《Fate of The Godwin》Chapter 14 - Friendly Fire


“Hahaha” Grid and Robert laughed

An arrow pierced Grid’s shoulder.


Robert’s laughing stopped and he narrowed his eyes. He looked in the direction of the jungle across the river.

“Take cover!”

“Sh*t, why troubles always find us?!”

They ran quickly to find a cover from the arrows.

“Grid, hold on for a little bit. I’ll wake up the others.”

“Don’t worry about me, this wound is nothing!”

Grid held his position behind a large rock while Robert ran away from the scene to the cave. When he almost reached the front of the cave. Someone jumped on him with a bone dagger in her hand from the bushes. Robert dodged the first attack easily with his footwork.

“What do you want?”

“What do I want? You should know what I want after what you have done.”

‘These guys must be people from the second camp that we have found before.’

Robert gripped his spear and made a strong thrust. The woman dodged his thrust easily.

“Huh, you’re not bad. Unlike your archer friend.”

“Don’t mock my brother.”

“Brother? Why there are so many siblings in this place, hahaha.”

‘So this man is really from the second camp. Even though you cover your face, there is no use if you blurted out information that easily.’

Robert continued the fight. He slashed his spear to create a distance between him and the woman. Right after the woman jumped back, Robert thrust his spear again, but now the woman dodged sideways and slashed his arm.


“Your move is so predictable.”

“Heh, are you sure about that?”

Robert let go of his spear and did a spin kick. The woman furrowed her brows.


She couldn’t dodge the kick and flew a few meters away.


Robert ran at her like a madman and continued his kicks combo and ended it with an ax kick.


“How does it feel?”


“It hurts, right? Even my instructor didn’t dare to take all those kicks.”

The woman laid down on the ground without moving. She stared at the night sky wondering if her choice to do this was right or not. All of the places where Robert’s kick landed were swollen.

“Why? Did you regret it?”

Robert got closer to her and snatched her hood away.

“You’re a woman?”

“Yes, do you pity me now?”

“Why should I? I just never thought a woman could be this flat.”

Robert dragged her with him and ran to the cave to wake up the others.

“Hey, wake up! We are under attack!”


Everyone in the cave jolted and stood up fastly. Richard and Yuna quickly grabbed their spears while Sharon stared at the woman Robert dragged to the cave.

“Eleanor? Is that you?”

The light of the moon illuminated the ground outside the cave. Sharon could see the woman’s face clearly.

“Eleanor? Who is that?”

Sharon walked closer and looked at her.


“Hah, I didn’t expect to see you here.”

“Do you know her?” Robert said

“Yes, she is my childhood friend. What did she do to deserve this?”

Robert scratched his head and chuckled.

“You know, a fight happened.”

“You’re always excessive when it comes to violence, Robert.”

Robert’s shoulder slumped.

“Well, since you know her. Please take care of her. I’ll go back to help Grid.”

Robert walked into the cave and left Eleanor to Sharon.

“Hey, Richard. Please guard this cave with Yuna.”

Right after he talked with Richard, he ran out to Grid’s location. He also didn’t forget to grab his dropped spear too.

Unfortunately, when he reached the location. What he found was a bloodied Grid. He passed out and there were three people beside him. One laid on the ground knocked out while the other two were had some injuries on their bodies.

‘I was too late.’

“Finally, his friend has come.”

“That is the guy who punched me before!”

“You lost to that one-eyed weakling?”

“His punch is so strong. Don’t underestimate him.”

“Anyway, I got your friend’s orb here. Hahaha, you either surrender, or I will activate his orb.”

Robert clenched his fist. He stood calmly for a while.

“I also got your friend, what about we trade hostage?”

“My sister lost to you? That is impossible.”

“Hahaha, if you want to lie. Do it right.”

Robert furrowed his brows

‘They didn’t believe me? Was she really that strong?’

“Fine, do what you want. As long as you don’t activate his orb.”

“Give us your orb!”

“My orb? Our leader has it.”

“Lie! Hey, Johny. Go check him up.”

Johny the archer walked to Robert and rummaged through his body.

“I didn’t find anything.”

“Told you.”


“Bring us to your camp!”

In the end, Robert sighed and brought them back to the cave. They dragged Grid and carried their knocked out friend with them. When they arrived at the cave. Richard and Yuna stood up in front of it while holding their spear.

“Throw away your weapons!” the man said.

Richard and Yuna held their spear stronger and aimed the point them at the intruders.


“Do what he said,” Robert said.

The two raised their eyebrows.

