《Fei Cai's Ascension— Reverend Insanity》02


A/N: The story may differ significantly from canon. And I will add the legends of Ren Zu [copy paste as a throwback. In later chapters, from the mtl ones, I will form them myself. Credits to the original translator for all the material I copy from the Legends of Ren Zu.]


Fei Cai returned to his home while his father stayed with the elders to prepare for what's next to come. This plain was collectively known as the Northern Plains within the Gu World. A vast expanse of grassland with not a single mountain forming naturally. The weather of this continent of the Gu World shifted swiftly and even protected by shallow valleys, the changes would affect the Fei Tribe. Right now, the weather was turning cold. Everyone in the Nothern Plains knew that a tribe member would face a life-threatening tribulation every 10 years. Even Fei Cai knew of the worsening situation but didn't let his worries affect his state of mind. Ever so casually, he sat on his coarse mattress and crossed his legs.

With only a week within the body of a ten-year kid, Fei Cai failed to understand the genuine mysteries of the world. Yet, face to the truths, he accepted the supernatural effects of this new world and meditated. Fei Cai could 'see' a sphere. The depths and existence of the sphere within his body felt strange. While it looked small enough to be held by a single palm, when Fei Cai peered into it, he eyes a whole new world. The internal structure of the sphere was surrounded by misty fog and a gran sea, jade green in color, spread across the globe.

"Splendid," Fei Cai remarked with his expression finally shifting for the better.

"So this is an aperture. The Hope of Mankind."

Fei Cai opened his eyes and exhaled deeply. He was all too known to the legends of the First Human and his interactions with the Hope that gradually allowed all Humanity to cultivate.

One of his oldest legends talks about the Hope Gu. In the myth, when the world was just formed, it was a land of savage wilderness. Among the wild beasts that walked the earth, the first man appeared. He was known as Ren Zu, eating raw meat and drinking blood, living a difficult life.

In particular, there was a group of wild beasts called Predicament. These wild beasts loved the taste of Ren Zu and longed to eat him.

Ren Zu did not have a body as strong as mountain rock, nor did he have the sharp teeth and claws of a wild beast. How could he fight with the Predicaments? His source of food was unstable, and he had to hide all day. He was at the bottom of nature's food chain, and could barely survive.

At this moment, there were 3 Gu that came up to him and said, "As long as you use your life to provide us, we will help you through this difficulty." Ren Zu had nowhere to go, so he could only agree to these 3 Gu.


He first gave his youth away to the biggest Gu among the three. That Gu then granted him strength.

With strength, Ren Zu's life began to change. He started to have a stable source of food and was able to protect himself. He fought bravely and ruthlessly, defeating many Predicaments. But soon, he suffered and finally realized that strength was not everything. It needed to heal and be cultivated, not spent freely at his will. Not to mention when facing the entire group of Predicaments, his strength alone was too small.

Ren Zu reflected over this lesson bitterly and decided to give his prime middle years to the most beautiful Guamong the three. And thus, the second Gu gave him wisdom.

With wisdom, Ren Zu was able to learn how to think and reflect. He began to accumulate experience and found out that many times when he used wisdom, it was more effective than using strength. By relying on wisdom and strength, he was able to conquer all the goals that he formerly could not, and killed many Predicaments. He ate the meat of Predicaments and drank the blood of Predicaments, surviving with tenacity.

But good things do not last, and Ren Zu was old, and would only grow older and older. This is because he gave away his youth and middle years to keep the Strength Gu and Wisdom Gu. When a man is old, his muscles deteriorate, and his brain slows down.

"Human, what else can you give us? You don't have anything else left to provide to us," the Strength Gu and Wisdom Gu said as they realized this. They left him.

Without wisdom and strength, Ren Zu was once surrounded by Predicaments. He was old and could not run, his teeth had fallen out and could not even chew wild fruits and plants.

As he fell weakly onto the ground surrounded by Predicaments, his heart was filled with desperation. It was at this time the third Gu said to him, "Human, take me up. I will help you escape Predicament."

Ren Zu tearfully replied, "Gu, I don't have anything else left. See, the Strength Gu and Wisdom Gu have abandoned me. I only have my old age left! While it is not as worth my youth and middle age, but if I give you my old age, my life would immediately end. Even though I am surrounded by Predicaments right now, but I will not die immediately. I wish to live a little longer, even if just a second more. So you should leave, I have nothing else to provide to you."

But the Gu said, "Among the three I have the smallest needs. Human, if you just give me your heart, it will be enough."

"Then I will give you my heart," Ren Zu said. "But Gu, what can you give me in return? In this situation, even if the Strength Gu and Wisdom Gu returned to my side, it would change nothing."

When compared to the Strength Gu, this Gu looked frail and was just a tiny ball of light. When compared to the Wisdom Gu, this one was only able to give out a dim white light, not beautiful in any way.


