《Batman and Spider-man: Year One》Chapter 1
Spider-man/Batman: Year One
Chapter 1
Rain poured down on the grey streets of Gotham, bouncing off the sleek black metal of the Batmobile. The Batmobile pulled up in front of a worn-down warehouse, the gentle hum of the Batmobile coming to a halt as the vehicle was switched off. Batman leaped out of the Batmobile, sauntering into the warehouse, rain pouring down on his mask.
Inside the warehouse the lights of the GCPD vehicles flashed in a dance of red and blue. The police officers stared at Batman with contempt in his eyes, after all he had exposed half of them for taking bribes. The warehouse was run down with paint peeling off and holes in the windows. Inside the police vehicle, Batman noticed a man in the backseat, moaning and mumbling to himself. Further ahead there was a police cordon and standing by it, smoking was Batman’s confidant in the police force, Commissioner Gordon.
“What happened here?” Batman asked.
“Our friend there is wanted for murder and robbery,” Gordon explained. “Tried robbing some old folks’ home, a Ben and May Parker. The husband put up a fight but was shot. Left the scene after that. Cops chased him all the way to this warehouse. Bastard threatened to kill himself. There were some negotiations, obviously. Cops were hesitant to enter the warehouse lest the bastard kill himself then all of a sudden, he flew out of the window, dangling from a web. Police took a while to cut him down, he was mumbling something about a Spider-boy.”
“Did the couple have child?” Batman asked. “Anybody close?”
Gordon shook his head. “Nope, no kids. They just moved into Gotham with no friends and relatives. They do have a nephew though. Peter Parker. Took him in when his parents died. Raised him from when he was a boy. It’s a shame that he lost his uncle too. Wonder how he’s taking it.”
“You think he could have done this?” Batman asked.
Gordon shook his head. “No way. He looks way to meek for this. Kid doesn’t have any muscle on him.”
“What about his wife?”
“Now you’re just grasping at straws,” Gordon said. “May Parker is a sweet old lady, wouldn’t hurt a fly.”
Batman stroked his chin. Then who would have a motive and the ability to do something like this? Dick and Barbara were busy hunting down a Mafia drug trail so it couldn’t have been them. Could it be another vigilante? Another person carrying out his own justice much like Batman himself?
“Is it possible to get a sample of that webbing?” Batman asked.
The Commissioner nodded. Batman walked over to the factory wall, searching for samples by running his finger through it.
“You better be careful,” said the Commissioner. “It disappears after an hour. Boys found some samples in the factory, literally vaporized right in front of their eyes.”
Batman placed a sample in a glass container and placed it in his utility belt.
Gordon chuckled. “But imagine moving to Gotham and having your husband killed. Hell of a first impression, right Bat…”
By the time Gordon turned the Batmobile was zooming off in the distance.
Rain. It was raining again this morning just like the night…
No, Peter did not want to think about it. Thinking about his uncle’s death caused a heavy knot in his stomach.
Aunt May told him he could not go to school. he didn’t have to go, to take some time to mourn, to accept his uncle’s death but Peter said no. He would go to school because Uncle Ben would’ve wanted him to.
People offered him their condolences. They pat him on the back, they apologised but Peter didn’t need their pity. No matter how much everybody said they understood, they would never understand Peter.
After all, how could they understand that it was Peter that killed his uncle and not the burglar?
Peter had his head against the desk, the cool wood surface his only company. The teachers had ignored him sleeping in class, they didn’t ask their prized student questions. But no matter how hard Peter tried, he still couldn’t shake of the knot in his stomach or the spear of guilt in his heart.
After school, Peter dragged his bag across the desk. He let out a sigh. The rain had stopped, thankfully. That meant he could swing around with ease, get his mind off of his uncle.
Before he left the class, somebody was calling his name. He turned to see Richard “Dick” Grayson.
Richard Grayson was everything Peter was not. A handsome, muscular and confident young boy with swept back black hair and cool blue eyes. He had a confident grin on him that made the girls swoon and had a lot of friends.
He was also the adopted son of Bruce Wayne which would explain the friends.
When he was approaching Peter, he didn’t have the usual smirk on his face. Rather he was serious and there was a look of pity in his eyes. That look of pity Peter hated.
“Hey Peter,” Richard said. “Wait up.”
Peter sighed and stood by the door.
“I heard about your uncle,” Richard said.
Yeah, Peter thought. And you’re very sorry.
Peter wanted to dismiss him, to say that he didn’t want to talk about it and head up to the roof and zip away from this hellish school but then Richard said something Peter didn’t expect.