“What happened, Brother?”

“I was too late. They got Grid.”

Richard could see Johny dragging Grid with blood all over his body. Yuna’s eyes were teary and her hands were trembling. They obeyed Robert’s order and threw away the spears.

“Hahaha, they are so submissive!”

Robert sighed while shaking his head. After that, Sharon walked out of the cave while carrying Eleanor. Robert’s kicks were so strong that Eleanor couldn’t stand up properly after she took all the hits.

“Sister! What happened to you?”

Johny’s gaped his mouth and stared at her.

“I lost to him.”

Eleanor pointed at Robert with her shaky hand.

“You!! How dare you!” Johny shouted

Johny threw Grid’s body away and ran to Robert at full speed. He threw his punches and kicks. Robert dodged all of them easily and sent an uppercut to his chin. Johny’s body flew away and he was knocked out instantly. Yuna ran to Grid and inspected his wounds.

Robert didn’t want to waste the momentum and ran to the other person. The man took out Grid’s orb from his pocket and threatened Robert.

“Don’t come closer or I will activate this orb!”

Robert stopped on his track and clenched his fist.

‘This orb, that orb. F*ck!’

The man shivered, he stepped back slowly.

“Hahaha, you couldn’t do anything to me!”

“Lie! My brother gave his orb to me. Don’t trust him, Robert!”

Robert furrowed his brows. Then he smiled, he walked closer to the man slowly. The man kept stepping back.

“So you’re playing with me all this time, huh. I should’ve punched you to death before.”

The man’s smile disappeared. He turned back and started running away. Robert didn’t bother to chase him. He took Yuna’s spear and threw it like a javelin. It pierced the man’s back. He fell with regret on his face.

“What have you done?!” Eleanor shouted.

Robert turned his head and glanced down at Eleanor.

“Eliminating my enemies.”

Robert walked to the cave.

“Haish, your boyfriend is too ruthless.”

Eleanor shook her head.

“What are you saying. He is not my boyfriend.”

Sharon blushed then looked away.


After the fight, everybody stayed inside the cave. Yuna treated Grid’s wounds while Eleanor treated Johny. Nobody cared for Johny and Eleanor but Sharon. Only Sharon helped them while the others were looking at them with disdain.

“Why should we shelter these people?” Richard said.

“Yes, they have attacked us. They must leave.” Yuna said.

“At least we should let them rest, for now,” Sharon said.

Robert glanced back and forth between Yuna and Sharon.

“Let them rest for now. They should leave after that guy wakes up.”

Eleanor stood up and walk to Robert.

“I apologize for what happened. If I know Sharon is here, I wouldn’t attack in the first place.”

She hung her head while slumping her shoulders.

“I’ll let you go this time because you’re Sharon’s friend.”

Robert said his parts. Nobody disagreed with him since they trusted him. He proceeded to sit down near Sharon. Sitting there without any expression on his face. Eyes began to droop slowly but surely. Until he finally closed his eyes fully and leaned to Sharon’s shoulder.

Sharon blushed, she looked around with her eyes like someone asking for help. The only thing she could hear was Richard’s chuckling. She stared at him for a while before Richard raised his shoulder and held up his hands with palm opened. Gesturing he didn’t know what to do.

Meanwhile, Eleanor glanced at her childhood friend with a wide smile on her face while trying to cover her smile with her hand. In the end, Sharon didn’t do anything and let Robert sleep while leaning on her shoulders. Occasionally, she stroked Robert’s hair with her fingers.

Not long after that, Johny jolted up from his sleep and his eyes wandered around looking for clues about what had happened when he passed out. He could see his sister staring at him with narrowed eyes. She pinched his ear while dragging him out of the cave. Although her wounds hadn’t recovered yet, at least she could walk normally, for now. Right at the entrance of the cave, she stopped there and turned back.

“Since my brother has awoken, we will leave this cave.”

She glanced at Robert sleeping like a log.

“I’m very thankful because you didn’t eliminate us. Please send my regard to Robert when he wakes up.”

Richard and Yuna still held a grudge against Eleanor and Johny. But they nodded their head regardless.

Not so far outside the cave, Eleanor stopped again and released her pinch.

“Why you didn’t tell me Sharon was here?”

“I-I didn’t know”

“Lies! You know her face, she visited us very often in the past.”

Johny hung his head, he didn’t even try to say a word.

“I’m very disappointed in you, Johny. I didn’t expect you to be this low.”

She humphed and walked away.

“Sister! Wait for me!”

In the end, they left the cave without any trouble at all.

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