《Just a Simple Guy》19 - The adventurers guild


A dark air overtook the building as two strangers in cloaks slowly walked through the main entrance. Both draped in dark hoods they gave off a rather ominous aura.

One of the bartenders took the chance to check them out noticed a large amount of power coming from both of them. They seemed to share the same energy flowing between them. The bartender had never seen something like this and was quite shocked.

As the cloaked figures walked through the main entrance they looked around before going over to the GP exchange booth.

There was a lady there who politely asked them what they wanted to exchange. The first one stepped forward and asked in a deep voice that they wanted to exchange some GP for weapons and gear.

Trading in almost up to two thousand GP in for a simple knife and rogue gear. To think what they had to get that much GP and to waste it all on a rogue…

Salim, however, was not retaining those sort of thoughts and was quite happy in his purchase. He got a really cool new knife and some nice armor. Even though he used all his GP he really didn’t care. There wasn’t anything else he was going to be buying with it. Probably.

Geel’s Feather Blade Lv. 50

A knife created from the beast Geel’s wing. It still has the poisons that Geel secreted on the blade.

+Blade Skill: Poison Blade

111/120 Durability

+75 Damage

The blade was almost shaped like a leaf. Salim knew it was the shape of a wing but that comparison didn’t seem fair as it was a wing essentially. He didn’t know a bird or whatever it was could have metal wings that were sharp as hell.

The blade actually had ridiculous damage for a dagger sized weapon but considering daggers where rarely used weapons in the adventuring business due to having such a small sized it was a lot cheaper than other weapons of its caliber.


The blade skill as he had been told by the lady at the desk was a skill the weapon had imbued in it by some property. For example, he could activate poison blade just like any other skill while using the weapon and the blade would become coated in poisons.

It was a very useful skill in long fights and Salim was planning to use it to its fullest against powerful enemies. The armor, however, was what cost him the most.

Shade’s Cloak Lv. 85

A cloak made from the cloak of a shade. A portion of the shade's strength still lingers in the material. A set bonus is granted with the full set.

50/50 Durability

+50 Agility

+35 Perception

Shade’s Chestplate Lv. 67

A lightweight chestplate made from the leather imbued with of a shade. A portion of the shade's strength still lingers in the material. A set bonus is granted with the full set.


+35 Defense

+32 Stealth

Shade’s Leggings Lv. 74

A lightweight pair of leggings made from the leather imbued with of a shade. A portion of the shade's strength still lingers in the material. A set bonus is granted with the full set.


+50 Stealth

+24 Defense

SET BONUS Armor Skill: Shimmering Appearance

Was Salim daft? How had he not realized that his armor gave him defense? Well, it didn’t really matter how he was alive and he knew now. But you can bet he would be observing every damn thing that came his way.

The stealth and defense were what he came for anyway. The agility and perception boost was a great bonus addition that would only add to his potential.

The only issue came with the warning from the lady how this type of armor was easily torn through and ripped causing a lot of money to be wasted from having to frequently repair.

Salim wasn’t too worried about that but it did mean he would have to take off the armor if he was going to spar with VIvyern ever.


The shimmering appearance skill was a passive skill that made the wearer hard to see as if they were shimmering in front of their very eyes.

Hopefully, this would help in high-speed environments when everyone would be sprinting around and getting confused by his appearance. Although those were a bit high for hopes most likely. At most, it would slightly disoriented opponents but anything to give the higher chance of winning right?

The lady at the GP exchange desk had mentioned something about a tournament happening in a couple of days. It would be a sectioned tournament meaning you could only apply for certain brackets if you were in a specific level range.

This would be great for Salim who had higher stats for his level so he decided to stay for the tournament. Vivyern obviously agreed wanting to stay close to Salim.

That was an issue too wasn’t it? She couldn’t leave too far or she would suffer withdrawal and be unable to receive his energy in time. She was really strong so he guessed the benefits outweighed the negatives for having her stay with him.

Walking out of the adventurers guild Salim was met with a wave of bad smells as a man walked out in front of him and breathed in his face.

Not one to get provoked so easily Salim looked the man up and down before asking if he could help him. The man in question was looking severely inebriated almost hunched over and had a hard time focusing on Salim.

Taking a swing at Salim the man roared something inaudible as his hand swung.

Salim had no idea what he had done to upset this man so he simply swayed backward and pushed the drunk away. The drunk fell over in a drunken stupor of his own barf. This had apparently been the signal for something as multiple men stood up at this moment closing in around them.

Vivyern began to hiss slightly as she prepared herself for the worst. Salim did little to calm her except telling her not to do anything yet. He wanted to see what this was about and just jumping to conclusions yet was not the best thing to do.

He also really did not want to fight in the middle of the adventure guild building. Probably the number one best way to get arrested in this place considering there probably was someone at a high level overseeing this place.

A woman stepped forward out of the crowd of men who had encircled Salim and Vivyern slowly walking over to them. She stopped a foot away “take off your hoods” she said.

There was no movement to take off their hoods as Salim and Vivyern kept warry and stared at this woman.

They still had no idea what she wanted and Salim wished at the very least to not become criminals so slowly Salim took off his hood and ordered Vivyern to do the same.

A look of shock came over the surrounding men and woman. They hadn't expected this from people who had mysteriously come in hoods. One of the men turned a bit scared looking at the woman as if to say “what the hell do we do now?”

The woman ignored the man and focused on Salim who had been the only one of the two to speak the whole time. “My name is Lilac, I represent the Night's Edge strongest adventuring group in this city.” She said with a smile.

Salim watched her smile go increasingly upward causing Salim to become even more warry. She didn’t know about Vivyern’s level, did she?

Lilac put out her hand to shake “would you be interested in joining?”

Well fuck.

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