“I know how it’s like,” Richard said. He sighed. “I uh, I lost my parents when I was 10. They owed debts to the Mafia and…” He shook his head. “Long story. But I know what it’s like. If it wasn’t for Bruce I wouldn’t be where I am now.”
Richard placed a hand on his shoulder. “Point is, Parker if you need anyone to talk to, well you can talk to me.”
Even though Peter didn’t really feel like Richard did understand, he appreciated the sentiment regardless. He thanked Richard regardless. They were talking on their way to the school entrance where the Wayne family Butler was waiting for Richard. They had a lot in common than Peter thought so the conversation never got stale.
At the school gates was a Rolls Royce with a petite yet elegant man standing by it, waiting for Richard.
“Oh, I almost forgot to mention,” Richard said, before entering the car. “Bruce wants to see you.”
It took a while for Peter to register what Richard had just said but when it did a wave of giddiness spread across his face. “No freaking way.”
Richard smirked. “Yes freaking way. He saw your essay about…”
“The scientific advancements made by Wayne Enterprises?”
“That,” Richard said. “And said he wanted to meet you tomorrow.”
Peter had to control every single ounce of his being to prevent himself from jumping up and down with excitement. Bruce Wayne, the Bruce Wayne wanted to see him. His childhood hero wanted to meet him. It was like a dream come true.
“If you’re going to keep fanboying,” Richard said. “I’m going to leave.”
“Wait,” Peter said suddenly.
“Hm?” Richard said.
“What should I call you?” Peter said. “Everybody around here calls you Dick…”
“Don’t,” Richard said. “I hate that nickname. Just call me Richard.”
Dick it is then.
“Breakfast sir,” Alfred Pennysworth said, putting a silver platter by the desk as Bruce Wayne typed away, the screen of the Batcomputer casting a pale glow on his face.
“Breakfast?” Bruce asked. “Isn’t it 5 P.M?”
“Well you were asleep this whole morning so I opted 5 P.M was a good time as any.”
Bruce Wayne opened the silver tray to reveal eggs and bacon, the smell of which caused Bruce’s stomach to grumble.
“Thanks Alfred,” Bruce said.
“I am sworn to serve sir,” Alfred said, taking his place behind his Master.
The three screens of the Batcomputer was the only light in the Batcave. The muffled screeches of bats echoed throughout the cold walls and steel walkways of the cave, all the while the A.I voice of he Batcomputer droned through the night.
On one of the screens, Alfred Pennysworth could see articles of a new superstar called the Spider-man in New York juxtaposed to the newspapers of Gotham City talking about a masked vigilante who webs up criminals suspiciously familiar to the webs New York’s Spider-man used to perform tricks.
“As soon as Peter Parker left New York,” Bruce said, taking a bite of his bacon. “Spider-man entered Gotham. It’s safe to believe they’re related somehow.” He turned to Alfred. “What did you find out about the webbing?”
“It dissolved after an hour, sir,” Alfred said. “But me and Ms. Gordon managed to replicate it. It’s strong, durable and the formula is far too complex for a teenager to come up with.”
“Unless said teenager is a genius,” Bruce said. He typed something on the keyboard and pages upon pages of report cards popped up on screen. “This Parker kid was and still is the top of his class. He excels at the sciences but his other subjects don’t fall so far behind either. He even wrote an essay about me and got top marks in his class.”
“Charming,” Alfred said.
“Says here his father is a Richard Parker,” Bruce said.
“Did you just say Richard Parker?” Alfred interjected, politely of course.
Bruce nodded. “Yeah, why?”
“Well sir, Richard Parker was an excellent scientist,” Alfred said. “He even worked with your father on some projects. One of the greatest minds I’ve ever gotten to know. It’s unfortunate he died so soon.”
Bruce stroked the stubble on his chin. “Hmm.”
“Pardon me asking,” Alfred said. “But why are you so interested in this child?”
Bruce turned to him. “I just want to know why, Alfred. Why does he do what he does? Smart kid like him should know better than to seek trouble yet he’s always out there fighting dangerous men.”
“I could say the same thing about you, sir,” Alfred said.
A small smile appeared in the corner of Bruce’s mouth. “I heard some of the Falcone’s people are after him. He’s risking his life doing all of this…”
On the Batcomputer was a picture of Peter Parker from his yearbook with a big grin, his glasses all but falling off his nose.
“And I want to know why.”
“Why?” Dick asked over the phone.
“Something came up,” Peter said, pulling up his boots.
“A group of criminals robbed Gotham’s Royal Bank,” said Vicki Vale on the radio sitting besides Peter Parker’s bed. “The criminals have been identified as Nico and Roman Cilleb. Brothers with a very lengthy criminal record.”
