wolf strength gu. I already have the strength of a wolf, and instead of bearing the cost of feeding the gu worm and losing currency, ridding myself of this gu is far practical."

Once this thought bubbled within his consciousness, Fei Cai stood at his place with a deep frown. He felt that the answer was hidden somewhere in between the two solutions he thought, and then it hit him! Lend!

He could lend his gu worm and earn primeval stones.

Unlike the denizens of this world who would try and protect even the most inconvenient trinket, Fei Cai had a broader manner of thinking when it came to materialistic items. His father— Fei Qing— refused to act like a natural one and sponsor Fei Cai to jumpstart him. This was a very backward form of thinking— turning real-life situations into life lessons— but Fei Cai couldn't fault him. Next, his second advantage was the gu recipes from the Thieving Heaven Demon Venerable's legacy and the inheritance of the dead Gu Master he discovered.

Gu recipes were usually worth more than the gu worms itself. Through gu recipes, a Gu Master can continuously refine gu worms, so Gu Masters rarely sold them. If Fei Cai decides to sell one or two gu recipes, it would instantly attract unwanted attraction. Then, he could sell the wolf strength gu, but this earning would be a one-time thing. The only way to properly use his background while showing his brilliance as a young Gu Master and keep the attraction of surrounding Gu Masters to a moderate level was— Lending the gu worm.

His father's status would deter anyone from going against the term of the loan while he could slowly build his reputation within the tribe. This reputation would, in return, help Fei Cai by making his father free of worry for him and then, Fei Cai could demand cultivation resources from the Chieftain without worrying for any underlying counter set by him.

Even with this thought rooting within his head, Fei Cai and Lo spent a significant half of the day within the grassland. Aside from the blossom rabbit, they encountered a calm hare and a scare rat. They only managed to hunt down the calm rabbit while the scare rat was simply too agile to be caught even by rank 1 Gu Masters.

Fei Cai earned a total of seven primeval stones. He spent one primeval stone on buying food for the wolf strength gu, and the ground eye gu. Now, Fei Cai has a net total of 21 primeval stones. To a youngster, this amount was a lot, but the Gu Masters that already had seniors in their families, this amount could barely fill the gaps of their teeth. Of course, many families restricted the number of primeval stones distributed to youngsters, but Fei Cai's move would force them to loosen their grip over their primeval stones.

Instead of returning to the house alongside Lo, Fei Cai simply passed the food for his gu worms to Lo and instructed him to place the package outside his door. Then, he made his way towards the inner portion of the warm pond valley. Past the bathing area was the actual warm pond valley. The tribe was erected in the only entrance of the valley to protect this unique location while hundreds of thousands of terror horses populated the inner portion of the valley.

In the evening, many young gu masters would come to relax in this scenic region. The reputation of the terror horses was vile. These beasts ate flesh and grass alike. Most of the Gu Masters wouldn't even be able to get close to these horses before they would jump at them. But within the valley, aside from the wild beasts, the terror horses did not harm the Gu Masters. This was not because of the beasts gaining intelligence. All these horses were under Fei Qing's command. This was the real strength of the Tribe Chieftain! With a single thought, he can control more than two hundred thousand terror horses and lay waste to any mid-level tribe.


Once Fei Cai walked into the deeper part of the valley, he found Fei Mang and a few other Gu Masters circling two senior Gu Masters as they faced off against each other. The older Gu Masters did not use any gu worms and only relied on their fists. Silently, Fei Cai stood within the group and observed the two Gu Masters fighting it out. Once the thin one fell, the surrounding Gu Masters cheered. Sparring was one of the major sources of entertainment in this world. This event could be used to settle debts, forge connections...

And ingeniously advertise your services.

The moment the winner sidestepped, a rank 2 Gu Master walked up. He was thinner than the winner, but for a moment, the surrounding turned silent as everyone waited for a competitor to walk-up.

"Is my, Fei Cang Yin's reputation so intimidating?"

The long-haired Gu Master smirked as the surrounding Gu Masters gulped. Fei Nai was the strongest in the younger generation, and Fei Cang Yin was his rival. Even if Fei Cang Yin isn't competing using his gu worms, he had plenty of experience to defeat ordinary Gu Masters.

"I would take this opportunity to learn from senior."

Fei Cai walked up, pushing away an unlucky youth and stood in front of Fei Cang Yin. In front of the teenager, Fei Cai looked extremely short and ordinary, but seeing him, Fei Cang Yin laughed loudly. "Fei Cai, eh, well, be sure to learn well!"

This is a warrior's tribe, and wasting breath on pointless monologue was something smart or manic warriors were incapable of. Fei Cang Yin took a stance and waited for Fei Cai to approach while the surrounding Gu Masters grew wild!

"Fei Cai! Beat this little Yin's ass! If my brother can do that, you can, too!"

Fei Mang yelled as Fei Cang Yin shook his head and continued smiling. Fei Nai was the strongest talent for a reason. Even if Fei Cang Yin was an upper-stage rank 2 Gu Master, he couldn't handle Fei Mang's brother for three moves! While Fei Mang and the other newbie Gu Masters cheered for Fei Cai, the other Gu Masters waited silently. They didn't want to take part in cheering when the son of the Chieftain is beaten to a pulp.

'Beast Phantom has a single condition to be called forward— my intent. If I don't want to use a wolf's entire strength, then the phantom won't emerge. The initiative will remain in my hand... all I need to do is lure Fei Cang Yin and throw a 'lucky' attack that also injures him critically while keeping his battle intent intact.'