But when Ren Zu gave it his heart, this Gu suddenly gave out endless light. In this light, the Predicaments screamed in horror: "This is the Hope Gu, withdraw! We Predicaments are most afraid of Hope!"

The Predicaments retreated suddenly. Ren Zu was speechless, and from that day onwards, whenever he faced Predicament, he would give his heart to hope.


Fei Cai curled his lips. Being a transmigrator, a part of him pushed the legend as a fairy tale that gave people Hope. Alas, this was just one of many chapters of the saga, and now, with an aperture within him, Fei Cai could not ignore the myths as a tale of a drunkard bard and went through the book of Ren Zu's legends once again.

His tiny body was garbed by a coarse tunic. It was slightly itchy, but Fei Cai bore with it. He organized all the knowledge within his mind and awaited his father's arrival with a peaceful expression. In the tribes of the Northern Plains, there remained a strong bond between a father and his son. This continent gave no value to women, aside from them being the only source of producing heirs to pass down inheritances to. Yet, for the sake of the continuation of the tribe, it was mandatory to have at least one female in each household. If not a mother, then a wife. If not a wife, then a daughter. And if not a daughter, then a slave.

Meanwhile, it was different between men. A father would personally teach everything to his son. If a father is not present, then, the eldest male member would teach everything to the youngest one. This was all due to the most prominent statement of the Northern Plains— Women are like clothes while brothers are like our hands and feet.

Fei Cai had nothing to say to this custom. In some places, men are treated like sex toys while women are doted upon rather fiercely in this continent. It was merely a subjective argument.

After another uneventful hour, Fei Qing returned with a broad grin. He was a man who did not remain faithful to the customs of the Northern Plains and genuinely cared for Fei Cai's mother.

"Son, you have become our pride," Fei Qing stated and patted Fei Cai's shoulder before inquiring with a carefree grin, "Which present would you like to see first? The slaves or the Gu Worms?"

A Gu Master with Rank D and Rank C aptitude could only remain a cannon fodder. While a Rank B could easily become an Elder and with honest hard work, crown himself as the Tribe Leader with the highest priveleges— Just like Fei Qing.

Hearing Fei Qing's words, Fei Cai replied in a soft voice, "Father, slaves, I can have plenty. But your guidance, I cannot benefit from daily. As a Tribe Leader, you have responsibilities that I cannot fathom. So, I request your guidance."

A perfect answer that soothed Fei Qing's ears and made the jubilant father raise his son's present leaked out of Fei Cai's mouth.

"Good, good, good!"

Fei Qing smiled and gestured for Fei Cai to sit on the carpet while taking a seat in front of him.

"Fei Cai, the stronger the predecessor, the higher the benefits you can gain. As a tribe chieftain, I have access to almost everything. From slaves to materials. From Gu Worms to Primeval Stones. So, keep this in mind. If you want your son to enjoy similar privileges, then work hard."

"I understand, father." Fei Cai nodded.

Fei Qing finally took out the leather pouch tied across his waist and placed it in front of Fei Cai, "Son, this pouch contains 50 Primeval Stones. This will be your monthly stipend, and to earn more, you will complete your missions. I have taught you everything from hunting to scouting. So, the task of your cultivation will fall on your shoulders alone."

If it was a week ago, Fei Qing would have added an additional threat to motivate his son correctly, but looking at him now, Fei Qing felt that he did not have the need to do that.

Fei Cai silently nodded and grabbed the pouch before placing it on his laps and waited for his father to continue.

"One of these will be your vital Gu worms. Choose carefully."

Already loaded with information on the necessary Gu worms cultivated by his tribe, Fei Cao could instantly identify all four of the Gu worms.

"You can only accept one of them, and the rest would be at your disposal based on your contribution to the tribe." Fei Qing added somberly.

The four Gu worms had strange appearances. One looked like a nail-sized, green-spotted ladybug. It was a Rank 1 Acid Spit Gu. Once refined, this Gu would allow the Gu Master to shoot globules of corrosive acid from one's mouth without damaging the mouth itself. The second Gu worm looked like a dung beetle.

This was Rank 1 Wolf Strength Gu. This allowed the Gu Master's body to be enhanced passively and attain the stamina and wild power of a wolf.

The third Gu worm was akin to a stick insect with a black body. This was Swift Leg Gu. Using this Gu worm allowed the Gu masters to increase the pace of their movements.

Alas, all of them felt stale when compared to the Gu worm that gave Fei Qing his meteoric rise in the early stages and allowed him to fell the competition.

Still, Fei Cai looked towards his father and stated calmly. His tone was so calm that even Fei Qing failed to understand the cause of his son's ball growing so firm!

"Father, I demand two Gu worms instead of one."

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