“My aunt is…” Peter grunted, struggling to pull up his red gloves with a phone in one hand. “You know.”
“I understand,” Dick said, his voice a little softer. “You sound like you’re struggling with something.”
“They’re carrying high tech weapons,” Vicki said. “A few police officers have been wounded…”
“Bastards,” Peter mumbled. Pulling up his other boot while leaping across his room like a one-legged kangaroo.
“What?” Richard said.
“Nothing,” Peter said quickly.
“Citizens are advised to avoid them at all costs,” Vicki said. “We will be keeping you updated on any developments…”
“Alright Pete,” Richard said. “Call me if you need anything.”
“No problem,” Peter said, shuffling through his bag for his mask. Realizing it wasn’t there, he checked under the bed his hand brushing across the floor like a broom.
“Uh… Pete?” Dick said.
He grabbed the mask letting out a little grunt of victory. “Sorry,” he said. “I’ll catch you later, Dick.”
“Don’t call me…”
“And thanks for everything!” Peter said quickly hanging up.
“Police have tracked them to an underground parking lot in Crime Alley,” Vicki Vale said. “Police are keeping their distance as they are unsure of what these criminals are going to do next.”
Peter put on his mask and Spiderman leapt out of the window.
The car stopped at an underground parking lot. Roman and Nico shuffled out of the car, carrying the weapons with them.
“These weapons are good, right brother?” Roman said, carrying a futuristic looking shotgun. “We didn’t even have to use explosives.”
“Put that thing down,” Nico hissed. “Lest your dumbass costs us our lives.”
Roman looked dejected but he still held the shotgun, albeit avoiding the trigger.
The other car rushed in, screeching to a halt in front of Roman and Nico. From it, 6 men appeared. All of them wearing masks.
“We got the rest of the money,” said one of them. “Now where’s our cut.”
“You’ll get your cut once I see the money,” Nico said, the thugs making way for him as he opened the doors of the black van they drove.
Nico opened the black duffel bag and in were stacks of money. Nico started counting them. “What took you fucking so long?”
The head thug shrugged. “We didn’t have freaking laser beams like you.”
The thug yanked the gun from Roman’s hand, inspecting it. “Where’d you get it?”
“The Penguin,” Nico said. “Bought em at one helluva price but it was worth it in the long run.”
“Yep,” the thug said, handing the gun back to Roman who let out a whimper. “Blew that vault door to kingdom come.”
“Also, Michael,” Nico said. “Can you get your boys off me? They staring at me like I’m about to kill em and take your money.”
Nico took his share and placed it inside the pockets of his leather jacket.
“Here’s your share,” Nico said, tossing the duffle back to one of Michael’s thugs. “Enjoy your share.”
Before the thug could catch the bag, he saw a string suddenly latch on to it and bag zoom upwards like a jet
“Mind if I take this,” said Spiderman. “I got rent to pay.”
They all looked up and pointed their guns. Spiderman felt that familiar buzzing in his head. His Spider-sense.
“Uh oh,” Spiderman said as the thugs started firing. Spiderman dropped the bag and leapt downwards, leaping around and knocking out the thugs one by one.
Nico saw this as an opportunity to leave. He beckoned at Roman who ran to the passenger’s seat but before Nico could even open the door his hand was webbed to the door handle.
“You really thought you could get away?” Spiderman said. Nico noticed all of Michael’s thugs were down and out. Some webbed to the walls, others groaning on the floor. Their guns were either webbed to the walls or dangling in the air like a pendulum. Nico tried yanking his hands out of the webs but whatever the hell it was made up off, it was strong as hell.
Roman pointed the Vibranium gun at Spiderman but Nico raised his hand, telling him to put it down.
“What is it you want, huh?” Nico asked. “Money? We have plenty of money. You can take that duffle bag.”
“You seem to think I operate the same way as you,” Spiderman said. “What I want is for you to hand yourselves over to the GCPD.”
Nico laughed. “So, you’re one of those self-righteous types eh? Like that Batman and his pansy friend Chicken.”
“Robin,” Roman corrected.
“Whatever,” Nico said. “Either way, when push comes to shove all of your ideals will crumble when you realise just how bad we can really be.”
Roman was about to fire the Vibranium weapon but before he could, Spiderman yanked it out of his hands and knocked him against his red car. Nico quickly pulled out his gun but Spiderman shot a web and ripped it out of his hands before he could even pull the trigger. He leapt over the car and kicked Nico across the head, instantly knocking him out.