Fei Cai thought till here and slowly walked forward. He was no martial artist, but street brawls were not uncommon in his youth. Even though his movements were full of openings, Fei Cai had unconsciously grown cautious about his approach after the near-death experience with the salamander.

'Treat every opponent seriously.'

He whispered internally, and instead of charging straight as the elder Gu Master expected, Fei Cai started to move around him while closing in. This was simply to annoy the youth and force him to take the first move. As expected, the patience of a teenager was something that couldn't compete with a middle-aged man's calmness, and Fei Chang Yin made the first move.

"If you ain't moving, then I'll be forced to teach you a little harshly," Fei Cang Yin grinned and rushed towards Fei Cai before punching towards his face. Face, chest, and stomach, these three regions were already in prediction to be attacked. But prediction and action were two different concepts. Fei Cai thought of retreating, but that would mean handing the initiative to Fei Cang Yin. If he did that, all the plans would be ruined. No matter what pain is inflicted, the initiative cannot be placed on other's hands.

Fei Cai clenched his jaws and stepped forward while tilting his head, dodging the punch by a hair's breadth while continuing forward. His eyes locked onto Fei Cang Yin's astonished ones, and he landed a blow right on his abdomen.


Fei Cang Yin wouldn't have imagined that a rank 1 junior could have such strength, and with his experience, Fei Cang Yin knew that a finishing blow would land on his face anytime now. But that didn't happen, and Fei Cai had already retreated. This was done to portray his 'inexperience' while making Fei Cang Yin dance to his tune. As expected, Fei Cang Yin recollected his composure and stood straight while exhaling deeply.

'A newbie Gu Master should not have such strength... unless... a strength gu worm. But he is still inexperienced. Instead of landing the blow and finishing the fight, he retreated.'

As Fei Cang Yin thought till here, he looked at Fei Cai and smiled, "You have refined a strength gu worm, right, Fei Cai?"

Fei Cang Yin didn't mingle much, so he still didn't know about Fei Cai's encounter with the salamander. His words attracted a few other seniors as Fei Cai nodded. "Senior, it is a wolf strength gu worm. I have already used it completely, and I have a passive strength of a wolf." His words instantly made the surrounding Gu Masters more interested in the fight. Seeing Fei Cai's candidness, Fei Cang Yin laughed loudly, "Even as a rank 2 Gu Master, a strength path gu worm is uncommon for me. Good, this way, we both can fight naturally!"

Fei Cang Yin grinned widely and rushed towards the kid. With a strength of a wolf, Fei Cang Yin no longer attributed Fei Cai as a kid, but a proper Gu Master.

In the next few rounds, Fei Cai continued to dodge attacks, but he was hit many times. His face was already swollen, but Fei Cai didn't dare stop right now. This was the most preferable scenario where a youngster makes a comeback with great luck and attracts everyone's attention. As expected, once Fei Cai felt reaching his pain tolerance, he gritted his teeth and growled wildly. The sudden change of demeanor made the spectators more interested, and Fei Cai threw a punch while perfectly showcasing a youth's impulsive nature.

"Don't underestimate me!"

Fei Cai roared, but his words only pulled a chuckle from Fei Cang Yin.

Alas, the surroundings turned still when a phantom of a vicious wolf appeared behind Fei Cai.

"A beast phantom!"

One of the elder Gu Master was alarmed while Fei Cang Yin, who had already decided to block the blow, felt his heart shiver for a moment. Alas, it was too late, and Fei Cai intentionally punched at Fei Cang Yin's forearms blocking his chest to minimize the total damage caused and...

To send Fei Cang Yin flying.

"What is that?"

One of the female Gu Masters screamed in astonishment while the phantom raised its head high and let out a silent howl before dissipating.

Still, Fei Cai fell on his butt and breathed deeply.

It didn't take long for Fei Cang Yin to sit up and lock gazes with Fei Cai. Within Fei Cang Yin's gaze, Fei Cai could feel astonishment, confusion, and a surge of fighting intent. But Fei Cai couldn't continue anymore for healing these wounds would already take a long time, and he had already achieved his goal. Before Fei Cang Yin stood up, Fei Cai shouted.

"Elder, I have learned many things because of your gracious nature. This spar is my loss!"

He accepted his defeat as the surrounding Gu Masters finally cheered!

"Fei Cai, you dog! What was that?!"

Fei Mang hurried to Fei Cai and helped him up as Fei Cai only breathed softly. To Fei Mang's question, it was Fei Cang Yin who answered while his arms glowed in blue light as his injuries healed rapidly.

"That was a beast phantom... only those with the strength of a wolf can summon it. To think that a junior has such luck."

Fei Cang Yin wondered with a tinge of envy. Even he wanted to have such a gu worm. Even if it was rank 1, the uses of this gu worm in the Northern Plains were plenty.

And Fei Cai decided to use this very envy against Fei Cang Yin as he laughed softly.

"Senior is jesting. In fact, I came here to discuss a proposal regarding my wolf strength gu worm."

"Fei Mang, I can support myself."

Fei Cai then stood straight while walking close to Fei Cang Yin. His voice, though, was loud enough to reach everyone's ears.

"The market value of wolf strength gu worm is 320 primeval stones. It can even reach 350 primeval stones. So, I am here to lend my gu worm to everyone for a price— 200 primeval stones."

His words instantly made the younger Gu Masters feel weird, but most of the elder Gu Masters' eyes brightened.

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