《Just a Simple Guy》23 - Seeing through different eyes


Vivyern woke up, alone. Salim had apparently left earlier in the morning to go do… something? What did he want to go do? Vivyern did not have a single clue.

Thinking about Salim she felt her body relax and a feeling of happiness overtake her. That skill Thrall’s Intoxication really messed with her sometimes but she didn’t mind.

Even though she knew she had slowly become addicted to his very presence she didn’t think she would object to it.

After she had been taken over by the bond and regained most of her conscious memories Vivyern had a great deal to think about.

While she did not like the particular idea of being controlled it did present her with a couple of ideal situations she would rather be a part of than not. Like it or not Salim was growing at an incredible rate she could literally feel it as the bond increased between them.

The situation she would rather be a part of was due to who she was. A princess… and while she didn’t directly run away… That's pretty much what she did.

She was being taken on a trip to a potential political deal with her being the bargaining piece. Her father was a rather cruel man not that her sisters were any different.

Maybe too much of her father was in her that made her despise him. She wished to be strong on her own to show everyone in her family up that she was better than all of them.

The difference from her sisters is that she had no want to conquer through positions of hire power and seduction.

This sort of made her at odds with the rest of her family. Her father encouraged this sort of behavior until he realized she was shooting to take him down. Wanting an easy way to get rid of her he planned to have her sold off in a political dealing.

Fortunately, the convoy was ambushed allowing Vivyern to slip away with the few supplies inside of the tent stealing a horse and cart along the way.


Spotting Salim had been the beginning of an interesting adventure she didn't think she wanted to stop. Even though she was technically a slave Salim never made her feel like it only making her do menial tasks with him.

Honestly, she would love to have a man like him instead of whatever demon her father decided to give her too. She probably would have attempted to seduce him if she couldn’t feel the raw self-hatred emanating from him whenever he had the smallest bit of lust about her.

She really couldn’t tell what it was about though. Maybe it was the fact she was a demon? Whatever it was she was determined to find out.

Sliding out of bed she summoned her blade Frigus. One of the only gifts from her father its blackness gleamed back providing a perfect reflection. The reflection of her real body.

Her body shown back providing a mirror for her to stare at herself.

Skin smoothed out a nice cream as the freckles she had before were faded away. Her face leaner gaining a rather mature and serious look she had made up with ferocity before. And her horns… No longer a mangled mess of off-shooting horns the shown tall and smooth curving as they pointed upwards giving her a regal appearance.

Salim had changed her… his energy making her more like him. She was slowly transforming for him becoming truly his.

This made her excited slightly the idea of being dominated by ma- Salim boosted tenfold by Thrall’s Intoxication.

She liked these changes too. Maybe she had always hated those things about or it was the bond but she felt liberated. The appearance so much resembling her father and sisters was now gone replaced with something else.

This may not be enough for people to not recognize her per say but it was definitely a major change.

Getting dressed Vivyern put away her blade sealing it back into her arm before heading down into the inn. The place was rather cute in a quaint little tavern sort of way.


Walking out of the inn and into the open bustling street Vivyern was craving something more than the stew the tavern part of the inn offered. It was definitely not as good as the soup that Salim had made for her…

Walking through the street she spied a small street restaurant that sold sandwiches on the corner. Deciding to try this type of food she had never had before Vivyern walked up to the sandwich shop and waited in line.

As Vivyern waited she watched the people who passed. A lot of tourists had apparently come from all over to see the tournament so business was booming everywhere. She might need to go back to the inn and reserve the rest of the nights up to the tournament ahead of time…

Out of all the people that walked by one in particular caught her eye. A rather wizened looking old women. Her face was shrewd as she walked through the crowded with a walking stick looking rather fragile. But Vivyern knew better. She could feel the energy being produced by the woman.

Women were generally magicians due to their added affinity to magic… No one really knew why. Of course, there were some theories but no widely accepted explanation.

Not to say men couldn’t be mages too but they were tuned into the more physical magical aspect. Some women decided to be combat witches but the number was rare. While their magical ability increased greatly for the ones most in tuned with magic such as witches it hindered their bodies greatly.

Deciding to risk it Vivyern stepped out of line and began to trail the woman. The woman led Vivyern through winding passages and side alleys all the while Vivyern was only able to follow due to her ability to sense the old witches strength.

Eventually, they came to a dead end of an alley the witch at one end and Vivyern staring down from the entrance of the alley.

The old witch cackled and turned around to face Vivyern. “You have been following me for a while young one,” she said in a grandmotherly tone. Vivyern decided not to respond to that.

Squinting at Vivyern the old woman waved at her beckoning her over. “Come here sweetie if you followed me this far you might as well come all the way…”

Vivyern hesitantly decided to follow walking over to the old lady. The elderly witch seeing that Vivyern was following turned around and walked through the bricks.

Wide-eyed Vivyern decided not to question it and hesitantly put her hand on the wall watching it harmlessly pass through.

Walking through with questionable decisiveness Vivyern was met with the sight of a room filled with archaic and arcane looking items. Symbols and trinkets lined the walls providing a mystic atmosphere to the room.

The old woman was next to a table fidgeting with something whispering under her breath. Turning around to Vivyern she eyed the disguised demon up and down. Stepping back slightly the old woman whispered under her breath.

“Who are you…” was the first thing to come out of Vivyern’s mouth as she clamped her hand down on it despite herself for saying such a rude thing.

The woman crackle again watching Vivyern’s internal struggle “it’s fine to ask dear, my name is Judas witch extraordinaire master of the arcane!” She flourished her hands as lights dashed from her fingers and out into the open air creating a sort of mystical force lighting.

“Now deary there are a few things I would like to know.” She said smiling in a teasing malevolent voice.

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