“You can yap on all you want,” Spiderman said. “Still doesn’t change the fact that tomorrow morning you’ll be sitting in a jail cell.”
Spiderman shuffled through Nico’s pockets, looking for his phone. He left an anonymous tip for the GCPD and was about to leave when suddenly the lights flickered off.
“What now?” Spiderman groaned. But suddenly the buzzing in his head got louder, even louder than before. He was in big trouble. He got in a defensive position, carefully walking around the car park instead something decided to jump out at him.
“Whoever the hell you are?” Peter said. “Show yourself!”
Peter’s heart was beating fast. His head was buzzing wildly.
Suddenly, as if by instinct he leapt to the side. He heard a metallic thunk and walked over to where he heard it. Suddenly, the lights flickered on and Peter saw something stuck against one of the pillars. Something that looked sharp, like a boomerang but shaped like a bat. He walked over and started inspecting it, his spider-sense basically screaming at him not to go closer but he ignored it.
He removed the boomerang from the pillar, inspecting it closely.
Noticing too late the large shadow behind.
Peter tried tripping him over but the Batman was faster. He punched Peter across the face causing him to keel over.
That punch made Peter’s vision all fuzzy. He saw not one but two Batmen gliding towards him. His spider-sense was wild now, like a million flies buzzing around in his skull. Peter could feel his nose bleeding.
The two Batmen merged into one as Batman tried landing another punch but Peter dodged backwards, launching a web at his face and hands. The Batman remained still, unlike the rest of them who desperately tried ripping the webs off their face. That was all the time Peter needed to regain his bearings.
Seeing the Batman still like that caused a cold pit in Peter’s stomach, a cold feeling of fear. The same cold feeling he felt when he saw his Uncle’s pale corpse, the same cold feeling he felt when he saw the man who had killed his Uncle Ben.
Spiderman ran towards the Batman despite what his instincts told him. The Batman suddenly plummeted downwards, ready to toppled Peter over but Peter leapt upwards, attaching himself to the roof.
Batman ripped the webbing off his hands, nobody else had managed to do that except Peter himself before yanking the webs off his face. He noticed Peter sticking to the roof like a… well like a Spider.
“How do you do that?” Batman asked. “Are you a mutant?”
Peter shrugged. “That’s racist. Not everyone with extraordinary powers are mutants you know? Some of us were just bitten by radioactive spiders.”
Peter stood on the walls, squatting downwards to propel himself forward. Batman was on the defensive, preparing himself for Peter’s next attack.
But Peter didn’t attack. He placed his hands-on top of Batman’s shoulders and launched himself forward, swinging away from the car park. Suddenly the Batman fell forward, being dragged across the ground. He noticed a web sticking on his back and Spiderman dragging him forward, laughing. Batman grabbed a Batarang from his belt and sliced himself away from the web and while on the floor tossed the Batarang towards Peter Parker but by the time he did, he was gone.
Batman got up, groaning. So, the kid also had enhanced strength. After all, how else could he have dragged him across the floor.
He got a call from Alfred, Batman put him on the line.
“How did your encounter with Mister Parker go?” Alfred asked.
“Alright,” Batman said. He walked over to the thugs and checked their pulses. They were breathing. Despite all his strength the kid didn’t kill.
“You sure?” Alfred said. “You sound rather fazed, sir.”
“It’s nothing Alfred,” Batman said. He walked over to the Roman and Nico, the pieces of crap that had wounded all those GCPD officers. He picked up the weapon and inspected it. It was Vibranium, specifically the Vibranium weapons used by secret military ops. How these useless thugs got a hold of it, more specifically how the Penguin got a hold of them, nobody knows.
“Whatever you say, sir,” Alfred said. “If you aren’t too busy, Master Grayson and Ms. Gordon found out about a narcotic deal between the Falcone’s and some New York mob boss.”
“Very well,” Batman said. “Just ready the lab for me when I get back.”
In the distance, Batman heard sirens. A flash of red and blue light shone against the grey cement of the parking lot. Bruce realised that he was in Crime Alley, the street given that name after his parents…
He’d best leave this place quickly.
The Batmobile lit up and hummed smoothly as Batman got into it. In the distance he saw rows of police officers headed into the parking lot, the lights of their vehicles shining against their suits.
The Batmobile started up, the smooth voice of the AI welcomed him into the vehicle. Batman revved the engine and zoomed away from where it all started.
“Did you hear me, sir?”
“What was that Alfred?” Batman asked.
“Did you go easy on the boy?”
“No,” Batman said. The Batmobile zoomed through the dark streets of crime alley.
While Peter Parker watched from atop a building, the rain pouring down on his crimson suit.
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